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Pandey causes upset at MSLTA Aniket Wakankar Tennis Academy PMDTA All India Ranking Super Series ...

Published : 11/Mar/2025

 Pandey causes upset   at MSLTA Aniket Wakankar Tennis Academy PMDTA All India Ranking Super Series U-12 Tennis Tournament

Pune, March 11, 2025:  Vishnu Pandey upset second seeded Kabir Gundecha 6-2, 6-4 to enter the second round of the boys event at the MSLTA Aniket Wakankar Tennis Academy  PMDTA All India Ranking Super Series U-12 Tennis Tournament organized by Aniket Wakankar Tennis Academy in association with Shaping Champions Foundation Pune under the auspicious of AITA, MSLTA, PMDTA and played at the NCL and CPR Tennis Courts, Pashan

Results: Main Draw:  second Round: Boys:
Harsh Nagwani (1)(Mah) bt Aarush Deshpande(Mah) 6-4, 6-1;
Anay Sumant(6)(Mah) bt Devin Pittan(Ker) 6-3, 6-1;
Ahaan Jain(3)(Mah) bt Ved Pardeshi(Mah) 6-4, 6-2;
Ahan Bhattacharya (5)(Mah) bt Swaraj Bhosale(Mah) 6-4, 6-2;
Abir Sukhani(Mah) bt Reyansh Gund(Mah) 6-1, 6-4;
Kumar Kautilya(7)(Chattisgarh) bt Dohad Kasle 6-3, 6-2;
Vishnu Pandey(Mah) bt Kabir Gundecha(2)(Mah) 6-2, 6-4;

Myra Shaikh(1)(Mah) bt Aahana Bhat(Kar) 6-1, 6-1;
Adira Bhagat(7)(Mah) bt Sanvi Gosavi(Mah) 6-3, 6-0;
Sateshri Naik(4)(Mah) bt Avani Gopireddy(AP) 6-4, 6-4;
Tasmai Pohakar(6)(Mah) bt Samiksha Shetty(Mah) 6-4, 4-6, 6-4;
Gargi Oak(8)(Mah) bt Isavella Nikolaki 6-0, 6-0;
Sejal Jadhav(5)(Mah) bt Mokshita Khandelwal(Del) 6-2, 6-3;
Shaurya Patil(2)(Mah) bt Ishna Naidu(Mah) 6-2, 6-4; 

एमएसएलटीए अनिकेत वाकणकर टेनिस अकादमी पीएमडीटीए अखिल भारतीय मानांकन सुपर सिरिज 12 वर्षाखालील टेनिस अजिंक्यपद स्पर्धेत विष्णू पांडेचा मानांकित खेळाडूला पराभवाचा धक्का 
पुणे, 11 मार्च 2025: अनिकेत वाकणकर टेनिस अकादमी यांच्या वतीने व शेपिंग चॅम्पियन्स फाऊंडेशन पुणे यांच्या सहकार्यांने आयोजित एमएसएलटीए अनिकेत वाकणकर टेनिस अकादमी पीएमडीटीए अखिल भारतीय मानांकन सुपर सिरीज 12 वर्षाखालील टेनिस अजिंक्यपद स्पर्धेत मुलांच्या गटात महाराष्ट्राच्या विष्णू पांडेने दुसऱ्या मानांकित कबीर गुंदेचाचा 6-2, 6-4 असा पराभव करून अनपेक्षित निकाल नोंदवला. 

एनसीएल टेनिस सेंटर आणि सीपीआर टेनिस कोर्ट, पाषाण येथे सुरू असलेल्या या स्पर्धेत मुख्य ड्रॉ मध्ये दुसऱ्या फेरीत अव्वल मानांकित हर्ष नागवानीने आरुष पांडेचा 6-4, 6-1 असा तर, सहाव्या मानांकित महाराष्ट्राच्या अनय सुमंतने केरळच्या देवीन पित्तनचा 6-3, 6-1 असा पराभव केला. तिसऱ्या मानांकित अहान जैनने वेद परदेशीवर 6-4, 6-2 असा विजय मिळवला. पात्रता फेरीतून मुख्य फेरीत प्रवेश केलेल्या अबीर सुखानीने काल मानांकित खेळाडूवर विजय मिळवणाऱ्या रेयांश गुंडचा 6-1, 6-4 असा पराभव केला. 
मुलींच्या गटात अव्वल मानांकित महाराष्ट्राच्या मायरा शेख हिने आपल्या लौकिकाला साजेशी खेळी करत कर्नाटकच्या आहाना भटचा 6-1, 6-1 असा सहज पराभव केला. सातव्या मानांकित आदिरा भगतने सान्वी गोसावीला 6-3, 6-0 असे नमविले. चौथ्या मानांकित महाराष्ट्राच्या सतेश्री नाईकने आंध्रप्रदेशच्या अवनी गोपीरेड्डीचा 6-4, 6-4 असा पराभव केला. अतीतटीच्या लढतीत सहाव्या मानांकित तस्मई पोहाकरने समिक्षा शेट्टीचा 6-4, 4-6, 6-4 असा तीन सेटमध्ये संघर्षपूर्ण पराभव केला. 
निकाल: मुख्य ड्रॉ: दुसरी फेरी: मुले:
हर्ष नागवानी(1)(महाराष्ट्र)वि.वि.आरुष पांडे(महाराष्ट्र) 6-4, 6-1; 
अनय सुमंत(6)(महाराष्ट्र)वि.वि.देवीन पित्तन(केरळ) 6-3, 6-1; 
अहान जैन(3)(महाराष्ट्र)वि.वि.वेद परदेशी(महाराष्ट्र) 6-4, 6-2;
अहान भट्टाचार्य(5)(महाराष्ट्र) वि.वि.स्वराज भोसले(महाराष्ट्र) 6-4, 6-2;
अबीर सुखानी(महाराष्ट्र) वि.वि.रेयांश गुंड(महाराष्ट्र)6-1, 6-4;   
कुमार कौटिल्य(7)(छत्तीसगड)वि.वि.दोहद कसले 6-3, 6-2; 
विष्णू पांडे(महाराष्ट्र)वि.वि.कबीर गुंदेचा(2)(महाराष्ट्र) 6-2, 6-4; 
मायरा शेख(1)(महाराष्ट्र)वि.वि.आहाना भट(कर्नाटक) 6-1, 6-1;  
आदिरा भगत(7)(महाराष्ट्र)वि.वि.सान्वी गोसावी(महाराष्ट्र)6-3, 6-0; 
सतेश्री नाईक(4)(महाराष्ट्र) वि.वि. अवनी गोपीरेड्डी(आंध्रप्रदेश)6-4, 6-4; 
तस्मई पोहाकर(6)(महाराष्ट्र)वि.वि.समिक्षा शेट्टी(महाराष्ट्र) 6-4, 4-6, 6-4;
गार्गी ओक(8)(महाराष्ट्र) वि.वि.इसवीला निकोलाकी 6-0, 6-0; 
सेजल जाधव(5)(महाराष्ट्र)वि.वि.मोक्षिता खंडेलवाल(दिल्ली) 6-2, 6-3;
शौर्या पाटील(2)(महाराष्ट्र)वि.वि.ईशना नायडू(महाराष्ट्र) 6-2, 6-4; 

Gund records upset at MSLTA Aniket Wakankar Tennis Academy PMDTA All India Ranking Super Series U-1...

Published : 11/Mar/2025


Gund  records upset at MSLTA Aniket Wakankar Tennis Academy PMDTA All India Ranking Super Series U-12 Tennis Tournament

Pune, March 10, 2025: Reyansh Gund(Mah) upset eighth seed Ethan Lahoti 7-6(5), 6-2  to enter the second round of the boys event at the MSLTA Aniket Wakankar Tennis Academy PMDTA All India Ranking Super Series U-12 Tennis Tournament organized by Aniket Wakankar Tennis Academy in association with Shaping Champions Foundation Pune under the auspicious of AITA, MSLTA, PMDTA and played at the NCL and CPR Tennis Courts, Pashan

In some close matches in the girls event Avani Gopireddy of Andhra Pradesh edged past  Aleeza Simra(TS) 1-6, 7-6(4), 6-3 while  Samiksha shetty got past  Sujata Dhawale 3-6, 6-1, 7-5 in an. All Maharashtra match  

Results: Main Draw: First Round: Boys:
Harsh Nagwani (1)(Mah) bt Aary Pawar(Mah) 6-4, 6-4;
Ahaan Jain(3)(Mah) bt Arjun Bendre(Mah) 6-1, 6-1;
Ved Pardeshi(Mah) bt Ridit Navale(Mah) 6-1, 6-1;
Swaraj Bhosale(Mah) bt Agastya Tapkir (Mah) 6-0, 7-6(4);
Ahan Bhattacharya (5)(Chattisgarh) bt Abhimanyu Chavan(Mah) 6-1, 6-1;
Reyansh Gund(Mah) bt Ethan Lahoti(8)(Mah) 7-6(5), 6-2;
Abir Sukhani(Mah) bt Arth Sanap(Mah) 6-3, 6-3;
Veer Gaikwad (Mah) bt Kabir Panchmatia(Mah) 6-1, 6-3;
Rishabh Anup(4) bt Kabir Borse 6-2, 6-3;

Myra Shaikh(1)(Mah) bt Pragya Jain(Mah) 6-1, 6-0;
Aahana Bhat(Kar) bt Kavya Davakhar(Mah) 6-4, 2-6, 6-2;
Adira Bhagat(7)(Mah) bt Samaira Thakur(Mah) 6-4, 6-4;
Sateshri Naik(4)(Mah) bt Vallabha Shinde(Mah) 6-1, 6-0;
Avani Gopireddy(AP) bt Aleeza Simra(TS) 1-6, 7-6(4), 6-3;
Samiksha shetty(Mah) bt Sujata Dhawale(Mah) 3-6, 6-1, 7-5.

MSLTA Hosts Women’s Day Special Tennis Tournament 2025

Published : 10/Mar/2025

MSLTA Hosts Women’s Day Special Tennis Tournament 2025


In celebration of International Women’s Day, the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) organized the Women’s Day Special Tournament from 8th to 9th, March 2025, at the MSLTA Mumbai. The event showcased outstanding female athletes and provided a platform to honor their contributions to the world of sports.


Event Highlights:


Singles Final: In an intense final match, Nikita Golhar triumphed over Neha Kelkar with an 8-3 victory, clinching the singles title.


Doubles Final: In the doubles event, Phadke Sonal & Phadke Sagarika emerged victorious, beating Golhar Nikita & Jain Priya 8-1 to secure the title.


With a total prize pool of ₹21,500, the tournament featured highly competitive matches in both singles and doubles categories, offering substantial rewards for top performers.


Prize Money Breakdown:

Singles Winner: ₹6,000

Singles Runner-up: ₹4,000

Singles Semi-finalists: ₹1,500 each

Doubles Winners: ₹5,000

Doubles Runner-up: ₹3,500


The tournament was supervised by Mrs. Rashmi Chauhan, MSLTA Supervisor, who also presented the awards to the winners.


MSLTA continues to support and promote women’s participation in sports, and this tournament is a testament to the growing recognition and encouragement of female athletes in India.

Celebrating Women in Tennis on International Women's Day!

Published : 08/Mar/2025

Celebrating Women in Tennis on International Women's Day!

NOTICE: Change of Venues - AITA 1Lac Men's and Women's Tournament

Published : 05/Mar/2025

NOTICE: Change of Venues - AITA Men's and Women's Tournament


Due to unforeseen circumstances, the 1 Lac Women's and 1 Lac Men's tournaments scheduled for the weeks of 10th March and 17th March, 2025, respectively at Practennis Tournament Center, Khopoli, have been shifted to the Ramsheth Thakur International Sports Complex, Ulwe, Navi Mumbai.


Participants are requested to take note of this change and make their travel and accommodation arrangements accordingly.


Staying facilities are available at the venue.


Tournament Director: - Alpesh Gaikwad

Contact number: - 9768077721


Venue Address: - Ramsheth Thakur International Sports Complex

Sector-16, A Ulve Node, Taluka Panvel, Plot No 1 & 2, Aamar Marg, Ulwe, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 410206


Thank you for your understanding!     

Dalibor Svrcina wins at PMRDA Powered MahaOpen ATP Challenger 100 Men’s Championships

Published : 03/Mar/2025

Dalibor Svrcina wins  at PMRDA Powered MahaOpen ATP Challenger 100 Men’s  Championships
Pune, February 23, 2025:   22 year old   Dalibor Svrcina  of Czech Republic won the singles title at the  PMRDA Powered Maha Open ATP Challenger 100 Men’s  Tennis Championship  organized by Maharashtra State Lawn tennis Association (MSLTA) in association with the Department of Sports and Youth Services Govt of Maharashtra, PCMC, PMC and PMDTA at the Mhalunge Balewadi Tennis Stadium.
 It has been a consistent run in the three Challengers in India for the 22-year-old Dalibor, who had made the semifinals in Chennai and the second round in Delhi.
In the third event in India in Pune  
Dalibor Svrcina upset sixth seed Brandon Holt of. USA 7-6(3), 6-1 in a 1 hour 29 minute match.
After a neck to neck first set which Dalibor won , his confidence was high as every shot he made turned out a winner , making no mistakes he wrapped up the second set easily breaking Holt’s fantastic run in the event .
The winner Dalibor Svrcina received 100 ATP ranking points and USD 22730 (Rs.19.90 lakhs) and the runner up  Brandon Holt got 60 ATP points and USD 13350 (Rs.11.70 lakhs). 
The prizes were given away at the hands of Mr.Rahul Mahiwal(IAS) of PMRDA, Mr.Sunder Iyer, Hon Secretary of MSLTA.  ATP Supervisor Mr Andrei Kornilov of  Uzbekistan , Mr Rajeev Desai and Mr Sheetal Bhonsale Jt Secretaries of MSLTA were present on the occasion.
Results: Main Draw: final Round:
Dalibor Svrcina (CZE) bt [6] Brandon Holt (USA)7-6(3), 6-1; 

Jeevan - Prashant pair lift doubles crown at PMRDA Powered MahaOpen ATP Challenger 100 Men’s Cham...

Published : 22/Feb/2025

Jeevan - Prashant pair lift doubles crown at PMRDA Powered MahaOpen ATP Challenger 100 Men’s  Championships

  • Holt to clash with Svrcina in singles title clash .

Pune, February 22, 2025:   Top seeds Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan  and Vijay Sundar Prashanth  of  India  registered a  3-6, 6-3, 10-0 win over second seeded Australian pair of Blake Bayldon and Matthew Christopher Romios to emerge doubles champions at the  PMRDA Powered Maha Open ATP Challenger 100 Men’s  Tennis Championship  organized by Maharashtra State Lawn tennis Association (MSLTA) in association with the Department of Sports and Youth Services Govt of Maharashtra, PCMC, PMC and PMDTA at the Mhalunge Balewadi Tennis Stadium.

It was the first title together for Jeevan and Prashant , while it was the third title for Prashant in Pune with three different partners , the win today for  Indian team  fetched them a prize money purse of ₹7 Lakhs and 100 ATP points which pushed  Jeevan to 94 Prashant to 104   in the world rankings.

In the singles finals  tomorrow at 4.30pm sixth seeded American Brandon Holt will take on unseeded  Dalibor Svrcina of the Czech Republic.

In the semi finals  the 26 year old and sixth seed American Brandon Holt ranked 153 in the world took  hour 34 minutes to get past eighth seeded Alexis Galarneau of Canada winning 7-5, 6-4 , Holt  led 5-0 in the first set before the wily Canadian Galarneau came back to level scores at 5-5 , but could not close the set and the match , Brandon now leads 3-2 in the head to head battle with The Canadian

22 year old Dalibor Svrcina  of Czech Republic and a regular in the Indian Futures circuit made it to his first Challenger finals getting past crowd favourite Khumoyun Sultanov of Uzbekistan winning 6-7(8), 6-0, 3-1(Retd) , the match which looked to go full stretch was stopped as Khumoyun retired after complaining of breathlessness and fatigue due to heat .

The prizes were given away at the hands of Mr.Kishor Patil, VP of MSLTA and President of PMDTA, Mr.Sunder Iyer, Hon Secretary of MSLTA, Mr.Rajiv Desai, JointSecretary of MSLTA.  ATP Supervisor Mr Andrei Kornilov of  Uzbekistan was present on the occasion.
Results: Main Draw: Semifinal Round:
[6] Brandon Holt (USA) bt [8] Alexis Galarneau (CAN) 7-5, 6-4;
Dalibor Svrcina (CZE) bt Khumoyun Sultanov (UZB) 6-7(8), 6-0, 3-1(Retd)

Doubles: final Round:
[1] Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan (IND) /Vijay Sundar Prashanth (IND) bt  [2] Blake Bayldon (AUS) / Matthew Christopher Romios (AUS) 3-6, 6-3, 10-0. 

Jeevan, Prashant pair in doubles finals as Holt halts top seeded Harris to enter singles semifinals ...

Published : 22/Feb/2025

Jeevan, Prashant pair in doubles finals as Holt halts top seeded Harris to enter singles semifinals PMRDA Powered MahaOpen ATP Challenger 100 Men’s  Championships

Pune, February 21, 2025:  Top seeds Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan  and Vijay Sundar Prashanth kept the Indian flag high reaching the doubles finals , while sixth seeded Brandon Holt of USA upset top seeded Billy Harris of Great Britain to enter the last four of the singles at the  PMRDA Powered Maha Open ATP Challenger 100 Men’s  Tennis Championship  organized by Maharashtra State Lawn tennis Association (MSLTA) in association with the Department of Sports and Youth Services Govt of Maharashtra, PCMC, PMC and PMDTA at the Mhalunge Balewadi Tennis Stadium.

In the singles semifinals  that will be played at 10.45 pm it will be a contest between  unseeded players Khumoyun Sultanov of Uzbekistan and  Dalibor Svrcina  of Czech Republic  while sixth seeded Brandon Holt of USA will clash with eighth seeded  Alexis Galarneau of Canada

Top seeded Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan and Vijay Sundar Prashanth of India kept the Indian interest going as they put out the pair of   Niki Kaliyanda Poonacha  and Courtney John Lock of Zimbabwe 7-6(5),6-3  they will take on second seeds Australians Blake Bayldon  and  Matthew Christopher Romios who edged out Jay Clarke of Britain and Jurij Rodionov of Austria 6-3, 3-6, 10-5 in the other semifinals.

In the biggest upset of the day sixth seeded Brandon Holt  of USA  took 1 hour 59 minutes to uspet top seeded Billy Harris of Great Britain   4-6, 6-3, 6-4  , Holt who advanced to his third semifinals of the season  will take on eighth seeded Alexis Galarneau of Canada who stopped the good run of last year's winner  Valentin Vacherot of Monaco  3-6, 6-3, 7-6(3) in a match lasting 2 hours and 15 minutes
Unseeded Khumoyun Sultanov of Uzbelkistan kept his cool and form to upset fifth seeded Ugo Blanchet of France  6-0, 6-2 in just under a hour , he will take on Czech Republic's Dalibor Svrcina  who ended the run of qualifier  Ilia Simakin 6-1, 6-3 in the other quarterfinals .
Results: Main Draw:Quarterfinal Round:
[6] Brandon Holt (USA) bt [1] Billy Harris (GBR) 4-6, 6-3, 6-4;
Khumoyun Sultanov (UZB) bt [5] Ugo Blanchet (FRA) 6-0, 6-2;
[8] Alexis Galarneau (CAN)bt Valentin Vacherot (MON) 3-6, 6-3, 7-6(3);
Dalibor Svrcina (CZE) bt [Q] Ilia Simakin 6-1, 6-3;

Doubles: Quarterfinal Round:
[1] Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan (IND) /Vijay Sundar Prashanth (IND) bt  Niki Kaliyanda Poonacha (IND) / Courtney John Lock (ZIM)  7-6(5),6-3  
[2] Blake Bayldon (AUS) / Matthew Christopher Romios (AUS) bt  Jay Clarke(GBR) /Jurij Rodionov(AUT)6-3, 3-6, 10-5. 


Published : 21/Feb/2025

Pune, February 21, 2025 : Over  60  players representing  6 top clubs from Maharashtra  will be seen in action at the Ninth  edition of All Maharashtra Inter Club Tennis Tournament will be  hosted by PMDTA and PYC Hindu Gymkhana  and played at the PYC Gymkhana courts on  22nd and 23 February 2025.
The Six teams  qualified after  matches played in the zones ,  Cricket Club of India and Khar Gymkhana  who qualified from Mumbai Zone, Deccan Gymkhana and hosts  PYC from the Pune Zone and Aurangabad team who won the Interdistrict Championships at Aurangabad recently alongside a Combined District team will make up the six teams.
The event which will be played on  all play all basis, Over 1700 players from across the state participated in the interclub events played played across various districts and Cities from Maharashtra 
" The tournament will offer Rs 5 Lakhs which includes prize money and hospitality and travel expenses to all the teams , Maharashtra is the only state in the country to host a event like this for club level players over the age of 35 years , we are glad that the event is gaining popularity year on year" said Sunder Iyer Hon Secretary MSLTA .
The winner team will receive Rs 1,25,000 , the runner up team Rs 75,000 and the third place team will get Rs 25,000.  Earlier editions of the event were held at Pune (thrice ), Mumbai, Kolhapur , Nashik and Panchgani (twice). Mr Sharad Kannamwar Life president MSLTA  will be the tournament Director  

Complimentary Pass - MahaOpen ATP Challenger 100 Men’s Championships at Mhalunge Balewadi Tennis S...

Published : 21/Feb/2025

MahaOpen ATP Challenger 100 Men’s Championships at Mhalunge Balewadi Tennis Stadium, Pune


Three Indians in Doubles semifinals , Sultanov , Holt in singles quarterfinals at PMRDA Powered Mah...

Published : 21/Feb/2025

Three Indians in Doubles semifinals , Sultanov , Holt in singles quarterfinals at  PMRDA Powered MahaOpen ATP Challenger 100 Men’s  Championships

Pune, February 20, 2025 :  In a match between youth and experience Uzbekistan's 
Khumoyun Sultanov  came from behind to stop the run of  Australian and former world No 17  Bernard Tomic 4-6, 6-3, 6-3 and enter the singles  quarterfinals   of  the  PMRDA Powered Maha Open ATP Challenger 100 Men’s  Tennis Championship  organized by Maharashtra State Lawn tennis Association (MSLTA) in association with the Department of Sports and Youth Services Govt of Maharashtra, PCMC, PMC and PMDTA at the Mhalunge Balewadi Tennis Stadium.
Indian doubles pair of  Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan and Vijay Sundar Prashanth entered the semifinals in the doubles event and will clash with the pair of Indian Niki Kaliyanda Poonacha  and Zimbabwian Courtney John Lock  for a place in the finals 
Top seeded Billy Harris  of Great Britian  looked in great form and  hammered 14 Aces on his way to a 7-5, 6-3; win over Qualifier Hiroki Moriya in 1 hour 38 minutes .  Fifth seeded Ugo Blanchet  stopped the winning run of  Kyrian Jacquet  winning 2-6, 6-3, 6-1 in a all French Battle , Kyrian who had a dream run winning two Challengers on a trot at Chennai and Delhi  could not sustain his run and looked tired going down in a 1 hour 48 minutes match.
 Sixth seeded  Brandon Holt of USA the son of legendary Womens tennis player  and former world No 1 Tracy Austin spent  1 hour and 18 minutes on court to carve out a 6-4,6-4 win against Sascha Gueymard Wayenburg of France.
In the best match of the day 26 year old Uzbek Khumoyun Sultanov  played solid tennis from the baseline to get past 32 year old  and former world no 17 Bernard Tomic  of Australia   4-6, 6-3, 6-3 in a match lasting 1 hour and 42 minutes , Khumoyun who has won 9 ITF Futures reached his second  quarterfinals at the Challenger event , "It feels very nice to play here and I like the conditions , I played solidly knowing that Tomic is tricky player and very experienced I didnt want to give him a chance " said Khumoyun after  his win 
Doubles finalist  of the last week in Delhi Niki Kaliyanda Poonacha  and Courtney John Lock of Zimbabwe upset the fourth seeded Australian pair of  Blake Ellis  and  Tristan Schoolkate 7-6(4), 6-7(4), 10-8 in a exciting quarterfinals match. In the semifinals the winning pair of Poonacha and Lock will take the all Indian Pair of  Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan  and Vijay Sundar Prashanth who survived a match point to edge out  Saketh Myneni and Ramkumar Ramanathan  6-3,3-6, 12-10 in a thriller and ensuring Indian interest  in the finals ,
Results: Main Draw: Second Round:
[1] Billy Harris (GBR) bt  [Q] Hiroki Moriya (JPN) 7-5, 6-3; 
Khumoyun Sultanov (UZB) bt Bernard Tomic (AUS)4-6, 6-3, 6-3; 
[5] Ugo Blanchet (FRA) bt [Alt] Kyrian Jacquet (FRA) 2-6, 6-3, 6-1;  
 [6] Brandon Holt (USA) bt  Sascha Gueymard Wayenburg (FRA)6-4, 6-4; 
Doubles: Quarterfinal Round:
[1] Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan (IND) /Vijay Sundar Prashanth (IND) bt Saketh Myneni / Ramkumar Ramanathan (Ind) 6-3, 2-6, 12-10; 
[2] Blake Bayldon (AUS) / Matthew Christopher Romios (AUS) bt  Enrico Dalla Valle (ITA) / Khumoyun Sultanov (UZB) 6-3, 4-6, 12-10; 
Niki Kaliyanda Poonacha (IND) / Courtney John Lock (ZIM) bt [4] Blake Ellis / Tristan Schoolkate (AUS) 7-6(4), 6-7(4), 10-8; 
Jay Clarke(GBR) /Jurij Rodionov(AUT) bt  PetrBar Biryukov /Ilia Simakin (Rus) 7-6(5), 6-3.

Indians make progress in doubles as Vacherot , Svrcina enter last eight at PMRDA Powered MahaOpen A...

Published : 20/Feb/2025

Indians make progress in doubles as Vacherot , Svrcina enter last eight at  PMRDA Powered MahaOpen ATP Challenger 100 Men’s  Championships

Pune, February 19, 2025 :   Indian pairs progressed to  the doubles quarterfinals  , as eighth seeded Alexis Galrneau of Canada  and unseeded players Valentin Vacherot of Monaco and Czech Republic's Dalibor Svrcina progressed to the singles quarterfinals at the  PMRDA Powered Maha Open ATP Challenger 100 Men’s  Tennis Championship  organized by Maharashtra State Lawn tennis Association (MSLTA) in association with the Department of Sports and Youth Services Govt of Maharashtra, PCMC, PMC and PMDTA at the Mhalunge Balewadi Tennis Stadium.

In the singles second round eighth seeded Alexis Galarneau of Canada stopped Wildcard  Michael Geerts of Belgium  6-4, 6-4 ,  the winner of the last edition of the event Valentin Vacherot of Monaco ended the run of Japanese qualifier  Masamichi Imamura 6-2, 6-3 in just over an hour to enter the last eight stage .

Czech Republic's Dalibor Svrcina  rallied past  Jurij Rodionov of Austria  6-4, 7-5 , while qualifier Ilia Simakin of Russia proved too strong for Australian  James McCabe  6-2, 6-4 to make it to the quarterfinals

  In the doubles top seeded  Indian pair of Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan  and Vijay Sundar Prashanth came back from 3-5 down to get past Danish pair of   August Holmgren and Elmer Moller 6-3, 7-6(7) to enter the quarterfinals  , they will take on another Indian pair of Saketh Myneni  and  Ramkumar Ramanathan who scored a 6-0,6-4 win over Belgian  Michael Geerts and  Britian's Billy Harris  6-0, 6-4.

Finalist of the last week in Delhi   Niki Kaliyanda Poonacha  and Zimbabwian Courtney John Lock  combined well to get past Canadians   Alexis Galarneau  and  Kelsey Stevenson   6-4,7-6(1) to make the quarterfinals

However Other Indians in action including wildcards Siddhant Banthia , Parikshit Somani  ,Karan Singh  Nitin Kumar Sinha went down tamely.In a upset in the doubles Russians PetrBar Biryukov  and Ilia Simakin upset third seeds Aniruddha Chandrashekar and  Taipei's Ray Ho   7-6(3),6(5)-7,10-4 to make the quarterfinals

Results: Main Draw: Second Round:
Valentin Vacherot (MON) bt  [Q] Masamichi Imamura (JPN)6-2, 6-3;
[8] Alexis Galarneau (CAN)bt [Q] Michael Geerts (BEL) 6-4, 6-4
Dalibor Svrcina (CZE) bt Jurij Rodionov (AUT) 6-4, 7-5;
[Q] Ilia Simakin bt James McCabe (AUS)6-2, 6-4;  

Doubles: First Round:
[1] Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan (IND) /Vijay Sundar Prashanth (IND) bt August Holmgren/Elmer Moller (DEN) 6-3, 7-6(7); 
[2] Blake Bayldon (AUS) / Matthew Christopher Romios (AUS) bt [Wc] Siddhant Banthia (IND) / Parikshit Somani (IND)6-2, 6-4;
Enrico Dalla Valle (ITA) / Khumoyun Sultanov (UZB)  bt [Wc] Karan Singh / Nitin Kumar Sinha (IND) 6-2, 6-2;
Niki Kaliyanda Poonacha (IND) / Courtney John Lock (ZIM) bt Alexis Galarneau / Kelsey Stevenson (CAN) 6-4,7-6(1)
[4] Blake Ellis / Tristan Schoolkate (AUS) bt Johannes Ingildsen (DEN) / Ivan Liutarevich (Rus) 6-3, 6-4;
Saketh Myneni / Ramkumar Ramanathan (Ind) bt  Michael Geerts (BEL) / Billy Harris (GBR) 6-0, 6-4.
PetrBar Biryukov /Ilia Simakin (Rus) bt (3) Aniruddha Chandrashekar(Ind)/ Ray Ho (Tpe) 7-6(3),6(5)-7,10-4

Press Coverage of the 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial Nationals Under 12 Tennis Championship 2025

Published : 19/Feb/2025

Press Coverage of the 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial Nationals Under 12 Tennis Championship 2025 held at MSLTA, Mumbai from 8th - 15th February 2025.



Sultanov , Rodionov upset seeds at PMRDA Powered MahaOpen ATP Challenger 100 Men’s Championships

Published : 19/Feb/2025

Sultanov , Rodionov upset seeds at  PMRDA Powered MahaOpen ATP Challenger 100 Men’s  Championships

  • Wildcards Dhamne , Shah go down

Pune, February 18, 2025 :  Indian interest in the singles fizzled out as Wildcards and young Indian players Manas Dhamne and Aryan Shah went down  while Unseeded Khumoyun Sultanov of Uzbekistan, and Jurij Rodionov of Austria   upset seeds  in the first round at the  PMRDA Powered Maha Open ATP Challenger 100 Men’s  Tennis Championship  organized by Maharashtra State Lawn tennis Association (MSLTA) in association with the Department of Sports and Youth Services Govt of Maharashtra, PCMC, PMC and PMDTA at the Mhalunge Balewadi Tennis Stadium.

19 year old Aryan Shah who was awarded a main draw wildcard tried his best but could not make a impact going down to sixth seeded and 153 ranked Brandon Holt of USA, Holt son of the legendary US tennis star of yesteryears Tracy Austin played solid tennis from the baseline to register a 6-2,6-2 win against Shah in 1 hour and 12 minute match.

In a close match lasting 1 hour 42 minutes top seeded and 110 ranked Billy Harris  of. Great Britain  quelled the challenge of 17 year local lad Manas Dhamne 6-4,6-4 . Dhamne started well with a break and led 2-0 in the first set but Harris proved a tough nut to crack breaking Manas 2 times in the first set  and once in the second set to make it to the second round .

Manas played above his age , but lacked the experience to take advantage of his home courts against the top seed Harris who has been having a good run on the Indian swing

The 229 ranked , 26 year old resident of Tashkent Khumoyun Sultanov carved out the biggest upset of the day ousting third seed and finalist of the lat year's edition Tristan Schoolkate of Australia 6-3, 4-6, 6-3 in a match lasting 1 hour and 49 minutes , Sultanov who won a few Future events in India in the last year played solidly from the baseline to hussle the world no 129 Shcoolkate and forcing him into errors in the third set

Another unseeded  player Jurij Rodionov of Austria lost the first set inspite of firing 8 aces , but managed to take the next two sets  to score a comeback win against 168 ranked  and 21 year old seventh seed Shintaro Mochizuki of  Japan  6-7(5), 6-1, 6-2 in a 2hour 9 minutes match . The 6ft 3 inches Austrian who was ranked as high as 87 in the wrold served 15 Aces in the match .
Results: Main Draw: First Round:
[1] Billy Harris (GBR) bt [WC] Manas Dhamne (IND) 6-4,6-4
[Q] Kimmer Coppejans (BEL) vs [Q] Hiroki Moriya (JPN)
Sascha Gueymard Wayenburg (FRA) bt [Q] Petr Bar Biryukov 7-6(6), 5-7, 6-3;
[6] Brandon Holt (USA) bt [WC] Aryan Shah (IND) 6-2, 6-2;  
[Q] Masamichi Imamura (JPN) bt [Alt] Jay Clarke (GBR) 7-6(2), 6-2;
[Q] Michael Geerts (BEL) bt Marek Gengel (CZE) 4-6, 6-1, 7-6(4);
[5] Ugo Blanchet (FRA) bt Enzo Couacaud (FRA) 3-6, 6-2, 6-3;
[Alt] Kyrian Jacquet (FRA) bt Rio Noguchi (JPN) 6-1, 6-3;
Bernard Tomic (AUS) bt Nicolas Mejia (COL) 6-2, 6-2;
Khumoyun Sultanov (UZB) bt [3] Tristan Schoolkate (AUS) 6-3, 4-6, 6-3;
Jurij Rodionov (AUT) bt [7] Shintaro Mochizuki (JPN) 6-7(5), 6-1, 6-2;  
August Holmgren (DEN) vs Dalibor Svrcina (CZE)
James McCabe (AUS) bt [Alt] Enrico Dalla Valle (ITA)6-0, 6-3;
[Q] Ilia Simakin bt [LL] Blake Ellis (AUS)6-4, 6-2. 

Karan , Ramkumar go down at PMRDA Powered MahaOpen ATP Challenger 100 Men’s Championship

Published : 18/Feb/2025

Karan , Ramkumar  go down at  PMRDA Powered MahaOpen ATP Challenger 100 Men’s  Championship

Pune, February 17, 2025 :  Wildcard entrant 21 year old Karan Singh went down in the opening round of the main draw  , while Ramkumar Ramanathan went down in the final qualifying round of the  PMRDA Powered Maha Open ATP Challenger 100 Men’s  Tennis Championship  organized by Maharashtra State Lawn tennis Association (MSLTA) in association with the Department of Sports and Youth Services Govt of Maharashtra, PCMC, PMC and PMDTA at the Mhalunge Balewadi Tennis Stadium.

In the main draw matches that started today eighth seeded  Alexis Galarneau of  Canada took 1 hour 3 minutes to give a lesson on court to Wildcard and 21 year old  Karan Singh 6-4,6-1.  The Canadian ranked 170 in the world broke Singh in the very first game of both sets , Singh looked confident in the first set but went down tamely in the second set.  

Winner of the Last edition's  Maha Open Challenger in Pune  Valentin Vacherot of Monaco who went on to be 110 ranked last year but  r currently anked 201took off from where he left last year to create the first upset of the tournament toppling fourth seeded Elmer Moller of Denmark   5-7, 6-2, 6-4 in just over 2 hours and make the second round.

Dalibor Svrcina of Czech Republic a regular on the Indian Futures tour saved two match points to come from being 4-5 down in  the third set to register a   6-4,3-6,7-5  win over August Holmgren of Denmark in the longest match of the day lasting 2 hours 26 minutes .

 In the final round qualifying Seventh seeded Kimmer Coppejans of Belgium stopped the advance of  Davis Cupper Ramkumar Ramanathan  6-4, 6-7(5), 6-0 in a 2 hour 03 minute  to qualify for the main draw  . Ramkumar Showed Glimpses of brilliance in the second set , but his fitness failed him in the third set as he could not maintain the same tempo and went down tamely.

Michael Geerts  also of Belgium ,  ninth seeded   Masamichi Imamura  and Hiroki Moriya of Japan , sixth seeded  Ilia Simakin of Russia who ousted former winner of the Maha Open ATP Tour event   Jiri Vesely of Czech Republic 7-5, 6-1.  Another Russian  Petr Bar Biryukov  qualified for the main draw.
Results: Main Draw: First Round:
 Valentin Vacherot (MON) bt [4]Elmer Moller(DEN)  5-7, 6-2, 6-4
[8] Alexis Galarneau (CAN)bt [WC] Karan Singh(IND)   6-4,6-1

Final Qualifying Round:

 [3] Michael Geerts (BEL) bt [8]Justin Engel(GER) 7-6(4), 6-2
[9] Masamichi Imamura (JPN) bt [4] Blake Ellis (AUS) 6-1, 6-4
[6] Ilia Simakin bt [10] Jiri Vesely (CZE) 7-5, 6-1
[7] Kimmer Coppejans (BEL) bt Ramkumar Ramanathan (IND) 6-4, 6-7(5), 6-0
Petr Bar Biryukov bt [11] Kris Van Wyk (RSA) 6-3, 6-4
Hiroki Moriya (JPN) bt [12] Matthew Dellavedova (AUS)

Doubles: First Round:
Jay Clarke(GBR) /Jurij Rodionov(AUT) bt Enzo Couacaud (FRA)/ Rio Noguchi (JPN)6-3, 5-7, 12-10. 

पीएमआरडीए पुरस्कृत महा ओपन एटीपी चॅलेंजर 100 पुरुष टेनिस स्पर्धेत भारताच्या करण सिंग, रामकुमार रामनाथन यांचे आव्हान संपुष्टात 
पुणे, 17 फेब्रुवारी 2025 : महाराष्ट्र राज्य लॉन टेनिस संघटना(एमएसएलटीए) यांच्या वतीने व क्रीडा व युवक सेवा संचालनालय महाराष्ट्र सरकार, पीएमसी, पीसीएमसी आणि पीएमडीटीए यांच्या संलग्नतेने आयोजित पीएमआरडीए पुरस्कृत महा ओपन एटीपी चॅलेंजर 100 पुरुष टेनिस स्पर्धेत मुख्य ड्रॉमध्ये भारताच्या करण सिंग याला, तर अंतिम पात्रता फेरीत रामकुमार रामनाथन यांना पराभवाचा सामना करावा लागल्याने त्यांचे आव्हान संपुष्टात आले. 
श्री शिवछत्रपती क्रीडा संकुल म्हाळुंगे बालेवाडी येथील टेनिस संकुलात सुरू असंलेल्या या स्पर्धेत मुख्य ड्रॉमध्ये पहिल्या फेरीत आठव्या मानांकित कॅनडाच्या ॲलेक्सिस गॅलार्नौ याने भारताच्या वाईल्ड कार्डद्वारे प्रवेश केलेल्या करण सिंगचा 6-4, 6-1 असा पराभव करून आगेकूच केली. हा सामना 1 तास 3 मिनिटे चालला. सामन्यात पहिल्या सेटमध्ये ॲलेक्सिस गॅलार्नौने पहिल्याच गेममध्ये करणची सर्व्हिस ब्रेक केली व स्वतःची सर्व्हिस राखत 2-0 अशी आघाडी घेतली. त्यानंतर ॲलेक्सिसने या सेटमध्ये वर्चस्व राखत हा सेट 6-4 असा जिंकून आघाडी मिळवली. दुसऱ्या सेटमध्येदेखील सुरुवातीला पहिल्या सेटची पुनरावृत्ती पाहायला मिळाली. ॲलेक्सिसने करणची सर्व्हिस पहिल्या गेममध्ये ब्रेक केली. पण दुसऱ्या गेममध्ये करणने ॲलेक्सिसची सर्व्हिस ब्रेक केली व बरोबरी साधली. ॲलेक्सिसने जोरदार खेळ करत करणला कमबॅक करण्याची फारशी संधी दिली नाही. पाचव्या व सातव्या गेममध्ये ॲलेक्सिसने करणची सर्व्हिस पुन्हा भेदली व हा सेट 6-1 असा जिंकून विजय मिळवला. दुसऱ्या सामन्यात मॉनेकोच्या व्हॅलेंटीन वॅचेरोट याने डेन्मार्कच्या चौथ्या मानांकित एल्मर मोलरचा 5-7, 6-2, 6-4 असा पराभव करून सनसनाटी निकालासह दुसरी फेरी गाठली. 
अंतिम पात्रता फेरीत बेल्जियमच्या सातव्या मानांकित किमर कोपेजन्स याने भारताच्या वाईल्ड कार्ड द्वारे प्रवेश केलेल्या रामकुमार रामनाथनचा 6-4, 6-7(5), 6-0 असा पराभव केला. हा सामना २तास ३ मिनिटे चालला.  पेट्र बार बिर्युकोव्ह याने आरएसएच्या अकराव्या मानांकित क्रिस व्हॅन विक[चा 6-3, 6-4 असा पराभव करून आपली अनपेक्षित निकालाची मालिका कायम ठेवली. जपानच्या नवव्या मानांकित मासामिची इमामुराने चौथ्या मानांकित ऑस्ट्रेलियाच्या ब्लेक एलिसचा 6-1, 6-4 असा तर, सहाव्या मानांकित इलिया सिमाकिन याने दहाव्या मानांकित चेक प्रजासत्ताकच्या जेरी वेसेलीचा 7-5, 6-1 असा पराभव करून मुख्य फेरी गाठली.  बेलारूसच्या मायकेल गीर्ट्स याने जर्मनीच्या आठव्या मानांकित जस्टिन एग्नेलचा 7-6(4), 6-2 असा पराभव करून मुख्य फेरीत धडक मारली.  
निकाल: मुख्य ड्रॉ: एकेरी: पहिली फेरी: 
व्हॅलेंटीन वॅचेरोट(मॉनेको)वि.वि.एल्मर मोलर (डेन्मार्क)5-7, 6-2, 6-4;   
ॲलेक्सिस गॅलार्नौ  [8] (कॅनडा)वि.वि. करण सिंग (भारत)6-4, 6-1;   
अंतिम पात्रता फेरी: 
किमर कोपेजन्स[7](बेल्जियम) वि.वि.रामकुमार रामनाथन(भारत)6-4, 6-7(5), 6-0; 
मायकेल गीर्ट्स(बेलारूस) वि.वि.जस्टिन एग्नेल [8](जर्मनी) 7-6(4), 6-2; 
पेट्र बार बिर्युकोव्ह वि.वि.क्रिस व्हॅन विक[11] (आरएसए) 6-3, 6-4;  
मासामिची इमामुरा[9] (जपान)वि.वि.ब्लेक एलिस[4](ऑस्ट्रेलिया)  6-1, 6-4;
इलिया सिमाकिन[6]  वि.वि.जेरी वेसेली [10](चेक प्रजासत्ताक)7-5, 6-1; 
दुहेरी: पहिली फेरी:
जे क्लार्क(ग्रेट ब्रिटन)/ ज्युरिज रॉडिओनोव(ऑस्ट्रिया)वि.वि.एन्झो कौकॉड(फ्रांस)/ रिओ नोगुची(जपान)6-3, 5-7, 12-10.

Tripathi, Tehlan win titles at 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial Nationals Under 12 Tennis Championship 202...

Published : 15/Feb/2025

Tripathi, Tehlan win titles at 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial Nationals Under 12 Tennis Championship 2025.

Pune, February 14, 2025: Laqshya Tripathi  of Maharashtra and Aaradhana Tehlan of Haryana won the boys and the girls singles title at the 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial Nationals Under 12 Tennis Championship 2025 being organised by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and played at GA Ranade Tennis Courts.


In the Boys singles fourth seeded Laqshya Tripathi of Maharashtra upset third seeded Nayan Khatri of. Delhi 6-1, 6-4 to lift the title while top seeded Aaradhana Tehlan of Haryana stopped the winning run of twelfth seeded Trisha Bhosale of. Maharashtra 6-2, 6-4 to win the title, Tehlan had also won the doubles title yesterday.

The prizes were given away at the hands of Mr. Bharat Oza, President of MSLTA, Shweta Gakhar, Regional Head, Institutional Business Maharashtra & Goa, YES Bank Ltd, Sibabrata Panigrahi, Cluster Head, Institutional Business Mumbai YES Bank Ltd and Mr. Amit Indrale, Branch Manager, Colaba YES Bank Ltd. Mr. Manoj Vaidya, Tournament Director and CEO of MSLTA, and Vaishali Shekatkar, ITF Supervisor were present on the occassion. 


Singles: final Round:

Girls: Aaradhana Tehlan(1)(Har) bt Trisha Bhosale(12) (Mah)6-2, 6-4;

Laqshya Tripathi (4)(Mah) bt Nayan Khatri(3)(Del) 6-1, 6-4.

Maharashtra players Bhosale , Tripathi in finals of 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial Nationals Under 12 Te...

Published : 15/Feb/2025

Maharashtra players Bhosale , Tripathi in finals of 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial Nationals Under 12 Tennis Championship 2025


Pune, February 14, 2025:  Maharashtra players Trisha Bhosale and  

Laqshaya Tripathi entered the girls and the Boys singles finals for at the 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial Nationals Under 12 Tennis Championship 2025 being organised by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and played at GA Ranade Tennis Courts.


In the girls finals twelfth seeded 

Trisha Bhosale upset fourth seeded Kanishka Govind of Tamil Nadu  6-2, 6-1 to set up a title clash with top seeded 

Aaradhana Tehlan of Haryana who staved off a fighting fourth seed Myra Shaikh of Maharashtra winning 1-6, 6-1, 6-0; 


In the Boys semifinal in an all Maharashtra battle fourth seed Laqshaya Tripathi stopped the winning run of Yashvantraje Pawar 6-1, 6-4 he will take on third seeded 

Nayan Khatri of Delhi who battled past Riaan Nandankar of  Gujarat winning 3-6, 6-2, 6-2; 


 Bhriti Velladandi of Karnataka and Aaradhana Tehlan won the girls doubles event scraping past the Maharashtra pair of  Sara  Fengse and Myra Shaikh winning 6-1, 1-6, 10-3. 


 Toshinosuke Unami of Delhi and Nihal Reddy of Karnataka upset Haryana’s Kabir Dahiya and Delhi’s Arjun Dua seeded second 6-2, 3-6, 10-7 to win the boys doubles title. The prizes were given away at the hands of Mr.Nikhil Sampat, Joint Secretary of MSLTA and Mr. Manoj Vaidya, CEO of MSLTA, Vaishali Shekatkar, ITF Supervisor 



Results: Singles: Semifinal Round: Girls:

Aaradhana Tehlan(1)(Har) bt Myra Shaikh(4)(Mah) 1-6, 6-1, 6-0; 

Trisha Bhosale(12)(Mah) bt Kanishka Govind(7)(TN) 6-2, 6-1; 



Nayan Khatri(3)(Del) bt Riaan Nandankar(14)(Guj) 3-6, 6-2, 6-2; 

Laqshaya Tripathi (4)(Mah) bt Yashvantraje Pawar(7)(Mah)6-1, 6-4; 


Doubles: Semifinal Round: Boys: 

Toshinosuke Unami(Del)/Nihal Reddy(Kar) bt Thanush Shekar BC(Kar)/Aarav Bele(Mah)(4)7-6(4), 3-6, 10-3;

Kabir Dahiya(Har)/Arjun Dua(Del)(2) bt Riaan Nandankar(Guj)/Tegveer Singh(Del) 6-4, 6-2;

Final Round: Toshinosuke Unami(Del)/Nihal Reddy(Kar) bt Kabir Dahiya(Har)/Arjun Dua(Del)(2) 6-2, 3-6, 10-7;


Girls: Semifinal Round:

Bhriti Velladandi(Kar)/Aaradhana Tehlan(Har)(1) bt Priyangsi Chatterjee(WB)/Kanishka Govind(TN) 3-6, 6-2, 15-13;

Sara Fengse(Mah)/Myra Shaikh(Mah) bt Saumya Chaudhary(Raj)/Trisha Bhosale(Mah)(3) 7-5, 7-6(2);

Final Round: Bhriti Velladandi(Kar)/Aaradhana Tehlan(Har)(1) bt Sara Fengse(Mah)/Myra Shaikh(Mah) 6-1, 1-6, 10-3. 

Yashvantraje knocks out second seed to enter semifinalals at 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial Nationals Un...

Published : 13/Feb/2025

Yashvantraje knocks out second seed to enter semifinalals at 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial Nationals Under 12 Tennis Championship 2025
Pune, February 13, 2025: Yashvantraje Pawar of Maharashtra upset second seeded Arjun 6-4, 6-3 to enter the boys semifinals at the 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial Nationals Under 12 Tennis Championship 2025 being organised by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and played at GA Ranade Tennis Courts.
The seventh seeded Yashvantraje coming from Akkalkot in Solapur district will take on Another Maharashtra lad and fourth seed Laqshya Tripathi who scored a 6-1,6-3 win over sixth seed Senthil Kumar Jegan of Tamilnadu
Riaan Nandankar of Gujarat will take on third seed Nayan Khatri of Delhi in the other semifinal
In the girls event top seeded Aaradhana Tehlan of Haryana, seventh seeded Kanishka Govind of Tamil Nadu, fourth seed Myra Shaikh and twelfth seed Trisha Bhosale both of Maharashtra entered the semifinals in the singles
Results: Quarterfinal Round: Girls:
Aaradhana Tehlan(1)(Har) bt Bhrithi Velladandi(6) 6-4, 6-1;
Myra Shaikh(4)(Mah) bt Priyangsi Chatterjee(8)(WB)6-1, 6-2;
Trisha Bhosale(12)(Mah) bt Chahat Thakur(Mah) 6-4, 6-1;
Kanishka Govind(7)(TN) bt Meera Singh(UTK) 6-1, 6-1;
Riaan Nandankar(14)(Guj) bt Tegveer Singh(10)(Delhi) 6-2, 6-3;
Nayan Khatri(3)(Del) bt Nihal Reddy(5)(Kar) 6-2, 6-3;
Laqshya Tripathi (4)(Mah) bt Senthil Kumar Jegan(6)(TN) 6-1, 6-3;
Yashvantraje Pawar(7)(Mah) bt Arjun Dua(2)(Del)6-4, 6-3.

Wildcards for Manas Dhamne, Aryan Shah , Karan Singh at PMRDA Powered MahaOpen ATP Challenger 100 ...

Published : 13/Feb/2025

Wildcards  for Manas Dhamne, Aryan Shah , Karan  Singh at PMRDA Powered MahaOpen ATP Challenger 100 Men’s  Championships
  • Top players from  28 countries to be seen in action in Pune   
Pune, February 13 2025 :  In keeping with vision to support the Young India Tennis  Brigade  Upcoming  players Manas Dhamne , Aryan Shah and Karan Singh  have been handed over the Main Draw wildcards   at the PMRDA Powered Maha Open ATP Challenger 100 Men’s  Tennis Championship  organized by Maharashtra State Lawn tennis Association (MSLTA) in association with the Department of Sports and Youth Services Govt of Maharashtra, PCMC, PMC and PMDTA at the Mhalunge Balewadi Tennis Stadium

The premier high Level ATP Challenger which is sponsored by Pune Metropolitan Regional Development Authority  (PMRDA)  under a Five year agreement will see top tennis players from 28 countries in action at the Shiv Chhatrapati Sports Complex at  Mhalunge Balewadi  from Sunday February 16 to Sunday February 23 2025  . The Pune Event is the third of a series of 4  ATP Challenger events being    held in India. The previous tournaments were held at Chennai  and Delhi while the last event will be  played at Bengaluru .
“Providing international competition of high quality  to Indian players is  one of the main reasons for us and the  PMRDA getting involved and supporting this event , said Mr Prashant Sutar   the PMRDA Powered MahaOpen Challenger is another Feather on Cap of  Indian  Tennis Calendar organised by MSLTA ,   we are thrilled to  organise this huge international event which goes a long way in promoting the image of the Pune Metropolis Region universally” . he added

Organizing the PMR Challenger event is a continuation  of  a grand vision of MSLTA for tennis development and promotion in Maharashtra  and this  follows the successful completion of the L&T Mumbai Open WTA 125 K series , said Mr. Sutar  
Mr Sutar and Sunder Iyer the organisers of the event announced the main draw  wildcards to 17 year old Manas Dhamne who is fresh from a $15000 ITF win at Monastir last week   ,  19 year old Aryan Shah who has been performing well in the last year at ITF events  , and 21 year old Karan Singh who made his Davis Cup Debut Two weeks ago. " We are looking at the future of Indian Tennis and these are the players who will take the next steps with events like this. 
" We made the right move with 15 year old Maaya Rajeshwaran at L&T Mumbai Open last week and we believe this week too might throw up surprises We believe that by providing right opportunities and right moments our players can move to the next level , we discussed in detail and feel this is the way forward , .  We have also decided to  award one    wildcard  in the qualifying to 16 year old Arnav Paparkar ,added Sutar and Iyer . 
Sunder Iyer said that it was a proud moment for Maharashtra to host another major tennis in this year  MSLTA hosted events worth over $4,25,000 (₹3.7 crores) which was the highest in the country and this was possible with Government of Maharashtra support and corporate support we are happy that these events have helped our tennis players not only in Maharashtra but across  India.
The prize money for the event  will be USD 130000 (Rs.1.12 crores). The winner will receive 100 ATP ranking points and USD 17650 (Rs.15.50 lakhs) and the runner up 60 ATP points and USD 10380 (Rs.9 lakhs) the first round loser receives USD1270 (Rs.1.10 lakhs). The qualifiers also receive an incentive of USD 380 (Rs.33,000/-). The main draw consists of 32 players – 23 direct acceptances, 3 wild cards, 6 qualifiers. Qualifying consists of 24 players with 4 wild cards.

On behalf of MSLTA and Indian Tennis fraternity we would like to thank PMRDA commissioner  Shri Yogesh Mhase  , PMC Commissioner Dr Rajendra Bhosale  , PCMC Commissioner Shri Shekhar Singh ,  and   the Commissioner of Sports Shri Hiralal Sonawane  for their Support to the event, he added .

Mr Andrei Kornilov of  Uzbekistan  will be the ATP Supervisor for the event  , Leena Nageshkar will be the Referee of the event , while Amit Deshpande will be the chief of Officials .

Other partners for the event apart from PMRDA , Dept of Sports and Youth Services  will be Pune Municipal Corporation   Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation  ,  Bisleri  (Beverage Partner ) ,  Shushrut Hospital ( Medical Partner)  ,    and Dunlop ( Equipment Partner) . The timings of play will be from 11am onwards. Entry for spectators to witness the matches is free and we look forward to a great number of sports and tennis lovers to come to the stadium to witness the matches.

Following are The Probable Seeding  (Singles)
 Vit Kopriva, CZE 128  
 Billy Harris GBR 129  
Tristan Schoolkate, AUS 147  
Elmer  Moller,  DEN 149  
Jurij Rodionov,  AUT 155  
Duje Ajdukovic,  CRO 158  
 Alex Bolt,AUS 168  
Alexis Galarneau,  CAN 176  
पीएमआरडीए पुरस्कृत महा ओपन एटीपी चॅलेंजर 100 पुरुष टेनिस स्पर्धेत भारताच्या मानस धामणे, आर्यन शहा, करण सिंग यांना मुख्य ड्रॉसाठी वाईल्डकार्ड प्रदान 
  • पुण्यात होणाऱ्या या स्पर्धेत  28 देशांतील अव्वल खेळाडू झुंजणार 
पुणे, 13 फेब्रुवारी 2025 : महाराष्ट्र राज्य लॉन टेनिस संघटना(एमएसएलटीए) यांच्या वतीने व क्रीडा व युवक सेवा संचालनालय महाराष्ट्र सरकार, पीएमसी, पीसीएमसी आणि पीएमडीटीए यांच्या संलग्नतेने आयोजित पीएमआरडीए पुरस्कृत महा ओपन एटीपी चॅलेंजर 100 पुरुष टेनिस स्पर्धेत भारताचे युवा उदयोन्मुख खेळाडू मानस धामणे, आर्यन शहा, करण सिंग यांना मुख्य ड्रॉसाठी वाईल्डकार्ड द्वारे प्रदान करण्यात आले आहे. 
पुणे मेट्रोपोलिटन रिजनल डेव्हलमेंटऑथोरीटी (पीएमआरडीए) यांनी प्रायोजित केलेल्या या स्पर्धेसाठी पाच वर्षांचा करार केला असुन यामध्ये 28 देशांतील अव्वल खेळाडू आपले कौशल्य पणाला लावणार आहेत. हि स्पर्धा रविवार, 16 ते रविवार, 23 फेब्रुवारी 2025 या कालावधी दरम्यान रंगणार आहे. भारतातील 4 एटीपी चॅलेंजर मालिकेतील पुण्यात होणारी हि तिसरी स्पर्धा आहे. यापूर्वीच्या दोन स्पर्धा चेन्नई व दिल्ली येथे पार पडल्या असून आगामी स्पर्धा बेंगळुरू येथे होणार आहे. 

याविषयी अधिक माहिती देताना एमएसएलटीएचे प्रशांत सुतार व सुंदर अय्यर यांनी सांगितले की, भारतीय खेळाडूंना उच्च दर्जाच्या आंतरराष्ट्रीय स्पर्धेत सहभाग घेण्याची  संधी उपलब्ध करून देणे, हा आमचा मुख्य उद्देश असून त्यासाठीच पीएमआरडीएने या स्पर्धेला पाठिंबा देण्याचा निर्णय घेतला आहे. किंबहुना, एमएसएलटीएच्या वतीने आयोजित भारतीय टेनिस कॅलेंडरमधील पीएमआरडीए पुरस्कृत महा ओपन एटीपी चॅलेंजर 100 पुरुष टेनिस स्पर्धा म्हणजे एक मानाचा शिरपेच ठरणार आहे. इतकेच नव्हे तर पुणे महानगराची प्रतिमा जागतिक क्रीडा क्षेत्रात उंचावण्यासाठी अशा स्पर्धा महत्वाची भूमिका बजावतात. 
सुतार पुढे म्हणाले की, पीएमआर चॅलेंजर दर्जाची स्पर्धा आयोजित करणे हा एमएसएलटीएच्या महाराष्ट्रातील टेनिस क्षेत्राचा विकास व प्रचार यासाठीच्या दूरदर्शी नियोजनाचा एक भाग असून एल अँड टी मुंबई ओपन डब्लूटीए 1लाख 25 हजार डॉलर स्पर्धेच्या यशस्वी आयोजनापाठोपाठ हि स्पर्धा होणार असल्याने त्याला अधिक महत्व प्राप्त झाले आहे. 
स्पर्धेत मागील आठवड्यात मोनॅस्टीर येथे पार पडलेल्या 15000डॉलर आयटीएफ स्पर्धेत विजेतेपद पटकावलेल्या पुण्याच्या 17 वर्षीय मानस धामणे, गतवर्षी आयटीएफ स्पर्धेत सुरेख कामगिरी करणाऱ्या 19 वर्षीय आर्यन शहा, दोन आठवड्यापूर्वी डेव्हिस कप स्पर्धेत पदार्पण करणाऱ्या  21 वर्षीय करण सिंग या भारतीय खेळाडूंना वाईल्ड कार्ड प्रदान करण्यात आले असल्याचे प्रशांत सुतार आणि सुंदर अय्यर यांनी जाहीर केले.   
सुंदर अय्यर म्हणाले कि, गेल्या आठवड्यातच एल अँड टी मुंबई ओपन स्पर्धेकरिता केवळ 15 वर्षीय वयाच्या माया राजेश्वरणला वाईल्ड कार्ड द्वारे थेट प्रवेश देऊन आम्ही उदयोन्मुख युवा खेळाडूंना संधी देण्यासाठी याधीच पावले उचलली आहेत आणि पीएमआर चॅलेंजर स्पर्धेच्या निमित्ताने आगामी आठवड्यातही आणखी काही आश्चर्यकारक निर्णय घेण्याच्या तयारीत आम्ही आहोत. गुणवान खेळाडूंना योग्य संधी योग्य वेळी मिळवून दिल्यास ते खेळाडू वेगाने प्रगती करून पुढची पायरी गाठतात, असा आमचा विश्वास आहे. आम्ही प्रदीर्घ चर्चेनंतर असे निर्णय घेत असतो आणि यावेळीही असे निर्णय घेऊन पुढचे पाऊल टाकण्याचा आमचा निर्धार आहे. त्याच धर्तीवर पीएमआर चॅलेंजर स्पर्धेत केवळ 16 वर्षाच्या अर्णव पापरकर याला पात्रता फेरीत वाईल्ड कार्ड द्वारे थेट प्रवेश देण्याचा निर्णय घेतला आहे. 
अय्यर पुढे म्हणाले की, आणखी एक प्रमुख टेनिस स्पर्धेचे आयोजन करणे हि महाराष्ट्रासाठी अभिमानाची बाब आहे. एमएसएलटीएने यंदाच्या मोसमात एकूण 4,25,000डॉलर (3.7कोटी रुपये) रोख पारितोषिकाच्या स्पर्धांचे आयोजन केले असून देशांतील क्रीडा क्षेत्रात हि रक्कम सर्वाधिक आहे. अर्थात, महाराष्ट्र राज्य शासन व उदयोग क्षेत्राच्या पाठिंब्याशिवाय हे शक्य झाले नसते. या सर्व स्पर्धांमुळे केवळ महाराष्ट्रातीलच नव्हे तर भारतातील टेनिसपटूंना निश्चितच फायदा झाला आहे आणि त्यामुळेच आम्ही आमचे हे धोरण यापुढेही कायम ठेवू. 
या स्पर्धेसाठी 130000 अमेरिकन डॉलर्स पोरितोषिक रक्कम (1.12कोटी रुपये) ठेवण्यात आली असून विजेत्याला 100एटीपी गुण आणि 17650 डॉलर्स (15.50 लाख रुपये), तर उपविजेत्याला 60एटीपी गुण आणि 9 लाख रुपये पारितोषिक देण्यात येणार आहे पहिल्या फेरीत पराभूत होणाऱ्या खेळाडूलाही 1270 डॉलर्स (1.10लाख रु.), तसेच पात्रता फेरीतील खेळाडूला 380 डॉलर्स (33 हजार रु.) इन्सेन्टिव्ह मिळणार आहे. या स्पर्धेच्या मुख्य ड्रॉमध्ये एकूण 32 खेळाडूंचा समावेश असून त्यात 23 थेट प्रवेशिका, 3वाईल्ड कार्ड आणि 6 पात्रतावीरांचा समावेश आहे. पात्रता फेरीत 24खेळाडू आणि 4 वाईल्ड कार्डचा समावेश आहे. 
एमएसएलटीए व भारतीय टेनिस समुदायाच्या वतीने पीएमआरडीए आयुक्त योगेश म्हसे, पीएमसी आयुक्त डॉ.राजेंद्र भोसले, पीसीएमसी आयुक्त शेखर सिंग आणि क्रीडा आयुक्त हिरालाल सोनावणे यांनी दिलेल्या पाठींब्याबद्दल आम्ही त्यांचे आभार मानतो. 
उझबेकिस्तानचे आंद्रे कॉर्निलोव्ह हे या स्पर्धेचे एटीपी निरीक्षक असून लीना नागेशकर या मुख्य रेफ्री आणि अमित देशपांडे मुख्य ऑफिशियल म्हणून काम पाहणार आहेत. पीएमआरडीए यांच्या मुख्य प्रायोजकत्वाबरोबरच पुणे महानगरपालिका, पिंपरी चिंचवड महानगरपालिका यांचे सहकार्य लाभले आहे. तसेच, बिसलेरी(बेव्हरेज पार्टनर), सुश्रुत हॉस्पिटल(मेडिकल पार्टनर), डनलप(इक्विपमेंट पार्टनर) हे स्पर्धेचे अन्य प्रायोजक भागीदार आहेत. स्पर्धेतील सामने दररोज सकाळी 11 वाजता सुरू होणार असून सर्व प्रेक्षकांना विनामूल्य व मुक्त प्रवेश देण्यात येणार आहे. 

मानांकन यादी-
व्हीट कोपरीवा(चेक प्रजासत्ताक,128), बिली हॅरिस(ग्रेट ब्रिटन,129), ट्रिस्टन स्कूलकेट(ऑस्ट्रेलिया, 147), एल्मर मोलर(डेन्मार्क,149), जुरिज रोडिओनोव(ऑस्ट्रिया,155), दुजे अजदुकोविक(क्रोएशिया, १५८), ॲलेक्स बोल्ट(ऑस्ट्रेलिया,168), ॲलेक्सिस गॅलार्नो(कॅनडा,176) 

Riaan upsets top seed to enter boys quarterfinals at 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial Nationals Under 12 T...

Published : 13/Feb/2025

Riaan upsets top seed to enter boys quarterfinals at 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial Nationals Under 12 Tennis Championship 2025


Pune, February 12, 2025 Fourteenth seeded Riaan Nandankar of Gujarat upset top seeded Thanush Shekhar BC of Karnataka 6-2, 6-3 to enter the Boys singles quarterfinal at the 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial Nationals Under 12 Tennis Championship 2025 being organised by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and played at GA Ranade Tennis Courts.


In the girls event Meera Singh continued her upset spree tackling sixteenth seeded Asees Brar of Punjab 6-3, 4-6, 6-1. In the biggest upset of the day unseeded Chahat Thakur upset third seed Falak Mehta of Gujarat  6-1, 6-3 while in a all Maharashtra match twelth seed Trisha Bhosale registered a 6-1,6-3 upset over fifth seed Sara Fengse to enter the quarterfinals


In the boys section second seed Arjun Dua , third seed Nayan Khatri, tenth seeded Tegveer Singh all  of Delhi ,  fifth seeded Nihal Reddy of Karnataka,  sixth seeded Senthil Kumar Jegan of Tamil Nadu  and Maharashtra players Yashvantraje Pawar and Laqshya Tripathi were the other boys to  enter the quarter finals rounds


Results: Pre-Quarterfinal Round: Girls:

Aaradhana Tehlan(1)(Har) bt Ruhi Singh(15)(Kar)6-2, 6-3;

 Bhrithi Velladandi(6) bt Aneeksha Gavinolla(Kar) 6-2, 6-4; 

Myra Shaikh(4)(Mah) bt Priyal Saraf(Kar) 6-2, 6-2;

Priyangsi Chatterjee(8)(WB) bt Kiara Sharma(UP) 6-3, 6-0;

Trisha Bhosale(12)(Mah) bt Sara Fengse(5)(Mah) 6-1, 6-3;

Kanishka Govind(7)(TN) bt Nakshatra Iyer(9) 6-2, 6-3; 

Meera Singh(UTK) bt Asees Brar(16)(Punjab) 6-3, 4-6, 6-1;

Chahat Thakur(Mah) bt Falak Mehta(3)(Guj) 6-1, 6-3;



Riaan Nandankar(14)(Guj) bt Thanush Shekhar BC(1)(Kar)6-2, 6-3;

Tegveer Singh(10)(Delhi) bt Shaurya Gadade(Mah) 7-5, 6-4;

Nayan Khatri(3)(Del) bt Yuvraaj Singh(UP)6-2, 6-2;

Nihal Reddy(5)(Kar) bt Kabir Dahiya(9)(Har) 6-3, 6-2;

Senthil Kumar Jegan(6)(TN) bt Harsh Bansal(12)(Raj) 6-7(4), 7-5, 6-3;

Arjun Dua(2)(Del) bt Aarav Bele(Mah) 6-4, 6-3;

Yashvantraje Pawar(7)(Mah) bt Mohammed Aheel(11)(TS) 6-3, 7-6(3), 6-2;

Laqshya Tripathi (4)(Mah) bt Anup Rishabh(Mah) 6-2, 6-1;



Meera upsets second seed Saumya at 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial Nationals Under 12 Tennis Championship...

Published : 11/Feb/2025

Meera upsets second seed Saumya at 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial Nationals Under 12 Tennis Championship 2025


Pune, February 11, 2025 . Uttarakhand’s Meera Singh upset second seeded Saumya Chaudhary of Rajasthan6-1, 1-6, 6-4 to enter the girls pre quarterfinals at the 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial Nationals Under 12 Tennis Championship 2025 being organised by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and played at GA Ranade Tennis Courts.


Results: Second Round: Girls:

Aaradhana Tehlan(1)(Har) bt Kashvi Konaki(Kar) 6-0, 6-0;

Ruhi Singh(15) bt Aditri Singh(UP) 7-5, 6-4;

Aneeksha Gavinolla(Kar) bt Mrigakshee Changmai(10)(Assam) 3-6, 6-4, 6-3;

 Priyal Saraf(Kar) bt Shaurya Patil(13)(Mah) 6-2, 6-2;

Sara Fengse(5) bt Joanna Jesso 6-0, 6-1;

Trisha Bhosale(12)(Mah) bt Vanshishta Arol 5-7, 7-6(2), 6-2;

Meera Singh bt Saumya Chaudhary(2)(Raj) 6-1, 1-6, 6-4;

Falak Mehta(3)(Guj) bt Sateshri Naik 3-6, 7-6(9), 7-5;



Thanush Shekhar BC(1)(Kar) bt Atharv Narsinghani(WB) 6-1, 6-2;

Riaan Nandankar(14)(Guj) bt Harsh Nagwani(Mag) 6-2, 6-4;

Tegveer Singh(10)(Delhi) bt Ahan Bhattacharya(Mah) 6-1, 6-1;

Shaurya Gadade bt Aariv Gupta 6-0, 6-1;

Nayan Khatri(3)(Del) bt Hridyansh Pal(Del) 6-2, 6-3;

Yuvraaj Singh(UP) bt PM Adheesh(16)(TN) 6-4, 6-2;

Aarav Bele(Mah) bt Ayu shman Pathak 6-2, 3-6, 6-1;

Yashvantraje Pawar(7)(Mah) bt Aarav Mirchandani(6-1, 6-2;

 Laqshaya Tripathi (4)(Mah) bt Vidhan Patel(Guj)6-3, 6-1;






19व्या रमेश देसाई मेमोरियल राष्ट्रीय 12 वर्षाखालील टेनिस स्पर्धेत मीरा सिंग, अनिक्षा गेविनोल्ला, प्रियल सराफ यांचा मानांकित खेळाडूंवर विजय 


पुणे, 11 फेब्रुवारी, 2025: महाराष्ट्र राज्य लॉन टेनिस संघटना (एमएसएलटीए) यांच्या वतीने आयोजित 19व्या रमेश देसाई मेमोरियल राष्ट्रीय 12 वर्षाखालील टेनिस स्पर्धेत  मीरा सिंग, अनिक्षा गेविनोल्ला, प्रियल सराफ यांनी मानांकित खेळाडूंवर विजय मिळवत आगेकूच केली.


जीए रानडे टेनिस कोर्ट या ठिकाणी सुरू असलेल्या या स्पर्धेत दुसऱ्या फेरीत मुलींच्या गटात उत्तराखंड च्या बिगरमानांकित मीरा सिंगने दुसऱ्या मानांकित राजस्थानच्या सौम्या चौधरीचा 6-1, 1-6, 6-4 असा पराभव करून अनपेक्षित निकाल नोंदवला. कर्नाटकच्या अनिक्षा गेविनोल्लाने दहाव्या मानांकित आसामच्या मृगाक्षी चांगमाईचा 3-6, 6-4, 6-3 असा तर, कर्नाटकच्या प्रियल सराफ हीने महाराष्ट्राच्या तेराव्या मानांकित शौर्या पाटीलचा 6-3, 6-2 असा सरळ सेटमध्ये पराभव केला. 


निकाल: दुसरी फेरी: मुली:

आराधना तेहलन(1)(हरियाणा) वि.वि.काशवी कोनाकी(कर्नाटक) 6-0, 6-0;

रुही सिंग(15)वि.वि.अदित्री सिंग(उत्तरप्रदेश) 7-5, 6-4;

अनिक्षा गेविनोल्ला(कर्नाटक) वि.वि.मृगाक्षी चांगमाई(10)(आसाम)3-6, 6-4, 6-3;

प्रियल सराफ(कर्नाटक) वि.वि.शौर्या पाटील(13)(महा) 6-3, 6-2;

सारा फेंगसे(5)(महा)वि.वि.जोआना जेसो 6-0, 6-1;

त्रिशा भोसले(12)(महा) वि.वि.वंशिष्ठ आरोल 5-7, 7-6(2), 6-2;

मीरा सिंग(उत्तराखंड) वि.वि.सौम्या चौधरी(2)(राजस्थान) 6-1, 1-6, 6-4;

फलक मेहता(3)(गुजरात) वि.वि.सतीश्री नाईक 3-6, 7-6(9), 7-5;



तनुष शेखर बीसी(1)(कर्नाटक) वि.वि.अथर्व नरसिंघानी(पश्चिम बंगाल) 6-1, 6-2;

रियान नंदनकर(14)(गुजरात) वि.वि.हर्ष नागवानी(महा)6-2, 6-4;

तेगवीर सिंग(10)(दिल्ली) वि.वि.अहान भट्टाचार्य(महा)6-1, 6-1;

शौर्य गडदे(महा) वि.वि.आरिव गुप्ता 6-0, 6-1;

नयन खत्री(3)(दिल्ली) वि.वि.हृदयांश पाल(दिल्ली) 6-2, 6-3;

युवराज सिंग(उत्तरप्रदेश) वि.वि.पीएम अधीश (16)(तामिळनाडू) 6-4, 6-2;

आरव बेले(महा) वि.वि.आयुश्मान पाठक 6-2, 3-6, 6-1;

यशवंतराजे पवार(7)(महा) वि.वि.आरव मिरचंदानी 6-1, 6-2;

लक्ष्य त्रिपाठी(4)(महा) वि.वि.विधान पटेल(गुजरात)6-3, 6-1.



Ramesh Desai Memorial under 12 Sub-Junior Tennis Nationals at MSLTA

Published : 11/Feb/2025

Ramesh Desai Memorial under 12 Sub-Junior Tennis Nationals at MSLTA 

Mumbai, February 10: Excitement is building up in Mumbai! Over 230 talented boys and girls from across the country have gathered at the 19th edition of the Ramesh Desai Memorial Junior Tennis Nationals for Boys and Girls Under 12. Hosted by the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA), this thrilling event is taking place at the GA Ranade Tennis Complex from February 8th to 15th, 2025!

MSLTA President Mr. Bharat Oza and Secretary Mr. Sunder Iyer have announced that a total scholarship of Rs 3 lakhs will be awarded to players from the very first round, along with exciting prizes and gifts! This annual tournament is held in honor of the late Shri Ramesh Desai, the former Secretary General of AITA and former Hon. Secretary of MSLTA. Players from all across the country will showcase their talent in this week-long event, making it an unforgettable celebration of tennis!.


The support of YES Bank as the tournament’s sponsor further adds to the significance of this prestigious event, ensuring its success and helping to nurture the next generation of tennis players.



The tournament will serve as an ideal memorial for Ramesh Desai and his values of promoting tennis at a junior level, said Mr Bharat Oza. , While the Boys 12 main draw will be of 64, the Girls under 12 Main draws will be of 48, added Mr. Iyer.

ITF White badge official  K. Vaishali  will be the Supervisor for the event while Mr Manoj Vaidya has been appointed as the Tournament Director.


Rameshbhai’. as he was popularly known in top tennis circles in the country, was elected as the Honorary Secretary of the Bombay State Lawn Tennis Association way back in 1958, and since then there was no looking back for him.. In his illustrious career in tennis spread over 48 years, he held several important posts. He was Hon. Secretary for Tennis, CCI, Mumbai from 1958 to 1960. He conducted International Tennis Matches of world famous Jack Kramer’s professionals in 1959 and 1960 at CCI.

He was a member on MSLTA Council from 1963,Hon Secretary 1963-1965 & 1984 – 1992, Council Member 1965 – 1975,Hon. Treasurer 1975 to 1977,Vice President 1993 – 2002,Life Vice President from 2002 to till his death. He was also member of AITA Executive Committee from 1984,Executive Committee Member AITA 1984 – 1988,Hon. Treasurer, AITA 1988 – 1992,Hon. Secretary General, AITA 1992 - 1996,Vice President, AITA 1996 - 2004,Life Vice President, AITA 2004 till his death.

He was instrumental in organizing and conducting a number of Tennis tournaments in Maharashtra including Davis Cup ties at Mumbai and Pune. He was also a very good player and participated in many tournaments in Tennis and Badminton. In recognition of his service to the Game of Tennis, the Govt. of Maharashtra awarded him with ‘Dadoji Kondeo Award in the year 1995-96. As Hon. Secretary, Mr. Desai also helped MSLTA in promotion of the game of tennis by constructing the Club House and Sports Guest House besides other Modern sports facilities like International Standard Gymnasium and well equipped library .

Following are the seeding list:


Boys Under 12:


1. Thanush Shekar B C (KA), 2. Dua Arjun (DL), 3. Khatri Nayan (DL), 4. Tripathi Laqshya (MH), 5. Reddy Nihal S(KA),  6. Senthil Kumar Jegan Rohit (TN),  7. Yashvantraje Pawar (MH), 8. Lokesh Singh (HR)

Girls Under 12:

1. Tehlan Aaradhana (HR), 2. Choudhary Saumya (RJ), 3. Mehta Falak (GJ), 4. Shaikh Myra (MH), 5         Fengse Sara (MH), 6. Velladandi Bhrithi (KA), 7. Govind Kanishka (TN), 8. Chatterjee Priyangsi (WB)

Tennis, Celebrities & Legends! at L&T Mumbai Open WTA 125

Published : 05/Feb/2025

Tennis, Celebrities & Legends! ✨                           </div>  

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Maharashtra Tennis Team Gears Up for the 38th National Games!

Published : 05/Feb/2025

Maharashtra Tennis Team Gears Up for the 38th National Games!                            </div>  

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Elite Assistant Coaches course at MSLTA.

Published : 03/Feb/2025

Nearly 90 elite assistant coaches from Mumbai and its suburbs are in attendance at the ongoing Elite Assistant Coaches course at MSLTA.
Along with their students, they were invited to witness the exciting action at the L&T Mumbai Open. A great initiative fostering growth and learning in the tennis community!                            </div>  

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Unseeded Prozorova wins 24th edition of NECC Deccan 75K ITF Women’s Tennis Tournament

Published : 01/Feb/2025

Unseeded Prozorova wins  24th edition of NECC Deccan 75K ITF Women’s Tennis Tournament
Pune, February 1,2025:    Unseeded Tatiana Prozorova  of Russia upset top seeded Leolia Jeanjean  of France 4-6, 7-5, 6-4 to win the   24th edition of NECC Deccan 75K ITF Women’s Tennis Tournament  organized by Deccan Gymkhana and sponsored by National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC) under the auspices of the ITF, AITA and MSLTA  and played at the Deccan Gymkhana Tennis Court
The 21 year old Prozorova ranked 222 currently came back from loss of the first set to get past 131 ranked  and 29 year old French women Jeanjean in a 2 hour 38 minute match 
The winner Prozorova won the NECC  trophy and 75 WTA Points and $9142 the Runners up  Jeanjean received 49 WTA points and $ 4886. The prizes were given away at the hands of Mrs. Swapnali Bhosale Kadam, Mr. BSR Shastry, GM of NECC, Mr.Vikrant Sane, Tennis Secretary of Deccan Gymkhana and Tournament Director. Mr. Mihir Kelkar, Secretary of Deccan Gymkhana and Mr. Girish Inamadar Finance Secretary of Deccan Gymkhana were present on the occasion.
The prizes were given away at the hands of Swapnali Bhosale Kadam, Mr. BSR Shastry, GM of NECC, Mr.Vikrant Sane, Tennis Secretary of Deccan Gymkhana and Tournament Director. Mr. Mihir Kelkar, Secretary of Deccan Gymkhana and Mr. Girish Inamadar Finance Secretary of Deccan Gymkhana were present on the occasion.
Results: Main Draw: Singles: final Round:
Tatiana Prozorova  bt Leolia Jeanjean (Fra) [1] 4-6, 7-5, 6-4.

Prozorova to clash with Jeanjean in the finals of 24th edition of NECC Deccan 75K ITF Women’s Tenn...

Published : 01/Feb/2025

Prozorova to clash with Jeanjean in the finals of 24th edition of NECC Deccan 75K ITF Women’s Tennis Tournament

Pune, January 31,2025:  In battle of Russians unseeded Tatiana Prozorova  upset seventh seeded Elena Pridankina 6-2, 6-2 to enter the finals  of the  24th edition of NECC Deccan 75K ITF Women’s Tennis Tournament  organized by Deccan Gymkhana and sponsored by National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC) under the auspices of the ITF, AITA and MSLTA  and played at the Deccan Gymkhana Tennis Courts

 In the singles finals  Prozorova will take on top seeded Leolia Jeanjean   France who stopped the run of the third seed Hungary’s Panna Udvardy  6-4, 7-6(2)

In the doubles finals played  today Russian pair of Alevtina Ibragimova and Elena Pridankina the fourth seeds edged out country mates and the second seeds Maria Kozyreva and Iryna Shymanovich  6-2, 1-6 [10-8] to win the title

The Doubles winner  received 75 WTA Points and $3344, while the runners-up pair will get 49points and $1672. The prizes were given away at the hands of  Former Davis Cup Player Sandeep Kirtane, Dr. Vikrant Sane, Tennis Secretary of Deccan Gymkhana and Tournament Director.

Results: Main Draw: Singles: Semifinal Round:
Leolia Jeanjean (Fra) [1] bt  Panna Udvardy (Hun) [3] 6-4, 7-6(2);
Tatiana Prozorova  bt  Elena Pridankina [7] 6-2, 6-2;
Doubles: final Round:
Alevtina Ibragimova /Elena Pridankina [4] bt  Maria Kozyreva [2] /Iryna Shymanovich  6-2, 1-6 [10-8]
एनइसीसी डेक्कन जिमखाना आयटीएफ 75,000डॉलर महिला टेनिस स्पर्धेत एकेरीत तातियाना प्रोझोरोव्हा, लिओलिया जीनजीन यांचा अंतिम फेरीत प्रवेश  
दुहेरीत अलेव्हटीना इब्रागिमोवा व एलेना प्रिडांकिना यांना विजेतेपद 
पुणे, 31 जानेवारी 2025: डेक्कन जिमखाना यांच्या वतीने आयोजित नॅशनल एग कॉर्डीनेशन कमिटी(एनइसीसी) यांनी प्रायोजित केलेल्या व आयटीएफ, एआयटीए आणि एमएसएलटीए यांच्या मान्यतेखाली 24व्या एनइसीसी डेक्कन जिमखाना आयटीएफ 75,000डॉलर महिला टेनिस स्पर्धेत मुख्य ड्रॉमध्ये उपांत्य फेरीत एकेरीत रशियाच्या तातियाना प्रोझोरोव्हा, फ्रांसच्या लिओलिया जीनजीन यांनी आपापल्या प्रतिस्पर्धी खेळाडूंचा पराभव करून अंतिम  फेरीत प्रवेश केला. 
डेक्कन जिमखाना टेनिस कोर्ट या ठिकाणी सुरु असलेल्या या स्पर्धेत मुख्य ड्रॉमध्ये एकेरीत उपांत्य  फेरीत अव्वल मानांकीत फ्रांसच्या लिओलिया जीनजीन हिने  तिसऱ्या मानांकित हंगेरीच्या पन्ना उदवर्दीचा 6-4, 7-6(2) असा पराभव करून अंतिम फेरी गाठली. हा सामना  १ तास ४८ मिनिटे चालला. सामन्यात पहिल्या सेटमध्ये जीनजीनने चौथ्या गेममध्ये ब्रेक केली व हा सेट ६-४ असा जिंकून आघाडी घेतली. दुसऱ्या सेटमध्ये दोन्ही खेळाडूंनी तोडीस तोड खेळ केला व सामन्यात ६-६ अशी बरोबरी झाली. त्यामुळे सामना टायब्रेकमध्ये खेळविण्यात आला. टायब्रेकमध्ये जीनजीनने पन्नाची चौथ्या, पाचव्या गेममध्ये सर्व्हिस रोखली व हा सेट ७-६(२) असा जिंकून अंतिम फेरी गाठली. दुसऱ्या सामन्यात  रशियाच्या तातियाना प्रोझोरोव्हा हिने   सातव्या मानांकित रशियाच्या एलिना प्रिदांकिनाचा 6-2, 6-2 असा पराभव करून अंतिम फेरी धडक मारली. 
दुहेरीत अंतिम फेरीत चौथ्या मानांकित अलेव्हटीना इब्रागिमोवा व एलेना प्रिडांकिना यांनी  दुसऱ्या मानांकित रशियाच्या मारिया कोझीरेवा व इरिना श्यामानोविच यांचा 6-2, 1-6 [10-8] असा पराभव करून विजेतेपद पटकावले. स्पर्धेतील दुहेरीत विजेत्या जोडीला करंडक, 75 डब्लूटीए गुण व 3344डॉलर, तर उपविजेत्या जोडीला करंडक, 49डब्लूटीए गुण आणि 1672डॉलर अशी पारितोषिके देण्यात आली. स्पर्धेचे पारितोषिक वितरण माजी डेव्हिस कप खेळाडू संदीप किर्तने आणि डेक्कन जिमखानाच्या टेनिस विभागाचे सचिव व स्पर्धा संचालक विक्रांत साने यांच्या हस्ते करण्यात आले.  
निकाल: एकेरी: मुख्य ड्रॉ: उपांत्य फेरी: 
लिओलिया जीनजीन (फ्रांस) [1]वि.वि. पन्ना उदवर्दी[3](हंगेरी)6-4, 7-6(2); 
तातियाना प्रोझोरोव्हा(रशिया) वि.वि. एलिना प्रिदांकिना[7](रशिया) 6-2, 6-2; 
दुहेरी: अंतिम फेरी:
अलेव्हटीना इब्रागिमोवा /एलेना प्रिडांकिना [4]वि.वि.मारिया कोझीरेवा [2] /इरिना श्यामानोविच   6-2, 1-6 [10-8]

Prozova upsets fourth seed to enter semis of 24th edition of NECC Deccan 75K ITF Women’s Tennis T...

Published : 31/Jan/2025

Prozova upsets fourth seed to enter semis  of 24th edition of NECC Deccan 75K ITF Women’s Tennis Tournament

Pune, January 30,2025: Top seeded  Leolia Jeanjean of France , third seeded Panna Udvardy of Hungary ,  seventh seeded Elena Pridankina and Tatiana Prozorova of Russia Entered the singles semifinal  of the  24th edition of NECC Deccan 75K ITF Women’s Tennis Tournament  organized by Deccan Gymkhana and sponsored by National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC) under the auspices of the ITF, AITA and MSLTA  and played at the Deccan Gymkhana Tennis Courts

 In the quarter finals unseeded  Russian Tatiana Prozorova  out powered fourth seeded Kathinka Von Deichmann  Liechtenstein 6-4, 7-5, in another all Russian match seventh seed Elena Pridankina  struggled before overcoming Iryna Shymanovich  6-7(4), 6-4, 6-4

Top seeded Leolia Jeanjean  of France scored a 6-3,6-2 win over Brazilian Laura Pigossi (Bra)   6-3, 6-2 while third seed Hungarian 
Panna Udvardy  accounted for Britain’s Yuriko Lily Miyazaki  the sixth seed 7-6(8), 6-2 to make the semifinals
The Indian challenge in the tournament ended when second seed Maria Kozyreva and Iryna Shymanovich registered an 6-3,6-1 win over Rutuja Bhosale and Britain’s Alicia Barnett  6-3, 6-1. They will take on fourth seeded Alevtina Ibragimova  and Elena Pridankina  who upset top seeded pair of Eden Silva of  Great Britain and Russia’s Anastasia Tikhonova   2-6, 6-3[10-8] in other semis 

Results: Main Draw: Singles: Quarterfinal Round:
Leolia Jeanjean (Fra) [1] bt  Laura Pigossi (Bra) [5]  6-3, 6-2; 
Panna Udvardy (Hun) [3] bt Yuriko Lily Miyazaki (Gbr) [6] 7-6(8), 6-2; 
Tatiana Prozorova  bt  Kathinka Von Deichmann (Lie) [4]  6-4, 7-5; 
Elena Pridankina [7] bt  Iryna Shymanovich  6-7(4), 6-4, 6-4
Doubles: Semifinal Round:
Alevtina Ibragimova /Elena Pridankina [4] bt  Eden Silva (Gbr) /Anastasia Tikhonova [1]  2-6, 6-3[10-8]; 
Maria Kozyreva [2] /Iryna Shymanovich bt  Alicia Barnett (Gbr) /Rutuja Bhosale (Ind) 6-3, 6-1. 

Indian challenge ends in singles , Rutuja Enters doubles semifinals at 24th edition of NECC Deccan 7...

Published : 30/Jan/2025

Indian challenge ends in singles , Rutuja Enters doubles semifinals at 24th edition of NECC Deccan 75K ITF Women’s Tennis Tournament

Pune, January 29,2025: Indian Challenge ended with wildcards Sahaja Yamalapalli and Shrivalli Bhamidipathy  going down in the second round of singles , while Rutuja Bhosale remained in contention  in the doubles event reaching the semifinals at the  24th edition of NECC Deccan 75K ITF Women’s Tennis Tournament  organized by Deccan Gymkhana and sponsored by National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC) under the auspices of the ITF, AITA and MSLTA  and played at the Deccan Gymkhana Tennis Courts
In the second round singles top seeded Leolia Jeanjean  of France got past a fighting  Sahaja Yamalapalli  6-4, 6-3 while third seeded Panna Udvardy of Hungary prevailed over  Shrivalli Rashmikaa Bhamidipaty  7-6(2), 6-2 . Bhamidipathy showed promise in the first set leading 4-2 but couldn’t hold on to the lead going down

Rutuja Bhosale  in partnership with Britain's Alicia Barnett  scored a easy 6-2, 6-3  win over Britain's  Yuriko Lily Miyazaki and Leichestien's  Kathinka Von Deichmann  to enter the doubles semifinals and keep up the Indian Interest in the event.

Results: Main Draw: Singles: Second Round:
Leolia Jeanjean (Fra) [1] bt Sahaja Yamalapalli (Ind)6-4, 6-3;  
Panna Udvardy (Hun) [3] bt Shrivalli Rashmikaa Bhamidipaty (Ind) 7-6(2), 6-2;  
Kathinka Von Deichmann (Lie) [4] bt Fangran Tian (Chn)6-3, 6-2;
Laura Pigossi (Bra) [5] bt  Tina Nadine Smith (Aus) 6-2, 6-7(4), 6-4;
Yuriko Lily Miyazaki (Gbr) [6] bt Anastasia Tikhonova  2-6, 7-6(7), 7-6(0);
Elena Pridankina [7] bt  Lina Glushko (Isr) 6-4, 6-4;
Tatiana Prozorova  bt Emina Bektas (Usa) [8] 6-2, 6-3;
Iryna Shymanovich bt Camilla Rosatello (Ita)6-4, 0-6, 6-4;
Doubles: Quarterfinal Round:
Eden Silva (Gbr) /Anastasia Tikhonova [1] bt  Lina Glushko (Isr) /Aleksandra Krunic (Srb)3-6, 6-2 [10-8]  
Alevtina Ibragimova /Elena Pridankina [4] bt  Diana Marcinkevica (Lat) /Naho Sato (Jpn) 6-1, 6-2;
Maria Kozyreva [2] /Iryna Shymanovich bt  Alice Robbe (Fra) /Tina Nadine Smith (Aus)   3-6 6-3 [10-7]  
Alicia Barnett (Gbr) /Rutuja Bhosale (Ind) bt  Yuriko Lily Miyazaki (Gbr) /Kathinka Von Deichmann (Lie)  6-2, 6-3;   
एनइसीसी डेक्कन जिमखाना आयटीएफ 75,000डॉलर महिला टेनिस स्पर्धेत एकेरीत भारताच्या श्रीवल्ली रश्मिका भामिदीप्ती, सहजा यमलापल्ली यांचे आव्हान संपुष्टात 
पुणे, 29 जानेवारी 2025: डेक्कन जिमखाना यांच्या वतीने आयोजित नॅशनल एग कॉर्डीनेशन कमिटी(एनइसीसी) यांनी प्रायोजित केलेल्या व आयटीएफ, एआयटीए आणि एमएसएलटीए यांच्या मान्यतेखाली 24व्या एनइसीसी डेक्कन जिमखाना आयटीएफ 75,000डॉलर महिला टेनिस स्पर्धेत मुख्य ड्रॉमध्ये दुसऱ्या फेरीत एकेरीत भारताच्या श्रीवल्ली रश्मिका भामिदीप्ती, सहजा यमलापल्ली यांना पराभवाचा सामना करावा लागल्याने त्यांचे या स्पर्धेतील आव्हान संपुष्टात आले. 
डेक्कन जिमखाना टेनिस कोर्ट या ठिकाणी सुरु असलेल्या या स्पर्धेत मुख्य ड्रॉमध्ये एकेरीत दुसऱ्या फेरीत तिसऱ्या मानांकित हंगेरीच्या पन्ना उदवर्दी हिने भारताच्या वाईल्ड कार्ड द्वारे प्रवेश केलेल्या श्रीवल्ली रश्मिका भामिदीप्तीचा टायब्रेकमध्ये 7-6(2), 6-2 असा पराभव केला. हा सामना 1 तास 53 मिनिटे चालला. पहिल्या सेटमध्ये सुरेख सुरुवात करणाऱ्या श्रीवल्लीने पन्नाची पहिल्याच गेममध्ये सर्व्हिस ब्रेक केली व स्वतःची सर्व्हिस राखत 2-1 अशी आघाडी घेतली. पण चौथ्या गेममध्ये  पन्नाने पुनरागमन करत श्रीवल्लीची सर्व्हिस ब्रेक केली व बरोबरी साधली. त्यानंतर दोन्ही खेळाडूंनी तोडीस तोड खेळ केला. त्यामुळे हा सेट टायब्रेकमध्ये गेला. टायब्रेकमध्ये पन्नाने वरचढ खेळ करत श्रीवल्लीविरुद्ध हा सेट 7-6(2) असा जिंकून आघाडी मिळवली. दुसरी सेटमध्ये  पन्नाने आपले वर्चस्व कायम राखत श्रीवल्लीविरुद्ध हा सेट 6-2 असा सहज जिंकून विजय मिळवला. अव्वल मानांकित फ्रांसच्या लिओलिया जीनजीन हिने भारताच्या वाईल्ड कार्ड द्वारे प्रवेश केलेल्या सहजा यमलापल्लीचा 6-4, 6-3 असा पराभव करून आगेकूच केली.
रशियाच्या इरिना श्यामानोविच हिने काल मानांकित खेळाडूवर विजय मिळवणाऱ्या इटलीच्या कॅमिला रोसाटेल्लोचा 6-4, 0-6, 6-4 असा तीन सेटमध्ये संघर्षपूर्ण पराभव केला. रशियाच्या तातियाना प्रोझोरोव्हाने आठव्या मानांकित अमेरिकेच्या एमिना बक्तासचा 6-2, 6-3 असा सरळ सेटमध्ये पराभव करून सनसनाटी निकाल नोंदवला. चौथ्या मानांकित लिकटेंस्टाईनच्या कॅथीन्का वॉन डीचमनने क्वालिफायर चीनच्या फॅंग्रेन टीयानचा 6-3, 6-2 असा पराभव करून उपांत्यपूर्व फेरी गाठली. 
दुहेरीत उपांत्यपूर्व फेरीत भारताच्या ऋतुजा भोसले हिने ग्रेट ब्रिटनच्या ॲलिसिया बार्नेटच्या साथीत ग्रेट ब्रिटनच्या युरिको लिली मियाझाकी व लिकटेंस्टाईनच्या कॅथीन्का वॉन डीचमनचा 6-2, 6-3 असा पराभव करून आगेकूच कायम राखली. 
निकाल: एकेरी: मुख्य ड्रॉ: दुसरी फेरी: 
लिओलिया जीनजीन (फ्रांस) [1]वि.वि. सहजा यमलापल्ली(भारत) 6-4, 6-3;  
पन्ना उदवर्दी[3](हंगेरी)वि.वि. श्रीवल्ली रश्मिका भामिदीप्ती (भारत)  7-6(2), 6-2;  
कॅथीन्का वॉन डीचमन[4](लिकटेंस्टाईन)वि.वि.फॅंग्रेन टीयान (चीन)6-3, 6-2;  
लॉरा पिगोस्सी [5](ब्राझील)वि.वि. टीना नादिन स्मिथ (ऑस्ट्रेलिया) 6-2, 6-7(4), 6-4;  
युरिको लिली मियाझाकी (ग्रेट ब्रिटन) [6]वि.वि.एनास्तेसिया तिखोनोव्हा(रशिया) 2-6, 7-6(7), 7-6(0);
इरिना श्यामानोविच वि.वि. कॅमिला रोसाटेल्लो (इटली) 6-4, 0-6, 6-4;    
एलिना प्रिदांकिना[7](रशिया)वि.वि. लीना ग्लुश्को (इस्त्राईल)6-4, 6-4;  
तातियाना प्रोझोरोव्हा(रशिया) वि.वि. एमिना बक्तास (अमेरिका) [8] 6-2, 6-3; 

दुहेरी: उपांत्यपूर्व फेरी:
इडेन सिल्वा (ग्रेट ब्रिटन) /एनास्तेसिया तिखोनोव्हा [1]वि.वि. 
लीना ग्लुश्को (इस्त्राईल) /अलेक्झांड्रा क्रुनिक (सर्बिया) 3-6, 6-2 [10-8]  
अलेव्हटीना इब्रागिमोवा /एलेना प्रिडांकिना [4]वि.वि.डायना मार्सिन्केविका(लात्विया) /नाहो सातो (जपान) 
6-1, 6-2;  
ॲलिसिया बार्नेट(ग्रेट ब्रिटन) /ऋतुजा भोसले (भारत) वि.वि. युरिको लिली मियाझाकी(ग्रेट ब्रिटन) /कॅथीन्का वॉन डीचमन(लिकटेंस्टाईन)6-2, 6-3;    
मारिया कोझीरेवा [2] /इरिना श्यामानोविच वि.वि.ॲलिस रॉब्बी(फ्रांस) /टीना नादिन स्मिथ (ऑस्ट्रेलिया) 3-6 6-3 [10-7]   


Maharashtra Tennis Team to Represent at the 38th National Games, Dehradun announced

Published : 28/Jan/2025

Maharashtra  Tennis Team  to Represent at the 38th National Games, Dehradun announced 


Maharashtra is alll set to showcase its talent at the 38th National Games to be held in Dehradun, Uttarakhand. By putting ip a A strong contingent of players will represent the state in various categories

Maharashtra has qualified for Men’s and Women’s  team events, as well as in the Individual, Doubles, and Team competitions as per the All India  Tennis Association cutoff norms , the team was announced by Hon Sec Of Mslta  Sunder Iyer today 


Men’s Team:

1.     Prasad Ingale

2.     Anup Bangargi

3.     Arnav Paparkar

4.     Sandesh Kurale

5.     Nishit Rahane
Coach: Ketan Dhumal
Manager: Mr. Rajiv Desai


Women’s Team:

1.     Rutuja S. Bhosale

2.     Vaishnavi Adkar

3.     Akanksha Nitture

4.     Pooja Ingale

5.     Sonal Paygonda Patil
Coach/Physio: Rutuja Kulkarni
Manager: Mr. Sheetal Bhonsale


Events at the 38th National Games:

·         Women’s Singles and Doubles:
Rutuja S. Bhosale
Vaishnavi Adkar

·         Mixed Doubles:
Vaishnavi Adkar & Arnav Paparkar

·         Team Event:
Men’s Team:
Prasad Ingale, Anup Bangargi, Arnav Paparkar, Sandesh Kurale, Nishit Rahane
Women’s Team:
Rutuja S. Bhosale, Vaishnavi Adkar, Akanksha Nitture, Pooja Ingale, Sonal Paygonda Patil


Wild cards Bhamidipathy , Yamlapalli enter second round of 24th edition of NECC Deccan 75K ITF Wome...

Published : 28/Jan/2025

Wild cards Bhamidipathy , Yamlapalli  enter second round of 24th edition of NECC Deccan 75K ITF Women’s Tennis Tournament

Pune, January 28,2025:  Indian  wildcards Sahaja Yamalapalli and Shrivalli Bhamidipathy entered the second round of singles the  24th edition of NECC Deccan 75K ITF Women’s Tennis Tournament  organized by Deccan Gymkhana and sponsored by National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC) under the auspices of the ITF, AITA and MSLTA  and played at the Deccan Gymkhana Tennis Courts
In the first round matches played Sahaja Yamalapalli came back from loss of the first set to get past Japanese Naho Sato 6-7(4), 6-1, 6-3 in a 2hour 35minutes match

Another Indian Shrivalli Rashmikaa Bhamidipaty took  1 hour and 20 mins to outhit Alana Smith  of USA 6-1, 6-2. Both the girls who are supported by Pune Based NGO will clash with seeds in the second round, while Yamlapalli has been drawn to take on runners up of the last week at Bengaluru and the top seed here. Leolia Jeanjean of France , while Bhamidipathy will clash with Hungary’s Panna Udvardy the third seed.

In the lone upset Italian Camilla Rosatello  toppled second  seed Czech Sara Bejlek  3-6, 1-6, 6-4 to enter the round of sixteen

Another wildcard and local girl Vaishnavi Adkar went down to China’s  Fangran Tian the seasoned Chinese player downed  Adkar 6-3, 6-4.

Asian Games mixed doubles gold medalist Rutuja Bhosale  was the lone Indian to survive in the doubles event as all other Indian pairs were shown the door . Bhosale in partnership with Britain’s  Alicia Barnett upset third seeded pair of Slovakia’s
Dalila Jakupovic  and Brazil’s Laura Pigossi 6-7(5), 6-4, [10-4] to enter the quarter finals

In another close match Russian fourth seeds Alevtina Ibragimova and Elena Pridankina had to bring out all their experience to stop the India’s future pair and wildcards Vaishnavi Adkar and Maaya Rajeshwaran Revathi 7-6(6), 6-7(7), [10-7]

Results: Main Draw: Singles: First Round:
Fangran Tian (Chn) bt Vaishnavi Adkar (Ind)6-3, 6-4;
Sahaja Yamalapalli (Ind) bt Naho Sato (Jpn) 6-7(4), 6-1, 6-3; (2hour 35minutes)
Laura Pigossi (Bra) [5] bt Alevtina Ibragimova 6-4, 6-0;
Tina Nadine Smith (Aus) bt Ariana Geerlings (Esp) 6-3, 7-6(4);
Camilla Rosatello (Ita) bt Sara Bejlek (Cze) [2] 3-6, 1-6, 6-4;
Shrivalli Rashmikaa Bhamidipaty (Ind) bt Alana Smith (Usa)6-1, 6-2; 
Leolia Jeanjean (Fra) [1] bt Alice Robbe (Fra)6-1, 6-2;
Iryna Shymanovich bt Zarina Diyas (Kaz)3-6, 6-2, 6-2;
Kathinka Von Deichmann (Lie) [4] bt Daria Kudashova 6-4, 6-3;

Doubles: First Round:
Eden Silva (Gbr) /Anastasia Tikhonova [1] bt Ines Ibbou (Alg) /Naima Karamoko (Sui) 7-6(6), 6-4;
Alevtina Ibragimova /Elena Pridankina [4] bt Vaishnavi Adkar (Ind) /Maaya Rajeshwaran Revathi (Ind) 7-6(6), 6-7(7), [10-7];
Diana Marcinkevica (Lat) /Naho Sato (Jpn) bt Zeel Desai (Ind) /Pranjala Yadlapalli (Ind) 6-2, 6-4;
Lina Glushko (Isr) /Aleksandra Krunic (Srb) bt Camilla Rosatello (Ita) /Panna Udvardy (Hun) 2-6, 7-6(7), [10-7]
Alicia Barnett (Gbr) /Rutuja Bhosale (Ind) bt Dalila Jakupovic (Slo) [3] /Laura Pigossi (Bra) 6-7(5), 6-4, [10-4];
Maria Kozyreva [2] /Iryna Shymanovich bt Shrivalli Rashmikaa Bhamidipaty (Ind) /Vaidehi Chaudhari (Ind) 6-2, 6-1;
Yuriko Lily Miyazaki (Gbr) /Kathinka Von Deichmann (Lie) bt Priska Madelyn Nugroho (Ina) /Alana Smith (Usa) 6-2, 6-4;
Alice Robbe (Fra) /Tina Nadine Smith (Aus) bt Jessica Failla (Usa) /Ekaterina Yashina 6-2, 7-6(4)

एनइसीसी डेक्कन जिमखाना आयटीएफ 75,000डॉलर महिला टेनिस स्पर्धेत एकेरीत भारताच्या श्रीवल्ली रश्मिका भामिदीप्ती, सहजा यमलापल्ली यांची आगेकूच  
पुणे, 28 जानेवारी 2025: डेक्कन जिमखाना यांच्या वतीने आयोजित नॅशनल एग कॉर्डीनेशन कमिटी(एनइसीसी) यांनी प्रायोजित केलेल्या व आयटीएफ, एआयटीए आणि एमएसएलटीए यांच्या मान्यतेखाली 24व्या एनइसीसी डेक्कन जिमखाना आयटीएफ 75,000डॉलर महिला टेनिस स्पर्धेत मुख्य ड्रॉमध्ये पहिल्या फेरीत एकेरीत भारताच्या श्रीवल्ली रश्मिका भामिदीप्ती, सहजा यमलापल्ली यांनी आपापल्या प्रतिस्पर्धी खेळाडूंचा पराभव करून दुसऱ्या फेरीत प्रवेश केला. 
डेक्कन जिमखाना टेनिस कोर्ट या ठिकाणी सुरु असलेल्या या स्पर्धेत मुख्य ड्रॉमध्ये एकेरीत पहिल्या फेरीत भारताच्या वाईल्ड कार्ड द्वारे प्रवेश केलेल्या श्रीवल्ली रश्मिका भामिदीप्ती हिने अमेरिकेच्या एलाना स्मिथचा 6-1, 6-2 असा सहज पराभव करून दुसरी फेरी गाठली. हा सामना 1 तास 20 मिनिटे चालला. सामन्यात पहिल्या सेटमध्ये श्रीवल्लीने जोरदार खेळ करत चौथ्या गेममध्ये स्मिथची सर्व्हिस भेदली. या सेटमध्ये आपले वर्चस्व कायम राखत हा सेट 6-1 असा सहज जिंकला. दुसऱ्या सेटमध्ये स्मिथने श्रीवल्लीची तिसऱ्या गेममध्ये सर्व्हिस रोखली व 2-1 अशी आघाडी घेतली. पण हि आघाडी तिला फार काळ टिकवता आली नाही. पुढच्याच गेममध्ये श्रीवल्लीने स्मिथची सर्व्हिस ब्रेक केली व सामन्यात बरोबरी साधली. त्यानंतर श्रीवल्लीने आपल्या बिनतोड सर्व्हिस व आक्रमक खेळाच्या जोरावर हा सेट स्मिथविरुद्ध 6-2 असा जिंकून विजय मिळवला. 
संघर्षपूर्ण लढतीत वाईल्ड कार्ड द्वारे प्रवेश केलेल्या भारताच्या सहजा यमलापल्लीने क्वालिफायर जपानच्या नाहो सातोचा टायब्रेकमध्ये 6-7(4), 6-1, 6-3 असा पराभव करून दुसऱ्या फेरीत धडक मारली. सहजा हिने सातोचे आव्हान 2 तास 35 मिनिटात मोडीत काढले. पात्रता फेरीतून मुख्य फेरीत प्रवेश केलेल्या चीनच्या फॅंग्रेन टीयान हिने भारताच्या वैष्णवी आडकरचा 6-3, 6-4 असा पराभव केला.  अन्य लढतीत इटलीच्या कॅमिला रोसाटेल्लो हिने चेक प्रजासत्ताकच्या सारा बेजलेकचा 3-6, 1-6, 6-4 असा तीन सेटमध्ये पराभव करून अनपेक्षित निकाल नोंदवला. 
दुहेरीत पहिल्या फेरीत भारताच्या ऋतुजा भोसले हिने ग्रेट ब्रिटनच्या ॲलिसिया बार्नेटच्या साथीत तिसऱ्या मानांकित स्लोव्हाकियाच्या दलिला जाकुपोविक व ब्राझीलच्या लॉरा पिगोस्सीचा 6-7(5), 6-4, [10-4] असा पराभव करून सनसनाटी निकालाची नोंद केली. 
निकाल: एकेरी: मुख्य ड्रॉ: पहिली फेरी: 
फॅंग्रेन टीयान (चीन)वि.वि.वैष्णवी आडकर(भारत) 6-3, 6-4;
सहजा यमलापल्ली(भारत)वि.वि.नाहो सातो (जपान) 6-7(4), 6-1, 6-3;
लॉरा पिगोस्सी [5](ब्राझील)वि.वि.एलेव्हटिना इब्रागिमोव्हा(रशिया) 6-4, 6-0;
टीना नादिन स्मिथ (ऑस्ट्रेलिया) वि.वि.एरियाना गीर्लिंग्स (स्पेन) 6-3, 7-6(4);
कॅमिला रोसाटेल्लो (इटली)वि.वि.सारा बेजलेक[2](चेक प्रजासत्ताक) 3-6, 1-6, 6-4;
श्रीवल्ली रश्मिका भामिदीप्ती (भारत)वि.वि.एलाना स्मिथ(अमेरिका)6-1, 6-2;
लिओलिया जीनजीन (फ्रांस) [1]वि.वि.ॲलिस रॉब्बी(फ्रांस)6-1, 6-2; 
इरिना श्यामानोविच वि.वि.जरीना दियास (कझाकस्तान)3-6, 6-2, 6-2;
कॅथीन्का वॉन डीचमन[4](लिकटेंस्टाईन)वि.वि.दारिया कुडाशोवा 6-4, 6-3;

दुहेरी: पहिली फेरी:
इडेन सिल्वा (ग्रेट ब्रिटन) /एनास्तेसिया तिखोनोव्हा [1]वि.वि.इनेस इब्बो (अल्जेरिया) /नैमा कारामोको (स्वित्झर्लंड)7-6(6), 6-4;
अलेव्हटीना इब्रागिमोवा /एलेना प्रिडांकिना [4]वि.वि.वैष्णवी आडकर (भारत) /माया राजेश्वरन रेवती (भारत)7-6(6), 6-7(7), [10-7];
डायना मार्सिन्केविका(लात्विया) /नाहो सातो (जपान) वि.वि.झील देसाई (भारत) /प्रांजला यडलापल्ली (भारत)6-2, 6-4;
लीना ग्लुश्को (इस्त्राईल) /अलेक्झांड्रा क्रुनिक (सर्बिया)वि.वि.कॅमिला रोसाटेल्लो (इटली) /पन्ना उदवर्दी (हंगेरी) 2-6, 7-6(7), [10-7]
ॲलिसिया बार्नेट(ग्रेट ब्रिटन) /ऋतुजा भोसले (भारत) वि.वि.दलिला जाकुपोविक(स्लोव्हाकिया) [3] /लॉरा पिगोस्सी(ब्राझील)6-7(5), 6-4, [10-4];
मारिया कोझीरेवा [2] /इरिना श्यामानोविच वि.वि.श्रीवल्ली रश्मिका भामिदीप्ती(भारत) /वैदेही चौधरी (भारत)  6-2, 6-1;
युरिको लिली मियाझाकी(ग्रेट ब्रिटन) /कॅथीन्का वॉन डीचमन(लिकटेंस्टाईन) वि.वि.प्रिस्का मॅडेलिन नुग्रोहो (इंडोनेशिया) /एलाना स्मिथ(अमेरिका)6-2, 6-4;
ॲलिस रॉब्बी(फ्रांस) /टीना नादिन स्मिथ (ऑस्ट्रेलिया)वि.वि.जेसिका फैल्ला(अमेरिका) /एकतेरिना याशिना6-2, 7-6(4)

Ankita goes down fighting on opening round of 24th edition of NECC Deccan 75K ITF Women’s Tennis T...

Published : 27/Jan/2025

Ankita goes down fighting on opening round of 24th edition of NECC Deccan 75K ITF Women’s Tennis Tournament
Pune, January 27,2025: India's top women player Ankita Raina showed glimpses of causing a upset but went down against seventh seeded Russian Elena Pridanka in the main draw  opening round of the  24th edition of NECC Deccan 75K ITF Women’s Tennis Tournament which is being organized by Deccan Gymkhana and sponsored by National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC) under the auspices of the ITF, AITA and MSLTA  and played at the Deccan Gymkhana Tennis Courts 
In a match lasting 2 hour 37  the 19 year old Pridankina  currently ranked came back from the loss of the first set to register a  6-7(6), 6-4, 6-3  win over 32 year and 286th Ranked Raina to enter the round of  16. In another match involving Indian player  Russian Tatiana Prozorova  ranked 250  proved solid for 386th ranked  Indian Wildcard Vaidehi Chaudhari  winning 6-3, 6-3 in a 1 hour 16 minutes match.
In the final round qualifying match fourth seeded  Kazakh Zarina Diyas  proved too strong for sixteenth seeded  Zeel Desai  winning  6-1, 6-2 and ensuring no Indian entered the Main draw .Naho Sato (Jpn) [3] bt  Ekaterina Yashina [11]6-1, 6-0 . Second seeded Alevtina Ibragimova  , Daria Kudashova of Russia , Camilla Rosatello of Italy ,Alana Smith  of USA , Fangran Tian  of China and Spain's Ariana Geerlings  were the other qualifiers 
The tournament was inaugurated by Dr Vishwajeet Kadam, MLA and Secretary of Bharati Vidyapeeth, Mr. BSR Shastri of NECC, Mr. Sunder Iyer, Hon Secretary of MSLTA and Mr Vikrant Sane, Tournament Director and Tennis Secretary of Deccan Gymkhana. Mr. Vishwas Lohkare, Council Member of MSLTA, Mr. Mihir Kelkar, Hon Secretary of Deccan Gymkhana, Mr. Girish Inamdar, Finance Secretary of Deccan Gymkhana,  and ITF Supervisor Sheetal Iyer were present on the occasion. 
Results: Final Qualifying Round:

Naho Sato (Jpn) [3] bt  Ekaterina Yashina [11]6-1, 6-0;

Alevtina Ibragimova [2] bt  Diana Marcinkevica (Lat) [15] 6-0, 6-3;

Daria Kudashova [5] bt Alice Robbe (Fra) [14] 6-3, 6-2;

Zarina Diyas (Kaz) [4] bt  Zeel Desai (Ind) [16] 6-1, 6-2;

Camilla Rosatello (Ita) [1] bt Maria Kozyreva [10] 6-2, 6-4;

Alana Smith (Usa) [6] bt Ekaterina Maklakova [12]6-4, 6-0;

Fangran Tian (Chn) [13] bt Kira Pavlova [8] 6-4, 6-0;

Ariana Geerlings (Esp) [7] bt Jessica Failla (Usa) [9] 6-2, 6-4;


Main Draw: Singles: First Round:

Elena Pridankina [7] Bt Ankita Raina (Ind) 6-7(6), 6-4, 6-3;

Panna Udvardy (Hun) [3] bt Priska Madelyn Nugroho (Ina) 6-3, 6-4;

Lina Glushko (Isr) bt Petra Marcinko (Cro) 7-5, 1-0;

Yuriko Lily Miyazaki (Gbr) [6] bt Dalila Jakupovic (Slo)7-6(3), 6-4;  

Tatiana Prozorova  bt Vaidehi Chaudhari (Ind)6-3, 6-3;

Anastasia Tikhonova bt Linda Fruhvirtova (Cze) 0-6, 7-5, 6-4;

Emina Bektas (Usa) [8] bt Mei Yamaguchi (Jpn)6-2, 6-1;

एनइसीसी डेक्कन जिमखाना आयटीएफ 75,000डॉलर महिला टेनिस स्पर्धेत एकेरीत भारताच्या अंकिता रैना, वैदेही चौधरी यांचे आव्हान संपुष्टात 
पुणे, 27 जानेवारी 2025: डेक्कन जिमखाना यांच्या वतीने आयोजित नॅशनल एग कॉर्डीनेशन कमिटी(एनइसीसी) यांनी प्रायोजित केलेल्या व आयटीएफ, एआयटीए आणि एमएसएलटीए यांच्या मान्यतेखाली  24व्या एनइसीसी डेक्कन जिमखाना आयटीएफ 75,000डॉलर महिला टेनिस स्पर्धेत मुख्य ड्रॉमध्ये पहिल्या फेरीत एकेरीत भारताच्या अंकिता रैना, वैदेही चौधरी यांना पराभवाचा सामना करावा लागल्याने त्यांचे आव्हान संपुष्टात आले. 
डेक्कन जिमखाना टेनिस कोर्ट या ठिकाणी सुरु असलेल्या या स्पर्धेत मुख्य ड्रॉमध्ये एकेरीत पहिल्या फेरीत चुरशीच्या लढतीत सातव्या मानांकित रशियाच्या एलिना प्रिदांकिना हिने भारताच्या अंकिता रैनाचा टायब्रेकमध्ये ६-७(६), ६-४, ६-३ असा संघर्षपूर्ण पराभव केला. हा सामना २ तास ३७ मिनिटे चालला. रशियाच्या तातियाना प्रोझोरोव्हा हिने भारताच्या वैदेही चौधरीचे आव्हान ६-३, ६-३ असे संपुष्टात आणले. हंगेरीच्या तिसऱ्या मानांकित पन्ना उदवर्दी हिने इंडोनेशियाच्या प्रिस्का मॅडेलिन नुग्रोहोचा ६-३, ६-४ असा पराभव करून दुसरी फेरी गाठली. इस्त्राईलच्या लीना ग्लुश्कोने क्रोएशियाच्या पेट्रा मार्सिंकोचा ७-५, १-० असा तर, ग्रेट ब्रिटनच्या सहाव्या मानांकित युरिको लिली मियाझाकीने स्लोव्हाकियाच्या दलीला जाकुपोविकचा ७-६(३), ६-४ असा पराभव केला. रशियाच्या एनास्तेसिया तिखोनोव्हाने चेक प्रजासत्ताकच्या लिंडा फ्रुविर्तोव्हाचे आव्हान ०-६, ७-५, ६-४ असे मोडीत काढले. अमेरिकेच्या आठव्या मानांकित एमिना बक्तासने जपानच्या मेई यामागुचीला ६-२, ६-१ असे नमविले. 

याआधी स्पर्धेचे उदघाटन आमदार व भारती विद्यापीठचे सचिव डॉ. विश्वजित कदम, एनइसीसीचे व्यवस्थापकीय संचालक बीएसआर शास्त्री, एमएसएलटीएचे मानद सचिव सुंदर अय्यर आणि डेक्कन जिमखानाच्या टेनिस विभागाचे सचिव व स्पर्धा संचालक विक्रांत साने यांच्या हस्ते करण्यात आले. यावेळी एमएसएलटीएचे कौन्सिल समिती सदस्य विश्वास लोहकरे, डेक्कन जिमखानाचे मानद सचिव मिहिर केळकर, क्लबच्या वित्तीय विभागाचे सचिव गिरीश इनामदार, आयटीएफ सुपरवायझर शितल अय्यर आदी मान्यवर उपस्थित होते.
निकाल: महिला: एकेरी: अंतिम पात्रता फेरी:
नाहो सातो[३](जपान)वि.वि.एकतेरिना याशिना [११](रशिया)६-१, ६-०;
एलेव्हटिना इब्रागिमोव्हा [२](रशिया)वि.वि.डायना मार्सिन्केविका[१५]लात्विया)६-०, ६-३;
दारिया कुदाशोवा [५](रशिया)वि.वि.ॲलिस रॉबी[१४](फ्रांस)६-३, ६-२;
जरीना दियास [४](कझाकस्तान)वि.वि.झील देसाई [१६](भारत)६-१, ६-२;
कॅमिला रोसाटील्लो [१](इटली)वि.वि.मारिया कोझीरेवा [१०](रशिया) ६-२, ६-४;
एलाना स्मिथ[६] (अमेरिका)वि.वि.एकतेरिना मक्लाकोवा [१२](रशिया)६-४, ६-०;
फॅन्ग्रान टीयान [१३](चीन)वि.वि.किरा पावलोवा [८](रशिया) ६-४, ६-०;
एरियाना गिरलिंग्स [७](स्पेन)वि.वि.जेसिका फैल्ला[९](अमेरिका)६-२, ६-४;
मुख्य ड्रॉ: एकेरी: पहिली फेरी:
एलिना प्रिदांकिना[७](रशिया)वि.वि.अंकिता रैना (भारत) ६-७(६), ६-४, ६-३;
पन्ना उदवर्दी[३](हंगेरी)वि.वि.प्रिस्का मॅडेलिन नुग्रोहो (इंडोनेशिया) ६-३, ६-४;
लीना ग्लुश्को (इस्त्राईल)वि.वि.पेट्रा मार्सिंको (क्रोएशिया) ७-५, १-०;
युरिको लिली मियाझाकी (ग्रेट ब्रिटन) [६]वि.वि.दलीला जाकुपोविक(स्लोव्हाकिया)७-६(३), ६-४; 
तातियाना प्रोझोरोव्हा(रशिया) वि.वि.वैदेही चौधरी (भारत)६-३, ६-३;
एनास्तेसिया तिखोनोव्हा(रशिया) वि.वि.लिंडा फ्रुविर्तोव्हा (चेक प्रजासत्ताक)०-६, ७-५, ६-४; 
एमिना बक्तास (अमेरिका) [८] वि.वि.मेई यामागुची (जपान)६-२, ६-१. 

NECC Deccan upgraded to 75K ITF Women’s Tennis Tournament

Published : 25/Jan/2025

NECC Deccan upgraded to  75K  ITF Women’s Tennis Tournament 


Pune, January 24,2025: India’s longest running and popular international tennis tournament  the  NECC Deccan ITF Women’s Tennis Tournament    played at the Deccan Gymkhana Tennis Courts has been Upgraded to an ITF 75K event  this year


The 24th edition of the event which is  being organized under the auspices of the ITF, AITA and MSLTA by Deccan Gymkhana and sponsored by National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC) Will be played on the Deccan Gymkhana courts from 26 January to February 1, 2025.


The event has been upgraded to a 75K event from an 50K event last year with the help and initiative of the International Tennis Federation (ITF) and the AITA, “We are happy to support the event which will celebrate its Silver Jubilee next year”, said Sunder Iyer Hon Secretary of MSLTA we intend to make this a 100K event next year to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of the event Next year , he added


The event enjoys the distinction of being one of the longest running international tournament in the world with the same sponsor National Egg Coordination Committee ( NECC)   has given women’s tennis a new dimension in India after an initiative taken  by Mrs. Anuradha Desai 24years ago , added Dr Vikrant Sane Tournament Director.


The event which will see players from over 21countries  will offer $75000 ( Rs 65 Lakhs) as Prize money apart from 75 WTA Points for the winner in the singles and doubles category. We hope this event will continue to grow and prove beneficial to Indian players who have opportunity to make valuable WTA points, he added


Latvian Darja Semenistaja ranked 120 in the world and winner of the last years edition of L&T Mumbai Open will be top seed of the event followed by French Girl  Leolia Jeanjean( 149),   Sara Bejlek  of Czech republic they will be followed by Hungarian  Panna Udvardy . Liechtenstein’s   Kathinka von Deichmann , Dutch player  Arianne Hartono , Brazilian Laura Pigossi and Thailand’s  Lanlana Tararudee


The tournament has seen past winners like Emma Raducanu, Aryna Sabalenka, Bojana Jovanovski, Magda Linette, Kateryna Bondarenko, Moyuka Uchijima who all went to become top 50 players on the WTA tour.


In the last 24 years the event has grown from a $5000 event to now a 50 K event, the event held yearly since 2001 as a $5000 event, from 2002–2005 it was upgraded to US$10,000 event, and then was upgraded to $25,000 in 2006-2008. In 2009, it was $50,000 to celebrate 10 years of the event. Since 2010 till 2020 it has been a $25,000 event, before becoming a 35K and 50 K event in 2022-24.


The winner will get 75 WTA Points, the Runners up 49 WTA points, The semifinalists 29 points , Quarterfinalists will get 16 points , while first round winner will receive 9 points , while  1 point is awarded for entry into the event . The qualifier will get 3 points while the first round winner in the qualifying will get 2 points. The doubles winner will receive 75 WTA Points, while the runners-up pair will get 49points, the semifinalists will get 29 points, while the quarterfinalists will get 16 points, while the round of sixteen pair will get 1WTA point. The ITF has designated Gold Badge Referee Ms Sheetal Iyer, as the supervisor for this tournament. 


The tournament will be inaugurated by Mr. Murlidhar Mohol, Minister of State for Civil Aviation and Cooperation while Dr Vishwajeet Kadam MLA and Secretary of Bharati Vidyapeeth will preside over the function alongside Mr. BSR Shastri of NECC


Following are the probable list:


1. Darja Semenistaja(Lat, 120), 2. Leolia Jeanjean(Fra, 149), 3. Sara Bejlek(CAE, 156), 4. Panna Udvardy(Hun, 157), 5. Kathinka von Deichmann(LIE, 162),  6. Arianne Hartono(Ned, 164), 7.Laura Pigossi(Bra, 165), 8. Lanlana Tararudee(Tha,178)




एनइसीसी डेक्कन आयटीएफ 75,000डॉलर महिला टेनिस स्पर्धेस 26 जानेवारीपासून प्रारंभ
  • यंदाच्या वर्षीच्या मालिकेत स्पर्धेच्या रकमेत वाढ 
पुणे, 24 जानेवारी 2025: एनईसीसी डेक्कन आयटीएफ महिला टेनिस स्पर्धा ही भारतातील दीर्घकाळ चालत असलेली प्रसिद्ध आंतरराष्ट्रीय स्पर्धा असून यंदाच्या वर्षीच्या मालिकेत स्पर्धेच्या रकमेत वाढ झाली असून ती आता आयटीएफ 75,000डॉलर करण्यात आली आहे. 
डेक्कन जिमखाना यांच्या वतीने आयोजित नॅशनल एग कॉर्डीनेशन कमिटी(एनइसीसी) यांनी प्रायोजित केलेल्या व आयटीएफ, एआयटीए आणि एमएसएलटीए यांच्या मान्यतेखाली  24व्या एनइसीसी डेक्कन आयटीएफ 75,000डॉलर महिला टेनिस स्पर्धेचे आयोजन करण्यात आले आहे .हि स्पर्धा डेक्कन जिमखाना टेनिस कोर्ट या ठिकाणी 26 जानेवारी ते 1 फेब्रुवारी 2025 या कालावधीत रंगणार आहे.

आंतरराष्ट्रीय टेनिस संघटना(आयटीएफ), एआयटीए यांच्या पुढाकाराने यावर्षी या स्पर्धेचा दर्जा आणखी उंचावण्यात आला असून गतवर्षीच्या 50,000डॉलर रकमेची स्पर्धा आता यावर्षी 75, 000डॉलर आयोजित करण्यात आली आहे.  पुढील वर्षी हि स्पर्धा आपले रौप्य महोत्सवी वर्ष साजरे करणार असून यावर्षी हि स्पर्धा 1,00,000डॉलर करण्याचा आमचा मानस असल्याचे एमएसएलटीएचे मानद सचिव सुंदर अय्यर यांनी सांगितले. 


 24 वर्षांपुर्वी नॅशनल एग कॉर्डीनेशन कमिटीच्या(एनइसीसी) च्या अनुराधा देसाई यांनी घेतलेल्या पुढाकाराने एकाच प्रयोजकाचा पाठिंबा लाभलेली आणि सर्वाधिक कालावधीसाठी सुरु असलेली आंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तरावरील स्पर्धांपैकी ही एक स्पर्धा असल्याचे डेक्कन जिमखानाचे टेनिस विभागाचे सचिव व स्पर्धा संचालक डॉ. विक्रांत साने यांनी सांगितले. 

यावर्षी स्पर्धेत जगभरातील 21 देशांहून अधिक खेळाडूंनी आपला सहभाग नोंदवला असून स्पर्धेची एकूण रक्कम  75,0

MSLTA and CCI to Host Fourth Edition of L&T Mumbai Open WTA 125K Series Event

Published : 22/Jan/2025

 MSLTA and CCI to Host Fourth Edition of L&T Mumbai Open   WTA 125K Series Event

Mumbai, xx January, 2025: The most talented and upcoming players from across the globe will be seen in action at the fourth edition of the L&T Mumbai Open in February, 2025. L&T has shown its continued support and will be the title sponsor for the WTA Mumbai Open for the third consecutive years now.

The event which will be organised by the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and will be held at the Cricket Club of India (CCI). The tournament will commence on February 1st with the qualifying round, the Main Draw of the event will begin on 3rd February with the finals scheduled on 9th February at the Cricket Club of India.

Mr Sanjay Khandare and Mr Pravin Darade, both IAS officers and Core members of the Organising Committee, said that it will be an exciting week of tennis for fans in Mumbai. “We are delighted to open our doors for the L&T Mumbai Open for a fourth time. After a fantastic three editions in the previous years, we are looking forward to witnessing riveting contests through the week. Mumbai is the city of dreams, and the fans always make it special for the players who come here, and we are confident of more of the same this season too. The courts at CCI have played host to some of the top names, and we are confident that this year will be an eventful one as well,” they said.

Among the top names involved in the WTA 125 tournament is Tatjana Maria, who is ranked 89 in the world, and will be looking to clinch her fourth singles title in her career. The right-handed Tatjana, who has achieved a career-high ranking of 42, reaching  a Wimbledon semi-final as the sixth female player in the Open Era over the age of 34 in 2022. She has also won the 2023 and 2024 Copa Colsanitas WTA 250 Event in Colombia on clay.  

Along with her, Rebecca Marino from Canada, with a world rank of 98 will headline the singles draw. She achieved her highest WTA singles ranking of world No. 38 in 2011, and will be gunning for her second WTA singles title. In November 2024, she won the Dow Tennis Classic in USA on hard court.

Spain’s Nuria Parrizas-Diaz (World Rank 104) has been ranked as high as world no. 45 in her career, and has won three WTA Challenger titles in her career. Parrizas-Diaz, who has overcome a lengthy battle with a career-threatening shoulder injury in 2016, has had some of her best results on the hard courts. Nuria started the year on a strong note having reached the semi-final of the WTA 125 Workday Canberra International and will be hoping to build on her momentum in Mumbai.

2024 Mumbai Open champion Latvian Darja Semenistaja, who currently holds a rank of 120, will also be back to defend her crown. In a well-fought final, Semenistaja had defeated the Australian Storm Hunter 5–7, 7-6, (8-6), 6–2.  Harriet Dart (World Rank 113), who previously played a Wimbledon Mixed-doubles final in 2021, and  helped Great Britain reach the semi-finals of the Billie Jean King Cup in 2022 and 2024. Not alien to the courts in Mumbai, Dart is aiming for her first WTA 125 title ever. 

Among the Future stars  19-year-old Alexandra Eala of Philippines who was has been selected  by Rafael Nadal to train at his academy  is also one to watch out for.  Ranked 138, Alexandra has won one singles and two doubles Junior Grand Slams and is the highest ranked Filipino player ever. She had an early crash out in the Australian Open this year but will be hoping to bounce back at the L&T Mumbai Open in February. Petra Marcinko Former World No 1 Junior from Croatia and a former Australian Junior Double crown winner is one of the young guns to have entered the event

Ranked 133, Jil Teichmann, who has secured two singles and two doubles titles on the WTA Tour, in addition to one WTA 125 doubles title, will also be competing in the tournament. Former World No. 1 in doubles and nine-time Grand Slam champion in doubles, Kristina Mladenovic will also be seen in action. In her prime, Mladenovic was ranked World No. 10 in singles but is currently ranked 215 and will be hoping to do well and improve her ranking in Mumbai.

The L&T Mumbai Open which made a comeback after a span of six years in 2024, witnessed some exciting contests last year. While the outdoor hard-court tournament was won by the Latvian Darja Semeņistaja in the Singles draw, the doubles crown went to the pair of Dalila Jakupović and Sabrina Santamaria.

  This is the fourth edition of the L&T Mumbai Open with past singles champions including world No 2 Sabalenka (2017) and Thailand's Luksika Kumkhum (2018). 

About the L&T Mumbai Open WTA 125 Series:

Mumbai Open Tennis Championships is heading into its fourth year, and returned to Mumbai after a gap of six years in 2024. Previously, the 2024 Australian Open champion Aryna Sabalenka had won the 2017 edition of the Mumbai Open as a teenager, while Thailand's Luksika Kumkhum won the title in 2018. Latvia’s Darja Semeņistaja claimed the crown in 2024.

NECC ITF W75 2025 Pune - Champions of the Past, Legends Forever!

Published : 21/Jan/2025

Champions of the Past, Legends Forever!                            </div>  

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MSLTA Masters Tournament 2024: A Showcase of Emerging Tennis Talent

Published : 16/Jan/2025

MSLTA Masters Tournament 2024: A Showcase of Emerging Tennis Talent

The Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) recently hosted its Annual Masters Tournament, a prestigious event that brought together the top eight players from each of the Under 10, Under 12, and Under 14 age groups. This tournament serves as a crucial platform for showcasing the burgeoning tennis talent within Maharashtra, providing a competitive environment for young players to hone their skills and strive for excellence.

Tournament Highlights

  • Under 10: The Under 10 category witnessed intense competition at Navsahyadri Krida Sankul in Pune from December 25th to 28th, 2024.
  • Under 12 & 14: The Under 12 and Under 14 events shifted to the MSLTA courts in Mumbai, where the action unfolded from January 2nd to 5th, 2025.

Rewarding Success:

The MSLTA Masters Tournament not only provides a competitive stage for young players but also recognizes their achievements with substantial cash prizes. The top four finishers in each category received the following awards:

  • 1st Position: ₹10,000
  • 2nd Position: ₹8,000
  • 3rd Position: ₹6,000
  • 4th Position: ₹4,000

The Under 10 category witnessed intense competition at the Navsahyadri Krida Sankul in Pune from 25th to 28th December 2024. In the boys' category, Lahoti Ethan emerged victorious, while Oak Gargi reigned supreme in the girls' division.


The Under 12 and Under 14 tournaments held at the MSLTA courts in Mumbai from 2nd to 5th January 2025. Yashvantraje Pawar and Tamanna Nair claimed the boys' and girls' titles respectively in the Under 12 category. In the Under 14 category, Darsh Khedekar and Swanika Roy emerged as champions.





Boys Under 10

  • Winner: Lahoti Ethan
  • Runner-up: Aland Shlok
  • Third Place: Deshpande Aarush
  • Fourth Place: Upadhaye Aaditya

Girls Under 10

  • Winner: Oak Gargi
  • Runner-up: Jadhav Sejal
  • Third Place: Bhagat Adira
  • Fourth Place: Ritisha Nehe

Boys Under 12

  • Winner: Yashvantraje Pawar
  • Runner-up: Vir Chattur
  • Third Place: Soham Ransumbhe
  • Fourth Place: Aarav Bele

Girls Under 12

  • Winner: Tamanna Nair
  • Runner-up: Srushti Suryavanshi
  • Third Place: Myra Shaikh
  • Fourth Place: Shaurya Patil

Girls Under 14

  • Winner: Swanika Roy
  • Runner-up: Shravee Deore
  • Third Place: Aarohi Deshmukh
  • Fourth Place: Eshal Pathan

Boys Under 14

  • Winner: Darsh Khedekar
  • Runner-up: Aarav Chhallani
  • Third Place: Ansh Ramani
  • Fourth Place: Dhruv Sehgal


The tournament provides an invaluable opportunity for young players to enhance their skills, build confidence through match experience, and compete against the best in the state.

Published : 03/Jan/2025

Vaishnavi wins first career singles title , wins coveted double crown winning doubles title .

Published : 28/Dec/2024

Vaishnavi wins first career singles title , wins coveted double crown winning doubles title .

Pune’s 20-year-old tennis player, Vaishnavi Adkar, clinched her first ITF singles title winning the ITF W15 Women’s Tennis Championship held at the Ace Tennis Academy in Ahmedabad. She defeated Denmark’s Elena Jamshidi with a commanding 6-2, 6-1 victory in under an hour.


Adkar, who trains at Bounce Tennis Academy under coach Kedar Shah and is supported by MSLTA, and  Lakshya sports , has been a professional for nearly two years.

 This victory marks a significant milestone in her career, making her the first player from Pune in last three years to secure a professional women’s singles title since Rutuja Bhosale.


In addition to her singles success, Adkar partnered with fellow Pune player Pooja Ingle to win the doubles title. The duo overcame the Japanese pair of Anri Nagata and Honoka Kobayashi in a closely contested match, finishing with scores of 6-3, 2-6, 12-10.


Earlier in the tournament, Adkar showcased her skills by defeating Maaya Rajeshwaran in the quarterfinals and second-seeded Zeel Desai in the semifinals.


These achievements highlight Adkar’s growing prominence in the tennis circuit and her potential for future successes.


MSLTA Plans Grand 2025 Tennis Season with Rs. 63 Lakh Budget

Published : 28/Dec/2024

From the Secretary Desk 


MSLTA Plans Grand 2025 Tennis Season with Rs. 63 Lakh Budget


It has been good year for MSLTA in terms of layer performance. Our players have done exceptionally well in all age groups as As MSLTA, we are proud of all the children and their performances


In 2024, we launched a mentoring programme the first of its kind for the under 12 age group and we plan to extend this to the under 14 age group as well. A camp will be held for the under 14 age group in the beginning of the 2025.


We have also planned  a schedule of tournaments and initiatives for For the year 2025. At the recently concluded, council meeting It has been decided To organise Organise C7, SS EVENTS across Maharashtra. Every zone will have at least 4CS7, and 1SS Tournament in the coming year, which will be supported by MSLTA.


This will ensure that Maharashtra will conduct 3 National Tournaments: 32 Championship Series Tournaments  in each of the 8 zones.8  Super Series Tournament and  6 National Series Tournaments:


MSLT will be all also organising 12  AITA Ranking Men’s and women’s  1 lakh Tournaments across Maharashtra


MSLTA will be conducting the Maharashtra state championship For the year 2024.. The Under 14 Tournament will be held at Kolhapur  , the Under 17 Event will be held at Nashik , While men in the woman cements will be held at Nagpur


The Road to MSLTA event will take place at EMMTC, Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar, in the first week of May 2025, further showcasing emerging tennis talent.


Every year, MSLTA gives away theAnnual District Scholarships for Young Talent From every zone  by awarding annual district scholarships of ₹15,000 to the best performers from each zone. This year’s recipients are:

1.     Vrundika Rajput  – Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar

2.     Devraj Mandade – Amravati

3.     Shaurya Patil – Kolhapur

4.     Pranav Gaikwad – Nagpur

5.     Gargi Oak – Solapur

6.     Archan Pathak – Nashik


The MSLTA Interclub Tournaments continues to be popular with many more participants and clubs playing every year .

MSLTA Interclub Rest of Maharashtra Tournament: Scheduled to take place at the MSLTA Tennis Center in Solapur from 10th to 12thJanuary, 2025.

MSLTA Interclub Masters Tournament: Proposed to be held at PYC Gymkhana, Pune, from 21st to 23rdFebruary, 2025.

MSLTA has also lined up a long calendar of International events in the next three months MSLTA  will be Will be organising a 70 K Woman’s ITF Deccan Gymkhana in Pune This will be followed by  By the 125K L&T Mumbai open at CCI in Mumbai And the 100 Maha open ATP Challenger In Pune. We would not have been able to put together a total prize money of our $300,000 dollars without the support of the government of Maharashtra WTA, ATP, ITF

These initiatives highlight MSLTA’s commitment to fostering talent and promoting tennis across Maharashtra, creating opportunities for players to compete and excel at state and national and international levels.


I would like to thank my colleagues in the MSLTA council,  Our sponsors , various District Association and  affiliated clubs for coming forward and conducting events and supporting the growth of Tennis in our state


I wish Each and everyone happy New Year and pray for the best of health and spirits in 2025, and hope the year will be better than the last year


Yours Truly

Sunder Iyer 

Hon Secretary MSLTA

MSLTA Masters Under-10 Tournament and Suhana Smart U10 Camp

Published : 27/Dec/2024

The top 8 boys and girls in the Under-10 category have been selected for the MSLTA Masters Under-10 Tournament and Suhana Smart U10 Camp. Senior Coache, Mr. Himanshu Gosavi and Avyakta Thorat, are leading the camp and mentoring our young talent. The camp is organised at Naisahyadri Krida Sankul, Pune.

Ankita Raina navigates a tough opener against Valentini Grammatikopoulou

Published : 20/Dec/2024

Ankita Raina navigates a tough opener against Valentini Grammatikopoulou




Top seed Ankita Raina overcame an indifferent start to beat Valentini Grammatikopoulou of Greece 1-6, 6-4, 6-4 in the first round of the $40,000 ITF women’s tennis tournament at the Ganesh Naik Complex on Tuesday.


In the pre-quarterfinals, Ankita will play Thasaporn Naklo of Thailand.


The champion of the tournament last week in Solapur, Shrivalli Bhamidipaty beat the runner-up of that event, Bunyawi Thamchaiwat of Thailand yet again, with a 6-4, 6-2 margin in the first round.


Shrivalli will play qualifier Zuzanna Pawlikowska of Poland in the second round.


Riya Bhatia beat compatriot Tanisha Kashyap 6-3, 6-4 to set up a pre-quarterfinal against eighth seed Priska Nugroho of Indonesia.


The results:

Singles (first round): Ankita Raina bt Valentini Grammatikopoulou (Gre) 1-6, 6-4, 6-4; Thasaporn Naklo (Tha) bt Diana Marcinkevica (Lat) 6-1, 7-5; Zuzanna Pawlikowska (Pol) bt Honoka Kobayashi (Jpn) 6-0, 6-1; Shrivalli Bhamidipaty bt Bunyawi Thamchaiwat (Tha) 6-4, 6-2; Naho Sato (Jn) bt Akanksha Nitture 7-6(

The inauguration ceremony of the Shri. Ganesh Naik's Initiative, 11th International Women's Tennis C...

Published : 20/Dec/2024

The inauguration ceremony of the Shri. Ganesh Naik's Initiative, 11th International Women's Tennis Championship-2024 took place Yesterday at 5:00 pm at the Ganesh Naik Tennis Complex in Navi Mumbai. The ceremony was attended by several distinguished dignitaries, including Mr. Akshay Kumar Kar, Dy. Zonal Manager of Indian Bank, Mr. Arindham Ghosh, Chief Technical Head of Star Union Dai-Chi Life Insurance, and Ms. Payal K, CSR Head of Tata Power, who was the Guest of Honour.


The organizing committee of NMSA, including Dr. Dilip Rane, Tournament Director and Vice President of NMSA and MSLTA, Dr. S. R. Phadnis, Hon. General Secretary of NMSA, and committee members Dr. Vijay R. Patil, Mr. Vijay S. Patil, and Ms. Shilpa Kenya, were also present at the ceremony.


 The inauguration ceremony was followed by a captivating dance program by the students of Anchorwala School, Vashi, and an info-western dance program by Ms. Bhavika Jain and her team. The event was a grand success, and the organizers have requested that the news be published in esteemed newspapers.


 The 11th International Women's Tennis Championship-2024 is being organized by the Navi Mumbai Sports Association (NMSA) and will feature some of the world's top women's tennis players competing for the coveted

Shrivalli wins singles title at Oasis Solapur Open MSLTA – SDLTA $ 25K ITF Womens Tennis

Published : 20/Dec/2024

Shrivalli wins singles title at Oasis Solapur Open MSLTA – SDLTA $ 25K ITF Womens Tennis


Solapur, December 15: Shrivalli Rasmikaa Bhamidipathy of India win the singles title at Oasis Solapur Open MSLTA – SDLTA $ 25K ITF Women's Tennis Tournament which is being organised by Solapur District Lawn Tennis Association(SDLTA) in association with MSLTA and played at MSLTA Tennis Center, Solapur.


In a match lasting 2Hours and 45 minutes the fifth seeded Shrivalli Rashmikaa Bhamidipaty scored a 7-5,6-3 win over Thailand’s Bunyawi Thamchaiwat . This was Shrivalli’s second career title.


The singles winner pair received trophy and Rs.2,99,000/-,while runner up got trophy and Rs.1,74,000/-.


Results: Main Draw: Final Round: Singles: Womens:

Shrivalli Rashmikaa Bhamidipaty (Ind) [5] bt 

Bunyawi Thamchaiwat (Tha) 7-5, 6-3. (2hour 45minutes)

Shrivalli in finals of Oasis Solapur Open MSLTA – SDLTA $ 25K ITF Womens Tennis

Published : 14/Dec/2024

Shrivalli in finals of Oasis Solapur Open MSLTA – SDLTA $ 25K ITF Womens Tennis

Solapur, December 14:  Fifth seed Shrivalli Rashmikaa Bhamidipaty upset second seeded Sahaja Yamalapalli and will take on Thailand’s Bunyawi Thamchaiwat in the singles  final of the Oasis Solapur Open MSLTA – SDLTA $ 25K ITF Women's Tennis Tournament which is being organised by Solapur District Lawn Tennis Association(SDLTA) in association with MSLTA and played at MSLTA Tennis Center, Solapur.

In  the  semifinals Shrivalli Rashmikaa Bhamidipaty out smarted Sahaja Yamalapalli 6-3, 6-1 while Thailand’s Bunyawi Thamchaiwat of Thailand upset fourth seed Zhibek Kulambayeva of Kazakhstan

 Thamchaiwat placed herself in line for a double crown lifting the doubles title in partnership with country mate Thasaporn Naklo  the Thai pair overcame the Indian pair of  Akanksha Nitture and  Soha Sadiq 6-4, 6-2 for the title

The doubles winner pair received trophy and Rs.128000/-,while runner up got trophy and Rs.74000/-.

Results: Main Draw: Semifinal Round: Singles: Womens:
Shrivalli Rashmikaa Bhamidipaty (Ind) [5] bt Sahaja Yamalapalli (Ind) [2] 6-3, 6-1;
Bunyawi Thamchaiwat (Tha) bt  Zhibek Kulambayeva (Kaz) [4] 6-1, 6-4;

Shrivalli , Sahaja in singles semis at Oasis Solapur Open MSLTA – SDLTA $ 25K ITF Womens Tennis

Published : 14/Dec/2024

Shrivalli , Sahaja in singles semis at Oasis Solapur Open MSLTA – SDLTA $ 25K ITF Womens Tennis


Solapur, December 13:   Sahaja Yamlapalli  and Srivalli Bhamidipathy scored contrasting wins to enter the singles semi final round at the Oasis Solapur Open MSLTA – SDLTA $ 25K ITF Women's Tennis Tournament which is being organised by Solapur District Lawn Tennis Association(SDLTA) in association with MSLTA and played at MSLTA Tennis Center, Solapur.

 In quarter finals fifth seed Sh Shrivalli , Sahaja  in singles semis at Oasis Solapur Open MSLTA – SDLTA $ 25K ITF Womens Tennis
rivalli Rashmikaa Bhamidipaty crafted the biggest upset toppling third seeded Tiantsoa Sarah Rakotomanga Rajaonah of France 6-2, 4-6, 7-6(5)

In another quarter final match second seed Sahaja Yamalapalli overpowered Russian Ekaterina Yashina 6-3, 6-0;

Bunyawi Thamchaiwat  of Thailand and Kazakhstan’s Zhibek Kulambayeva are the other semi finalists

In the Doubles finals tomorrow Indian pair of  Akanksha Nitture and  Soha Sadiq will take on Thai pair of  Thasaporn Naklo and Bunyawi Thamchaiwat
Results: Main Draw: Quarterfinal Round: Singles: Womens:
Shrivalli Rashmikaa Bhamidipaty (Ind) [5] bt Tiantsoa Sarah Rakotomanga Rajaonah (Fra) [3] 6-2, 4-6, 7-6(5); 
Bunyawi Thamchaiwat (Tha) bt  Eva Garkusha 3-6, 7-6(5), 6-4;
Zhibek Kulambayeva (Kaz) [4] bt Diana Marcinkevica (Lat) [8] 6-0, 6-4;
Sahaja Yamalapalli (Ind) [2] bt Ekaterina Yashina [6] 6-3, 6-0;
Doubles: Semifinal Round:
Akanksha Nitture (Ind) / Soha Sadiq (Ind) bt  Viera Deeperm (Tha) / Madhurima Sawant (Ind) 7-6(4), 5-7, 10-8; 
Thasaporn Naklo (Tha) / Bunyawi Thamchaiwat (Tha) bt Vaishnavi Adkar (Ind) / Sahaja Yamalapalli (Ind) 7-5, 6-4.

Shrivalli, Sahaja in quarter finals at Oasis Solapur Open MSLTA – SDLTA $ 25K ITF Womens Tennis

Published : 13/Dec/2024

Shrivalli, Sahaja in quarter finals at Oasis Solapur Open MSLTA – SDLTA $ 25K ITF Womens Tennis

Vaishnavi , Akansha go down fighting

Solapur, December 12:   Shrivalli Bhamidipathy and Sahaja Yamlapalli were the only  Indians to make it to the last eight as other Indian players went down in the second round at the Oasis Solapur Open MSLTA – SDLTA $ 25K ITF Women's Tennis Tournament which is being organised by Solapur District Lawn Tennis Association(SDLTA) in association with MSLTA and played at MSLTA Tennis Center, Solapur.
    In  the second round fifth seed Shrivalli Rashmikaa Bhamidipaty  was given a fight by Thailand’s Punnin Kovapitukted before winning 6-3, 3-6, 6-1 , second seed
Sahaja Yamalapalli  easily overcame qualifier Laalitya Kalluri 6-1, 6-0;  

Third seeded Tiantsoa Sarah Rakotomanga Rajaonah  scraped past a fighting Akanksha Nitture  and managed to win 4-6, 7-5, 7-6(7)in a match lasting over 2 hours and 30 mins . Eighth seed Diana Marcinkevica of Latvia survived  a credible fight against 19 year old Vaishnavi Adkar  managing to win 7-5, 3-6, 7-5 in another 2 hour 20 minute battle

Vaishnavi  later tied up with Sahaja Yamalapalli to upset the second seeded pair of Zuzanna Pawlikowska  of  Poland and French girl Tiantsoa Sarah Rakotomanga Rajaonah  6-4, 3-6, 11-9 to enter the semi finals

In a an upset Thai girl Bunyawi Thamchaiwat  upset  seventh seeded Valentini Grammatikopoulou of Greece 6-4, 6-2 to make the last eight

Results: Main Draw: Second Round: Singles: Womens:
Shrivalli Rashmikaa Bhamidipaty (Ind) [5] bt Punnin Kovapitukted (Tha) 6-3, 3-6, 6-1;  
Ekaterina Yashina [6] bt  Humera Baharmus (Ind) 6-2, 6-1;  
Bunyawi Thamchaiwat (Tha) bt  Valentini Grammatikopoulou (Gre) [7] 6-4, 6-2;
Zhibek Kulambayeva (Kaz) [4] bt Ekaterina Kazionova 6-4, 7-5;  
Sahaja Yamalapalli (Ind) [2] bt Laalitya Kalluri (Ind) 6-1, 6-0;  
Tiantsoa Sarah Rakotomanga Rajaonah (Fra) [3] bt  Akanksha Nitture (Ind) 4-6, 7-5, 7-6(7);  
Thasaporn Naklo (Tha) bt Eva Garkusha 6-4, 6-2;  
Diana Marcinkevica (Lat) [8] bt Vaishnavi Adkar (Ind) 7-5, 3-6, 7-5;
Doubles: Quarterfinal Round:
Akanksha Nitture (Ind) / Soha Sadiq (Ind) bt  Humera Baharmus (Ind) / Pooja Ingale (Ind)0-6, 6-3, 12-10;
Vaishnavi Adkar (Ind) / Sahaja Yamalapalli (Ind) bt  Zuzanna Pawlikowska (Pol) [2] /Tiantsoa Sarah Rakotomanga Rajaonah (Fra)  6-4, 3-6, 11-9;  
Viera Deeperm (Tha) / Madhurima Sawant (Ind) bt  Smriti Bhasin (Ind) / Sravya Shivani Chilakalapudi (Ind)3-6, 7-6(5), 10-7;
Thasaporn Naklo (Tha) / Bunyawi Thamchaiwat (Tha) bt Ishwari Matere (Ind) / Yashaswini Panwar (Ind) 6-1, 6-4.

Under 10 Ranking

Published : 12/Dec/2024

Under 10 Ranking



Boys under 10: -


Girls Under 10: -

MSLTA MASTERS 2024 - List of selected players for MSLTA Masters 2024

Published : 11/Dec/2024



List of selected players for MSLTA Masters 2024

Shrivalli,Humera, Lalitya, Akansha in round two at Oasis Solapur Open MSLTA – SDLTA $ 25K ITF Wome...

Published : 11/Dec/2024

Shrivalli,Humera, Lalitya, Akansha in round two at Oasis Solapur Open MSLTA – SDLTA $ 25K ITF Womens Tennis

Solapur, December 11: Four Indian Girls Shrivalli Bhamidipathy , Humera Baharmus, Lalitya Kalluri, and Akansha Nitture moved into the second round of the singles at the Oasis Solapur Open MSLTA – SDLTA $ 25K ITF Women's Tennis Tournament which is being organised by Solapur District Lawn Tennis Association(SDLTA) in association with MSLTA and played at MSLTA Tennis Center, Solapur.
Fifth seed Shrivalli Rashmikaa Bhamidipaty outplayed Ekaterina Reyngold  of Russia 6-4, 6-1 .In a battle between wild cards Humera Baharmus got the better of Soha Sadiq 6/2, 6-4.

Laalitya Kalluri rallied out wild card Sejal Bhutada 6-3, 1-6, 6-0 in another match while Akanksha Nitture outsmarted Smriti Bhasin 7-5, 6-4 to make the round of sixteen.

Zeel Desai put on a good fight against eighth seed Diana Marcinkevica  of Latvia but could not get the win as the Latvian won 6-2, 0-6, 6-4 to end Zeel’s challenge.

Results: Main Draw: First Round: Singles: Womens:
Shrivalli Rashmikaa Bhamidipaty (Ind) [5] bt Ekaterina Reyngold 6-4, 6-1; 
Humera Baharmus (Ind) bt Soha Sadiq (Ind)6-2, 6-4;  
Diana Marcinkevica (Lat) [8] bt Zeel Desai (Ind) 6-2, 0-6, 6-4; 
Valentini Grammatikopoulou (Gre) [7] bt Aakruti Sonkusare (Ind)6-1, 6-2; 
Ekaterina Kazionova bt Zuzanna Pawlikowska (Pol)3-6, 7-6(6), 6-1; 
Ekaterina Yashina [6] bt Maria Mikhailova 6-1, 6-3; 
Laalitya Kalluri (Ind) bt Sejal Bhutada (Ind) 6-3, 1-6, 6-0; 
Akanksha Nitture (Ind) bt Smriti Bhasin (Ind)7-5, 6-4; 
Eva Garkusha bt Tanisha Kashyap (Ind) 6-2, 7-5; 

Humera Baharmus (Ind) / Pooja Ingale (Ind) bt Riya Bhatia (Ind) / Zeel Desai (Ind) [4]  6-4, 4-6, 13-11; 
Thasaporn Naklo (Tha) / Bunyawi Thamchaiwat (Tha) bt Ekaterina Kazionova [3] / Ekaterina Reyngold 7-5, 6-2; 
Vaishnavi Adkar (Ind) / Sahaja Yamalapalli (Ind) bt Abhilasha Bista (Nep) / Paavanii Paathak (Ind) 6-3, 6-1. 

Sahaja , Vaishnavi in round two at Oasis Solapur Open MSLTA – SDLTA $ 25K ITF Womens Tennis

Published : 10/Dec/2024

Sahaja , Vaishnavi  in round two at Oasis Solapur Open MSLTA – SDLTA $ 25K ITF Womens Tennis

Solapur, December 10:   Second seeded Sahaja Yamlapalli , Vaishnavi Adkar were the two Indian players to make it to the second round of the singles at the Oasis Solapur Open MSLTA – SDLTA $ 25K ITF Women's Tennis Tournament which is being organised by Solapur District Lawn Tennis Association(SDLTA) in association with MSLTA and played at MSLTA Tennis Center, Solapur.
Sahaja Yamalapalli  winner of the last edition here proved too strong for qualifying Ishwari Matere  handing her a double bagel to win 6-0, 6-0;  Vaishnavi Adkar outplayed wild card  Madhurima Sawant  6-0, 6-1; to enter the round of sixteen. 

Among other Indians in action Thailand’s Bunyawi Thamchaiwat  rallied past Riya Bhatia 6-0, 6-3 , third seeded Tiantsoa Sarah Rakotomanga Rajaonah  of France was given tough fight in the first set by Pooja Ingale finally winning 7-5, 6-2;

In the doubles Indian pair  of Smriti Bhasin  and Sravya Shivani Chilakalapudi  upset the top seeded pair  of. Valentini Grammatikopoulou of Greece  and Russian Ekaterina Yashina  6-4, 6-2 to enter the quarterfinal

Results: Main Draw: First Round: Singles: Womens:
Vaishnavi Adkar (Ind) bt Madhurima Sawant (Ind) 6-0, 6-1;
Bunyawi Thamchaiwat (Tha) bt Riya Bhatia (Ind) 6-0, 6-3;
Sahaja Yamalapalli (Ind) [2] bt Ishwari Matere (Ind)6-0, 6-0;
Thasaporn Naklo (Tha) bt Viktoria Morvayova (Svk)6-4, 6-1;
Tiantsoa Sarah Rakotomanga Rajaonah (Fra) [3] bt Pooja Ingale (Ind)7-5, 6-2;  
Punnin Kovapitukted (Tha) bt Bela Tamhankar (Ind)6-1, 6-1;
Zhibek Kulambayeva (Kaz) [4] bt Paavanii Paathak (Ind)6-1, 6-3;

Smriti Bhasin (Ind) / Sravya Shivani Chilakalapudi (Ind) bt Valentini Grammatikopoulou (Gre) / Ekaterina Yashina [1] 6-4, 6-2;
Viera Deeperm (Tha) / Madhurima Sawant (Ind) bt Sonal Patil (Ind) /Abhaya Vemuri (Ind) 6-1, 2-6, 10-8;
Ishwari Matere (Ind) / Yashaswini Panwar (Ind) bt Aakruti Sonkusare (Ind) / Sahira Singh (Ind) 7-6(7), 6-3;
Akanksha Dileep Nitture (Ind) / Soha Sadiq (Ind) bt Diana Marcinkevica (Lat) / Viktoria Morvayova (Svk) 6-0, 0-6, 10-7;
Zuzanna Pawlikowska (Pol) [2] /Tiantsoa Sarah Rakotomanga Rajaonah (Fra) bt Maria Mikhailova / Sofiia Nagornaia (Isr) 6-3, 6-2; 


Wildcard Sonkusare makes main draw at Oasis Solapur Open MSLTA – SDLTA $ 25K ITF Womens Tennis

Published : 09/Dec/2024

Wildcard Sonkusare makes main draw at Oasis Solapur Open MSLTA – SDLTA $ 25K ITF Womens Tennis

Solapur, December 9:  Local girl Aakruti Sonkusare( justified her qualifying wildcard securing a upset over eighth seeded Paavanii Pathak 3-6, 6-4, 10-7  and qualify for the main draw of the Oasis Solapur Open MSLTA – SDLTA $ 25K ITF Women's Tennis Tournament which is being organised by Solapur District Lawn Tennis Association(SDLTA) in association with MSLTA and played at MSLTA Tennis Center, Solapur.
Other Indian players to qualify were Pooja Ingle , Smriti Bhasin ,  Bela Tamhankar , Lalitya Kalluru and Ishwari Matere Russians Maria Mikhailova and Eva Garkusha were the other qualifiers to make the main draw. 
Thailand player Thasaporn Naklo  will lead the seeding list for the main draw which gets underway from Tuesday last years winner  Sahaja Yamalapalli will. E seeded second French player Rakotomanga Rajaonah, Tiantsoa Sarah will be seeded third  followed by Kazakhstan’s Zhibek Kulambayeva another Indian Shrivalli Rashmikaa Bhamidipatybhas been given the fifth seed  followed by Russian Ekaterina Yashina , Greek Valentini Grammatikopoulou and Latvian Diana Marcinkevica

Results: Final Qualifying Round:
Eva Garkusha[1](Rus) bt Abhaya Vemuri(Ind)[12]  6-1, 6-2;
(WC)Aakruti Sonkusare(Ind) bt Paavanii Pathak(Ind)[8] 3-6, 6-4, 10-7;  
Pooja Ingle(Ind)[5] bt Varshita Pathania(Ind) [13] 6-1, 6-1;  
Smriti Bhasin(Ind)[3] bt Laxmisiri Dandu(Ind) 6-2, 6-4;  
Bela Tamhankar(Ind)[14) bt Siri Patil(Ind)  6-1, 0-6, 10-8;
Lalitya Kalluru(Ind) bt  Vaelria Monko(Rus) 0-6, 6-4, 10-6;
Maria Mikhailova (Rus)[4] bt Yashaswini Panwar(Ind)[15] 4-6, 6-2, 10-4;  
Ishwari Metere(Ind) bt  Pratyusha Rachapudi(Ind)[10]  6-4, 3-0 retd;

Following are the seeding list: Singles:
1.  Thasaporn Naklo (Tha), 2 Sahaja Yamalapalli(Ind), 3 Rakotomanga Rajaonah, Tiantsoa Sarah(Fra), 4  Zhibek Kulambayeva(Kaz), 5 Shrivalli Rashmikaa Bhamidipaty(Ind), 6 Ekaterina Yashina(Rus), 7 Valentini Grammatikopoulou(Gre), 8 Diana Marcinkevica(Lat)

1. Grammatikopoulou, V (Gre)[1] Yashina, Ekaterina, 2.Pawlikowska, Z(Pol) [2]/ Rakotomanga Rajaonah, T(Fra), 3.Kazionova, E [3] /Reyngold, Ekaterina(Rus), 4.Riya Bhatia / Zeel Desai(Ind)[4]


The MSLTA Masters 2024 Tournament and Camp

Published : 07/Dec/2024

MSLTA Masters 2024


The MSLTA Masters 2024 Tournament and Camp in the categories Boys and Girls under 10, 12 and 14 will be conducted on 25th – 28th December 2024 at the following venues

1.     Boys and Girls under 10 at Pune

2.     Boys and Girls under 12 and 14 Practennis Tournament Centre, Khopoli

Players are selected on the basis of their MSLTA and AITA ranking as on 10th December 2024.

Oasis Solapur Open MSLTA – SDLTA $ 25K ITF Womens Tennis from December 8

Published : 07/Dec/2024

Oasis Solapur Open MSLTA – SDLTA $ 25K ITF Womens  Tennis  from December 8 


Solapur, December 7 :   It will be an opportunity for Indian Girls to gain valuable points at home as seven Indian players  have made it to the main draw of the  Oasis Solapur Open MSLTA – SDLTA $ 25K ITF Women's  Tennis Tournament which is being organized by Solapur District Lawn Tennis Association(SDLTA) in association with MSLTA and played at MSLTA Tennis Center, Solapur.  
Sofia Costoulas of Belgium ranked 291 will lead the rankings list at the event which will see players from 13 countries participate in the event which will be held continuously for the ninth year ,   Sahaja Yamplapalli who came into limelight winning the title here last year will try to  retain her crown  and will be seen in action alongside other Indians Shrivalli Rashmikaa Bhamidipathy , Zeel Desai , Riya Bhatia ,  and youngsters Vaishnavi Adkar , Akansha Nitture Tanisha Kashyap .
Four other Indian players will make it to the main draw as wildcards , they include  Sejal Bhutada , Madhurima Sawant  , Humera Baharmus  and Soha Sadiq . The winner of the event will get  35 WTA points , while runner up will get  23 points , the semi finalists will recieve  14 points , while the quarterfinalist will get 8 points and the round of sixteen  4 points each with the qualifier getting  1 point 
Rajeev Desai the tournament director informed that the event at Solapur  has attracted good crowds as this is the only  regular international event in Solapur , The city which is one of the emerging cities i n Maharashtra Tennis  has produced many junior national champions from the city and district including Olympian Prarthana Thombare . The event has been promoted with the help of a group of local sponsors every year who are given title sponsorship on a rotation which has been unique to the tournament . Oasis Group is the title sponsor this year with Balaji Almines , Precision Camshafts and Jamshri being the other sponsors this year .  
  ITF Supervisor Nitin Kannamwar has been appointed as the Supervisor of the event. 
ओअॅसिस सोलापूर ओपन एमएसएलटीए - एसडीएलटीए 25हजार डॉलर महिला आयटीएफ टेनिस स्पर्धेत 13 देशांतील खेळाडू सहभागी 
  • स्पर्धेस आज(8 डिसेंबर)पासून प्रारंभ 
सोलापूर, 7 डिसेंबर 2024- महाराष्ट्र राज्य लॉन टेनिस असोसिएशन व सोलापूर जिल्हा लॉन टेनिस असोसिएशन यांच्या संयुक्त विद्यमाने आयोजित व ओअॅसिस, प्रिसीजन, इलिझियम- जामश्री व बालाजी अमाईन्स पुरस्कृत ओअॅसिस सोलापूर ओपन एमएसएलटीए - एसडीएलटीए 25हजार डॉलर महिला आयटीएफ टेनिस स्पर्धेत 13 देशांतील खेळाडूंनी आपला सहभाग नोंदवला आहे. हि स्पर्धा 8 ते 15 डिसेंबर 2024 या कालावधीत एम. एस. एल. टी. ए. टेनिस सेंटर, जिल्हा क्रीडा संकुल, कुमठा नाका, सोलापूर येथे रंगणार आहे. 
स्पर्धेत 13 देशांतील खेळाडूंनी आपला सहभाग नोंदवला असून यामध्ये बेल्जीयमच्या सोफिया कोस्तुलस हिला अग्रमानांकन देण्यात आले आहे. स्पर्धेचे सलग नववे वर्ष असून या स्पर्धेत गतवर्षी सहजा यमलापल्ली हिने विजेतेपद पटकावले होते. यांसह श्रीवल्ली रश्मीका भामिदिप्ती, झील देसाई, रिया भाटिया, युवा खेळाडू वैष्णवी आडकर, आकांक्षा नित्तूरे, तनिशा कश्यप हे भारतीय खेळाडू आपले कौशल्य पणाला लावणार आहेत.  
स्पर्धेत सेजल भुतडा, मधुरिमा सावंत, हुमेरा बहारमूस, सोहा सादिक या भारतीय महिला टेनिसपटूंना वाईल्ड प्रदान करण्यात आले आहे. स्पर्धेतील विजेत्या खेळाडूला 35 डब्लूटीए गुण, उपविजेत्या खेळाडूला 23 डब्लूटीए गुण देण्यात येणार आहेत. याशिवाय उपांत्य फेरीतील खेळाडूला 14 गुण, उपांत्यपूर्व फेरीतील 8 गुण आणि उप उपांत्यपूर्व फेरीतील खेळाडूला 4 गुण, मुख्य ड्रॉमधील खेळाडूला 1 गुण देण्यात येणार आहेत. 
 स्पर्धा संचालक राजीव देसाई यांनी सांगितले की, सोलापूर येथे सातत्याने होत असलेल्या आंतरराष्ट्रीय स्पर्धांमुळे दर्जेदार खेळाडू या स्पर्धेत सहभागी होतात. राज्यांतील टेनिस क्षेत्रात सोलापूर हे शहर उभरत चालले असून ऑलिम्पिकपटू प्रार्थना ठोंबरे यांसारखे अनेक कुमार राष्ट्रीय खेळाडू या शहरातून निर्माण झाले आहेत. ओअॅसिस गुरुप हे या स्पर्धेचे मुख्य प्रायोजक असून प्रिसीजन, इलिझियम- जामश्री व बालाजी अमाईन्स यांचे सह प्रायोजकत्व लाभले आहे. 
स्पर्धेची एकुण बक्षिस रक्कम 25,000/- अमेरिकन डॉलर असून स्पर्धेतील खेळाडूंना जागतिक मानांकन गुण देखील प्राप्त होणार आहेत. अशा प्रकारची अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्पर्धा सोलापूरात नवव्यांदा भरविण्यात येत आहे. ही बाब सोलापूरसाठी अत्यंत अभिमानाची व प्रतिष्ठेची आहे. या स्पर्धेसाठी भारतासह 14 देशातुन एकूण ५६ महिला सहभागी होणार असुन यामध्ये 19 महिला खेळाडू या परदेशी आहेत.

सोलापूर व लगतच्या जिल्हयामध्ये लॉन टेनिस खेळाचा प्रसार व प्रचार व्हावा व सोलापूरचे नांव जागतिक पातळीवर व्हावे या उद्देशाने या स्पर्धा आयोजित केल्याचे जिल्हा संघटनेचे अध्यक्ष राजेश दमाणी यांनी सांगितले. या स्पर्धेसाठी आंतरराष्ट्रीय टेनीस फेडरेशनने पुण्याच्या नितिन कन्नमवर यांची सामना पर्यवेक्षक तर राज्य संघटनेचे संयुक्त सचिव राजीव देसाई यांची सामना संचालक म्हणून नियुक्ती केलेली आहे.

या स्पर्धेसाठी पंच म्हणून अखिल भारतीय लॉन टेनिस संघटनेने श्रीराम गोखले (पुणे), सुरजित बंडोपाध्याय (कलकत्ता), अमित देशपांडे (पुणे), पोत्रुसामी (चेन्नई), यश संत (पुणे), अमोल पुजारी (पुणे) यांची नियुक्ती केलेली आहे. या स्पर्धेसाठी फिजीओथेरपीस्ट निकिता चव्हाण (पुणे), श्वेतांबरी चव्हाण (सोलापूर), इव्हेंट मॅनेजर संध्याराणी बंडगर, दळणवळण समन्वयक मोनिका आळंद, भोजन व्यवस्था सुनंदा पवार व संतोष पवार पाहणार आहेत. तर व्हेन्यु इंनचार्ज म्हणून सुधीर सालगुडे व पुजा सालगुडे काम पाहणार आहेत.

स्पर्धेचा उदघाटन समारंभ सोमवार दिनांक 9 डिसेंबर 2024 रोजी सायंकाळी 5.00 वाजता मा. सौ भाग्यश्री जाधव-खेतमाळीस, अधिक्षक, राज्य उत्पादन शुल्क, सोलापूर यांच्या शुभहस्ते होणार आहे.स्पर्धेत उत्कृष्ट बॉल पिकरची सेवा बजावणा-या मुला-मुलींना भेटवस्तु देऊन गौरवण्यात येईल. या स्पर्धेसाठी 95-MYFM हे रेडिओ पार्टनर म्हणून काम पाहणार आहेत.स्पर्धेचे पात्रता फेरीचे सामने दि. 8 व 9 डिसेंबर रोजी तर मुख्य फेरीचे सामने दि. 10 डिसेंबर 2024 पासुन सकाळी 9 ते संध्याकाळी5 वाजेपर्यंत खेळविले जातील.

या स्पर्धेच्या आयोजनासाठी आली पंजवानी, मेहुल पटेल, ब्रिजेश गांधी, केशव रेडडी, सुहास अदमाने, श्रीधर देवसानी, असिम सिंदगी, राजेश पवार, अभिजित टाकळीकर, सुनिल मदन, डॉ. वैभव मेरु, डॉ साजिद सय्यद, उज्वल कोठारी, डॉ सुरेश कुमार, परेश शहा, संतोष फाटक यांचे सहकार्य लाभले.

Rishita , Aron lift singles titles at Gadre Seafoods -MSLTA ITF Grade 3 Junior Tennis Championship

Published : 07/Dec/2024

Rishita , Aron lift singles titles  at Gadre Seafoods -MSLTA ITF Grade 3 Junior Tennis Championship
Pune, December 7, 2024:  Rishita Reddy Basireddy of India and Aaron Gabot of  France lifted the Girls and the boys singles titles at the   Gadre Seafoods - MSLTA ITF Junior Grade 3 U18 tennis Championships for the MV Deo Trophy organised by  Deccan Gymkhana Under the auspices of ITF, AITA PMDTA which concluded  at the Deccan Gymkhana Tennis Courts
16 year old Rishita who was the second seed here won her third title in a row after J60 in Guwhati, J 100 in Delhi   upsetting  top seeded Aoi Watanabe of Japan  6-2, 7-5 in a 1hour 51minutes match , Rishita who hails from Hyderabad and trains under  coaches Narender Nath  and  Vasudeva Reddy made a 100 points here and total of 260 ITF points from 3 weeks of the circuit in India which will take her to around 130 in the world in 2025 ensuring she enters the qualifying of the Grand Slams next year . Rishita is being supported by Lakshya and Amalgam Steel under their Project Grand Slam initiative .
Fifth seeded Aaron Gabet of France took 1 hour and 45 minutes to stop the brilliant run of India's upcoming player  Arjun Rathi in a well contested finals  Gabet  a trainee of the  tennis academy Thomas Sabateli won 6-4, 6-4 , to become the second French player in two years to clinch  the Boys singles title at the event.   French boys Moise Kouame had claimed the title in the last edition 
The winner received  the MV Deo trophy and ,while runner up got the trophies and certificates .  The prizes were given away at the hands of Mr. Sankalp Thali, Global Head, Sales & Marketing, Gadre Marine Export Pvt. Ltd, Mr. Sunder Iyer, Hon Secretary of MSLTA, Mr. Miheer Kelkar, Hon. Secretary Deccan Gymkhana, Dr. Vikrant Sane, Tournament Director & Hon. Secretary Tennis Department Deccan Gymkhana and ITF Supervisor Vaishali Shekatkar were present on the occasion.
Results: Main Draw: final Round:  
Rishitha Reddy Basireddy (Ind) [2] bt Aoi Watanabe(Jpn)[1] 6-2, 7-5. 


 Aaron Gabet (Fra) (5)  bt Arjun Rathi 6-4,6-4. 

Arjun , Rishita in finals of Gadre Seafoods -MSLTA ITF Grade 3 Junior Tennis Championship

Published : 07/Dec/2024

Arjun , Rishita in finals of Gadre Seafoods -MSLTA ITF Grade 3 Junior Tennis Championship

Pune, December 6, 2024: Arjun Rathi  and Rishita Reddy  Basireddy  entered the boys and girls singles finals at the   Gadre Seafoods - MSLTA ITF Junior Grade 3 U18 tennis Championships for the MV Deo Trophy organised by  Deccan Gymkhana Under the auspices of ITF, AITA PMDTA at the Deccan Gymkhana Tennis Courts

In the semi finals Arjun Rathi who had won a similar grade event in Delhi last week kept his run ending the challenge of 15 year old Vihaan Reddy of USA 7-5, 6-2 , he will take on fifth seed  Aaron Gabet of . France who registered 7-5,6-2 win over Russian Fedor Altukhov .

In the Girls singles semifinal second seeded Rishita Reddy Basireddy edged out Aishwarya Jadhav  6-3, 4-6, 7-6(3) in a close match lasting 3 hours , Rishita will now clash with topseeded Japanese Aoi Watanabe who out rallied Fourth Seed Yasaman Yazdani of Iran 6-4, 7-5;

Japanese pair of Cocomi Saito  and Rio Wakayama  claimed the girls doubles event as they edged out Riya Sachdeva  of India and Aoi Watanabe of Japan 6-3, 3-6, 10-8. Russian boys Alan Aiukhanov and Fedor Altukhov  won the doubles title winning 7-5,7-5 against New Zealand's Cody Atkinson and Roshan Santhosh  of USA . The winner received MV Deo trophy and ,while runner up got trophy.  The prizes were given away at the hands of ITF White Badge Referee Leena Nageshkar, Former Davis Cup Player Sandeep Kirtane, Dr. Vikrant Sane, Tennis Secretary of Deccan Gymkhana and ITF Supervisor Vaishali Shekatkar 
Results: Main Draw: Semifinal Round: Boys:
Arjun Rathi (Ind) bt Vihaan Reddy (Usa) 7-5, 6-2;
Aaron Gabet (Fra) [5] bt Fedor Altukhov 7-5, 6-2;
Aoi Watanabe(Jpn)[1] bt Yasaman Yazdani(IRI)[4] 6-4, 7-5; 
Rishitha Reddy Basireddy (Ind) [2] bt 
Aishwarya Jadhav (Ind) 6-3, 4-6, 7-6(3);
Doubles: Girls: Final Round: 
Cocomi Saito (Jpn) / Rio Wakayama (Jpn) bt Riya Sachdeva (Ind) / Aoi Watanabe (Jpn) 6-3, 3-6, 10-8;
Alan Aiukhanov / Fedor Altukhov bt  Cody Atkinson (Nzl) [2] / Roshan Santhosh (Usa) 7-5, 7-6(7).

Heisnam , Mundhe register upsets at Gadre Seafoods -MSLTA ITF Grade 3 Junior Tennis Championship

Published : 02/Dec/2024

Heisnam , Mundhe  register upsets at  Gadre Seafoods -MSLTA ITF Grade 3 Junior Tennis Championship
Pune, December 2, 2024:  Shanker Heisnam  and Parthsarthi Mundhe caused upsets in the opening round of the Boys and Girls  events at the   Gadre Seafoods- MSLTA ITF  Junior Grade 3 U18 tennis Championships for the MV Deo Trophy organized by  Deccan Gymkhana Under the auspices of ITF, AITA PMDTA at the Deccan Gymkhana Tennis Courts

In the first round main draw  Shanker Heisnam  of Manipur showed his mettle leading 6-3,3-0  before fourth seeded  Roshan Santhosh  of USA retired citing Injury , in one of the best matches of the day wildcard Parthsarthi Mundhe justified  the organisors decision to award her a direct entry into the main draw as a wild card toppling eight seeded  Priyanka Rana  of USA    7-6(2), 7-5 in an intense clash .
In other first round matches in the boys section   Sehaj Singh Pawar  registered a  6-4, 6-1 over Japanese Taisei Hata  , while 
Samarth Sahita   crafted a  7-6(5), 6-3 win over Kunanan Pantaratorn  Thailand  , another  Indian player Kandhavel Mahalingam Akilandeshwari  recorded a  7-6(3), 6-2 win over  Japanese Kanata Ozaki  
In the Girls matches Belarusian Alexandra Bayuschenko  was given a fight by local girl Prisha  Shinde  before winning  6-4, 1-6, 6-4 , Kolhapur girl
Aishwarya Jadhav rallied out 
Malika Amirgalieva of Kazakhstan 7-6(3), 6-4 to enter the second round.

The tournament was inaugurated by Mr. Sankalp Thali, Head, Sales & Marketing, Gadre Marine Export Pvt. Ltd, Dr. Asmita Jagtap, Executive Director, Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical Foundation, Health Sciences, Mr. Miheer Kelkar, Hon. Secretary Deccan Gymkhana, Mr. Girish Inamdar, Hon.Finance Secretary Deccan Gymkhana, Dr. Vikrant Sane, Tournament Director & Hon. Secretary Tennis Department Deccan Gymkhana and ITF Supervisor Vaishali Shekatkar were present on the occasion. 

Results: Main Draw: First Round: Boys: 
Vihaan Reddy (Usa) bt Om Patel (Ind) 6-3, 6-2;
Egor Shcherbakov (Rus) [8] bt Tavish Pahwa (Ind) 7-5, 6-2;
Cody Atkinson (Nzl) [3] bt Swaraaj Dhamdhere (Ind) 6-3, 6-3;
Izyan Ahmad (Usa) bt Pratyaksh (Ind) 6-3, 6-3;
Sehaj Singh Pawar (Ind) [7] bt Taisei Hata (Jpn) 6-4, 6-1;
Samarth Sahita (Ind) bt Kunanan Pantaratorn (Tha) 7-6(5), 6-3;
Shanker Heisnam (Ind) bt Roshan Santhosh (Usa) [4] 6-3, 3-0 Retd;
Kandhavel Mahalingam Akilandeshwari (Ind) bt Kanata Ozaki (Jpn) 7-6(3), 6-2;
Alan Aiukhanov (Rus) [2 ]bt Aradhya Kshitij (Ind) 6-2, 6-4;

Alexandra Bayuschenko (Blr) bt Prisha Nikhil Shinde (Ind) 6-4, 1-6, 6-4;
Aishwarya Jadhav (Ind) bt Malika Amirgalieva (Kaz) 7-6(3), 6-4;
Parthsarthi Mundhe (Ind) Bt Priyanka Rana (Usa) [8] 7-6(2), 7-5;
Cocomi Saito (Jpn) bt Aakruti Sonkusare (Ind) 6-3, 6-2;
Laxmisiri Dandu (Ind) [5] bt Diya Ramesh (Ind) 6-2, 6-4;
Nainika Reddy Bendram (Ind) bt Riya Sachdeva (Ind) 6-2, 6-0;
Yuzuha Negishi (Jpn) bt Harsha Oruganti (Ind) 6-1, 6-2.


Sonkusare qualifies for main draw at Gadre Seafoods -MSLTA ITF Grade 3 Junior Tennis Championship

Published : 02/Dec/2024

Sonkusare qualifies for main draw at  Gadre Seafoods -MSLTA ITF Grade 3 Junior Tennis Championship
Pune, December 1, 2024:  State girl Akruti Sonkusare   alongside five other Indian qualified  for the main draw at the   Gadre Seafoods- MSLTA ITF  Junior Grade 3 U18 tennis Championships for the MV Deo Trophy organized by  Deccan Gymkhana Under the auspices of ITF, AITA PMDTA at the Deccan Gymkhana Tennis Courts

In the girls final round qualifying  second seed Aakruti Sonkusare of Solapur  out rallied Aarohi Deshmukh 6-1, 6-1 . In the other matches topseeded Harsha Oruganti registered a 6-2,6-4 win over Shreya Pathare Sai Janvi  got the better of. VG Kasturi 6-1, 6-2, while third seed Anvi Punaganti  scored a relatively easy win over KA Adarai winning 6-2, 6-2;        

In the boys event third seed. Tavish Pahwa ended the challenge of local boy Ahan Shetty winning 6-1, 6-4 while Sriniketh Kannan stopped another local boy Parth Deorukhakar  6-2, 6-2

Nikita Nikolenko of Kazakhstan and Venkat Batlanki of USA were the other qualifiers

Results: Final Qualifying Round: Boys:
Nikita Nikolenko (Kaz) [1] bt Vishal M (Ind) [6] 6-1, 6-2;
Venkat Batlanki (USA) [2] bt Mahit Mekala (Ind) [5] 1-6, 7-5, 10-8;
Tavish Pahwa (Ind) [3]  bt Ahan Shetty (Ind) 6-1, 6-4;
Sriniketh Kannan (Ind) bt  Parth Deorukhakar (Ind) [8] 6-2, 6-2;

Harsha Oruganti (Ind) [1] bt Shreya Pathare (Ind) 6-2, 6-4
Aakruti Sonkusare(Ind) [2] bt Aarohi Deshmukh (Ind)6-1, 6-1
Sai Janvi (Ind) bt VG Kasturi(Ind) 6-1, 6-2
Anvi Punaganti (Ind) [3] bt KA Adarai 6-2, 6-2;       

Nagal , Adkar win singles titles , Double crown for Dubey at 43rd PSPB Inter-Unit Lawn Tennis Tourna...

Published : 30/Nov/2024

Nagal , Adkar win singles titles , Double crown for Dubey at 43rd PSPB Inter-Unit Lawn Tennis Tournament

Pune , November 30 :   Sumit Nagal and Vaishnavi Adkar won the men’s and the women’s singles title, while  Rajkumar Dubey won a double crown at the Bharat Petroleum Organized 43rd PSPB Inter-Unit Lawn Tennis Tournament  organised by Bharat Petroleum which concluded at the Deccan Gymkhana Tennis Courts

In the Mens event Sumit Nagal of Indian Oil Limited registered a 6-4,6–3 win over ONGC’s Vishnu Vardhan,  BPCL’s Vaishnavi Adkar claimed the Wonens singles title out hitting Riya Bhatia Of IOCL  6-3,6-3.

Rajkumar Dubey  won the Double crown in the Veterans event claiming the singles and the doubles title in the singles BPCL A player Dubey registered a 8-6 win over Munesh Sharma  also of BPCL A , in the doubles Dubey in partnership with Sharma registered a  win over  Siddharth Bharali and Diganta Bora  of OIL  6-4, 6-3;

In the Veteran Team Event ONGC  edged out IOCL 2-1 to win the title . Rohan Boppana of IOCL, Vaishnavi Adkar  and. Rajkumar Dubey of BPCL were adjudged the best players of the tournament in the men’s , women’s and  veteran category

The winners got a trophies and medals atThe prizes  at the hands of Mr.VRK Gupta, Director Finance of BPCL, Former Davis Cup Coach Nandan Bal, Mr. D. Parthasarty, General Manager(HR) of BPCL, Mr. Deepak Jain, GM Sports of Bharat  Petroleum were present on the occasion.

Results: Men's Singles: Final Round:
Sumit Nagal(IOCL) bt Vishanu Vardhan(ONGC) 6-4, 6-3;

Women's Singles: Final Round:
Vaishanvi Adkar(BPCL) bt Riya Bhatia(IOCL) 6-2,6-2

Veteran Singles: Final Round:
Rajkumar Dubey(BPCL A) bt Munesh Sharma(BPCL A) 8-6;

Veteran Doubles: Final Round:
Rajkumar Dubey/Munesh Sharma(BPCL A) bt Siddharth Bharali/Diganta Bora (OIL) 6-4, 6-3;

Veteran Team Event: Final Round:
ONGC bt IOCL 2-1(Singles: KS Rawat bt Tribhuvan Kumar 7-5, 6-0; Singles: CSK Bhandari lost to Pankaj Gangwar 6-0, 3-6, 4-6; Doubles: KS Rawat/Amiya Sarkar bt Pankaj Gangwar/Subhash Rajora 6-2, 6-3).

43व्या पीएसपीबी आंतर युनिट लॉन टेनिस स्पर्धेत आयओसीएलच्या सुमित नागल, बीपीसीएलच्या वैष्णवी आडकर यांना विजेतेपद  

  • प्रौढ गटात बीपीसीएल अच्या राजकुमार दुबेला दुहेरी मुकुट
  • प्रौढ सांघिक गटात ओएनजीसी संघाला विजेतेपद

पुणे, 30 नोव्हेंबर 2024: भारत पेट्रोलियम यांच्या तर्फे 43व्या पीएसपीबी आंतर युनिट लॉन टेनिस स्पर्धेत पुरुष व महिला एकेरीत गटात अनुक्रमे इंडियन ऑईल कॉर्पोरेशन लिमिटेड(आयओसीएल)च्या सुमित नागल याने, तर महिला एकेरीत भारत पेट्रोलियम कॉर्पोरेशन लिमिटेड(बीपीसीएल)च्या  वैष्णवी आडकर यांनी विजेतेपद संपादन केले. तर, प्रौढ गटात बीपीसीएल अच्या राजकुमार दुबेने एकेरी व दुहेरी या दोन्ही गटात विजेतेपद पटकावत दुहेरी मुकुट पटकावला आणि प्रौढ सांघिक गटात ओएनजीसी संघाने विजेतेपद पटकावले.

डेक्कन जिमखाना टेनिस कोर्टवर पार पडलेल्या या स्पर्धेत पुरुष एकेरीत अंतिम लढतीत आयओसीएलच्या सुमित नागल याने ओएनजीसीच्या विष्णू वर्धनचा 6-4, 6-3 असा पराभव करून विजेतेपद पटकावले. महिला एकेरीत अंतिम सामन्यात बीपीसीएलच्या वैष्णवी आडकर हिने आयओसीएलच्या रिया भाटियाचा 6-4, 6-4 असा संघर्षपूर्ण पराभव करून विजेतेपदाचा मान पटकावला.

प्रौढ एकेरीत अंतिम फेरीत  बीपीसीएल अच्या राजकुमार दुबे याने मुनेश शर्माचा 8-6 असा पराभव करून विजेतेपद पटकावले. याच गटात दुहेरीत अंतिम फेरीत बीपीसीएल अच्या राजकुमार दुबेने मुनेश शर्माच्या साथीत ओआयएलच्या सिद्धार्थ भराली व दिगंत बोरा यांचा 6-4, 6-3 असा पराभव करून विजेतेपद पटकावले. प्रौढ सांघिक गटात अंतिम फेरीत केएस रावत, अमिया सरकार यांनी केलेल्या विजयी कामगिरीच्या जोरावर ओएनजीसी संघाने आयओसीएल संघाचा 2-1 असा पराभव करून विजेतेपदाला गवसणी घातली. स्पर्धेतील विजेत्या खेळाडूंना करंडक अशी पारितोषिके देण्यात आली. स्पर्धेचे पारितोषिक वितरण बीपीसीएलच्या वित्तीय विभागाचे संचालक व्हीआरके गुप्ता, माजी डेव्हिस कप प्रशिक्षक नंदन बाळ, बीपीसीएलच्या एचआर विभागाचे मुख्य महाव्यवस्थापक डी. पार्थसारथी, भारत पेट्रोलियमच्या क्रीडा विभागाचे सर व्यवस्थापक दिपक जैन यांच्या हस्ते करण्यात आले.  

निकाल: पुरुष एकेरी: अंतिम फेरी:
सुमित नागल (आयओसीएल) वि.वि.विष्णू वर्धन (ओएनजीसी) 6-4, 6-3;

महिला एकेरी: अंतिम फेरी:
वैष्णवी आडकर(बीपीसीएल) वि.वि.रिया भाटिया(आयओसीएल) 6-4, 6-4;

प्रौढ एकेरी: अंतिम फेरी:
राजकुमार दुबे (बीपीसीएल अ) वि.वि.मुनेश शर्मा (बीपीसीएल अ) 8-6;

प्रौढ दुहेरी: अंतिम फेरी:
राजकुमार दुबे/मुनेश शर्मा (बीपीसीएल अ)वि.वि. सिद्धार्थ भराली/दिगंत बोरा (ओआयएल) 6-4, 6-3;

प्रौढ सांघिक गट: अंतिम फेरी:
ओएनजीसी वि.वि.आयओसीएल 2-1(एकेरी: केएस रावत  वि.वि.त्रिभुवन कुमार 7-5, 6-0; एकेरी: सीएसके भंडारी पराभुत वि.पंकज गंगवार 6-0, 3-6, 4-6; दुहेरी: केएस रावत/अमिया सरकार वि.वि.पंकज गंगवार/सुभाष राजोरा 6-2, 6-3).

इतर पारितोषिके
प्लेयर ऑफ द टूर्नामेंट(पुरूष): रोहन बोपन्ना;
प्लेयर ऑफ द टूर्नामेंट(महिला): वैष्णवी आडकर;
प्लेयर ऑफ द टूर्नामेंट(प्रौढ): राजकुमार दुबे. 

MSLTA Mentorship Program for Boys and Girls Under 12 held at MSLTA, Mumbai

Published : 25/Nov/2024

MSLTA hosted a special camp as part of the MSLTA Mentorship Program for Boys and Girls Under 12 at MSLTA, Mumbai, on November 16th and 17th, 2024. This camp was designed to offer exceptional young tennis players personalized guidance and support from experienced mentors, including Mr. Hemant Bendre, Mr. Manoj Vaidya, Mr. Gitesh Awasthi, and Sunil Kanwarjani from Art of Living, as well as Fitness Coach Mr. Jilani Shaikh. The camp brought together the top 8 players in the Under 12 category, selected based on the AITA rankings as of October 28th, 2024.

Action Photos of the MSLTA ITF Mens $25K Tennis Championship 2024 held at MSLTA, Mumbai from 11 Nov ...

Published : 23/Nov/2024

Action Photos of the MSLTA ITF Mens $25K Tennis Championship 2024 held at MSLTA, Mumbai from 11 Nov - 17 Nov 2024

Click on the below link to view: -

Svercina is Champion at MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament

Published : 17/Nov/2024

Svercina is Champion at  MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament
Mumbai, November 17: Second seeded  Dalibor Svercina of Czech Republic upset top seeded   Khumoyun Sultanov  of Uzbekistan   to claim  the  singles title at  25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament   being organised by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) which concluded at  the GA Ranade Tennis complex here.
In a final lasting 2 hour 12minutes  Second seeded  Dalibor Svercina of Czech Republic upset top seeded   Khumoyun Sultanov  of Uzbekistan   3-6, 6-1, 6-2  to win his second title in two weeks , Dalibor played fluent tennis to upset the higher ranked Uzbek and broke at regular intervals in the second and third set after losing the first set . The top seede 231 ranked Sultanov looked uncomfortable with a thigh pull in the second set and could not recover 
Dalibor recieved the Singles trophy, $3600 ( Rs 3 Lakhs) and 25 ATP Points which will propel him 38 places higher , while runner up Sultanov got $2120 ( Rs 1,80,000)and 16 Points. The prizes were given away at the hands of Mr.Sunder Iyer, Hon Secretary of MSLTA and Mr.Manoj Vaidya, CEO of MSLTA, ITF Supervisor Nitin Kannamwar were present on the occasion. 
Singles: final Round:
Dalibor Svercina([2](Cze) bt Khumoyun Sultanov (Uzb) [1] 3-6, 6-1, 6-2 (2hour 12minutes)
एमएसएलटीएच्या वतीने 25हजार डॉलर पुरुष आयटीएफ टेनिस स्पर्धेत एकेरीत दलिबोर सेव्हर्सिना याला विजेतेपद 
मुंबई, 17 नोव्हेंबर 2024: महाराष्ट्र राज्य लॉन टेनिस संघटना(एमएसएलटीए) यांच्या वतीने 25हजार डॉलर पुरुष आयटीएफ टेनिस स्पर्धेत एकेरीत चेक प्रजासत्ताकच्या दलिबोर सेव्हर्सिना याने विजेतेपद संपादन केले. 
एमएसएलटीए टेनिस कोर्ट या ठिकाणी पार पडलेल्या या स्पर्धेत पुरुष गटात एकेरीत अंतिम फेरीत दुसऱ्या मानांकित चेक प्रजासत्ताकच्या दलिबोर सेव्हर्सिना याने उझबेकिस्तानच्या अव्वल मानांकित खुमोयुन सुलतानोवचा 3-6, 6-1, 6-2 असा तीन सेटमध्ये संघर्षपूर्ण पराभव करून विजेतेपद पटकावले. हा सामना 2तास 12मिनिटे चालला. दलिबोर याचे हे दोन आठवड्यातील दुसरे विजेतेपद आहे. पहिला सेट गमावल्यानंतर दलिबोरने अव्वल मानांकित खुमोयुनविरुद्ध दुसऱ्या व तिसऱ्या सेटमध्ये अफलातून खेळ करत विजय मिळवला. 
स्पर्धेतील विजेत्या खेळाडूला करंडक, 3600डॉलर(3लाख रुपये), 25गुण, तर उपविजेत्या जोडीला करंडक, 2120डॉलर(1लाख 80हजार रुपये), 16गुण अशी पारितोषिके देण्यात आली. स्पर्धेचे पारितोषिक वितरण एमएसएलटीएचे मानद सचिव सुंदर अय्यर यांच्या हस्ते करण्यात आले.यावेळी आयटीएफ सुपरवायझर नितीन कन्नमवार, एमएसएलटीएचे मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी मनोज वैद्य आदी मान्यवर उपस्थित होते. 
निकाल: मुख्य ड्रॉ: अंतिम फेरी: एकेरी: पुरुष गट: 
दलिबोर सेव्हर्सिना[2](चेक प्रजासत्ताक)वि.वि.खुमोयुन सुलतानोव (उझबेकिस्तान)[1] 3-6, 6-1, 6-2.

Sultanov to clash with Svercina in finals of MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament

Published : 16/Nov/2024

Sultanov to clash with  Svercina in finals of  MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament
Indian pair of Prajwal Dev - Aditya Kalyanpur lift doubles title 
Mumbai, November 16:  Top seeded Khumoyun Sultanov of Uzbekistan  will take on  second seeded Dalibor Svercina of Czech Republic in the mens singles finals  of the  MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament   being organised by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and played at GA Ranade Tennis court.
In the Singles Semifinals Top seeded  Khumoyun Sultanov outhit fifth seeded Russian  Bogdan Bobrov 6-2,  6-1 in just over an hour  , second seed Dalibor Svercina of the Czech Reublic looking for a second title on a trot  ended the challenge of seventh seed Indian Karan Singh 6-4, 6-0 in a 1 hour 21 minute match . Karan showed some promise in the first set coimg from 2-5 down to 4-5 , but the Czech player  proved too strong  
However the Indian pair of  second seeded  SD Prajwal Dev and Adil Kalyanpur brought some cheer  to the Indian Camp claimimg the doubles title  , the duo  battled past  youngsters Aryan Shah   and Adhithya Ganesan of USA 6-4, 4-6, 10-7; to claim the title  
The doubles winner get trophy, $1395 and 25 Points, while runner up received trophy, $810 and 16Points. The prizes were given away at the hands of Mr.Sunder Iyer, Hon Secretary of MSLTA and Mr.Manoj Vaidya, CEO of MSLTA, ITF Supervisor Nitin Kannamwar were present on the occasion. 
Singles: Semifinal Round:
Khumoyun Sultanov (Uzb) [1] bt Bogdan Bobrov [5](Rus) 6-2,  6-1; 
Dalibor Svercina([2](Cze) bt Karan Singh (Ind) [7] 6-4, 6-0; 
Doubles: Final Round: 
 SD Prajwal Dev/Adil Kalyanpur(Ind)[2] bt Aryan Shah(Ind)/Adhithya Ganesan(USA)   6-4, 4-6, 10-7; 

Karan Singh lone Indian to Make Semis at MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournaments

Published : 15/Nov/2024

Karan Singh lone Indian to Make Semis at MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournaments
Mumbai, November 14:   Seventh seeded Karan Singh  was the lone Indian to enter the semfinals at the MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament   being organised by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and played at GA Ranade Tennis court.
The 21 year old Karan Singh riding high on confidence quelled the challenge of   Former Olympian and  qualifier Vishnu Vardhan 7-6(6), 6-2 in a 1 hour 34 minute match , the 31 year old Vardhan had a set point in the first set but served a double fault to squander the advantage  and go down tamely in the second set. 
Karan who ensured himself a top 500 entry in world rankings will now take on winner of the Bhubaneshwar ITF event and second seeded  Dalibor Svercina of the Czech Republic who registered  and easy 6-4,6-0 win over Russian  Egor Agafonov 
Top seeded Khumoyun Sultanov  of Uzbekistan was give a fight by junior player Adhithya Ganesan of USA before winning  3-6, 6-3, 6-4 in a match lasting 2 hours and 25 minutes , the Uzbek No 1 and 26 year old Sultanov will take on fifth seeded Russian  Bogdan Bobrov in the semis , Bobrov took just 1 hour 19 minutes to stop the winning run of Wildcard  Nitin Kumar Sinha winning  6-3, 6-1;   
In the doubles event the young pair of Aryan Shah and Adhithya Ganesan shocked top seeds  Egor Agafonov and Bogdan Bobrov of Russia  7-6(0),6-1 in the semifinals , in the summit clash Shah- Ganeshan duo will take on second seeds SD Prajwal Dev  and Adil Kalyanpur of  India who scored  7-5,6-3 win over M Rifqi Fitriadi of Indonesia and Korean Jang Yunseok 
Singles: Quarterfinal Round:
Khumoyun Sultanov (Uzb) [1] bt Adhithya Ganesan(USA) 3-6, 6-3, 6-4; 
 Bogdan Bobrov [5](Rus) bt (WC) Nitin Kumar Sinha (Ind) 6-3, 6-1;   
Karan Singh (Ind) [7] bt Vishnu Vardhan (Ind) 7-6(6), 6-2;
Dalibor Svercina([2](Cze) bt Egor Agafonov [6]  6-4, 6-0;  
Doubles: Semifinal Round: 
 Aryan Shah(Ind)/Adhithya Ganesan(USA)   bt Egor Agafonov/Bogdan Bobrov [1]  7-6(0),6-1
SD Prajwal Dev/Adil Kalyanpur(Ind)[2] btM Rifqi Fitriadi(INA)/Jang Yunseok(Kor)  7-5, 6-3.

Sinha, Singh , Vardhan enter quarterfinals at MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament

Published : 14/Nov/2024

Sinha, Singh , Vardhan  enter quarterfinals at MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament

Mumbai, November 14:  Wild card Nitin Kumar Sinha , Qualifier Vishnu Vardhan and seventh seeded Karan Singh kept the Indian flag flying making it to the quarterfinals of the singles at the MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament   being organised by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and played at GA Ranade Tennis court.
In the second round played today  wild card  and national mens Runner up Nitin Kumar Sinha proved to wily for   Manish Sureshkumar  to carve out a  6-4, 6-3  win , seventh seeded Karan Singh  proved too strong for  Rishab Agarwal winning 6-2, 6-0  , former Olympian and qualifier Vishnu Vardhan led 4-3 against fourth seeded Sasikuma Mukund who conceded the match midway due to sickness .  In the last eight  encounter Vishnu will take on Karan Singh ensuring an Indian Player in the Semifinals 
Top seeded Khumoyun Sultanov of Uzbekistan was given a fight in the first set by Dev Javia before winning  7-5, 6-3 , in the quarters Sultanov will take on Adhithya Ganesan of USA who  entered the event as Junior Exempt  , the young lad stopped the winning run of Wildcard Siddhant Banthia winning  6-3, 6-3 .
 Fifth seed Bogdan Bobrov  also halted the good run of qualifier  and  seventeen year old Yuvan Nandal   6-2, 6-4  , while sixth seeded Egor Agafonov  proved too crafty for another youngster Aryan Shah winning  6-1, 6-3. Last week's winner at Bhubaneshwar  and second seeded Dalibor Svercina of the Czech Republic looked  sharp and title favourite this week too  accounting  for Russian Maxim Zhukov  6-3, 6-3 
Singles: Second Round:
Khumoyun Sultanov (Uzb) [1] bt   Dev Javia(Ind) 7-5, 6-3 
Adhithya Ganesan(USA) bt (WC)Siddhant Banthia (Ind)  6-3, 6-3 
(WC) Nitin Kumar Sinha (Ind) bt Manish Sureshkumar (Ind) 6-4, 6-3  
 Bogdan Bobrov [5](Rus) bt (Q)Yuvan Nandal (Ind) 6-2, 6-4  
Karan Singh (Ind) [7] bt  Rishab Agarwal (Ind)  6-2, 6-0  
 Vishnu Vardhan (Ind) bt Sasikumar Mukund[4]  (Ind) 4-3 retd; 
Egor Agafonov [6] bt Aryan Shah (Ind) 6-1, 6-3 
Dalibor Svercina([2](Cze) bt Maxim Zhukov(Rus) 6-3, 6-3 
Doubles: Quarterfinal Round: 
Egor Agafonov/Bogdan Bobrov [1] bt Eqbal Ishaq/Faisal Qamar(Ind) 7-5, 6-4; 
 Aryan Shah(Ind)/Adhithya Ganesan(USA)  bt Yuta Kawahashi/Kazuki Nishiwaki(Jpn)     3-6,6-3, 10-7
M Rifqi Fitriadi(INA)/Jang Yunseok(Kor) bt Siddhant Banthia/Vishnu Vardhan[3](Ind)  6-4, 7-6(4); 
 SD Prajwal Dev/Adil Kalyanpur(Ind)[2] bt Dev Javia/Karan Singh(Ind)  7-6(3), 6-4; 

Wildcard Banthia Upsets eighth Seeded Vishwakarma at MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament

Published : 14/Nov/2024

Wildcard Banthia Upsets eighth Seeded Vishwakarma at MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament

Mumbai, November 13: Pune Boy  Siddhant Banthia justified the wild card awarded to him by the organisers as he upset eighth seed and Davis Cupper   Siddharth Vishwakarma 7-5, 6-2 to enter the second round of the singles at the MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament   being organised by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and played at GA Ranade Tennis court.
Banthia took 1 hour 14 minutes to put out  Vishwakarma who made his Davis Cup debut in Sweden ,  Banthia will take on Adithya Ganeshan of USA in the round of sixteen. Qualifier Vishnu Vardhan  showed fighting qualities as he outlasted another qualifier  Ishaque Eqbal   6-4, 3-6, 6-3 in a 2 hour and 23 minutes battle. 
Seventeen year old qualifier Yuvan Nandal carved out a  7-6(2), 6-2 win over another qualifier Abhinav Shanmugam, another youngster Aryan Shah  rallied past  Dheeraj Kodancha Srinivasan   6-3,7-6(6) , while seventh seed Karan Singh put out American Nick Chappell  6-3,7-6(6) .
Other Indians  including Wild card  Nitin Kumar Sinha , Manish Sureshkumar ,  Rishab Agarwal    , fourth seed Sasikumar Mukund  also moved into the second round of the singles 
Singles: First Round:

Khumoyun Sultanov (Uzb) [1] bt Adil Kalyanpur (Ind) 6-2, 6-1; 
Vishnu Vardhan (Ind) bt Ishaque Eqbal (Ind) 6-4, 3-6, 6-3; 
(WC)Siddhant Banthia (Ind) bt Siddharth Vishwakarma (Ind) [8] 7-5, 6-2; 
(Q)Yuvan Nandal (Ind) bt (Q)Abhinav Shanmugam (Ind) 7-6(2), 6-2;  
(WC) Nitin Kumar Sinha (Ind) bt Rishi Reddy (Ind) 6-3, 6-4; 
Manish Sureshkumar (Ind) bt (LL)Yunseok Jang(Kor)6-4, 2-6, 6-1; 
Bogdan Bobrov [5](Rus) bt Yuta Kawahashi (Jpn)1-6, 6-4, 6-2; 
Egor Agafonov [6] bt Udit Kamboj (Ind)4-6, 6-3, 7-6(4); 
Aryan Shah (Ind) bt Dheeraj Kodancha Srinivasan (Ind) 6-3,7-6(6)
Rishab Agarwal (Ind) bt  M Rifqi Fitriadi (Ina) 7-6(5),2-6,6-4
Sasikumar Mukund[4]  (Ind) bt Sidharth Rawat (Ind) 7-6(5), 6-4; 
Karan Singh (Ind) [7] bt Nick Chappell (Usa) 6-3,7-6(6)

Javia registers comeback win to enter round two at MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament

Published : 12/Nov/2024

 Javia registers comeback win to enter round two at MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament

Mumbai, November 12: In battle of youngsters 22 year old Dev Javia had to get all his experience to stop seventeen year old  wildcard  S Rethin Pranav in close three sets to enter the singles second round at the MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament which is being organised by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and played at GA Ranade Tennis court

The Gujarat based Javia currently ranked 688 in the world used all his experience to  come back from being 1-4 down in the third set to  quell the challenge of Seventeen year National men’s champion and wildcard Senthil Kumar Rethin Pranav 6-4, 4-6, 6-4 in a 2 hour 37 battle  and enter the round of sixteen

In another singles match Adhithya Ganesan of USA registered a 6-2,6-4 win over Frenchman Arthur Weber

Results: Main Draw: First Round: Singles:
Adhithya Ganesan(USA) bt Arthur Weber(Fra)6-2, 6-4;
Dev Javia(Ind) bt (WC)Senthil Kumar Rethin Pranav(Ind) 6-4, 4-6, 6-4;

Egor Agafonov/Bogdan Bobrov [1] bt Rishab Agarwal/Rishi Reddy(Ind) 6-4, 6-7(4), 10-8;
Aryan Shah(Ind)/Adhithya Ganesan(USA) bt Sidharth Rawat/Siddharth Vishwakarma(Ind) 7-5, 6-0;
SD Prajwal Dev/Adil Kalyanpur(Ind)[2] bt Aditya Balsekar/Yuvan Nandal(Ind) 6-0, 6-1;
M Rifqi Fitriadi(INA)/Jang Yunseok(Kor) bt Anup Bangargi/Prasad Ingale(Ind) 6-2, 6-2;
Siddhant Banthia/Vishnu Vardhan[3](Ind) bt Nick Chappell(USA)/Nitin Kumar Sinha(Ind)4-6, 6-1, 10-6;
Dev Javia/Karan Singh(Ind) bt Manas Dhamne/Caheer Warik(Ind) 6-3, 6-4;

Ananth Muni in second round qualifying at MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament

Published : 10/Nov/2024

Ananth Muni in second round qualifying at MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament 


Mumbai, November 10: Unseeded 

Ananth Mani Muni upset twelfth seed Ganesh Manish 4-6, 6-3, 10-5 to enter the second round qualifying at the MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament which is being organised by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and played at GA Ranade Tennis court


Second seeded Iqbal Ishaque was troubled a bit by local boy Prajwal Tiwari before winning 6-2, 4-6, 10-1;


Results: First Qualifying Round: Men's:

Yuvan Nandal(Ind)[1] bt Ajay Malik(Ind) 6-3, 6-4;

Jang Yunseok(Kor)[5] bt Sumar Omar Rehan (Ind) 6-2, 6-2;

Kumaran Bharath Nishok (Ind)[9] bt Maan Kesharwani(Ind) 6-3, 7-6(8);

Ananth Mani Muni(Ind) bt Ganesh Manish(Ind)[12] 4-6, 6-3, 10-5;

Srinivasan Kodancha(Ind)[15] bt Yash Chaurasia(Ind) 6-4, 6-3;

Eqbal Ishaque(Ind)[2] bt Prajwal Tiwari(Ind) 6-2, 4-6, 10-1;

Kazuki Nishiwaki(JPN)[4] bt Atharvaraj Balani(Ind) 6-0, 6-0;

Vishnu Vardhan(Ind)[6] bt Suraj Prabodh(Ind) 6-4, 7-5;

Hitesh Chauhan(Ind)[14] bt Shivank Bhatnagar(Ind) 4-6, 6-3, 10-3;

Kabir Hans(Ind)[8] bt Vu Ha Minh Duc(VIE) 6-1, 6-3;

Rishi Reddy(Ind)[10] bt Rohan Mehra(Ind) 6-4, 5-7, 10-3;

Virali Murugesan Ranjeet(Ind)[16] bt Faisal Qamar(Ind) 7-6(5), 6-4.

Congratulations to Mr. Gaurav Kapadia on Being Elected President of Khar Gymkhana

Published : 10/Nov/2024

Congratulations to Mr. Gaurav Kapadia on Being Elected President of Khar Gymkhana

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Gaurav Kapadia, Council Member of MSLTA, on his election as the new President of Khar Gymkhana. His dedication and leadership within the sports community have been well recognized, and we are confident that under his guidance, the gymkhana will continue to thrive and make great strides in the years ahead. Wishing him all the best in his new role!

Maharashtra’s Varad , Gujarat’s Jensi win memorable double crown at Endurance - MSLTA AITA Und...

Published : 10/Nov/2024

Maharashtra’s Varad ,  Gujarat’s Jensi win memorable double crown at  Endurance - MSLTA AITA Under 14 Clay Court National Tennis Championships
Chh. Sambhajinagar, November 9, 2024:  Varad Undre of Maharashtra and Jensi Kanabar of Gujarat won a memorable double crown at the Endurance - MSLTA  AITA Under 14 Clay Court   National Tennis  Championships being organized by EMMTC under the Auspices of the All India Tennis Association (AITA) and the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) at the Endurance-MSLTA Marathwada Tennis Centre at Divisional Sports Complex Chh. Sambhajinagar
In a close match lasting over 3 hours and 20 mins ninth seed Varad Undre of Pune edged out thirteenth seeded  another Pune player Raghav Sarode 7-6(5), 5-7, 7-6(3) to add the singles title to his doubles title he won yesterday 
In the girls singles finals third seeded Jensi Kanabar of Gujarat  upset second seeded Srishti Kiran of Karnataka 6-1, 6-1 to win the girls singles title , she also had won the doubles title yesterday 
The prizes were given away at the hands of Navneet Kanwat IPS. Mr.Sanjay Dutta of Endurance Group,  Sarvanan Paulraj AITA supervisor, Ashutosh Mishra Centre Head, Pravin Prasad Head Coach, Pravin Gaisamudre and Abhinav Mishra from Endurance and Team EMMTC were present on the occasion     
 Results: final Round: Boys:
Varad Undre[9](Mah) bt Raghav Sarode[13](Mah) 7-6(5), 5-7, 7-6(3);
Jensi Kanabar[3](Guj) bt Srishti Kiran[2](Kar) 6-1, 6-1.

MSLTA to host 25K Mens ITF from November 10 , chance for Indians to make valuable points

Published : 09/Nov/2024

MSLTA to host 25K Mens ITF from November 10  , chance for Indians to make valuable points

Mumbai, November 8:  Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) will host the  $25000 Mens ITF tennis championships which will get underway  on the MSLTA courts  from Sunday November 10 to November 17, the event which will also mark the beginning of a busy season of the MSLTA till  March 2025

The Hon Secretary of the MSLTA Sunder Iyer informed that top Men's tennis  players will be seen in action at the event  this event is part of the 3 Men’s ITF event in a row hosted by AITA  third year in a row , which will also give opportunity to Indian players to earn valuable prize money and ATP Points

The event will provide platform for Indian players to redeem themselves and male Ramkumar  Ramanathan , Mukund Sasikumar  Aryan Shah , Karan Singh  are the prominent Indian players in the main draw .

Mr Iyer also announced that 17 year old Mens National Champion Rethin Pranav, National Runner up Nitin Kumar Sinha . 15 year old Manas Dhamne and Siddanth Bhantia have been awarded the main draw wild cards 

The winners of the event will get 50 ATP points  , the Runners Up 30 ATP points , Semifinalists  18  points , Quarterfinalists 9 points , Round of 0f 16  5 points  , Round of 32  1 points .  The qualifying will be played on 10th and 11th November  the main draw will be played from 12 to 17 November  ,

Nitin Kannamwar has been appointed as the ITF  Supervisor of the event, while Manoj Vaidya has been appointed the tournament director 

Following  are some of the notable players in the main draw
1. Khumoyun Sultanov(UZB, 232), 2. Dalibor Svrcina(CZE,252), 3.Ramkumar Ramanathan(IND,270), 4. Bogdan Bobrov(389), 5.Sasikumar Mukund(IND,400), 6.Egor Agafonov(493), 7. Karan Singh(IND,546), 8.Louis Wessels(GER,568)

Jensi , Varad in line for coveted double crown at Endurance - MSLTA AITA Under 14 Clay Court Nation...

Published : 09/Nov/2024

Jensi , Varad in line for coveted double crown at  Endurance - MSLTA AITA Under 14 Clay Court National Tennis Championships

Chh. Sambhajinagar, November 8, 2024:  Varad Undre of Maharashtra and Jensi Kanabar of Gujarat placed themselves in line for a coveted double crown reaching the singles finals and winning the doubles title in the Boys and the Girls event at the Endurance - MSLTA  AITA Under 14 Clay Court   National Tennis  Championships being organized by EMMTC under the Auspices of the All India Tennis Association (AITA) and the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) at the Endurance-MSLTA Marathwada Tennis Centre at Divisional Sports Complex Chh. Sambhajinagar

In the girls singles semifinal third seed Jensi Kanabar of Gujarat upset top seeded Aaradhya Meena of  Rajasthan 6-2, 6-0 to enter the finals
In the doubles finals top seed Jensi Kanabar and Khushi Kadian of Haryana registered a 6-4,7-5 win over Sanmitha Lokesh and Deepshika Vinayagamurthy of Tamil Nadu To win the title

Ninth seed Varad Undre caused the biggest upset of the tournament as he ousted top seeded Aaradhya Mhasde 6-4, 1-6, 7-5 in a all Maharashtra semifinal and make it to the finals where he will take on thirteenth seeded Raghav Sarode

In the Boys Finals Maharashtra players Varad Undre in  partnership with Daksh Patil won the title scoring a 6-4,6-2 win over  Paranjay Siwach of Haryana and Assam’s Chandogya Pathak. The prizes were given away at the hands of Lt Col Sanjiv Sharma. Mr.Sanjay Dutta of Endurance Group, 
 Sarvanan Paulraj Tournament supervisor, Ashutosh Mishra Centre Head, Pravin Prasad Head Coach, Pravin Gaisamudre and Abhinav Mishra from Endurance and Team EMMTC were present on the occasion     
 Results: Semifinal Round: Boys:
Varad Undre[9](Mah) bt Aaradhya Mhasde[1] (Mah)6-4, 1-6, 7-5;
Raghav Sarode[13](Mah) bt Pradnyesh Shelke [11] (Mah)6-2, 6-3;  

Jensi Kanabar[3](Guj) bt Aaradhya Meena[1](Raj) 6-2, 6-0;
Srishti Kiran[2](Kar) bt Shravee Deore(Mah) 6-3, 3-6, 6-3;  

Doubles: Semifinal Round: Boys:
Varad Undre/Daksh Patil(Mah)[1] bt Jay Gaikwad/Manan Rai(Mah)6-3, 6-2;  
Paranjay Siwach(Har)/Chandogya Pathak(AS)[2] bt  Ayaan Shankar(TN)/Sankalp Sahani(WB) 5-7, 6-4, 10-7;
Final Round: Varad Undre/Daksh Patil(Mah)[1] bt Paranjay Siwach(Har)/Chandogya Pathak(AS)[2] 6-4, 6-2;

Girls: Semifinal Round:
Jensi Kanabar(Guj)/Khushi Kadian(Har)[1] bt Deepthi Venkatesan/Nalyaazhini K(TN) 6-1, 6-4;
Sanmitha Lokesh/Deepshika Vinayagamurthy(TN)[3] bt Vrandika Rajput(Mah)/Srishti Kiran(Kar)[2] 6-4,6-3;
Final Round: Jensi Kanabar(Guj)/Khushi Kadian(Har)[1] bt Sanmitha Lokesh/Deepshika Vinayagamurthy(TN)[3] 6-4, 7-5. 

Under 10 Ranking

Published : 08/Nov/2024

Boys under 10: -

Girls Under 10: -

Jakhar , Mulay cause upsets to move into round three at Endurance - MSLTA AITA Under 14 Clay Court ...

Published : 05/Nov/2024

Jakhar , Mulay cause upsets to move into round three at  Endurance - MSLTA AITA Under 14 Clay Court National Tennis Championships

Chh. Sambhajinagar, November 5, 2024:   Aarav Jakhar of Haryana  and Aarav Mulay of Maharashtra knocked out Second Seed Sankalp Sahani of West Bengal and fourth seeded Praneeth Reddy Doragari of Telangana to move into the third round of the Boys event at the Endurance - MSLTA   AITA Under 14 Clay Court   National Tennis  Championships which is being organized by EMMTC under the Auspices of the All India Tennis Association (AITA) and the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) at the Endurance-MSLTA Marathwada Tennis Centre at Divisional Sports Complex Chh. Sambhajinagar

In the second round Aarav Jakhar scored a 6-4,6-2 win against second seeded  Sankalp Sahani of West Bengal  , while lucky loser  Aarav Mulay of Maharashtra registered a  6-4,4-6,6-4 win over fourth seeded  Praneeth Reddy Doragari of Telangana, in the third upset another Maharashtra lad Smit Undre upset fourteenth seeded  Kabir Parmar  of Gujarat 6-3, 6-3 to move into the round of sixteen 
In the girls first round Aniha Gavinolla of Telangana  scraped past  Eshal Pathan of Maharashtra  7-6(1), 4-6, 6-3 ,  State girl Kirtiyani Ghatkar  came back from loss of first set to overcome Sana Sesh Vardhamani of Karnataka 4-6, 6-4, 6-3 
Results: Second Round: Boys:
Aaradhya Mhasde[1] (Mah) bt Ansh Ramani(Mah)6-0, 6-2;
Aarav Jakhar(Har) bt Sankalp Sahani[2](WB) 6-4, 6-2; 
Smit Undre (Mah) bt Kabir Parmar [14](Guj)6-3, 6-3;
Vanij Pothunoori[12] (TS) bt Satya Chintagunta(TS) 6-0, 6-0;
Viraj Chaudhary[7](Del) bt Aarav Patel 6-4, 6-1; 
Aarav Chhallani[15](Mah) bt Vrishank Munugala(TS) 6-4, 6-2; 
Varad Undre[9](Mah) bt Dhruv Sehgal(Mah) 6-3, 6-1;
Paranjay Siwach[6](Har) bt Kaustubh Singh(UP) 4-6, 7-5, 6-3; 
Atharva Sriramoju([8](TS) bt Hemdev Mahesh(TN) 7-5, 6-0; 
Pradnyesh Shelke [11] (Mah) bt Shivraj Jadhav(Mah) 6-0, 4-6, 6-4; 
Puneeth M(Kar) bt Daivik Kalvakunta 6-0, 6-1;
Aarav Mulay(Mah) bt Praneeth Reddy Doragari[4](TS) 6-4, 4-6, 6-4;
Daksh Patil[5](Mah) bt Shreyansh Khera(Har) 6-1, 6-1;
Arjun Manikandan(Kar) bt Taanish Nanda(PB) 6-4, 6-4; 
Girls: First Round: 
Aniha Gavinolla(TS) bt Eshal Pathan(Mah) 7-6(1), 4-6, 6-3;
Kirtiyani Ghatkar(Mah) bt Sana Sesh Vardhamani(Kar) 4-6, 6-4, 6-3;
Rabiah Dullet(PB) bt Anika Nair(Mah) 6-3, 6-0; 
Adya Chaurasia(Kar) bt Aayushri Tarange(Mah)7-5, 6-3
Second Round:
Aaradhya Meena[1](Raj) bt Shazfa K(OD)6-1, 6-0; 

Chitagunta , Mirdha battle into round two at Endurance - MSLTA AITA Under 14 Clay Court National Te...

Published : 04/Nov/2024

Chitagunta , Mirdha battle into round two at  Endurance - MSLTA AITA Under 14 Clay Court National Tennis Championships

Chh. Sambhajinagar, November 4, 2024:  Telangana's Satya Chintagunta edged out Maharashtra player  Pravakshya Srivastava   3-6, 6-3, 6-4 , while third seeded Vivaan Mirdha of Rajasthan  was given a fright by  Telangana's Nikunj Khurana  before winning  3-6, 7-5, 6-4 to enter the second round of the Boys event at the Endurance - MSLTA   AITA Under 14 Clay Court   National Tennis  Championships which is being organized by EMMTC under the Auspices of the All India Tennis Association (AITA) and the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) at the Endurance-MSLTA Marathwada Tennis Centre at Divisional Sports Complex Chh. Sambhajinagar

 Top seeded Aaradhya Mhasde of Maharashtra  ourallied Yash Sharma of Delhi  6-2, 6-1 to also move into the second round. The tournament was inaugurated by G. Sreekanth Sajjan IAS, Municipal Commissioner Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar (Aurangabad), Captain Kavi Kamban DGM Endurance Group, Sarvanan Paulraj Tournament supervisor, Ashutosh Mishra Centre Head, Pravin Prasad Head Coach, Pravin Gaisamudre and Abhinav Mishra from Endurance and Team EMMTC were present on the occasion

Results: First Round: Boys:
Aaradhya Mhasde[1] (Mah) bt Yash Sharma(Del) 6-2, 6-1;
Ansh Ramani(Mah) bt Sanjay Kumar(Kar) 6-4, 6-3;
Smit Undre (Mah) bt Harsh Marwah(Har) 6-1, 6-0;
Kabir Parmar [14](Guj) bt Jeevith S(Kar) 6-3, 6-4;
Vanij Pothunoori[12] (TS) bt Svar Somwartpet(Kar) 6-3, 7-5;
Satya Chintagunta(TS) bt Pravakshya Srivastava (Mah) 3-6, 6-3, 6-4;
Viraj Chaudhary[7](Del) bt Jay Gaikwad(Mah) 6-2, 6-0;
Vivaan Mirdha[3](Raj) bt Nikunj Khurana(TS) 3-6, 7-5, 6-4;
Rishav Prasad(WB) bt Keerthan Vishwas(TS) 6-2, 6-3;
Vrishank Munugala(TS) bt Sarvadnya Sarode (Mah) 6-3, 6-1;
Aarav Chhallani[15](Mah) bt Sujai Pothula(TS) 6-3, 6-2;
Varad Undre[9](Mah) bt Yash Kumar(Kar) 6-3, 6-4;
Dhruv Sehgal(Mah) bt Arjun Kakkar(UP) 6-3, 6-0;
Kaustubh Singh(UP) bt Tahan Gosain(Har) 6-1, 6-3;
Paranjay Siwach[6](Har) bt Madhav Dadhich(Kar) 6-3, 6-0;
Atharva Sriramoju([8](TS) bt Arsh Walke(Kar) 6-4, 6-1;
Hemdev Mahesh(TN) bt Ayaan Shankar(TN) 7-6(1), 6-3;
Shivraj Jadhav(Mah) bt Namish Hood (Mah) 6-1, 6-4;
Pradnyesh Shelke [11] (Mah) bt Ram Magdum(Mah) 6-3, 6-1.


Hood knocks out second seed at the MSLTA - Navsahyadri Krida Sankul All India Ranking U-14 Super Se...

Published : 29/Oct/2024

Hood  knocks out second seed at the MSLTA - Navsahyadri Krida Sankul All India Ranking U-14 Super Series Tennis Tournament 2024

Pune, Oct 29, 2024:   Qualifier Namish Hood led the charge on seeds as Five seeded players were  shown the door in the Boys second round at the MSLTA - Navsahyadri Krida Sankul All India Ranking U-14 Super Series Tennis Tournament 2024 organized by AIM Tennis Academy in association with Shaping Champions Foundation Pune under the auspices of the AITA, MSLTA, PMDTA and played at Navsahyadri Krida Sankul Tennis Courts.

Qualifier Namish Hood upset second seed Rishav Prasad of West. Bengal 7-5, 7-6(6) another state player  Shaurya Gadade upset fourth seed Tanish Patil 7-6(5), 6-4  , in the third upset Vivaan Malhotra  outplayed Ahaan Jain of Maharashtra 6-0, 6-1

Local boy Vir Chattur  upset seventh seed Avdhoot Nilakhe 6-0, 6-3 ,  while unseeded Aaryan Kirrtane came back from loss of the first set to edge out eighth seed Tejas Holla of Tamilnadu 2-6, 6-2, 6-3 to move into the quarter finals

Results: Second Round: Main Draw: Boys Under 14:
Pradnyesh Shelke(1)(Mah) bt Hrishav Ravalh(Mah)6-1, 6-0;
Vivaan Malhotra (Mah) bt Ahaan Jain(5)(Mah) 6-0, 6-1;
Aarav Patel(Mah) bt  Aashrit Majji (Mah)6-1, 6-1;
Aaryan Kirrtane(Mah) bt Tejas Holla(8)(TN) 2-6, 6-2, 6-3;
Smit Undre(6)(Mah) bt Sarvadnya Sarode(Mah) 6-3, 6-1;
Shaurya Gadade(Mah) bt Tanish Patil(4)(Mah)7-6(5), 6-4;
Vir Chattur(Mah) bt Avdhoot Nilakhe(7)(Mah) 6-0, 6-3;
(Q) Namish Hood(Mah) bt Rishav Prasad(2)(WB)7-5, 7-6(6(

Girls Under 14:
Aaradhya Meena(1)(Raj) bt Saanvi Raju(Mah) 6-0, 6-1;
Swara Jawle(8)(Mah) bt Harini Hemant(Kar)6-1, 6-4;
Nalyazini K(3)(TN) bt Janhavi Sawant(Mah) 6-4, 6-0;
Srushti Suryavanshi(5)(Mah) bt Ritu Gyan(Mah) 6-0, 6-3;
Anika Nair(8)(Mah) bt Meera Bangale(Mah)6-0, 6-1;
Shravee Deore(2)(Mah) bt Ritsa Kondkar(Mah)6-2, 6-1;
Aarohi Deshmukh(6)(Mah) bt Veera Harpude(Mah) 6-2, 7-5;
Prarthana Khedkar(4)(Mah) bt Ovee Marne(Mah) 6-1, 6-3;

Aaradhya, Swarnika are champions at MSLTA Shaping Champions Foundation Pune PMDTA All India Ranking...

Published : 08/Oct/2024

Aaradhya, Swarnika are champions at  MSLTA Shaping Champions Foundation Pune PMDTA All India Ranking Super Series U-16 Tennis Tournament


Pune, October 4, 2024: Aaradhya Mhasde and Swarnika Roy emerged winners in the boys and girls singles at the MSLTA Shaping Champions Foundation Pune PMDTA All India Ranking Super Series U-16 Tennis Tournament organized by Shaping Champions Foundation Pune under the auspicious of AITA, MSLTA, PMDTA and played at the Shree Shivchatrapati Kreeda Sankul, Mhalunge Balewadi.


In the Boys: finals third seed Aaradhya Mhasde was leading 1-0 before his opponent Ahan  Shetty conceded due to fever , however the girls finals was well contested as  top seed Swanika Roy was given a tough fight by sixth seeded giant killer Saanvi Misra  before winning 6-2, 3-6, 6-4 


Saksham Bhansali and Ahan Shetty won the boys doubles title while

Aarohi Deshmukh and Kavya Pandey lifted the girls doubles title.


Results: Main Draw: Boys: final Round:

Aaradhya Mhasde(Mah)(3) bt 

Ahan Shetty(Mah)(4) 1-0 conceded; 



Swanika Roy(Mah)(1) bt  

Saanvi Misra(Mah)(6) 6-2, 3-6, 6-4; 


Boys Doubles: final Round:

Saksham Bhansali/Ahan Shetty(Mah)(1) bt 

Sharul Khawale/Ayan Shetty(Mah)(4) 1-0 conceded 


Girls Doubles:

Aarohi Deshmukh/Kavya Pandey(Mah) bt Shravee Deore/Swanika Roy(Mah)(4) 2-6, 7-6(8-6), 10-4.

Patil ,Suryavanshi , Mishra cause big upsets to enter semi finals at the MSLTA Shaping Champions Fou...

Published : 02/Oct/2024

Patil ,Suryavanshi , Mishra cause big upsets to enter semi finals at the MSLTA Shaping Champions Foundation Pune PMDTA All India Ranking Super Series U-16 Tennis Tournament
Pune, October 2, 2024:   Daksh Patil ,Viren Suryavanshi and Saanvi Mishra caused big upsets in the boys and the girls quarterfinal matches to enter the last four stage  at the MSLTA Shaping Champions Foundation Pune PMDTA All India Ranking Super Series U-16 Tennis Tournament organized by Shaping Champions Foundation Pune under the auspicious of AITA, MSLTA, PMDTA and played at the Shree Shivchatrapati Kreeda Sankul, Mhalunge Balewadi.
In the boy’s section unseeded Daksh Patil caused the biggest upset toppling top seeded Varad Pol  6-3, 6-1 , while Viren Suryavanshi scalped sixth seeded Mahijeet Pradhan  6-3, 7-5 , in the girls section sixth seeded 
Saanvi Misra upset third seeded Aditi Khanapuri of Karnataka 6-4, 7-5 to enter the semifinal 
Results: Main Draw: Boys: Quarterfinal Round:
Daksh Patil(Mah) bt Varad Pol(Mah)(1) 6-3, 6-1;
Aaradhya Mhasde(Mah)(3) bt 
Saksham Bhansali(Mah)(5) 6-0, 6-2;
Ahan Shetty(Mah)(4) bt Vishvajeet Sanas(Mah)(7) 6-3, 6-2;
Viren Suryavanshi(Mah) bt 
Mahijeet Pradhan(Mah)(6) 6-3, 7-5;
Girls singles Quarter finals 
Hide quoted text
Swanika Roy(Mah)(1) bt Aarohi Deshmukh(Mah)(7) 6-1, 6-0;
Shravee Deore(Mah) bt Prarthana Khedkar(Mah) 6-3, 6-1;
Kasturi VG(Kar) bt Samradnyee Dalvi(Mah) 6-7(5), 6-1, 6-3;
Saanvi Misra(Mah)(6) bt Aditi Khanapuri(Kar)(3) 6-4, 7-5;
Boys Doubles: First Round:
Aaradhya Mhasde/Daksh Patil(Mah)(3) bt Atharva Yelbhar/Aditya Gaikwad(Maharashtra) 6-1, 6-2;
Viren Suryavanshi/Neev Gogia(Mah) bt Anurag Sathish/Het Patel(Guj) 6-0, 6-3;
Ankith Dsouza(TN)/Ishaan Badagi(Mah) bt Ishan Sivakumar (TS)/Parth Saparia 6-0, 6-0;
Sharul Khawale/Ayan Shetty(Mah)(4) bt Arnav Bhuyan(Assam)/Sayyam Patil (Mah) 6-3, 6-4;
Girls Doubles:
Aarohi Deshmukh/Kavya Pandey(Mah) bt Aarya Pathak/Anika Nair 6-2, 7-6(2); 
Janhavi Chougule/Rishita Patil(Mah)(3) bt Sharmistha Kodre/Ahana Patil(Mah) 6-0, 6-2;
Srushti Suryavanshi/Ritu Gyan(Mah) bt Vaishanvi Nagoji/Myra Topno(Mah) 6-1, 6-4;
Srushti Mirge/Samruddhi Mirge(Mah) bt Diya Ravikumar/Pranjali Pandure 7-5, 6-0.

Viren , Daksh cause upsets to move into round two at the MSLTA Shaping Champions Foundation Pune PMD...

Published : 01/Oct/2024

Viren , Daksh cause upsets to move into round two at the MSLTA Shaping Champions Foundation Pune PMDTA All India Ranking Super Series U-16 Tennis Tournament
Pune, September 30, 2024: Viren Suryavanshi and Sarthak Gaikwad caused upsets to move into the second round of the boys main draw at the MSLTA Shaping Champions Foundation Pune PMDTA All India Ranking Super Series U-16 Tennis Tournament organized by Shaping Champions Foundation Pune under the auspicious of AITA, MSLTA, PMDTA and played at the Shree Shivchatrapati Kreeda Sankul, Mhalunge Balewadi.
In the opening matches Viren Suryavanshi upset second seeded Sarthak Gaikwad 6-3, 6-3 while 
Daksh Patil ousted eighth seeded Aditya Arun 6-0, 6-3.
Top seed Varad Pol struggled before getting past a fighting Neev Gogia winning 6-1, 2-6, 6-2 .
Results: Main Draw: Boys: First Round:
Varad Pol(Mah)(1) bt Nee Gogia(Mah) 6-1, 2-6, 6-2;
Ankith Desouza(TS) bt Shlok Sharma 6-4, 6-0;
Daksh Patil(Mah) bt Aditya Arun(Mah)(8)6-0, 6-3;
Aaradhya Mhasde(Mah)(3) bt Sayyam Patil(Mah) 6-1, 6-2;
Ayan Shetty(Mah) bt (LL)Het Patel(Guj) 6-3, 6-2;
Saksham Bhansali(Mah)(5) bt Aditya Gaikwad(Mah) 6-0, 6-3; 
Aaryan Kirrtane(Mah) bt Ansh Ramani(Mah) 6-3, 6-4;
Ahan Shetty(Mah)(4) bt Aadiraj Bramhanathkar(Mah) 6-2, 6-3;
Viren Suryavanshi(Mah) bt Sarthak Gaikwad(Mah)(2) 6-3, 6-3; 
Manjeet Pradhan(Mah)(6) bt Agastya Chudhary(Guj)2-6, 6-1, 6-0;
Swanika Roy(Mah)(1) bt Myra Topno(Mah) 6-0, 6-1;
Anushka Mandilwar(Kar) bt Kavya Pande(Mah) 6-2, 6-3;
Aarohi Deshmukh(Mah)(7) bt Samrudhi Mirge(Mah) 6-2, 6-0;
Janhavi Chougule(Mah) bt Veera Harpude(Mah) 6-3, 6-2;
Kasturi VG(Kar) bt Avantika Saini(Mah) 6-0, 6-2. 

Patel , Nair cause upsets to qualify for main draw at the MSLTA Shaping Champions Foundation Pune PM...

Published : 30/Sep/2024

Patel , Nair cause upsets to qualify for main draw at the MSLTA Shaping Champions Foundation Pune PMDTA All India Ranking Super Series U-16 Tennis Tournament
Pune, September 29, 2024: 
Aarav Patel upset fifth seed Sathish Anurag  6-0, 6-0  in the boys section while Anika Nair upset third seed Yoganjali Saruk  6-3, 6-1 in the girls section to qualify for the main draw at the MSLTA Shaping Champions Foundation Pune PMDTA All India Ranking Super Series U-16 Tennis Tournament organized by Shaping Champions Foundation Pune under the auspicious of AITA, MSLTA, PMDTA and played at the Shree Shivchatrapati Kreeda Sankul, Mhalunge Balewadi 
Aarav Patel(Mah)(10) bt Sathish Anurag(Mah)(5) 6-0, 6-0; 
Anika Nair(Mah) bt Yoganjali Saruk(Mah)(3) 6-3, 6-1;
Results: Final Qualifying Round: Boys: 
Arjun Pardeshi(Mah)(9) bt Ishan Sivakumar(TS)6-7(5), 6-4, 10-5;
Sarvadnya Sarode(Mah) bt Aashrit Majji(Mah) 6-0, 6-4;
Ishaan Badagi(Mah)(4) bt Rishaan Gundecha(Mah) 7-5, 5-7,11-9; 
Aarav Patel(Mah)(10) bt Sathish Anurag(Mah)(5) 6-0, 6-0; 
Aadiraj Brahmhanathkar(Mah)(12) bt Chinmay Thakare(Mah) 6-2, 6-3;
Atharva Yelbhar(Mah)(7) bt Sayyam Patil(Mah)(16) 6-3, 6-0;
Aaryan Kirrtane(Mah) bt Het Patel(Guj)(8)6-0, 6-2;
Aarohi Deshmukh (Mah)(2) bt Pahel Mehta(Guj)6-0, 6-2;
Anika Nair(Mah) bt Yoganjali Saruk(Mah)(3) 6-3, 6-1;
Sharmistha Kodre(Mah)(4) bt Veera Kakade(Mah) 7-5, 6-0;
Ritsa Kondkar(Mah) bt Samruddhi Mirge(Mah) 6-1, 6-1;
Avantika Saini(Mah) bt Shanaya Singh(Mah) 6-4, 7-5;

Aarush Khanna and Gargi Oak Victorious at MSLTA Suhana Smart 10’s Tennis Circuit

Published : 23/Sep/2024

Aarush Khanna and Gargi Oak Victorious at MSLTA Suhana Smart 10’s Tennis Circuit


Mumbai, September 23, 2024 – The MSLTA Suhana Smart 10’s Tennis Circuit concluded yesterday at the MSLTA courts in Mumbai. Held from 21st to 23rd September 2024, the tournament showcased exceptional talent among players in the Under 10 age category.


In the Boys Under 10 final, Aarush Khanna from Mumbai, the 4th seed, delivered an impressive performance, defeating 12th seed Veer Padharia from Navi Mumbai with a commanding score of 4-0, 4-0.


On the girls' side, top seed Gargi Oak from Solapur triumphed over 3rd seed Adira Bhagat from Pune, finishing with a score of 5-3, 4-2. This match was a thrilling contest, with Gargi showcasing her exceptional skills to secure the win, while Adira exhibited remarkable resilience and determination throughout the match.


The prize distribution ceremony was graced by Mr. Manoj Vaidya and Mrs. Rashmi Chauhan, who presented the awards to the young champions.


Congratulations to all participants for their remarkable achievements!


Double crown for Nagraj , Shivpuri, Bharadwaj win singles titles at ILESEUM MT ITF S400 Seniors tenn...

Published : 12/Jul/2024

Double crown for Nagraj , Shivpuri, Bharadwaj win singles titles at ILESEUM MT ITF S400 Seniors tennis championships.
Pune , July 11, 2024: Nagaraj Ravanasiddaiah outplayed  Pawan Jain 6-1, 6-1 to win the 60 plus  singles finals and also claimed the doubles title to take Home a double crown at the ILESEUM MT ITF S400 Seniors tennis championships being organised by Solapur District Lawn Tennis Association (SDLTA) under the Auspices of ITF, MSLTA at the SDLTA Tennis courts here today

In the Mens Doubles 60  Final Round Nagraj partnering Arun Aggarwal registered a 6-3, 6-0 win against Raveen Chaudhary and Pawan Jain to win the title.

Mens 65 Plus: final Round top seed Ajeet Bhardwaj stopped  the run of Murthati Suresh winning 6-3, 6-2 to win the title , while in the Mens 70 Plus: final Round Dileep Shivpuri won the first set 7-5 before second seed Ramarao Dosa conceded the match

In the. Womens Doubles 30Plus: Final Round Sandhyarani Bandgar and Vaibhavi Trivedi upset second seed Nupur Pandey. and Sanjana Raval 6-0, 6-0 to win the title

The prizes were given away at the hands of Mr.Ganesh Pawar, District Sports Officer Supriya Gadhave.  Mr.Rajiv Desai, Jt Secretary of MSLTA, Vaishali Shekatkar were present on the occassion.  

Following are the other Results: Men's 60 plus: final Round:
Nagaraj Ravanasiddaiah(Ind)(1) bt Pawan Jain(Ind)(2) 6-1, 6-1;

Mens 65 Plus: final Round:
Ajeet Bhardwaj(Ind)(1) bt Murthati Suresh(Ind)(2) 6-3, 6-2;

Mens 70 Plus: final Round:
Dileep Shivpuri(Ind) bt Ramarao Dosa(Ind) 7-5 conceded;

Womens Doubles 30Plus: Final Round:
Sandhyarani Bandgar(Ind)/Vaibhavi Trivedi(Ind) bt Nupur Pandey(Ind)/Sanjana Raval(Ind)(2) 6-0, 6-0;

Mixed Doubles 35 Plus: Final Round:
Rinku Kumar(Ind)/Narendra Singh Choudhary(Ind)(1) bt Pranita Pednekar(Ind)/Sunil Lulla(Ind) 6-1, 6-3;
Mens Doubles 60: Final Round:
Arun Aggarwal(Ind)/Nagaraj Revansiddaiah(Ind)(1) bt Raveen Chaudhary(Ind)/Pawan Jain(Ind)(2) 6-3, 6-0;
Mens Doubles 65 plus: Final Round:
OP Dikshit(Ind)/Lalit Sharma(Ind)(1) bt Ajeet Bhardwaj(Ind)/Veera Venkata Visagakoti(Ind)(2) 6-2, 6-4;

Mens Doubles 70 Plus: Final Round: '
Ratnakarrao Anne(Ind)/Dhaval Patel(Ind) bt Ramarao Dosa(Ind)/Tahir Ali(Ind)(1)3-6, 6-2, 10-5. 

Bhasin , Jindel lift titles at ILESEUM MT ITF S400 Seniors tennis championships.

Published : 12/Jul/2024

Bhasin , Jindel lift titles at ILESEUM MT ITF S400 Seniors tennis championships.
Pune , July 10, 2024:   Rohan Bhasin and Ashok Jindel lifted the titles  in their age groups at the ILESEUM MT ITF S400 Seniors tennis championships being organised by Solapur District Lawn Tennis Association (SDLTA) under the Auspices of ITF, MSLTA at the SDLTA Tennis courts here today

In the Mens 45 plus: final Round unseeded Rohan Bhasin upset fourth seeded Mohit Phogat 6-3, 6-2 for the title

In the Mens 75plus Final top seeded Ashok Jindel scored a 7-5,6-4 win over Venkatachalam Swaminathan to win the title

Following are the other Results: Mens 45 plus: final Round:
Rohan Bhasin(Ind) bt Mohit Phogat(Ind)(4) 6-3, 6-2;

Men's 60 plus: Semifinal Round:
Nagaraj Ravanasiddaiah(Ind)(1) bt Lakpa Shipra(3)(Ind) 6-2, 6-0;

Mens 65 Plus: Semifinal Round:
Ajeet Bhardwaj(Ind)(1) bt Col Sunil Kumar Pandey(Ind) 6-1, 6-2;
Murthati Suresh(Ind)(2) bt Rakesh Kohli(Ind) 6-0, 6-2;

Mens 70 Plus: Semifinal Round:
Dileep Shivpuri(Ind) bt Tahir Ali(Ind)(1) 4-6, 6-2, 10-3;
Ramarao Dosa(Ind) bt Ratnakarrao Anne(Ind)(2) 3-1 conceded;

Mens 75plus: Final Round:
Ashok Jindel(Ind)(1) bt Venkatachalam Swaminathan(Ind) 7-5, 6-4.

Women's 30Plus: Third Round Robin:
Vaibhavi Trivedi(Ind) bt Nupur Pandey(Ind)6-0, 6-0;

Javia , Chaudhary, Sail lift titles at ILESEUM MT ITF S400 Seniors tennis championships.

Published : 09/Jul/2024

Javia , Chaudhary, Sail lift titles at ILESEUM MT ITF S400 Seniors tennis championships.

Pune , July 9, 2024:   Mishal Javia , Narendta Singh Chaudhary and Ajit Sail. Lifted the singles  titles in their age groups at the ILESEUM MT ITF S400 Seniors tennis championships being organised by Solapur District Lawn Tennis Association (SDLTA) under the Auspices of ITF, MSLTA at the SDLTA Tennis courts here today

In the Men 35 Plus finals top seed Mishal Javia scored a 6-3,6-2 win over Kartikeya Singh Verma ,  in the Men's 40Plus: finals  second seed Narendra Singh Chaudhary  accounted for third seeded Sandeep Pawar 6-3, 6-4;

In the Men's 50 Plus finals Ajit Sail stopped the winning run of. Deepak Bagora 6-3, 6-3 to win the title

In the Mens 45 plus: Semifinal match unseeded Rohan Bhasin upset second seed Avinash Kunwar  6-3, 6-1 to move into the finals

Following are the other Results: Men 35 Plus: final Round:
Mishal Javia(Ind)(1) bt Kartikeya Singh Verma(Ind) 6-3, 6-2;

Men's 40Plus: final Round:
Narendra Singh Chaudhary (Ind)(2) bt  Sandeep Pawar(Ind)(3) 6-3, 6-4;

Mens 45 plus: Semifinal Round:
Mohit Phogat(Ind)(4) bt Bosekiran Nallamothu(Ind) 6-3, 6-3;
Rohan Bhasin(Ind) bt Avinash Kunwar(Ind)(2) 6-3, 6-1;

Men's 50 Plus: final Round: Ajit Sail(Ind) bt  Deepak Bagora(Ind) 6-3, 6-3;

Mens 65 Plus: Quarterfinal Round:
Ajeet Bhardwaj(Ind)(1) bt Sankar Vaithilingam T(Ind) 6-4, 6-2;
Rakesh Kohli(Ind) bt Veera Venkata Visagakoti(Ind) 6-1, 6-1;
Murthati Suresh(Ind)(2) bt Charudatta Sathe(Ind) 6-2, 6-1;
Col Sunil Kumar Pandey(Ind) bt Suresh Alapati(Ind) 6-3, 1-6, 10-7;  

Mens 70 Plus: Quarterfinal Round:
Tahir Ali(Ind)(1) bt Parvathesam Ginagam(Ind) 6-0, 6-2;
Ramarao Dosa(Ind) bt Dhaval Patel(Ind) 7-6(2), 6-4;
Ratnakarrao Anne(Ind)(2) bt Arvind Bhasin(Ind) 6-4, 6-1;
Dileep Shivpuri(Ind) bt Hansaraj Patil(Ind) 6-1, 6-1;

Mens 75plus: Semifinal Round:
Ashok Jindel(Ind)(1) bt Suresh Bajoria(Ind) 6-3, 6-1;
Venkatachalam Swaminathan(Ind) bt Darshan Lal Maria(Ind) 6-1, 6-1;


Bagora upsets topseeded Reddy to enter semifinals at ILESEUM MT ITF S400 Seniors tennis championship...

Published : 08/Jul/2024

Bagora upsets topseeded Reddy to enter semifinals at ILESEUM MT ITF S400 Seniors tennis championships.


Pune , July 7, 2024: Unseeded Deepak Bagora upset top seeded Rvrk Ranga Rao 6-7(5), 6-3, 10-5 to enter the semifinal of the 50plus men’s singles event at the ILESEUM MT ITF S400 Seniors tennis championships which is being organised by Solapur District Lawn Tennis Association (SDLTA) under the Auspices of ITF, MSLTA at the SDLTA Tennis courts here today


Following are the other pResults: Men's 30Plus: Quarterfinal Round:

Shikhar Gadd(Ind)(1) bt Praveen Kumar(Ind)6-1, 6-1;

Surya Pavan (Ind)(4) bt Murlimohan Bura(Ind) 6-0, 6-0;

Ajay Sodhatar(Ind)(3) bt Ashish Hindekari(Ind) 6-0, 6-2;

Parth Chivte(Ind)(2) bt Ashish Chauhan (Ind) 6-2, 6-1;



Men 35 Plus: Quarterfinal Round:

Mishal Javia(Ind)(1) bt Umakant (Ind) 6-0, 6-2;

Ansh Shah(Ind) bt Neil Shah(Ind) 7-5, 6-1;

Kartikeya Singh Verma(Ind) bt Nitin Sawant(Ind)6-0, 6-0;

Chand Shaikh(Ind)(2) bt Pritam Das Sharma(Ind) 6-1, 6-1;



Men's 40Plus: Quarterfinal Round:

Mandar Wakankar(Ind)(1) bt Prakash Aswani(Ind) 6-0, 6-1;

Shaleen Bhatt(Ind) bt Ramesh Kakubhai(Ind)6-3, 6-1;

Narendra Singh Chaudhary (Ind)(1) bt Gautam Gadgil(Ind) 6-3, 6-3;


Men's 50 Plus: Quarterfinal Round:

Deepak Bagora(Ind) bt Rvrk Ranga Rao(Ind) (1) 6-7(5), 6-3, 10-5;

Akhil Mathur(Ind)(2) bt Sunil Lulla(Ind) 6-4, 6-2;

Navin Agarwal(Ind)(4) bt Rajesh Dusane(Ind) 6-0, 6-1;



Men's 55plus: Semifinal Round:

Tikam Singh Panwar (Ind)(1) bt Paramdeep Singh Bajwa(Ind) 6-2, 6-3;

Raj Dutta(Ind) bt Sanjeev Magon(Ind) (2) 6-3, 3-6, 10-4;


Bosekiran Nallamothu upsets to sees at ILESEUM MT ITF S400 Seniors tennis championships.

Published : 06/Jul/2024

Bosekiran Nallamothu upsets to sees at ILESEUM MT ITF S400 Seniors tennis championships.


Pune , July 6, 2024: Unseeded Bosekiran Nallamothu toppled top seed Swarandeep Singh Dodi to enter the second round of the Men's Singles 45 plus event at the ILESEUM MT ITF S400 Seniors tennis championships which is being organised by Solapur District Lawn Tennis Association (SDLTA) under the Auspices of ITF, MSLTA at the SDLTA Tennis courts here today


In the opening round played today Bosekiran Nallamothu ousted the top seed Swarandeep Singh Dodi(Ind)(1) 0-6, 7-5, 10-7 in a thrilling match 


Results: Men's Singles 45 plus: First Round:

Bosekiran Nallamothu(Ind) bt Swarandeep Singh Dodi(Ind)(1) 0-6, 7-5, 10-7;

Sadasivam S(Ind) bt Pankaj Kulkarni(Ind) 6-0, 6-1;


Men's Singles 50 plus: First Round:

Deepak Bagora(Ind) bt Hatinder Panwar(Ind) 6-0, 6-1;


Men's Singles 35 plus: First Round:

Arush Shah(Ind) bt Gaurav Patel(Ind) 6-0, 6-2;


Men's Singles 55 plus: Quartefinal Round:

Tikam Singh Panwar(Ind)(1) bt Jitendra Joshi(Ind) 6-3, 6-1;

Paramdeep Singh Bajwa(Ind) bt Subhash Patel(Ind) 7-5, 6-4;



MSLTA Ranking Analysis May 2024

Published : 18/Jun/2024

MSLTA Ranking Analysis May 2024 

The 11th AITA National Coaches Workshop was held at the PYC Hindu Gymkhana in Pune on June 7th and 8...

Published : 15/Jun/2024

The 11th AITA National Coaches Workshop was held at the PYC Hindu Gymkhana in Pune on June 7th and 8th.

MSLTA Under 10 Ranking as on 31st MAY 2024

Published : 31/May/2024

MSLTA Under 10 Ranking as on 31st MAY 2024


Boys Under 10: -


Girls Under 10: -

Pahwa, Mundhe win memorable double crown at 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial under 16 Junior Tennis Nation...

Published : 27/May/2024

Pahwa, Mundhe win memorable double crown at 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial under 16 Junior Tennis Nationals  

Kolhapur, May 26, 2024: Tavish Pahwa of Haryana and Parthasarathi Mundhe of Maharashtra won a double crown adding the singles title to their doubles titles at the 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial  Nationals Junior Tennis Championships  sponsored by DYPatil  Institute and organized by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA)  and the Kolhapur District Lawn tennis Association KDLTA and played at the KDLTA Tennis complex  in Kolhapur

In the finals played today tenth seed Tavish Pahwa  upset top seeded Prateek Sheoran 6-4, 6-0 in an all Haryana clash

In the girls section Solapur girl and tenth seed Parthsarthi Mundhe toppled third seed  Ranjhana Sangram of Punjab 6-1, 6-3 to win her first ever national championships, Mundhe had finished runner up at the under 14 nationals last year.

The prizes were given away at the hands of Mr.Dilip Mohite chairman KDLTA, Mr.Sheetal Bhosale Jt.Secretary MSLTA and the Tournament Director
Murlidhar Ghatge life member KDLTA, Ashish Shah Life member KDLTA, Anand Shah, Shekhar Shinde , Bharat Patil, Vijay Patki, Mahendra Parmar ,SS Momin, AITA Supervisor S. Vaishali were present on the occasion.

Results: Main Draw: Boys: Final Round:
Tavish Pahwa(Har)(10) bt Prateek Sheoran(Har)(1) 6-4, 6-0;

Parthsarthi Mundhe(Mah)(10) bt Ranjhana Sangram(Punjab)(3) 6-1, 6-3;

AITA National coaches workshop in Pune

Published : 24/May/2024

AITA National coaches workshop in Pune 

Pune MAY 24, 2024: The 11th AITA National coaches workshop will be held at the PYC Hindu Gymkhana in Pune on June 7 and 8.
Tennis coaches, coaches from other sports, tennis facility managers, tennis enthusiasts and parents of players can attend the workshop.
The theme of the workshop this time would be, technology and allied services in tennis. 
Miguel Crespo, Head of participation and education of the International Tennis Federation (ITF) will deliver the keynote address. 
Dr. Ales Filipcic, the Davis Cup captain of Slovenia, and professor at the University of Ljubljana will also address the coaches in the conference.
The course fee will be Rs.9,000.
For more details pls contact: Mr.Manoj Vaidya, CEO, MSLTA 9819467536
अखिल भारतीय टेनिस संघटनेतर्फे प्रशिक्षकांसाठी पुण्यात 7 जूनपासून कार्यशाळा
पुणे, 24 मे 2024: अखिल भारतीय टेनिस संघटनेच्या वतीने आयोजित करण्यात आलेली प्रशिक्षकांसाठीची 11 वी राष्ट्रीय कार्यशाळा पुण्यातील पीवायसी हिंदू जिमखाना येथे येत्या 7 व 8 जुन 2024 रोजी पार पडणार आहे. 
या कार्यशाळेत टेनिस प्रशिक्षकांसह इतर सर्व क्रिडा प्रकारांमधील प्रशिक्षक, टेनिस संबंधी सर्व उपक्रमांचे व्यवस्थापक, टेनिस शौकीन आणि टेनिस पटूबरोबरच अन्य क्रिडा प्रकारांमधील खेळाडूंचे पालक यांना सहभागी होता येणार आहे. 
सध्याच्या आधुनिक युगात तंत्रज्ञान आणि अत्याधुनिक सुविधांचा टेनिस मध्ये केला जाणारा उपयोग ही या कार्यशाळेची मध्यवर्ती संकल्पना आहे. आंतरराष्ट्रीय टेनिस संघटनेच्या सर्वसाधारण सभा व प्रशिक्षण विभागाचे प्रमुख मिगेल क्रेस्पो यांचे या कार्यशाळेत व्याख्यान होणार आहे. मिगेल क्रेस्पो यांच्याबरोबरच स्लोव्हेनियाच्या डेव्हिस कप संघाचे कर्णधार आणि ज्युब्लीजाना विद्यापीठातील प्राध्यापक डॉ ॲलेस फिलिपकिक यांचेही बहुमोल मार्गदर्शन या कार्यशाळेत सहभागी झालेल्या प्रशिक्षकांना लाभणार आहे.
या दोन दिवसीय कार्यशाळेचे शुल्क प्रत्येक सहभागीसाठी 9000रुपये असे आहे. 
अधिक माहितीसाठी व नावनोंदणीसाठी संपर्क: मनोज वैद्य 9819467536


Swanika , Parthsarthi , Shivtej Tavish cause upsets to enter semifinals at 19th Ramesh Desai Memo...

Published : 24/May/2024

Swanika  , Parthsarthi , Shivtej Tavish cause upsets to enter semifinals   at 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial under 16 Junior Tennis Nationals  

Kolhapur, May 24, 2024: Swanika Roy of Maharashtra caused the second upset in a row ousting second seeded Anandita Upadhyay of Haryana  6-3,6-4 , while another state player and  tenth seeded Parthsarthi Mundhe upset  fourth seeded   Shaivi Dalal of Gujarat 6-2,6-2   to enter the girls singles semifinals  at the 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial  Nationals  Junior Tennis Championships  sponsored by DYPatil  Institute and  organized by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA)  and the Kolhapur District Lawn tennis Association KDLTA and played at the KDLTA Tennis complex  in Kolhapur

In the boys event in an all Haryana clash tenth seeded Tavish Phawa upset fourth seeded  Harsh Malik  6-0, 6-1  while Maharashtra lad Shivtej Shirfule upset Karnataka player and fifth seeded Prakaash Sarran 7-6(5), (5)6-7, 6-4 in a close match to make the semifinals  

In the doubles event  third seeds Parthsarthi Mundhe pairing  with Akansha Ghosh of West Bengal toppled top seeded pair of   Anandita Upadhyay of Haryana and Ranjhana Sangram  of Punjab 4-6, 7-5, 11-9 to win the girls title  , Telangana's Hruthik Katakam and  Haryana's Tavish Pahwa won the boys doubles winning   3-6, 6-0, 10-6 against  Maharashtra's Mannan Agarwal  and Karnataka's  Prakaash Sarran.
The prizes were given away at the hands of Mr.Dilip Mohite chairman KDLTA, Mr.Sheetal Bhosale  Tournament Director and Jt.Secretary MSLTA, Mr.Meghan Bagawde secretary KDLTA, Murlidhar Ghatge life member KDLTA , Ashish Shah Life member KDLTA , Anand Shah, ITF Supervisor Vaishali Shekatkar were present on the occasion.
Results: Main Draw: Boys: quarterfinal Round:
Prateek Sheoran(Har)(1) bt Neel Kelkar(Mah) 6-1, 6-3;
Hruthik Katakam(TS)(3) bt Saksham Bhansali(Mah) 6-3, 6-2;
Tavish Phawa(Har)(10) bt Harsh Malik(Har)(4) 6-0, 6-1;
Shivtej Shirfule(Mah) bt Prakaash Sarran(Kar)(5) 7-6(5), (5)6-7, 6-4;

Swasti Singh(Har)(6) bt Deepshika Vinayagamurthy(TN)  6-2, 6-4;
Parthsarthi Mundhe(Mah)(10) bt Shaivi Dalal(Guj)(4) 6-2, 6-2;
Ranjhana Sangram(Punjab)(3) bt Nainika Bendram(Mah)(5) 6-2, 6-3;  
Swanika Roy(Mah) bt Anandita Upadhyay(Har)(2) 6-3, 6-4;  

Doubles: Girls: Semifinal Round:
Anandita Upadhyay(Har)/Ranjhana Sangram(Punjab)(1) bt Swasti Singh(Har))/Angel Patel(Guj) 6-1, 6-1;  
Parthsarthi Mundhe(Mah)/Akansha Ghosh(WB)(3) bt Shaivi Dalal(Guj)/Meghana GD(Kar)(2) 4-6, 7-5, 10-6;
Final Round:  Parthsarthi Mundhe(Mah)/Akansha Ghosh(WB)(3) bt  Anandita Upadhyay(Har)/Ranjhana Sangram(Punjab)(1) 4-6, 7-5, 11-9;

  Semifinal Round:
Mannan Agarwal(Mah)/Prakaash Sarran(Kar)(3) bt Sharan Somasi(Kar)/Channamallikarjuna Yale(Kar)  7-6(4), 6-3;
Hruthik Katakam(TS)/Tavish Pahwa(Har)(2) bt  Aaradhya Mhasde(Mah)/Rishi Yadav(UP)(4) 6-0, 7-5;
Final Round:  Hruthik Katakam(TS)/Tavish Pahwa(Har)(2) bt   Mannan Agarwal(Mah)/Prakaash Sarran(Kar)(3) 3-6, 6-0, 10-6.

MSLTA Under 10 Ranking as on 24th MAY 2024

Published : 24/May/2024

MSLTA Under 10 Ranking as on 24th MAY 2024


Boys Under 10: -


Girls Under 10:

Swanika causes upset to enter quarter finals at 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial under 16 Junior Tennis N...

Published : 23/May/2024

Swanika causes upset to enter quarter finals  at 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial under 16 Junior Tennis Nationals  

Kolhapur, May 23, 2024:    Swanika Roy of Maharashtra upset seventh seeded Akansha Ghosh of West Bengal 6-1, 6-0 to enter the  girls singles quarterfinal at the 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial  Nationals  Junior Tennis Championships  sponsored by DYPatil  Institute and  organized by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA)  and the Kolhapur District Lawn tennis Association KDLTA and played at the KDLTA Tennis complex  in Kolhapur

In the Boys section fifth seeded Prakaash Sarran of Karnataka struggled before scrapping past Vishvajeet Sanas of Maharashtra  5-7, 6-4, 7-6(2) to move into the quarter finals

In other matches top seed Prateek Sheoran of Haryana struggled to move past Aaradhya Mhasde of Maharashtra 6-4, 6-7(3), 6-3;  another state player  Neel Kelkar registered a three set win over Swaraj Dhamdhere winning 6-3, 0-6, 7-6(2);

Saksham Bhansali of Maharastra overcame a fighting Sharan Somasi of Karnataka 5-7, 6-0, 6-2  while fourth seeded Harsh Malik of Haryana battled past Karnataka player Nikith Korishettru 6-1, 1-6, 7-6(3);  

In the girls event  Deepshikha Vinayagamurthy of Tamil Nadu stopped  giant killer Riddhi Shinde 6-3, 4-6, 6-2 to enter the last eight

Results: Main Draw: Boys: Pre-quarterfinal Round:
Prateek Sheoran(Har)(1) bt Aaradhya Mhasde(Mah) 6-4, 6-7(3), 6-3;
Neel Kelkar(Mah) bt Swaraj Dhamdhere(Mah)6-3, 0-6, 7-6(2);
Hruthik Katakam(TS)(3) bt Sankalp Sahani(WB) 6-0, 6-1;  
Saksham Bhansali(Mah) bt Sharan Somasi(Kar)  5-7, 6-0, 6-2;
Tavish Phawa(Har)(10) bt Channamallikarjuna Yale(Kar) 6-1, 6-1;  
Harsh Malik(Har)(4) bt Nikith Korishettru(Kar)6-1, 1-6, 7-6(3);  
Prakaash Sarran(Kar)(5) bt Vishvajeet Sanas(Mah)(12) 5-7, 6-4, 7-6(2);  
Shivtej Shirfule(Mah) bt (Q)Varad Undre(Mah) 6-3, 6-1;  

Deepshika Vinayagamurthy(TN) bt Riddhi Shinde(Mah) 6-3, 4-6, 6-2;  
Swasti Singh(Har)(6) bt Princy Mandagalla(TS)(9) 6-7(4), 6-1, 6-1;
Shaivi Dalal(Guj)(4) bt Disha Kumar(Kar) 6-3, 6-0;
Parthsarthi Mundhe(Mah)(10) bt Shreya Pathare(Mah)6-2, 6-1;
Nainika Bendram(Mah)(5) bt Devashree Mahadeshwar(Mah) 6-4, 6-3;
Ranjhana Sangram(Punjab)(3) bt Keerthana Rangineni(TS) 6-2, 6-1;
Swanika Roy(Mah) bt Akansha Ghosh(WB)(7) 6-1, 6-0;
Anandita Upadhyay(Har)(2) bt Harsha Oruganti 6-0, 6-3;  

Doubles: Girls: Quarterfinal Round:
Anandita Upadhyay(Har)/Ranjhana Sangram(Punjab)(1) bt Hiya Kugasia(Guj)/Disha Kumar(Kar)6-0, 6-4;
Swasti Singh(Har))/Angel Patel(Guj) bt Deepshika Vinayagamurthy(TN)/Riya Pudiyokkada(Kar) 6-3, 6-2;
Parthsarthi Mundhe(Mah)/Akansha Ghosh(WB)(3) bt Devashree Mahadeshwar(Mah)/Saumya Chatterjee(WB) 7-5, 6-1;
Shaivi Dalal(Guj)/Meghana GD(Kar)(2) bt Avipsha Dehury(Odisha)/Dia Agarwal(Mah) 6-3, 6-4;

Sharan Somasi(Kar)/Channamallikarjuna Yale(Kar) bt Sarthak Gaikwad(Mah)/Saksham Bhansali(Mah)7-6(3), 2-6, 10-8;
Mannan Agarwal(Mah)/Prakaash Sarran(Kar)(3) bt Veer Madam(Guj)/Parjanya Adury(TS) 6-2, 6-3;
Aaradhya Mhasde(Mah)/Rishi Yadav(UP)(4) bt Swaraaj Dhamdhere(Mah)/Vishvajeet Sanas(Mah)6-2, 6-1;
Hruthik Katakam(TS)/Tavish Pahwa(Har)(2) bt Diganth M(Kar)/Fazal Ali Meer(TN) 6-2, 6-4.  


Riddhi Shinde knocks out top seed Diya at 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial under 16 Junior Tennis Nationa...

Published : 22/May/2024

Riddhi Shinde knocks out top seed  Diya at 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial under 16 Junior Tennis Nationals  

Kolhapur, May 22, 2024:   Maharashtra player Riddhi Shinde created the biggest upset of the day as she knocked out top seeded Diya Ramesh of Tamil Nadu 5-3,4-2 to enter the quarterfinal of the  girls singles event 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial  Nationals  Junior Tennis Championships  sponsored by DYPatil  Institute and  organized by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA)  and the Kolhapur District Lawn tennis Association KDLTA and played at the KDLTA Tennis complex  in Kolhapur

On a day curtailed by unseasonal rains another Maharashtra girl Shreya Pathare toppled eighth seed Kashavi Sunil of Karnataka 3-4(5), 2-4, 5-3 Tamil Nadu’s Deepshika Vinayagamurthyl overcame fifteenth seeded Miraya Agarwal 3-5, 4-1, 4-0.

In other upsets  Devashree Mahadeshwar of Maharashtra upset twelfth seed Vaishnavi Singh of Delhi  4-0, 4-1 while Telangana’s Keerthana Rangineni upset thirteenth seeded Saumya Chatterjee of  West Bengal 5-3, 5-4(2);
In the boys section Saksham Bhansali of Maharashtra upset seventh seed Kanishk Khathuria of Madhya Pradesh 4-0, 4-1 while Karnataka player Channamallikaarjuna Yale upset eighth seeded  Aditya Acharya of Odisha  4-0, 4-2 qualifier Varad Undre of Maharashtra continued his progress upsetting fifteenth seeded Vanshraj Jalota of Uttar Pradesh 4-0, 4-0

Results: Main Draw: Boys: Second Round:
Prateek Sheoran(Har)(1) bt (Q)Neev Gogia(Mah) 4-1, 5-3;
Aaradhya Mhasde(Mah) bt (Q)Lakshya ChukkaAP) 4-2, 5-4(5);
Neel Kelkar(Mah) bt (Q)Pradnyesh Shelke(Mah) 5-4(3), 4-2;
Swaraj Dhamdhere(Mah) bt Avaneesh Chafle(Mah)5-3, 2-4,5-3;
Hruthik Katakam(TS)(3) bt (Q)Dhruv Sehgal 4-0, 4-0;
Sankalp Sahani(WB) bt Manan Rai(Mah)2-4, 4-2, 4-0;  
Sharan Somasi(Kar) bt Shounak Chatterjee(WB)  4-0, 2-4, 4-2;
Saksham Bhansali(Mah) bt Kanishk Khathuria(MP)(7) 4-0, 4-1;
Channamallikaarjuna Yale(Kar) bt Aditya Acharya(Odisha)(8) 4-0, 4-2;
Tavish Phawa(Har)(10) bt Parjanya Adury(TS) 1-4, 4-1, 4-0;
Nikith Korishettru(Kar) bt Shardul Khawale(Mah) 4-1, 4-1;
Harsh Malik(Har)(4) bt Diganth M(Kar) 4-2, 4-0;
Prakaash Sarran(Kar)(5) bt Neev Kothari (Mah) 4-0, 4-0;
Vishvajeet Sanas(Mah)(12) bt Vanij Pothunoori(TS) 5-4(6), 5-4(6);
(Q)Varad Undre(Mah) bt Vanshraj Jalota(UP)(15)4-0, 4-0;  
Shivtej Shirfule(Mah) bt Varad Pol(Mah) 5-4(3), 4-1;

Girls: Second Round:
Riddhi Shinde(Mah) bt Diya Ramesh(TN)(1) 5-3, 4-2;
Deepshika Vinayagamurthy(TN) bt Miraya Agarwal(15)3-5, 4-1, 4-0;
Princy Mandagalla(TS)(9) bt Shrimoyee Kamat(Mah) 5-3, 4-2;
Nainika Bendram(Mah)(5) bt Avishi Sharma(MP) 4-2, 4-0;
Shreya Pathare(Mah) bt Kashavi Sunil(Kar)(8) 3-4(5), 2-4, 5-3;
Devashree Mahadeshwar(Mah) bt Vaishnavi Singh(Del)(12) 4-0, 4-1;
Keerthana Rangineni(TS) bt Saumya Chatterjee(WB)(13) 5-3, 5-4(2);
Ranjhana Sangram(Punjab)(3) bt Vrandika Rajput(Mah) 4-0, 5-3;
Akansha Ghosh(WB)(7) bt Kreethika Vangala(TS)4-0, 4-1;
Swanika Roy(Mah) bt Meghana GD(Kar)(11)4-0, 4-1.

Riddhi Shinde knocks out top seed Diya at 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial under 16 Junior Tennis Nationa...

Published : 22/May/2024

Riddhi Shinde knocks out top seed  Diya at 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial under 16 Junior Tennis Nationals  

Kolhapur, May 22, 2024:   Maharashtra player Riddhi Shinde created the biggest upset of the day as she knocked out top seeded Diya Ramesh of Tamil Nadu 5-3,4-2 to enter the quarterfinal of the  girls singles event 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial  Nationals  Junior Tennis Championships  sponsored by DYPatil  Institute and  organized by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA)  and the Kolhapur District Lawn tennis Association KDLTA and played at the KDLTA Tennis complex  in Kolhapur

On a day curtailed by unseasonal rains another Maharashtra girl Shreya Pathare toppled eighth seed Kashavi Sunil of Karnataka 3-4(5), 2-4, 5-3 Tamil Nadu’s Deepshika Vinayagamurthyl overcame fifteenth seeded Miraya Agarwal 3-5, 4-1, 4-0.

In other upsets  Devashree Mahadeshwar of Maharashtra upset twelfth seed Vaishnavi Singh of Delhi  4-0, 4-1 while Telangana’s Keerthana Rangineni upset thirteenth seeded Saumya Chatterjee of  West Bengal 5-3, 5-4(2);
In the boys section Saksham Bhansali of Maharashtra upset seventh seed Kanishk Khathuria of Madhya Pradesh 4-0, 4-1 while Karnataka player Channamallikaarjuna Yale upset eighth seeded  Aditya Acharya of Odisha  4-0, 4-2 qualifier Varad Undre of Maharashtra continued his progress upsetting fifteenth seeded Vanshraj Jalota of Uttar Pradesh 4-0, 4-0

Results: Main Draw: Boys: Second Round:
Prateek Sheoran(Har)(1) bt (Q)Neev Gogia(Mah) 4-1, 5-3;
Aaradhya Mhasde(Mah) bt (Q)Lakshya ChukkaAP) 4-2, 5-4(5);
Neel Kelkar(Mah) bt (Q)Pradnyesh Shelke(Mah) 5-4(3), 4-2;
Swaraj Dhamdhere(Mah) bt Avaneesh Chafle(Mah)5-3, 2-4,5-3;
Hruthik Katakam(TS)(3) bt (Q)Dhruv Sehgal 4-0, 4-0;
Sankalp Sahani(WB) bt Manan Rai(Mah)2-4, 4-2, 4-0;  
Sharan Somasi(Kar) bt Shounak Chatterjee(WB)  4-0, 2-4, 4-2;
Saksham Bhansali(Mah) bt Kanishk Khathuria(MP)(7) 4-0, 4-1;
Channamallikaarjuna Yale(Kar) bt Aditya Acharya(Odisha)(8) 4-0, 4-2;
Tavish Phawa(Har)(10) bt Parjanya Adury(TS) 1-4, 4-1, 4-0;
Nikith Korishettru(Kar) bt Shardul Khawale(Mah) 4-1, 4-1;
Harsh Malik(Har)(4) bt Diganth M(Kar) 4-2, 4-0;
Prakaash Sarran(Kar)(5) bt Neev Kothari (Mah) 4-0, 4-0;
Vishvajeet Sanas(Mah)(12) bt Vanij Pothunoori(TS) 5-4(6), 5-4(6);
(Q)Varad Undre(Mah) bt Vanshraj Jalota(UP)(15)4-0, 4-0;  
Shivtej Shirfule(Mah) bt Varad Pol(Mah) 5-4(3), 4-1;

Girls: Second Round:
Riddhi Shinde(Mah) bt Diya Ramesh(TN)(1) 5-3, 4-2;
Deepshika Vinayagamurthy(TN) bt Miraya Agarwal(15)3-5, 4-1, 4-0;
Princy Mandagalla(TS)(9) bt Shrimoyee Kamat(Mah) 5-3, 4-2;
Nainika Bendram(Mah)(5) bt Avishi Sharma(MP) 4-2, 4-0;
Shreya Pathare(Mah) bt Kashavi Sunil(Kar)(8) 3-4(5), 2-4, 5-3;
Devashree Mahadeshwar(Mah) bt Vaishnavi Singh(Del)(12) 4-0, 4-1;
Keerthana Rangineni(TS) bt Saumya Chatterjee(WB)(13) 5-3, 5-4(2);
Ranjhana Sangram(Punjab)(3) bt Vrandika Rajput(Mah) 4-0, 5-3;
Akansha Ghosh(WB)(7) bt Kreethika Vangala(TS)4-0, 4-1;
Swanika Roy(Mah) bt Meghana GD(Kar)(11)4-0, 4-1.

Pol knocks out Second seed Yadav at 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial under 16 Junior Tennis Nationals

Published : 21/May/2024

Pol knocks out Second seed Yadav at 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial under 16 Junior Tennis Nationals  


Kolhapur , May 21, 2024: Maharashtra lad Varad Pol upset second seeded Rishi Yadav of  Uttar Pradesh 6-3, 6-3 to move into the second round  of the   19 th Ramesh Desai Memorial  Nationals  Junior Tennis Championships  sponsored by DYPatil  Institute and  organized by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA)  and the Kolhapur District Lawn tennis Association KDLTA and played at the KDLTA Tennis complex  in Kolhapur


In the girls section. Riddhi Shinde edged out Shivani Gupte 5-7, 7-6(5), 6-2 , Tamilnadu player Deepshika Vinayagamurthy battled past Adya Chaurasia of. Karnataka 6-1, 5-7, 6-2;  while  Madhya Pradesh player 

Avishi Sharma came back from loss of first set to oust state player Mehak Kapoor 0-6, 6-0, 7-5 to enter the second round.


Results: Main Draw: Boys: First Round:

Vanij Pothunoori(TS) bt Yaj Malik 1-6, 6-3, 6-4;

Vishvajit Sanas(Mah)(13) bt Mokshak Challa(TS) 6-2, 6-1;

Vanshraj Jalota(UP)(15) bt Dhruva Hegde(TS) 7-6(5), 6-3;

(Q)Varad Undre(Mah) bt Anshul Ponugoti(Mah) 6-0, 6-1;

Shivtej Shirfule(Mah) bt Eshan Khadeer(Kar) 6-2, 6-4;

Varad Pol(Mah) bt Rishi Yadav(UP)(2) 6-3, 6-3;


Girls: First Round:

Riddhi Shinde(Mah) bt Shivani Gupte(Mah) 5-7, 7-6(5), 6-2;

Deepshika Vinayagamurthy(TN) bt Adya Chaurasia(Kar) 6-1, 5-7, 6-2;

Shrimoyee Kamat(Mah) bt Parishri Meghani(Guj) 7-5, 6-3;

Neelakshi Lather(Del) bt Kavya Deshmukh(Mah) 6-3, 7-5;

Hiya Kugasia(Guj) bt Meha Patil(Mah) 7-5, 6-1;

Disha Kumar(Kar) bt Sajhi Jain(MP) 6-0, 6-2;

Dhruvi Adyanthaya(Mah) bt Varnikaa Dixit(UP) 6-1, 6-0;

Shreya Pathare(Mah) bt Prarthana Khedkar(Mah) 6-0, 6-2;

Avishi Sharma(MP) bt Mehak Kapoor(Mah)0-6, 6-0, 7-5;

Devashree Mahadeshwar(Mah) bt Rishita Patil(Mah) 6-4, 6-2;

Keerthana Rangineni(TS) bt Avyaktha Rayavarapu(TS) 6-3, 6-4;

Vrandika Rajput(Mah) bt Joshita Goli(AP) 6-0, 6-2;

Kreethika Vangala(TS) bt Avipsha Dehury(Odisha) 6-3, 6-4;

Swanika Roy(Mah) bt Angel Patel(Guj) 6-0, 6-4;


Six upsets in opening round at 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial under 16 Junior Tennis Nationals

Published : 20/May/2024

Six upsets in opening round at 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial under 16 Junior Tennis Nationals  

Kolhapur , May 20, 2024:  Six upsets were recorded on the opening day of the boys main draw  at the  19 th Ramesh Desai Memorial  Nationals  Junior Tennis Championships  sponsored by DYPatil  Institute and  organized by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA)  and the Kolhapur District Lawn tennis Association KDLTA and played at the KDLTA Tennis complex  in Kolhapur

Maharashtra player Swaraj Dhamdhere upset sixth seeded Ahan Shetty 6-7(5), 6-3, 6-0 , while West Bengal’s  Shounak Chatterjee upset Madhya Pradesh’s  Rudra Batham seeded ninth 7-5, 6-2 to enter the second round of the Boys ever

In other upsets   Maharashtra’s Neel Kelkar upset eleventh seeded Pratyush Loganathan of  Tamil Nadu 3-6, 7-6(3), 6-1 , Karnataka lad  Nikith Korishettru ousted  thirteenth seeded Mannan Agarwal 6-3, 7-6(1)

West Bengal’s Sankalp Sahani  toppled fourteenth seed Trishubh Kumar of Haryana 6-2, 6-2 , qualifier  Lakshya Chukka of Andhra Pradesh  came back from loss of first set to register 1-6, 6-3, 6-4 win over Maharashtra player  Sarthak Gaikwad

Results: Main Draw: First Round: Boys Under 16:
Prateek Sheoran(Har)(1) bt Fazal Ali Meer(TN) 7-5, 6-3;
(Q)Neev Gogia(Mah) bt Lakshya Dhiman(Har) 6-4, 4-6, 6-4;
Aaradhya Mhasde(Mah) bt Mahijeet Pradhan(Mah) 7-5, 7-5;
(Q)Lakshya ChukkaAP) bt Sarthak Gaikwad(Mah)(16)1-6, 6-3, 6-4;
Neel Kelkar(Mah) bt Pratyush Loganathan(TN)(11) 3-6, 7-6(3), 6-1;
(Q)Pradnyesh Shelke(Mah) bt Amrit Vats(WB) 6-1, 6-2;
Swaraj Dhamdhere(Mah) bt Ahan Shetty(6)6-7(5), 6-3, 6-0;
Hruthik Katakam(TS)(3) bt (Q)Yash Patel(Guj)6-2, 6-0;
(Q)Dhruv Sehgal bt Ritvik Dutt(UP) 6-4, 6-3;
Manan Rai(Mah) bt Kabir Jaitly(Mah) 6-2, 6-2;
Sankalp Sahani(WB) bt Trishubh Kumar(Har)(14)6-2, 6-2;
Shounak Chatterjee(WB) bt Rudra Batham(MP)(9)7-5, 6-2;
Sharan Somasi(Kar) bt Arnav Harishankar(TN) 6-3, 7-5;
Saksham Bhansali(Mah) bt Gaurish Madaan(Chd) 6-4, 6-0;
Kanishk Khathuria(MP)(7) bt Nithik Sivakumar(TN) 1-6, 7-5, 6-4;
Nikith Korishettru(Kar) bt Mannan Agarwal(Mah)(13)6-3, 7-6(1);
Shardul Khawale(Mah) bt Rohan Bajaj(Mah)6-3, 6-3;
Neev Kothari (Mah) bt Krishank Joshi 6-2, 6-3;
Vishvajeet Sanas(Mah)(12) bt Mokshak Challa(TS) 6-2, 6-1.   

Gogia, Patil make main draw at 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial under 16 Junior Tennis Nationals

Published : 20/May/2024

Gogia, Patil make main draw at 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial under 16 Junior Tennis Nationals  
Kolhapur , May 19, 2024: Neev Gogia upset eighth seeded Pradyumna Tatachar 6-2, 6-3 while Rishita Patil upset eighth seed Eshal Pathan 6-2, 6-2 to enter the boys and girls main draw  of the 19 th Ramesh Desai Memorial  Nationals  Junior Tennis Championships  sponsored by DYPatil  Institute and  organized by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA)  and the Kolhapur District Lawn tennis Association KDLTA and played at the KDLTA Tennis complex  in Kolhapur
In the other upsets in the qualifying final round Yash Patel of Gujarat upset ninth seed Arjun Soori  6-1, 6-3 while  Dhruv Sehgal upset twelfth seed Arnav Bhatia  6-4, 6-3;
Results: Boys:Final Qualifying Round: 
Ahan Shetty(1) bt Aditya Chauhan 6-0, 6-2;
Varad Undre(Mah) bt Atharva Sriramoju 6-3, 6-0;
Lakshya Chukka(3) bt Vikas Niyant(16) 2-6, 6-4, 6-3;
Pradnyesh Shelke(Mah) bt Sayyam Patil(Mah)6-0, 6-0;
Yash Patel(Guj) bt Arjun Soori(9) 6-1, 6-3;
Dhruv Sehgal bt Arnav Bhatia(12) 6-4, 6-3;
Avaneesh Chafle(Mah)(7) bt Shivraj Jadhav(Mah)6-3, 6-4;
Neev Gogia(Mah)(10) bt Pradyumna Tatachar(Mah)(8) 6-2, 6-3;

Kavya Deshmukh(Mah)(1) bt Teeksha Nagendra(11)6-1, 6-3;
Avyaktha Rayavarpau(TS)(2) bt Arya Shinde(Mah)(12)7-6(6), 6-2;
Prarthana Khedkar(Mah) bt Shrimoyee Kamat(mAH)(3) 6-2, 6-2;
Keerthana Rangineni(TS)(4) bt Aditi Khanapuri(15)7-6(0), 6-3;
Mehak Kapoor(Mah)(5) bt Sanidya Karantosh(16)6-1, 6-0;
Adya Chaurasia(6) bt Harshini Vaddeboina(13) 6-1, 6-2;
Harsha Oruganti(7) bt Pia Mistri(14) 7-5, 7-6(2);
Rishita Patil(Mah)(10) bt Eshal Pathan(8) 6-2, 6-2. 
Following  are the seedings list: Boys
1.Prateek Sheoran(Har), 2.Rishi Yadav(UP), 3.Hruthik Katakam(TS),4.Harsh Malik(Har), 5.Prakaash Sarran(Kar), 6. Ahan Sheety, 7. Kanishk Khathuria(MP), 8.Aditya Acharya(Odisha),  


1.Divya Ramesh(TN), 2.Anandita Upadhyay(Har), 3.Ranjhana Sangram(Punjab), 4. Shaivi Dalal(Guj), 5. Nainika Reddy Bendram(Mah), Swasti Singh( Del), 7. Akansha Ghosh (WB), 8.  Kashvi Sunil(Kar)



Keerthana struggles at 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial under 16 Junior Tennis Nationals

Published : 20/May/2024

Keerthana struggles at 19th Ramesh Desai Memorial under 16 Junior Tennis Nationals  


Kolhapur , May 18, 2024:     Fourth seed 

Keethana Rangineni of  Telangana struggled to get past Aarohi Deshmukh of  Maharashtra 6-3, 1-6, 12-10; to enter the final rounds of the 19 th Ramesh Desai Memorial  Nationals  Junior Tennis Championships  which is being organized by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA)  and the Kolhapur District Lawn tennis Association KDLTA and played at the KDLTA Tennis complex  in Kolhapur


Following are the results: Boys: First Qualifying round:

Boys: First Qualifying round:

Sidhant Wodeyar(Kar) bt Amogh Hiremath(Mah) 6-0, 6-3;

Dritan Pillarisetty bt Om Kalshetti 6-4, 6-2;

Arihinjay Patil(Mah) bt Aarush Joshi(Mah) 6-4, 6-3;

Varad Undre(Mah) bt Arav Gupta(Mah) 6-1, 6-4;

Sayyam Patil(Mah) bt Sathish Anurag(Mah) 6-4, 6-3;

Yash Patel(Guj) bt Krishna Rani(Mah) 6-0, 6-0;

Viren Suryavanshi bt Azlan Shaikh 6-1, 6-2;

Aditya Gaikwad(Mah) bt Ratan Kubasad(Kar) 6-2, 7-5;

Shivraj Jadhav(Mah) bt Amogh Patil(Mah) 6-2, 6-1;

Neeraj Jorwekar bt Ishwarraj Homikar 6-0, 6-0;


Girls: Second qualifying round:

Kavya Deshmukh(1) bt Ananya Yadav(Mah)6-3, 6-0;

Avyakta Rayavarapu(TS)(2) bt Janhavi Chougule(Mah) 6-1, 6-1;

Arya Shinde(Mah)(12) bt Ritu Gyan 7-6(1), 6-2;

Shrimoyee Kamat(Mah)(3) bt Harshini Kondraju(TS) 6-1, 6-0;

Mehak Kapoor(Mah)(5) bt Pranjali Pandure 6-0, 6-0;


Keethana Rangineni(TS)(4) bt Aarohi Deshmukh(Mah) 6-3, 1-6, 12-10;

Shaikh and Pawar Triumph at MSLTA-Hotel Ravine Under 12 Tennis Championship

Published : 07/May/2024

Shaikh and Pawar Triumph at MSLTA-Hotel Ravine Under 12 Tennis Championship

The MSLTA-Hotel Ravine All India Ranking Super Series Under 12 Tennis Tournament, held from April 22nd to 26th, 2024, at Hotel Ravine, Panchgani, concluded with some exciting finals.

Yashvantraje Pawar displayed exceptional form in the Boys Under 12 Singles, dispatching Rishabh Anup in straight sets (6/3, 6/2). The Girls Under 12 Singles category saw a nail-biter, with Myra Shaikh clawing back from a set down to defeat Sara Fengse (4-6, 6-3, 6-3).

Sportsmanship took center stage as Fengse and Shaikh, former rivals on the court, joined forces to win the Girls Under 12 Doubles title against Kacy Virparia and Khanak Raiyani (6/4, 6/1). Laqshya Tripathi and Taksheel Naagar dominated the Boys Under 12 Doubles, showcasing impressive teamwork to overpower Jegan Rohit Senthil Kumar and Ahaan Jain (6/1, 6/3).

The esteemed prize distribution ceremony was graced by Mr. Amin (renowned actor), Mr. Javed Sunsera (Tournament Director and Hotel Ravine Owner), Miss Aleyah Sunsera, and Mrs. Vaishali Shekatkar (tournament supervisor).

Boys singles: - Yashvantraje Pawar bt Rishabh Anup (6/3, 6/2)
Girls Singles: - Myra Shaikh bt Sara Fengse (4-6, 6-3, 6-3).
Boys Doubles: - Laqshya Tripathi / Taksheel Naagar bt Jegan Rohit Senthil Kumar / Ahaan Jain (6/1, 6/3)
Girls Doubles: - Myra Shaikh / Sara Fengse bt Kacy Virparia / Khanak Raiyani (6/4, 6/1)

The talented state player, Aarav Chhallani, has earned a well-deserved honor!

Published : 30/Apr/2024

The talented state player, Aarav Chhallani, has earned a well-deserved honor! He's been selected to represent India in the prestigious Asia 12&U team competition 2024 for South Asia. This is a testament to Aarav's dedication and skill, solidifying his position as a rising star on the national circuit.

Wishing Aarav all the best for a successful competition!

Daksh, Jai score upset wins to enter last four at the Deccan Education Society MSLTA PMDTA All India...

Published : 24/Apr/2024

Daksh, Jai score upset wins to enter last four at the Deccan Education Society MSLTA PMDTA All India Ranking Championship Series U16 Tennis Tournament

Pune, April 24,2024: Seventh seeded Daksh Patil upset second seeded Saksham Bhansali 6-7(14), 6-2, 7-5 while eight seeded Jay Gaikwad upset fourth seeded Rohan Bajaj 6-3, 6-2 to enter the Boys semifinal at Deccan Education Society(D.E.S)MSLTA PMDTA All India Ranking Championship Series U16 Tennis Tournament which is being organized by Deccan Education Society (D.E.S)in association with Shaping Champions Foundation Pune and played at Fergusson College Tennis Academy Courts
Top seed Aaradhya Mhasde  and third. Seeded Neev Kothari also made it to the semifinals

In the girls section top seeded Swanika Roy, second seed Kavya Deshmukh third seeded Devanshi Prabhudesai and fourth seeded Mehak Kapoor made it to the semifinals

Results: Quarterfinal Round: Main Draw: Boys:
Aaradhya Mhasde(1) bt Pradnnyesh Shelke 6-2, 6-3;
Jay Gaikwad(8) bt Rohan Bajaj(4) 6-3, 6-2;
Neev Kothari(3) bt Ansh Ramani 6-3, 6-1;
Daksh Patil(7) bt Saksham Bhansali(2) 6-7(14), 6-2, 7-5;

Swanika Roy(1) bt Sharmishtha Kodre 6-0, 6-0;
Mehak Kapoor(4) bt Swara Javale(8) 6-0, 6-4;
Devanshi Prabhudesai(3) bt Shrimoyee Kamat(5) 6-0, 6-0;
Kavya Deshmukh(2) bt Vaishnavi Chauhan 6-7(7), 6-4, 6-1;  

Doubles: Boys:
Saksham Bhansali/Daksh Patil(1) bt Aashrit Majji/Vivaan Malhotra 6-1, 6-3;
Aaradhya Mhasde/Pradnyesh Shelke(3) bt Jay Gaikwad/Aaryan Kirrtane 6-2, 6-1;
Amogh Patil/Viren Suryavanshi bt Dhanak Shikhar/Parth Saparia 6-4, 7-6(4);
Sanat Kadle/Samihan Deshmukh bt Rohan Bajaj/Swarnim Yevalekar(2) 2-6, 7-6(5), 10-8;

Mehak Kapoor/Devanshee Prabhudesai(1) bt Samruddhi Mirge/Shrushti Mirge 6-0, 6-0;

Prarthana Khedkar/Janhavi Chougule bt Zainab Mahetkar/Pranjali Pandure(4) 6-2, 6-1;

MSLTA Under 10 Ranking as on 24th April 2024

Published : 24/Apr/2024

MSLTA Under 10 Ranking as on 24th April 2024


Boys Under 10: -


Girls Under 10:


Kodre edges out to move into last eight a the Deccan Education Society MSLTA PMDTA All India Ranking...

Published : 24/Apr/2024

Kodre edges out to move into last eight a the Deccan Education Society MSLTA PMDTA All India Ranking Championship Series U16 Tennis Tournament

Pune, April 23,2024:  
 Sharmishtha Kodre edged out Ritu Gyan 7-5, 7-6(5) to move into quarterfinals under girls event at Deccan Education Society(D.E.S)MSLTA PMDTA All India Ranking Championship Series U16 Tennis Tournament which is being organized by Deccan Education Society (D.E.S)in association with Shaping Champions Foundation Pune and played at Fergusson College Tennis Academy Courts

Results: Second Round: Main Draw: Boys:
Aaradhya Mhasde(1) bt Aditya Yogi 6-2, 6-3;
Pradnnyesh Shelke bt Neev Gogia 6-3, 6-4;
Rohan Bajaj(4) bt Amogh Patil 6-2, 6-1;
Jay Gaikwad(8) bt Aditya Gaikwad 6-0, 7-6(2); 
Ansh Ramani bt Anshul Pujari 7-5, 6-2;
Neev Kothari(3) bt Swarnim Yevalekar 6-1, 6-1; 
Daksh Patil(7) bt Aaryan Kirrtane 7-5, 6-1;
Saksham Bhansali(2) bt Shaarav Sharma 6-0, 6-2;

Swanika Roy(1) bt Vaishnavi Nagoji 6-0, 6-2;
Sharmishtha Kodre bt Ritu Gyan 7-5, 7-6(5);
Mehak Kapoor(4) bt Aarohi Deshmukh 6-2, 6-2;
Swara Javale(8) bt Janhavi Chougule 7-5, 6-1;
Shrimoyee Kamat(5) bt Shrushti Mirge 6-2, 6-2;
Devanshi Prabhudesai(3) bt Ritsa Kondkar 6-0, 6-1;
Vaishnavi Chauhan bt Paree Hengle 6-4, 6-4; 
Kavya Deshmukh(2) bt Ahana Patil 6-3, 6-0.

Shelke causes first upset Deccan Education Society MSLTA PMDTA All India Ranking Championship Series...

Published : 22/Apr/2024

Shelke causes first upset Deccan Education Society MSLTA PMDTA All India Ranking Championship Series U16 Tennis Tournament

Pune, April 22,2024:  Pradnnyesh Shelke caused the first upset toppling fifth seeded  Pavak Chitania 6-1, 6-2  to enter the second round of the main draw  at Deccan Education Society(D.E.S)MSLTA PMDTA All India Ranking Championship Series U16 Tennis Tournament which will be organized by Deccan Education Society (D.E.S)in association with Shaping Champions Foundation Pune and played at Fergusson College Tennis Academy Courts

Results: First Round: Main Draw: Boys:
Aaradhya Mhasde(1) bt Viren Suryavanshi 6-1, 6-1;
Aditya Yogi bt Aashrit Majji 6-2, 6-3;
Neev Gogia bt Atharva Dakare 3-6, 6-3, 6-0;
Pradnnyesh Shelke bt Pavak Chitania(5) 6-1, 6-2;
Rohan Bajaj(4) bt Shrinath Kulkarni 6-4, 6-3;
Amogh Patil bt Arav Eshwar 6-7(1), 6-3, 10-4;
Jay Gaikwad(8) bt Bhargav Vaidya 7-6(2), 6-3;
Ansh Ramani bt Siddhesh Khade 6-4, 6-7(5), 6-2;
Anshul Pujari bt Vishwajeet Choudhari 6-0, 7-6(1);
Swarnim Yevalekar bt Sanat Kadle 6-4, 6-0;
Neev Kothari(3) bt Neil Ambekar 6-0, 6-3;
Aaryan Kirrtane bt Pratyush Bagade 6-0, 6-0;
Saksham Bhansali(2) bt Arnav Bhatia 6-2, 6-2;

Swanika Roy(1) bt Zainab Mahetar 6-0, 6-0;
Vaishnavi Nagoji bt Avantika Saini 6-3, 6-0;
Ritu Gyan bt Samruddhi Mirge 6-3, 6-1;
Mehak Kapoor(4) bt Aarya Pathak 6-0, 6-1;
Aarohi Deshmukh bt Saanvi Raju 6-4, 6-4;
Janhavi Chougule bt Veera Harpude 7-5, 6-1;
Swara Javale(8) bt Ovee Marne 6-1, 6-1;
Shrimoyee Kamat(5) bt Rhea Bangale 6-2, 7-5;
Shrushti Mirge bt Meera Bangale 6-4, 6-4;
Ritsa Kondkar bt Anushka Joglekar 6-1, 6-1;
Devanshi Prabhudesai(3) bt Samradnyee Dalvi 6-2, 6-1.

MSLTA Ranking Analysis March 2024

Published : 15/Apr/2024

MSLTA Ranking Analysis March 2024

Hood, Khedkar lift titles at Shaping Champions Foundation Pune MSLTA PMDTA All India Ranking Champio...

Published : 22/Mar/2024

Hood, Khedkar lift titles at Shaping Champions Foundation Pune MSLTA PMDTA All India Ranking Championship Series U14 Tennis Tournament 
Pune, March 22,2024: Namish Hood and Prarthana Khedkar lift titles in the boys and girls singles event respectively at Shaping Champions Foundation Pune MSLTA PMDTA All India Ranking Championship Series U14 Tennis Tournament which is being organized by Shaping Champions Foundation Pune and played at Shree Shivchatrapati Krida Sankul, Mhalunge Balewadi 
In the boys singles final round unseeded 8th standard student of DAV Public School, Namish Hood upset third seeded Sarvadnya Sarode 6-3, 6-2 to claim the title. Namish practices at Fergusson Tennis Academy under coach Sangram Chaphekar. 
In the girls group, 7th standard student of The Good Samaritan School fifth seed Pune Girl Prarthana Khedkar upset third seeded Janhavi Choughule from Ichalkaranji 6-2, 6-0to lift the title. She practices at Manoj Kusalkar Tennis Academy under coach Manoj Kusalkar.
In the doubles finals in boys event third seeded pair Prajeetreddy Madireddy and Anshul Pujari upset second seeded Aarush Potdar and Aarav Patel 6-0, 6-1 to claim a doubles title. In the girls doubles final top seed pair Sara Fengse and Janhavi Chougule register  6-1, 6-3 win over  second seeded Rita Kondkar and Mayra Topno to lift the doubles title.
The winner and runner up got trophy and certificate. The prizes were given away at the hands of Sarika Gadade, Director of Shaping Champions Foundation Pune, Mr.Pravin Zite, MSLTA Supervisor and Mr.Pranav Waghmare. 
Results: final Round: Boys: Namish Hood bt Sarvadnya Sarode(3) 6-3, 6-2;
Girls:final Round: Prarthana Khedkar(5) bt Janhavi Choughule(3) 6-2, 6-0;
Doubles: Boys: 
Prajeetreddy Madireddy/Anshul Pujari(3) bt Aarush Potdar/Aarav Patel(2) 6-0, 6-1;
Girls: Sara Fengse/Janhavi Chougule(1) bt Rita Kondkar/Mayra Topno (2) 6-1, 6-3.


Published : 18/Mar/2024


Pune, March 18, 2024 : Khar Gymkhana team played solidly to score Four wins and maintain a  clean slate after the league matches and emerged winners at the Seventh edition of All Maharashtra Inter Club Tennis Tournament being played at the Ravine Hotel, Panchgani in Satara    

In their league encounters Khar Gymkhana who had outplayed Aurangabad and Combined District Teams earlier first shocked title holders PYC Hindu Gymkhana  31-25 and in the last league match  scored a 29-23 win against Deccan Chargers to win all their four league matches and emerge winners for the first time

Holdsrs PYC Gymkhana put out combined districts team 32-11 to win three out of four matches and finish runners up , while Deccan Chargers finished third

The winner team received Rs 1,25,000 , the runner up team Rs 75,000 and the third place team got Rs 25,000 .

The prizes were given away at the hands of MSLTA Life President Sharad Kannamwar , Mr Sunder Iyer Hon Secretary MSLTA. Jt Secretaries Rajeev Desai and Sheetal Bhonsale ,  Javed Sunesra of Hotel Ravine . Mr Manoj Vaidya CEO Mslta welcomed and proposed the Vote of. thanks

Results: League Round:
PYC Gymkhana bt Combine District B 32-11(110 Plus: Himanshu Gosavi/Yogesh Pantsachiv bt Rajiv Desai/Sheetal Bhosale 8-6; 100Plus: Jayant Kadhe/Raghunandan Beharay bt Raviraj Pawar/Virendra Atnoor 8-1; 90 Plus: Rutu Kulkarni/Anup Minda bt Sanjay Chandwani/Rahul Sharma 8-3; Open Doubles: Kedar Shah/Abhishek Tamhane bt Mohammad Kazim/Vikas Aswani 8-1);

Khar Gymkhana bt Deccan Chargers 29-23(110 Plus: Neeraj Desai/Bhushan Akut lost to Sanjay Kamat/Ajit Sail 5-8; 100 Plus: Mayur Vasant/Amit Tambe bt Ajay Kamat/Mandar Wakankar 8-6; 90 Plus: Rohan Gajjar/Gautam Chande bt Mukund Joshi/Aditya Kanitkar 8-5; Open Doubles: Aman Singh/Bhavik Khandhar bt Hrishikesh Pataskar/Madan Gokhale 8-4);

Khar Gymkhana bt PYC Gymkhana 31-25(110 Plus: Bhushan Akut/Neeraj Desai bt Himanshu Gosavi/Yogesh Pantsachiv 8-7(3); 100 Plus: Mayur Vasant/Amit Tambe lost to Jayant Kadhe/Kedar Shah 7-8(5); 90 Plus: Rohan Gajjar/Gautam Chande bt Rutu Kulkarni/Anup Minda 8-7(5); Open Doubles: Aman Singh/Bhavik Khandhar bt Abhishek Tamhane/Ketan Dhumal 8-3);

Dalila Jakupovic wins memorable double crown at Maha Urja Nagpur Open W35 ITF Women’s Championsh...

Published : 14/Mar/2024

Dalila Jakupovic wins memorable double crown  at  Maha Urja Nagpur Open W35 ITF Women’s Championships.
Nagpur, March 10, 2024:  Second seeded Dalila Jakupovic of Slovenia  added the singles title to  her. Doubles title  making it a memorable double crown  at the W35  Maha Urja Nagpur Open ITF Women’s Championships  being organized by the Nagpur District Hard Court Tennis Association(NDHTA) and Maharashtra State Lawn tennis Association (MSLTA) under the auspices of the ITF , AITA  which concluded on the clay courts of the MSLTA Tennis Academy Tennis Complex at Ramnagar
In the singles finals  watched by a jam packed arena  former world no 69 and the 33 year old Jakupovic currently ranked 213 in the world  won her seventh ITF title as she  outplayed 21 year of  Yeonwoo Ku of Korea 6-1,6-2 in 1 hour 30 minutes match 
The  Singles  winner Jakupovic received ₹3,25 ,000 35 WTA  points  while the. Singles Runnerup Ku received ₹175000 and 22 WTA points
The toss for the finals was done by Dr. Abhijeet Chaudari IAS Municipal Commissioner Nagpur  . The prizes were given away at the. Hands of   Mr Sunder Iyer Hon sec MSLTA , Mr Kumar  Dr Sudhir Bhiwapurkar Tournament Director; Ashok Bhiwapurkar Vice President NDHTA; Vikram Naidu Joint Secretary NDHTA and Vijay Naidu Tournament Secretary welcomed and proposed the vote of thanks 
Following are the results of the Singles Finals
Dalila Jakupovic (Slovenia) bt   Yeonwoo Ku (Korea )6-1,6-2 

Dalila Jakupovic in line for double crown at Maha Urja Nagpur Open W35 ITF Women’s Championships...

Published : 14/Mar/2024

Dalila Jakupovic in line for double crown  at  Maha Urja Nagpur Open W35 ITF Women’s Championships.

Nagpur, March 9, 2024:  Second seeded Dalila Jakupovic of Slovenia will take on Yeonwoo Ku of Korea in the singles finals  at the W35  Maha Urja Nagpur Open ITF Women’s Championships  being organized by the Nagpur District Hard Court Tennis Association(NDHTA) and Maharashtra State Lawn tennis Association (MSLTA) under the auspices of the ITF , AITA  and played on the clay courts of the MSLTA Tennis Academy Tennis Complex at Ramnagar
Jakupovic will look for the coveted double crown as she won the Doubles title in partnership with Irina Maria Bara of Romania.

In the singles finals 33 year old Jakupovic currently ranked 213 in the world stopped Korean giantkiller Dayeon Back 6-4,6-3 in a 1 hour 21 minute match

In the other semifinal Yeonwoo Ku of Korea won the battle of 21 year olds outhitting Russian Daria Kudashova 6-2,7-5 in 1 hour 28 minutes match

In  the doubles finals  top seed pair of Dalila Jakupovic and Irina Maria Bara came back from being 1 set and 3-5 down in the  second set and 5-7 down in the super tie break to get past  Korean Yeonwoo Ku  and Lithuania’s Justina Mikulskyte  6-7(5),7-6(5), 10-7 and win the title. The  winners got 35 WTA points and $3935  while the runners up got 23 WTA points and $2106. The prizes were given away at the. Hands of  Mrunalini Talkewar Divisional Manager Maha Urja; Dr Parinita Fuke Ex-Corporator Bajiprabhu Nagar;  Mr Sunder Iyer Hon sec MSLTA , Mr Kumar Kale President NDHTA; Dr Sudhir Bhiwapurkar Tournament Director; Ashok Bhiwapurkar Vice President NDHTA; Vikram Naidu Joint Secretary NDHTA and Vijay Naidu Tournament Secretary. 

Results: Semifinal Round:
Dalila Jakupovic (Slo) [2] bt Dayeon Back (Kor) 6-4, 6-3;  
Yeonwoo Ku (Kor) bt   Daria Kudashova(Rus)6-2, 7-5;  
Doubles: final Round:
Irina Maria Bara (Rou) / Dalila Jakupovic (Slo)bt Yeonwoo Ku (Kor) [4] / Justina Mikulskyte (Ltu) bt  [1]6-7(8), 7-6(5), 10-7;


Published : 27/Feb/2024


Vacherot wins third Challenger title of the season lifts PMRDA MahaOpen ATP Challenger 100 Men’s I...

Published : 26/Feb/2024

Vacherot wins third Challenger title of the season lifts PMRDA MahaOpen ATP Challenger 100 Men’s International Tennis Championships


Pune, February 25, 2024: Monaco’s Valentin Vacherot claimed his third consecutive ATP Challenger title of

with a hard-fought three-set win over Australia’s Adam Walton and denying him a double crown at the PMRDA MahaOpen ATP Challenger 100 Men’s International Tennis Championships, organised by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA), at Mahalunge BalewadiStadium on Sunday evening.


In a two-hour 39-minute marathon, it was Walton who won the first set 6-3 and looked comfortable before Vacherot bounced back to claim the second set in a tiebreak.


 In the final set, Vacherot took an early break and led 5-3 before Walton levelled the set and took the match into a deciding set tiebreak.


It was Walton who led 5-3 in the tiebreaker before Vacherot won four points in a row to clinch the match 3-6, 7-6 (5), 7-6 (5).


 After winning back-to-back Challenger titles in Thailand, this was Vacherot’s third title on the ATP Challenger tour in 2024. He has now won 19 of his last 20 matches on the tour.


He will also break into the world’s top 150 for the first time in the world rankings on Monday with this victory.


The prizes were given away at the hand of Rahul Mahiwal  IAS Commisioner PMRDA

Maheshwar Rao IAS Hon Secretary KSLTA and  Managing Director Namma Metro Bengaluru 


Mr Sanjay Khandare IAS Principal Secretary  Dept of Water and Sanitation Government of  Maharashtra ,  Mr Shravan Hardikar  IAS MD Maha Metro , Mr Prashant Sutar  Chairman of MSLTA , Tournament Director Sunder Iyer and ATP Supervisor Rogerio Santos.


Singles Main Draw Final

[4] Valentin Vacherot (MON) def. [3] Adam Walton (AUS) 3-6, 7-6 (5), 7-6 (5)

Walton in line for double crown,to clash with Vacherot in singles final

Published : 26/Feb/2024

Walton in line for double crown,to clash with Vacherot in singles final  at PMRDA MahaOpen ATP Challenger 100 Men’s International Tennis Championships



Pune, February 24, 2024:  Third seeded Australian  Adam Walton will clash against fourth seeded Monaco’s Valentin Vacherot of Monaco in the singles final of the PMRDA MahaOpen ATP Challenger 100 Men’s International Tennis Championships, organised by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA)at Mahalunge Balewadi Stadium.



In the first semi-final day, third seeded Walton overcame a stiff challenge from second seeded Duje Ajdukovic to win 7-5,7-6(6) in one hour and 49 minutes. 


The Australian won the first set 7-5 and then led 5-2 in the second before the Croatian started his fightback. Ajdukovic saved four matchpoints to level the set at 5-5 and then force a tiebreak.


 The Croatian even held a setpoint in the tiebreaker but Walton stood his ground for a 7-5, 7-6 (6) victory to record his eleventh win in his last twelve matches. 


The world No. 154 had won the Burnie Challenger and then reached the quarter-finals in the Bengaluru Challenger in the preceding two weeks.


In the second semi-final, fourth seed Valentin Vacherot  avoided an all-Australian final beating seventh seed Dane Sweeny in three sets. 


Vacherot lost the first set 4-6 but then bounced back to take the next two sets to complete the 4-6, 6-2, 6-4 win, also in one hour and 49 minutes. 


The fourth seed has won two consecutive ATP Challengers in Thailand at the start of the year and has now won 18 of his last 19 matches on the tour.


unseeded duo of Tristian Schoolkate and Adam Walton won the doubles final. The Australians upset Third seeds Dan Added/ Yunseong Chung 7-6(5),7-5  to win the title  and 100 ATP points 


The trophies were given away at the hands of. Mr Sanjay Khandare IAS Principal Secretary  Dept of Water and Sanitation Public Health Government of  Maharashtra , Mr Prashant Sutar  Chairman of MSLTA , Tournament Director Sunder Iyer and ATP Supervisor Rogerio Santos 


Singles Main Draw Semi-Finals

[3] Adam Walton (AUS) def. [2] Duje Ajdukovic (CRO) 7-5, 7-6 (6)

[4] Valentin Vacherot (MON) def[7] Dane Sweeny (AUS) 4-6, 6-2, 6-4



Doubles Main Draw Final

TristianSchoolkate (AUS) / Adam Walton (AUS)  bt [3] Dan Added (FRA) / Yunseong Chung (KOR)  7-6(4) ,7-5

India’s campaign ends at PMRDA MahaOpen ATP Challenger 100 Men’s International Tennis Champions...

Published : 24/Feb/2024

India’s campaign ends  at PMRDA MahaOpen ATP Challenger 100 Men’s International Tennis Championships 



Pune, February 23, 2024: Wildcard Niki Poonacha did everything right but win his match as he missed a match point to go down to seventh seeded Dane Sweeny of Australia in the singles quarterfinal match ending  Indian interest on the event . The two favourite all-Indian doubles teams, top seeds Arjun Kadhe/ Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan and Ramkumar Ramanathan/ Saketh Myneni, were both defeated at the semi-final stage of the PMRDA MahaOpen ATP Challenger 100 Men’s International Tennis Championships, organised by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA), on Friday.


In the best match of the day Sweeny can

Back from 2-5  and match point down In the third set end the challenge of Wildcard Niki Poonacha winning 4-6,6-2,7-6(3) in a 2 hour 5 minute match 


Local favourite Kadhe partnering Nedunchezhiyan went down 3-6, 4-6 in just under an hour to the third seeds Dan Added of France and Korean Yunseong Chung 


 Ramanathan and Myneni, who were gunning for their third successive Challenger title in India, saw their 10-match winning streak grind to a halt at the hands of Australian pair of  Tristian Schoolkate and  Adam Walton 6-7 (6), 2-6.


In the singles There was disappointing news for Indian fans in the  singles as wildcard Sasikumar Mukund who played brilliantly in the two rounds was forced to pull out of his singles quarter-final against third seeded Adam Walton due to a viral fever.


 The walkover put Walton into the semi-finals where he will meet second seed Duje Ajdukovic of Croatia who is looking at making it to the top 100 . The Croatian ended the good run of Russian qualifier Alexey Zakharov 6-4, 6-3 in another quarter-final match . .


Also advancing to the semi finals was fourth seed Valentin Vacherot, who scored a 7-6 (2), 6-4 win over France’s Enzo CouacaudVacherot will take on the winner on seventh seed Dane Sweeny, of Australia In the semi final 



Singles Main Draw Quarter-Finals

[2] Duje Ajdukovic (CRO) def. [Q] Alexey Zakharov 6-4, 6-3

[3] Adam Walton (AUS) def. [WC] Sasikumar Mukund (IND) walkover

[4] Valentin Vacherot (MON) def. Enzo Couacaud (FRA) 7-6 (2), 6-4

[7] Dane Sweeny (AUS) bt [WC] Niki Kaliyanda Poonacha(IND) 4-6,6-2,7-6(3)


Doubles Main Draw Semi-Finals

[3] Dan Added (FRA) / Yunseong Chung (KOR) def. [1] Arjun Kadhe (IND) / Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan (IND) 6-3, 6-4

Tristian Schoolkate (AUS) / Adam Walton (AUS) def. Saketh Myneni (IND) / Ramkumar Ramanathan (IND) 7-6 (6), 6-2



Double crown for Mhasde, Pathare at the MSLTA IKON Reality Trophy All India Ranking Championship Ser...

Published : 23/Feb/2024

Double crown for Mhasde, Pathare at the MSLTA IKON Reality Trophy All India Ranking Championship Series U16 Tennis Tournament
Pune, February 23, 2024:Top seeded Aaradhya Mhasde and Shreya Pathare won memorable double crown winning the singles and the doubles event at MSLTA IKON Reality Trophy All India Ranking Championship Series U16 Tennis Tournament which is being organized by Om Dalvi Memorial Trust in association with Shaping Champions Foundation Pune and played at Maharashtra Police Tennis Gymkhana (MT), Parihar Chowk, Aundh, Pune.
In the boys singles finals, top seeded Aaradhya Mhasde ended the challenge Shardul Khawle 6-3, 6-2  to claim the title. Aaradhya partnering with Daksh Patil winning the boys doubles title, upset the pair of Shardul Khawale and Varad Pol 6-3, 6-3 to lift the title.   
In the girls section finals, top seeded Shreya Pathare stopped Rishita Patil 6-1, 6-1.  Rishita Patil and Shreya Pathare duo beat Sara Fengse and Prarthana Khedkar 6-1, 6-4 to claim the girls doubles title. 
Results: Main Draw: final Round:
Aaradhya Mhasde(1) bt  Shardul Khawle 6-3, 6-2; 
Shreya Pathare(1) bt  Rishita Patil(4) 6-1, 6-1; 
Doubles: Girls: 
Rishita Patil/Shreeya Pathare bt  Sara Fengse/Prarthana Khedkar 6-1, 6-4; 
Aradhya Mhasde/Daksh Patil bt  Shardul Khawale/Varad Pol(1) 6-3, 6-3; 

Poonacha stuns Nagal in singles

Published : 23/Feb/2024

Poonacha stuns Nagal in singles 

Kadhe/ Nedunchezhiyan and Myneni/ Ramanathan through to semi-finals  at PMRDA MahaOpen ATP Challenger 100 Men’s International Tennis Championships


Pune, February 22, 2024: Niki Poonacha stunned Top seeded Sumit Nagal in an All Indian singles matches to move into the singles quarterfinal as two Indian doubles teams advanced to the semi-finals of the PMRDA MahaOpen ATP Challenger 100 Men’s International Tennis Championships, organised by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) at the Mahalunge Balewadi Stadium.


In a second round match Wildcard Niki Poonacha made his first ever quarter final at this level  stunning top seed Sumit Nagal 6-4,6-3 in  match lasting 1 hour 9 minutes. Sumit Led 4-2 in the first set before Niki levelled the scores .


Niki joins another Wildcard Sasikumar Mukund In the singles quarter finals  .  In the quarter finals Poonacha who made his debut in the Davis Cup against Pakistan will take on seventh seed Australian Dave Sweeny . While Sasikumar Mukund will take on third seed Australian Adam Walton.


In another match involving Indian player Qualifier Alexey Zakharov of Russia kept up his splendid run stopping Ramkumar Ramanathan 6-4, 6-4 in 1 hour 27 minute match .


Alexey Zakahrov will now take on  second seed Duje Ajdukovic in the quarter-finals , 


Ajdukovic had little trouble getting past American Tristan Boyer 6-1, 6-2 to book his spot in the last eight. 


Seventh seed Dane Sweeny, of Australia, scored a facile 6-4, 6-1 win over Poland’s Maks Kasinowski.



However Indian pairs continued to excel Top seeded pair of  Arjun Kadhe and Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan scored a 6-4, 7-6 win over Germans Jakob Schnaitter  and Mark Wallner to move into the last four 


The red-hot duo Ramkumar Ramanathan/ Saketh Myneni, who claimed Challenger titles in Chennai and Bengaluru in the last two weeks, won their 10th consecutive match with a 6-2, 6-7 (4), 10-2 over another German pair of Jakob Schnaitter and  Mark Wallner


. Both the teams are on the opposite sides of the draw keeping the hopes of an all-Indian doubles final alive.


Singles Main Draw Second Round 

[WC] Niki Kaliyanda Poonacha (IND) def. [1] Sumit Nagal (IND)  6-4,6-3

[2] Duje Ajdukovic (CRO) def. Tristian Boyer (USA) 6-1, 6-2

[7] Dane Sweeny (AUS) def. Maks Kasnikowski (POL) 6-4, 6-1

[Q] Alexey Zakharov def. [WC] Ramkumar Ramanathan 6-4, 6-4


Doubles Main Draw Quarter-Finals

[1] Arjun Kadhe (IND) / Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan (IND) def.Jakob Schnaitter (GER) / Mark Wallner (GER) 6-4, 7-6 (6)

Saketh Myneni (IND) / Ramkumar Ramanathan (IND) def.Duje Ajdukovic (CRO) / Enrico Dalla Valle (ITA) 6-2, 6-7 (4), 10-2

[3] Dan Added (FRA) / Yunseong Chung (KOR) def. vs [WC] Siddhanth Banthia (IND) / Parikshit Somani (IND) 3-6, 7-5, 10-7

Tristian Schoolkate (AUS) / Adam Walton (AUS) def.Toshihide Matsui (JPN) / Kaito Uesugi (JPN) 6-1, 6-0



Published : 22/Feb/2024

Exciting start to the MSLTA NDCLTA ALL INDIA RANKING NATIONAL SERIES UNDER 14 TENNIS TOURNAMENT 2024 with a spectacular opening ceremony

Six seeds upset at 18th Ramesh Desai Memorial Under 12 Tennis Championship

Published : 13/Feb/2024

Six seeds upset at 18th Ramesh Desai Memorial Under 12 Tennis Championship
Mumbai, February 13, 2024:  Six seeds were shown the door In the second round in the boys and girls singles  at 18th Ramesh Desai Memorial Under 12 Tennis Championship organized by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and  played at GA Ranade Tennis Center and Bombay Gymkhana
In the boys second round Yashvardhan Singh of Uttar Pradesh upset eleventh seed Arjun Dua  of Delhi 6-2, 6-2; Rajasthan‘s Bhavesh Choudhary edged out twelfth seeded Dhruv Sharma of Karnataka 6-3, 6-7(6),6-1 while Karnataka’s  Swayam Rath  overcame a first set loss to upset fifteenth seed Devansh Kamboj  of Haryana 1-6, 6-3, 6-4
In the girls section Telangana’s Dhrutee Gundu  outplayed Punjab’s Sahej Lakhat  6-1, 6-0 , Maharashtra’s Sara Fengse  thrashed eleventh seed Saumya Choudhary of Rajasthan 6-1, 6-0;
Diya R Janki  of. Tamilnadu scored a 6-2,6-3 win over Vaidehi Shinde of MadhyaPradesh 6-2, 6-3 to move into the third round
Results: Main Draw Second Round: Boys under 12: 
Yuvaan Garg (UP) [1] bt Advait Gund (MH)6-2, 6-1;
Vir Chattur (MH) [9] bt Atharv Narsinghani (WB)6-1, 6-2;
Nirvaan Margana (TS) [8] bt Krrish Baniwal (DL)6-4, 6-2;
Sujai Pothula (TS) [7] bt Ruksh Dalwadi (GJ)6-1, 6-0;
Aarav Chhallani (MH) [4]bt Kabir Dahiya (HR)6-0, 6-0;
Swayam Rath (KA) bt Devansh Kamboj (HR) [15]1-6, 6-3, 6-4;
Yashvardhan Singh (UP) bt Arjun Dua (DL) [11]6-2, 6-2;
Puneet M (KA) [3] bt Nayan Khatri (DL)6-0, 6-2;
Ronak Haryani (RJ) [16] bt Neev Sheth (MH)6-2, 7-5;
Yashvantraje Pawar (MH) bt Kabir Gundecha (MH)4-6, 6-2, 6-1;
Nibras Hussain (AS) bt Devansh Acharya (MH)6-3, 6-1;
Bhavesh Choudhary (RJ) bt Dhruv Sharma (KA) [12]6-3, 6-7(6),6-1;
Taanish Nanda (PB) [5] bt Vansh Choudhary (RJ)6-1, 6-0;
Ronnie Vijay Kumar (TN) [2] bt Soham Ransubhe (MH)6-2, 6-0;
Sparsh Patil (MH) bt Kempegowda Manjunath (KA)6-3, 6-2;
Girls under 12:
Sanrachana Das (OD) [16] bt Avni Punaganti (KA)6-3,6-2; 
Shazfa Sk (WB) [13] bt Vaidehi Shukla (MP)6-2, 6-2;
Diya R Janki (TN) bt Vaidehi Shinde (MP) [15]6-2, 6-3;
Zoha Qureshi (TS) [12] bt Bhrithi Velladandi (KA)6-1, 6-1;
Dhrutee Gundu (TS) bt Sahej Lakhat (PB) [10]6-1, 6-0;
Eshitha Sriyala (AP) [8] bt Sidhhi Pandey (UP)6-3, 6-1;
Sara Fengse (MH) bt Saumya Choudhary (RJ) [11]6-1, 6-0;
Maahira Bhatia (UK) [14] bt Myra Shaikh (MH)6-0, 6-2;
Khushi Kadian (HR) [2] bt Kanishka Govind (TN)6-0, 6-2;
Sarena Gahlot (HR) [3] bt Trisha Bhosale (MH)6-1, 6-0;
Padma Rameshkumar (KA) [4] bt Asees Brar (PB)6-1, 6-0;
18व्या रमेश देसाई मेमोरियल 12 वर्षाखालील राष्ट्रीय टेनिस अजिंक्यपद स्पर्धेत पाच मानांकित खेळाडूंना पराभवाचा धक्का 
मुंबई, 13 फेब्रुवारी 2024 : महाराष्ट्र राज्य लॉन टेनिस संघटना(एमएसएलटीए) यांच्या वतीने आयोजित 18व्या रमेश देसाई मेमोरियल 12 वर्षाखालील राष्ट्रीय टेनिस अजिंक्यपद स्पर्धेत मुलांच्या गटात दुसऱ्या फेरीत स्वयम रथ, यशवर्धन सिंग, भावेश चौधरी यांनी तर, मुलींच्या गटात सारा फेंगसे, धृती गुंडू यांनी मानांकित खेळाडूंवर विजय आगेकूच केली. 
जीए रानडे टेनिस कॉम्प्लेक्स व बॉबे जिमखाना येथे सूरू असलेल्या या स्पर्धेत मुलींच्या गटात दुसऱ्या फेरीत महाराष्ट्राच्या बिगरमानांकित सारा फेंगसे हीने राजस्थानच्या अकराव्या मानांकित सौम्या चौधरीचा 6-1, 6-0 असा तर, तेलंगणाच्या धृती गुंडूने दहाव्या मानांकित पंजाबच्या सहेज लाखतचा 6-1, 6-0 असा पराभव करून उपांत्यपूर्व फेरीत प्रवेश केला. 
मुलांच्या गटात कर्नाटकाच्या स्वयम रथ याने पंधराव्या मानांकित हरियाणाच्या देवांश कंबोजचा 1-6, 6-3, 6-4 असा तीन सेटमध्ये संघर्षपूर्ण पराभव केला. उत्तरप्रदेशच्या यशवर्धन सिंगने दिल्लीच्या अकराव्या मानांकित अर्जुन दुआचा 6-2, 6-2 असा पराभव केला. चुरशीच्या लढतीत राजस्थानच्या भावेश चौधरीने केरळच्या बाराव्या मानांकित ध्रुव शर्माचा टायब्रेकमध्ये 6-3, 6-7(6),6-1 असा पराभव करून आपले आव्हान कायम राखले. 
निकाल: मुख्य ड्रॉ: दुसरी फेरी: 12वर्षांखालील मुले: 
युवान गर्ग (उत्तरप्रदेश)[1]वि.वि.अद्वैत गुंड(महाराष्ट्र)6-2 6-1;
वीर चतुर (महाराष्ट्र)[9]वि.वि.अथर्व नरसिंघानी(पश्चिम बंगाल)6-1, 6-2;
निर्वाण मार्गना(तेलंगणा)[8]वि.वि.क्रिश बनिवाल (दिल्ली)6-4, 6-2;
सुजइ पोथुला(तेलंगणा)[7]वि.वि.रुक्ष दलवाडी(गुजरात)6-1, 6-0;
आरव छल्लानी(महाराष्ट्र)[4]वि.वि.कबीर दहिया(हरियाणा)6-0, 6-0;
स्वयम रथ(कर्नाटक)वि.वि.देवांश कंबोज(हरियाणा)[15]1-6, 6-3, 6-4;
यशवर्धन सिंग(उत्तरप्रदेश)वि.वि.अर्जुन दुआ(दिल्ली) [11]6-2, 6-2;
पुनीत एम(कर्नाटक)[3]वि.वि.नयन खत्री(दिल्ली)6-0, 6-2;
रोनक हरयानी(राजस्थान)[16]वि.वि.नीव शेठ(महाराष्ट्र)6-2, 7-5;
यशवंतराजे पवार(महाराष्ट्र)वि.वि.कबीर गुंडेचा(महाराष्ट्र)4-6, 6-2, 6-1;
निब्रास हुसेन(आसाम)वि.वि.देवांश आचार्य(महाराष्ट्र)6-3, 6-1;
भावेश चौधरी(राजस्थान)वि.वि.ध्रुव शर्मा(केरळ)[12]6-3, 6-7(6),6-1;
तनिश नंदा (पंजाब)[5]वि.वि.वंश चौधरी(राजस्थान)6-1, 6-0;
रॉनी विजय कुमार(तामिळनाडू)[2]वि.वि.सोहम रणसुभे(महाराष्ट्र)6-2, 6-0;
स्पर्श पाटील (महाराष्ट्र)वि.वि.केम्पेगौडा मंजुनाथ(कर्नाटक)6-3, 6-2;
12वर्षांखालील मुली:
खुशी कादियन(हरियाणा) [2]वि.वि.कनिष्क गोविंद (तामिळनाडू)6-0, 6-2;
सरेना गहलोट(हरियाणा)[3]वि.वि.त्रिशा भोसले(महाराष्ट्र)6-1, 6-0;
पद्मा रमेशकुमार(केरळ)[4]वि.वि.असीस ब्रार(पंजाब)6-1, 6-0;
संरचना दास(ओडिशा) [16]वि.वि.अवनी पुनागंटी (कर्नाटक)6-3, 6-2;
शझफा एसके(पश्चिम बंगाल)[13]वि.वि.वैदेही शुक्ला(मध्यप्रदेश)6-2, 6-2;
दिया आर जानकी(तामिळनाडू)वि.वि.वैदेही शिंदे(मध्यप्रदेश)[15]6-2, 6-3;
झोहा कुरेशी(तेलंगणा)[12]वि.वि.पृथी वेल्लादंडी(केरळ)6-1, 6-1;
धृती गुंडू(तेलंगणा)वि.वि.सहेज लाखत(पंजाब)[10]6-1, 6-0;
एशिथा श्रीयाला (आंध्रप्रदेश)[8]वि.वि.सिद्धी पांडे (उत्तर प्रदेश) 6-3, 6-1;
सारा फेंगसे(महाराष्ट्र)वि.वि.सौम्या चौधरी(राजस्थान)[11]6-1, 6-0;
माहिरा भाटिया(उत्तराखंड)[14]वि.वि.मायरा शेख(महाराष्ट्र)6-0, 6-2;

Pawar ,Hussain cause first upsets at 18th Ramesh Desai Memorial Under 12 Tennis Championship

Published : 13/Feb/2024

Pawar ,Hussain cause first upsets at 18th Ramesh Desai Memorial Under 12 Tennis Championship
Mumbai, February 12, 2024: Yashvantraje Pawar of Maharashtra and Nibras Hussain have of Assam caused the first upsets to enter the second round in the boys event at 18th Ramesh Desai Memorial Under  12 Tennis Championship organized by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and  played at GA Ranade Tennis Center and Bombay Gymkhana
In the opening round Solapur boy Yashvantraje Pawar upset Thirteenth seeded Tanish Vundyala  of Telangana 6-3, 1-6, 6-4 while Assam’s Nibras Hussain upset tenth seed Nihal S Reddy  of Karnataka 6-2, 6-4
In the girls first round Asees Brar of Punjab edged out Priyangsi Chatterjee  of West Bengal 6-3, 3-6, 6-4 to make round two
Results: Main Draw: First Round: Boys: 
Yuvaan Garg (UP) [1] bt Adish P M (TN)6-0, 6-0;
Swayam Rath (KA) bt Riaan Nandankar (GJ)6-1, 6-0;
Eashandeep Boro (AS)bt Thanush S B C (KA)6-2, 7-5;
Yashvantraje Pawar (MH) bt Tanish Vundyala (TS)[13] 6-3, 1-6, 6-4;
Nibras Hussain (AS) bt Nihal S Reddy (KA) [10]6-2, 6-4;
Atharv Narsinghani (WB) bt Harsh Bansal (RJ)6-2, 6-1;
Arjun Dua (DL) [11] bt Taksheel Naagar (MH)6-2, 6-4;
Devansh Kamboj (HR) [15] bt Aarav Bele (MH)7-5, 6-3;
Aarav Chhallani (MH) [4] bt Aarav Malik (HR)6-0, 6-0;
Advait Gund (MH) bt Yuvraj Singh (UP)6-2, 6-0;
Vir Chattur (MH) [9] bt Jayveer Hooda (RJ)6-0, 6-0;
Rukesh Dalwadi (GJ) bt Kabilayayati Chailandhiri (TN)7-5, 6-0;
Kabir Dahiya(AS) bt Prashant Borah(HR) 6-1, 4-6, 6-0;
Avni Punaganti (KA) bt Harsha Deshpande (MH)5-7, 6-1, 7-5;
Diya R Janki (TN) bt Hanshita Khattar (UP)6-1, 6-1;
Bhrithi Velladandi (KA) bt Moksha Dokku (TS)6-1, 6-4;
Asees Brar (PB) bt Priyangsi Chatterjee (WB)6-3, 3-6, 6-4;
Shubhi Sharma (DL) bt Vritika Shah (MH)6-0, 7-5;
Dhrutee Gundu (TS) bt Pujya Ram Oruganti (AP)4-6, 6-4, 6-3;
Myra Shaikh (MH) bt Aanya Biswas (WB)6-3, 6-2;
Kanishka Govind (TN) bt Wazooha Khan (GJ)6-0, 6-1.


Semenistaja wins singles title, Jakupovic/ Santamaria capture doubles crown at L&T Mumbai Open Tenni...

Published : 13/Feb/2024

Semenistaja wins singles title, Jakupovic/ Santamaria capture doubles crown at L&T Mumbai Open Tennis Championships 
Mumbai, February 11: Latvia’s Darja Semenistaja won the biggest singles title of her career so far after winning the L&T Mumbai Open WTA 125K Series Tennis Championships, being organized by the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and the Cricket Club of India (CCI), on Sunday.
The 21-year-old from Latvia came from a set down and saved a match point late in the second set before prevailing over fellow southpaw Storm Hunter, of Australia, in a two-and-a-half-hour battle.
Semenistaja finally prevailed 5-7, 7-6 (6), 6-2 to win the title and continue her purple patch on Indian soil in 2024. The Latvian won an ITF W50 title in Bengaluru last month and has also claimed two ITF doubles title in the country before capping her run with the Mumbai title this week.
Earlier on Sunday, second seeds Dalila Jakupovic/ Sabrina Santamaria captured the doubles title ending the hopes of India No. 1 Prarthana Thombare and Dutchwoman Arianne Hartono.
The second seeded Slovenian-American pairing won the first set 6-4 before Thombare/ Hartono struck an early break to lead 2-0 in the second. However, Jakupovic/ Santamaria fought back to take six of the last seven games and complete the 6-4, 6-3 win in one hour and 25 minutes. Jakupovic was also a finalist in the singles event at this tournament in 2017, when she lost to reigning Australian Open champion Aryna Sabalenka.
L&T Mumbai Open WTA 125K Series Results, Sunday February 11, 2024
Singles Final
[6] Darja Semenistaja (LAT) def. Storm Hunter (AUS) 5-7, 7-6 (6), 6-2
Doubles Final
(2) Dalila Jakupovic (SLO)/ Sabrina Santamaria (USA) def. Arianne Hartono (NED)/ Prarthana Thombare (IND) 6-4, 6-3
About the L&T Mumbai Open WTA 125 Series 
L&T Mumbai Open Tennis Championships is returning to Mumbai after a gap of six years, with reigning Australian Open champion Aryna Sabalenka winning the inaugural edition in 2017 as a teenager and Thailand's Luksika Kumkhum winning the title in 2018.

Sahaja Yamalapalli stuns top seed Kayla Day for the biggest career win in the first round of L&T Mu...

Published : 06/Feb/2024

Sahaja Yamalapalli stuns top  seed Kayla Day for the biggest career win in the first round of L&T Mumbai Open Tennis Championships
Mumbai, February 5:  India’s No. 2 ranked player, Sahaja Yamalapalli, pulled off a sensational upset over top seed Kayla Day, of the United States, in a three-set battle in the first round of the L&T Mumbai Open WTA 125K Series Tennis Championships, being organized by the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and the Cricket Club of India (CCI) on Monday evening.
Ranked No. 335 in the world and playing against a top 100 player for the first time in her career, the 23-year-old wild card entrant put aside the loss of a second set to win 6-4, 1-6, 6-4 in two hours and 43 minutes and advance to the second round.
Earlier in the day, another Indian wild card entrant Vaishnavi Adkar put on an impressive show before going down in three sets to South Korea’s Sohyun Park while the Indian duo Ankita Raina/ Rutuja Bhosale bowed out in the first round of the doubles event.
19-year-old Adkar, ranked No 841 in the world, was originally scheduled to play qualifier Himeno Sakatsume but the latter was forced to pull out which put Park into the main draw as a lucky loser. Playing an opponent ranked more than 500 spots above her in the rankings, Adkar took the second set before Park came out on top 6-2, 2-6, 6-1 in just under two hours.
In the doubles draw, the all-Indian duo of Raina/ Bhosale was narrowly defeated by Hungary’s Fanny Stollar and Great Britain’s Naiktha Bains 6-3, 2-6, 8-10 in the first round.
Elsewhere in the draw, 16-year-old Alina Korneeva, who trains at the Rafa Nadal Academy in Spain, defeated Frenchwoman Chloe Paquet 6-1, 6-3 to move into the second round. Korneeva won the Australian and French Open junior singles titles in 2023, becoming the top-ranked junior in the world before transitioning to the pro tour where she is already ranked inside the world’s top 150.
Fifth seed Laura Pigossi, of Brazil, sixth seed Darja Semneistaja, of Latvia, and Dutchwoman Arianna Hartono also won their opening main draw matches on Monday to move into the second round.
L&T Mumbai Open WTA 125K Series Results, Monday February 5, 2024
Singles First Round
Sahaja Yamalapalli (IND) def. (1) Kayla Day (USA) 6-4, 1-6, 6-4
(5) Laura Pigossi (BRA) def. Ekaterina Makarova 6-1, 3-0 retd.
(6) Darja Semenistaja (LAT) def. Panna Udvardy (HUN) 7-5, 3-6, 6-2
Sohyun Park (LL) (KOR) def. Vaishnvai Adkar (IND) 6-2, 2-6, 6-1
Arianne Hartono (NED) def. Irina Bara (ROM) 6-4, 6-4
Alina Korneeva def. Chloe Paquet (FRA) 6-1, 6-3
Doubles First Round
Naiktha Bains (GBR)/ Fanny Stollar (HUN) def. Ankita Raina (IND)/ Rutuja Bhosale (IND) 3-6, 6-2, 10-8

Vaishnavi Adkar bows out of singles; Ankita Raina/ Rutuja Bhosale go down fighting in first round of...

Published : 06/Feb/2024

Vaishnavi Adkar bows out of singles; Ankita Raina/ Rutuja Bhosale go down fighting in first round of L&T Mumbai Open Tennis Championships
Mumbai, February 5:  India’s Vaishnavi Adkar put on an impressive show before going down in three sets to South Korea’s Sohyun Park while the Indian duo Ankita Raina/ Rutuja Bhosale bowed out in the first round of the doubles event at the L&T Mumbai Open WTA 125K Series Tennis Championships, being organized by the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and the Cricket Club of India (CCI).
19-year-old Adkar, ranked No 841 in the world, was originally scheduled to play qualifier Himeno Sakatsume but the latter was forced to pull out which put Park into the main draw as a lucky loser. Playing an opponent ranked more than 500 spots above her in the rankings, Adkar took the second set before Park came out on top 6-2, 2-6, 6-1 in just under two hours.
In the doubles draw, the all-Indian duo of Raina/ Bhosale was narrowly defeated by Hungary’s Fanny Stollar and Great Britain’s Naiktha Bains 6-3, 2-6, 8-10 in the first round.
Another Indian, Sahaja Yamalapalli, will take on top seed Kayla Day, from the United States, in the featured evening session match.
Elsewhere, 16-year-old Alina Korneeva, who trains at the Rafa Nadal Academy in Spain, defeated Frenchwoman Chloe Paquet 6-1, 6-3 to move into the second round. Korneeva won the Australian and French Open junior singles titles in 2023, becoming the top-ranked junior in the world before transitioning to the pro tour where she is already ranked inside the world’s top 150.
Fifth seed Laura Pigossi, of Brazil, sixth seed Darja Semneistaja, of Latvia, and Dutchwoman Arianna Hartono also won their opening main draw matches on Monday to move into the second round.
L&T Mumbai Open WTA 125K Series Results, Monday February 5, 2024
Singles First Round
(5) Laura Pigossi (BRA) def. Ekaterina Makarova 6-1, 3-0 retd.
(6) Darja Semenistaja (LAT) def. Panna Udvardy (HUN) 7-5, 3-6, 6-2
Sohyun Park (LL) (KOR) def. Vaishnvai Adkar (IND) 6-2, 2-6, 6-1
Arianne Hartono (NED) def. Irina Bara (ROM) 6-4, 6-4
Alina Korneeva def. Chloe Paquet (FRA) 6-1, 6-3
Doubles First Round
Naiktha Bains (GBR)/ Fanny Stollar (HUN) def. Ankita Raina (IND)/ Rutuja Bhosale (IND) 3-6, 6-2, 10-8
About the L&T Mumbai Open WTA 125 Series 
L&T Mumbai Open Tennis Championships is returning to Mumbai after a gap of six years, with reigning Australian Open champion Aryna Sabalenka winning the inaugural edition in 2017 as a teenager and Thailand's Luksika Kumkhum winning the title in 2018.


एल अॅण्ड टी मुंबई ओपन डब्लूटीए १लाख २५हजार डॉलर टेनिस स्पर्धेत एकेरीत भारताच्या वैष्णवी आडकरचे, तर दुहेरीत ऋतुजा भोसले व अंकिता रैनाचे आव्हान संपुष्टात  
मुंबई ५ फेब्रुवारी २०२४: महाराष्ट्र राज्य लॉन टेनिस संघटना (एमएलटीए) आणि क्रिकेट क्लब ऑफ इंडिया (सीसीआय) आयोजित एल अॅण्ड टी मुंबई ओपन डब्लूटीए १लाख २५हजार डॉलर टेनिस स्पर्धेत मुख्य ड्रॉच्या पहिल्या फेरीत एकेरीत भारताच्या वैष्णवी आडकर हिला, तर दुहेरीत ऋतुजा भोसले व अंकिता रैना या जोडीला पराभवाचा सामना करावा लागल्याने त्यांचे आव्हान संपुष्टात आले. 
क्रिकेट क्लब ऑफ इंडिया येथील टेनिस कोर्टवर सुरू असलेल्या या स्पर्धेत एकेरीत पहिल्या फेरीत लकी लुझर ठरलेल्या कोरियाच्या सोहयुन पार्क हिने भारताच्या वाईल्ड कार्ड द्वारे प्रवेश केलेल्या वैष्णवी आडकरचा ६-२, २-६, ६-१ असा संघर्षपूर्ण पराभव केला. जपानच्या हिमेनो साकात्सुमेने माघार घेतल्यामुळे सोहयुन पार्कने लकी लुझर म्हणून मुख्य ड्रॉमध्ये प्रवेश केला. १९ वर्षीय व जागतिक क्रमवारीत ८४१व्या स्थानी असलेली वैष्णवी आडकरने पार्कला विजयासाठी झुंजवले. पार्क हिने वैष्णवीवर दोन तासात विजय मिळवला.  स्पेन येथे राफेल नदाल अकादमीत प्रशिक्षण घेत असलेल्या १६ वर्षीय अलिना कॉर्निवा हिने फ्रान्सच्या क्लोई पेक्वेटचा ६-१, ६-३ असा पराभव करून दुसरी फेरी गाठली. कॉर्निवा हिने २०२३मध्ये ऑस्ट्रेलियन व फ्रेंच ओपन स्पर्धेत कुमार गटात एकेरीत विजेतेपद पटकावले असून जागतिक क्रमवारीत देखील ती अव्वल स्थानी होती. तसेच, प्रो टूरमध्ये देखील तिने जागतिक क्रमवीरत अव्वल १५० खेळाडूंमध्ये स्थान मिळवले आहे.  
दुहेरीत पहिल्या फेरीत ग्रेट ब्रिटनच्या नैकिता बेन्स व हंगेरीच्या फॅनी स्टोलर यांनी वाईल्ड कार्ड द्वारे प्रवेश केलेल्या भारताच्या ऋतुजा भोसले व अंकिता रैना यांचा ३-६, ६-२, १०-८ असा पराभव करून आगेकूच केली.  
निकाल: मुख्य ड्रॉ: पहिली फेरी: एकेरी:
दरजा सेमेनिस्तेजा(लात्विया)(६)वि.वि. पन्ना उदवर्दी(हंगेरी)७-५, ३-६, ६-२; 
एरियन हार्टोनो(नेदरलँड)वि.वि.इरिना बारा(रशिया)६-४, ६-४; 
अलिना कॉर्निवा वि.वि.क्लोई पेक्वेट(फ्रांस)६-१, ६-३; 
लॉरा पिगोसी(ब्राझील)(५) वि.वि.एकतेरिना मकारोवा(रशिया)६-१, ३-०सामना सोडून दिला; 
सोहयुन पार्क(कोरिया)वि.वि.वैष्णवी आडकर(भारत)६-२, २-६, ६-१; 
दुहेरी गट: पहिली फेरी: 
नैकिता बेन्स(ग्रेट ब्रिटन)/फॅनी स्टोलर(हंगेरी)वि.वि.ऋतुजा भोसले(भारत)/अंकिता रैना(भारत)३-६, ६-२, १०-८. 

Nilakhe, Reddy cause first upsets at MSLTA Intensity Tennis Academy All India Ranking Championship S...

Published : 06/Feb/2024

Nilakhe, Reddy cause first upsets at MSLTA Intensity Tennis Academy All India Ranking Championship Series U12 Tennis Tournament 
Pune, February 5,2024:  Peeyush Reddy, Avdhoot Nilakhe  caused the first upsets  at MSLTA Intensity Tennis Academy All India Ranking Championship Series U12 Tennis Tournament which is being organized by Intensity Tennis Academy in association with Shaping Champions Foundation Pune and played at Intensity Tennis Academy Courts, Kapila Resorts, Kharadi
In the boys event, Qualifier Avdhoot Nilakhe upset fourth seeded Aryan Banerjee 6-3, 6-4, while qualifier Peeyush Reddy upset eighth seeded Sri Charna Samineni 6-4, 3-6, 7-5 to make it to the second round. The tournament was inaugurated by Mr.Surendra Pathare. Tournament Director Mr.Atul Deodhare, Mr.Kapil Kinnari, and Tournament Supervisor Tejal Kulkarni were present on the occassion.
Results: First Round: Boys:
Aarav Bele(1) bt Ayush Deuskar 6-1, 6-0;
Reyansh Gund bt Kreshiv Sharma 6-3, 6-4;
Peeyush Reddy bt Sri Charna Samineni(8) 6-4, 3-6, 7-5;
Avdhoot Nilakhe bt Aryan Banerjee (4) 6-3, 6-4;
Shaurya Gadade bt Viraj Khanvilkar 6-2, 6-3;
Abhinav Sharma bt Ahaan Jain 6-2, 6-1;
Laqshya Tripathi(7) bt Aayush Mishra 6-0, 6-2;
Adinath Kachare bt Ahan Bhattacharya 6-2, 3-6, 6-2;
Advait Gund(6) bt Ethan Lahoti 6-2, 6-0;
Kanishka Naruka bt Gargi Bhadkamkar 6-3, 6-3;
Rishita Yadav bt Sanvi Latey 6-0, 6-1;
Chahat Thakur bt Swanika Dhamale 6-1, 6-4; 
एमएसएलटीए इंटेंसिटी टेनिस अकादमी अखिल भारतीय मानांकन(12वर्षाखालील) चॅम्पियनशिप सिरीज टेनिस स्पर्धेत अवधुत निलाखे, पियुश रेड्डी यांनी उदघाटनाचा दिवस गाजवला
पुणे, 5 फेब्रुवारी 2024: इंटेंसिटी  टेनिस अकादमी व शेपिंग चॅम्पियन्स फाउंडेशन पुणे यांच्या संयुक्त विद्यमाने आयोजित एमएसएलटीए इंटेंसिटी टेनिस अकादमी अखिल भारतीय मानांकन(12वर्षाखालील) चॅम्पियनशिप सिरीज टेनिस स्पर्धेत मुलांच्या गटात  अवधुत निलाखे, पियुश रेड्डी यांनी मानांकित खेळाडूंवर विजय मिळवत आजचा उदघाटनाचा दिवस गाजवला. 
खराडी कपिला रिसॉर्ट येथील इंटेंसिटी  टेनिस अकादमी टेनिस कोर्टवर सुरु असलेल्या या स्पर्धेत मुलांच्या गटात मुख्य ड्रॉच्या पहिल्या फेरीत पात्रता फेरीतून मुख्य फेरीत प्रवेश केलेल्या अवधूत निलाखे याने चौथ्या मानांकित आर्यन बॅनर्जीचा 6-3, 6-4 असा पराभव करून अनपेक्षित निकाल नोंदवला. क्वालिफायर पियुश रेड्डी याने आठव्या मानांकित श्री चरना समिनेनीचा 6-4, 3-6, 7-5 असा तीन सेटमध्ये संघर्षपूर्ण पराभव केला. शौर्य गडदे याने विराज खानविलकरचा 6-2, 6-3 असा सरळ सेटमध्ये पराभव केला. चुरशीच्या लढतीत क्वालिफायर आदिनाथ कचरेने अहान भट्टाचार्यचा 6-2, 3-6, 6-2 असा पराभव करून दुसरी फेरी गाठली. 
मुलींच्या गटात पहिल्या फेरीत कनिष्का नारुकाने गार्गी भडकमकरचा 6-3, 6-3 असा तर, रिशीता यादवने सान्वी लाटेचा 6-0, 6-1 असा सहज पराभव केला. क्वालिफायर चाहत ठाकूर हिने स्वानिका ढमालेवर 6-1, 6-4 असा विजय मिळवला. याआधी स्पर्धेचे उदघाटन सुरेंद्र पठारे यांच्या हस्ते करण्यात आले. यावेळी स्पर्धा संचालक अतुल देवधरे, कपिल किन्नरी, सुपरवायझर तेजल कुलकर्णी आदी मान्यवर उपस्थित होते.
निकाल: पहिली फेरी: मुले:
आरव बेले(1)वि.वि.आयुष देऊस्कर 6-1, 6-0;
रेयांश गुंड वि.वि.क्रेशिव शर्मा 6-3, 6-4;
पियुश रेड्डी वि.वि.श्री चरना समिनेनी(8) 6-4, 3-6, 7-5;
अवधूत निलाखे वि.वि.आर्यन बॅनर्जी (4) 6-3, 6-4;
शौर्य गडदे वि.वि.विराज खानविलकर 6-2, 6-3;
अभिनव शर्मा वि.वि.अहान जैन 6-2, 6-1;
लक्ष्य त्रिपाठी(7) वि.वि.आयुष मिश्रा 6-0, 6-2;
आदिनाथ कचरे वि.वि.अहान भट्टाचार्य 6-2, 3-6, 6-2; 
अद्वैत गुंड(6) वि.वि.इथन लाहोटी 6-2, 6-0;

कनिष्का नारुका वि.वि.गार्गी भडकमकर 6-3, 6-3;
रिशीता यादव वि.वि.सान्वी लाटे 6-0, 6-1; 
चाहत ठाकूर वि.वि.स्वानिका ढमाले 6-1, 6-4;

Fearless Shrivalli progress into main draw of L&T Mumbai Open

Published : 05/Feb/2024

Fearless Shrivalli progress into main draw of L&T Mumbai Open

Mumbai, February 4: India’s Shrivalli Bhamidipaty continued to play freely and fearlessly and produced another remarkable performance to outduel Viktoria Morvayova of Slovakia registering a 6-3, 3-6, 6-3 win in the second and final qualifying round match of the L&T Mumbai Open WTA 125K match on Centre Court at the iconic Cricket Club of India on Sunday.

Shrivalli is the lone Indian from the qualifying round to make it to the main draw. India’s Vaidehi Chaudhari lost to Amandine Hesse of France 3-6, 1-6, while wild card entrant Zeel Desai retired after losing the first set 7-5 against top seed Himeno Sakatsume of Japan on Centre Court.

A two-time Indian National champion, Shrivalli, started in the same aggressive fashion as in her first round straight-set win against second seed Valentini Grammatikopoulou from Greece on Saturday.

The 22-year-old Shrivalli, who had won her maiden ITF women’s title in Bengaluru in last November, with clever tactics quelled the fight from her Slovak opponent who bravely battled on despite encountering some discomfort at the start of the third set. After the third game Viktoria, tailing 0-3 took a medical time-out. She continued to take treatment during change-overs, but did not throw-in the towel. She carried on fighting and even broke Shrivalli in the seventh game and held serve in the next to narrow the lead to 3-5 before Shrivalli went on to close out the match with a fierce passing shot in the ninth game of the deciding set.

Lina Glushko of Israel, sixth seed Fanny Stollar of Hungary and Thailand's Peangtarn Plipuech are the other players to qualify for the main draw, which will commence from Monday.

Results – qualifying (round-2): Shrivalli Bhamidipaty (IND) bt Viktoria Morvayova (SVK) 6-3, 3-6, 6-3;
Amandine Hesse (FRA) bt Vaidehi Chaudhari (IND) 6-3, 6-1;
Lina Glushko (ISR) bt Camilla Rosatella (ITA) 6-3, 6-3;
1-Himeno Sakatsume (JPN) bt Zeel Desai (IND) 7-5, retired;
6-Fanny Stollar (HUN) bt  Sohyun Park (KOR) 6-4, 6-3;
Peangtarn Plipuech (THA) bt Chia Yi Tsao (TPE) 6-3, 6-3.
एल अॅण्ड टी मुंबई ओपन डब्लूटीए १लाख २५हजार डॉलर टेनिस स्पर्धेत भारताच्या श्रीवल्ली रश्मिका भामीदिप्तीचा मुख्य फेरीत प्रवेश 
मुंबई ४ फेब्रुवारी २०२४: महाराष्ट्र राज्य लॉन टेनिस संघटना (एमएलटीए) आणि क्रिकेट क्लब ऑफ इंडिया (सीसीआय) आयोजित एल अॅण्ड टी मुंबई ओपन डब्लूटीए १लाख २५हजार डॉलर टेनिस स्पर्धेत अंतिम पात्रता फेरीत भारताच्या श्रीवल्ली रश्मिका भामीदिप्ती हिने सुरेख खेळ करत मुख्य फेरीत प्रवेश केला.
क्रिकेट क्लब ऑफ इंडिया येथील टेनिस कोर्टवर सुरू असलेल्या या स्पर्धेत अंतिम पात्रता फेरीत २२ वर्षीय वाईल्ड कार्ड द्वारे प्रवेश केलेल्या भारताच्या श्रीवल्ली रश्मिका भामीदिप्ती हीने स्लोवाकियाच्या व्हिक्टोरिया मोर्वायोवाचा ६-३, ३-६, ६-३ असा तीन सेटमध्ये पराभव करून मुख्य फेरी गाठली. पात्रता फेरीतून मुख्य फेरीत प्रवेश करणारी श्रीवल्ली एकमेव भारतीय खेळाडू ठरली. श्रीवल्ली हिने नोव्हेंबरमध्ये आयटीएफ स्पर्धेत याआधी विजेतेपद पटकावले होते. पहिल्या सेटमध्ये श्रीवल्लीने सुरेख खेळ करत व्हिक्टोरियाविरुद्ध ६-३ असा जिंकून आघाडी घेतली. दुसऱ्या सेटमध्ये व्हिक्टोरियाने वरचढ खेळ करत श्रीवल्ली विरुद्ध ६-३ असा जिंकून बरोबरी साधली. तिसऱ्या निर्णायक सेटमध्ये ५-३ अशा फरकाने आघाडीवर असताना श्रीवल्लीने नवव्या गेममध्ये व्हिक्टोरियाची सर्व्हिस ब्रेक केली व हा सेट ६-३ असा जिंकून विजय मिळवला. 
फ्रांसच्या नवव्या मानांकित अमनदिनी हासेने भारताच्या वाईल्ड कार्डद्वारे प्रवेश केलेल्या वैदेही चौधरीचा ६-३, ६-१ असा पराभव करून आगेकूच केली. इस्त्राईलच्या लीना ग्लूशको हिने अकराव्या मानांकित इटलीच्या कॅमिला रोसटेलोचे आव्हान ६-३, ६-३ असे मोडीत काढले. हंगेरीच्या सहाव्या मानांकित फॅनी स्टोलरने कोरियाच्या दहाव्या मानांकित सोहयुन पार्कला ६-३, ६-४ असे पराभूत केले.  थायलंडच्या पेंगतारण प्लीपुचने तैपेईच्या चिया यि साओचा ६-३, ६-३ असा पराभव करून मुख्य फेरीत धडक मारली. 
 निकाल:अंतिम पात्रता फेरी:
हिमेनो साकात्सुमे (जपान)(१) वि.वि.झील देसाई(भारत) ७-५, सामना सोडून दिला; 
श्रीवल्ली रश्मिका भामीदिप्ती (भारत)वि.वि.व्हिक्टोरिया मोर्वायोवा (स्लोवाकिया)६-३, ३-६, ६-३; 
लीना ग्लूशको(इस्त्राईल)वि.वि.कॅमिला रोसटेलो(इटली)(११)६-३, ६-३;
अमनदिनी हासे (फ्रांस)(९)वि.वि.वैदेही चौधरी (भारत) ६-३, ६-१; 
फॅनी स्टोलर(हंगेरी)(६)वि.वि. सोहयुन पार्क(कोरिया)(१०)६-३, ६-४; 
पेंगतारण प्लीपुच (थायलंड) वि.वि. चिया यि साओ(तैपेई)६-३, ६-३; 
एकेरीतील खेळाडूंची मानांकन यादी खालीलप्रमाणे: 
१. कायला डे(अमेरिका), २.नाओ हिबिनो(जपान), ३. तमारा झिदानसेक(स्लोव्हाकिया), ४.अरिना रोडिनोव्हा(ऑस्ट्रेलिया), ५.लौरा पिगोसी(ब्राझील), ६.दरजा सेमेनिस्तजा(लात्विया), ७. किंबर्ली बायरेईल(ऑस्ट्रेलिया), ८.कॅटी वॉलनेट्स(अमेरिका);

Qualifiers spotted at MSLTA Intensity Tennis Academy All India Ranking Championship Series U12 Tenni...

Published : 05/Feb/2024

Qualifiers spotted at MSLTA Intensity Tennis Academy All India Ranking Championship Series U12 Tennis Tournament 
Aarav Bele, Vaidehi Shukla lead seeding list 
Pune, February 4,2024:  Viraj Khanvilkar, Aahan Bhattacharya, Ved Pardeshi, Adinath Kachare  moved into main draw  at MSLTA Intensity Tennis Academy All India Ranking Championship Series U12 Tennis Tournament which is being organized by Intensity Tennis Academy in association with Shaping Champions Foundation Pune and played at Intensity Tennis Academy Courts, Kapila Resorts, Kharadi

In the boys final qualifying round unseeded Aahan Bhattacharya  upset sixth seeded Meghadheer Balraj 6-1, 6-3, while eleventh seeded Ved Pardeshi upset seventh seeded Aaveer Ghumare 7-6(8), 6-2  to enter into main draw

 Results: Final Qualifying Round: Boys:
Reyansh Gund(1) bt Balraj Birajdar 6-0, 6-1;
Peeyush Reddy(2) bt Krish Saroj 6-4, 6-2;
Luv Pardeshi(3) bt Anup Rishabh 6-2, 6-3;
Adinath Kachare(9) bt Gautam Tripathi 6-1, 6-0;
Viraj Khanvilkar(4) bt Ayush Verma 6-4, 6-3;
Avdhoot Nilakhe(5) bt Aayush Deoskar(10) 6-2, 6-1;
Aahan Bhattacharya bt Meghadheer Balraj(6) 6-1, 6-3;
Ved Pardeshi(11) bt Aaveer Ghumare(7) 7-6(8), 6-2;
Following are the seeding list:
Boys: 1.Aarav Bele, 2.Taksheel Naagar, 3.Yashvantraje Pawar, 4.Aryan Banerjee, 5.Kabir Gundecha, 6.Advait Gund, 7.Laqkshya Tripathi, 8.Sri Charana

Girls: 1.Vaidehi Shukla, 2.Nakshatra Iyer, 3.Khyati Manish, 4.Harshika Singh, 5.Janhavi Sawant, 6.Anika Shirvastava, 7.Asmi Pitre, 8.Devika Pinge
एमएसएलटीए इंटेंसिटी टेनिस अकादमी अखिल भारतीय मानांकन(12वर्षाखालील) चॅम्पियनशिप सिरीज टेनिस स्पर्धेत आहान भट्टाचार्य, वेद परदेशी, विराज खानविलकर, आदिनाथ कचरे यांचा मुख्य फेरीत प्रवेश 
पुणे, 4 फेब्रुवारी 2024: इंटेंसिटी  टेनिस अकादमी व शेपिंग चॅम्पियन्स फाउंडेशन पुणे यांच्या संयुक्त विद्यमाने आयोजित एमएसएलटीए इंटेंसिटी टेनिस अकादमी अखिल भारतीय मानांकन(12वर्षाखालील) चॅम्पियनशिप सिरीज टेनिस स्पर्धेत मुलांच्या गटात  आहान भट्टाचार्य, वेद परदेशी, विराज खानविलकर, आदिनाथ कचरे यांनी आपापल्या प्रतिस्पर्धी खेळाडूंचा पराभव करून मुख्य फेरीत प्रवेश केला. 
खराडी कपिला रिसॉर्ट येथील इंटेंसिटी  टेनिस अकादमी टेनिस कोर्टवर सुरु असलेल्या या स्पर्धेत अंतिम पात्रता फेरीत आहान भट्टाचार्यने सहाव्या मानांकित मेघधीर बलराजचा 6-1, 6-3 असा तर, अकराव्या मानांकित वेद परदेशीने सातव्या मानांकित आवीर घुमरेचा टायब्रेकमध्ये 7-6(8), 6-2 असा पराभव करून मुख्य फेरी गाठली. नवव्या मानांकित आदिनाथ कचरेने गौतम त्रिपाठीचे आव्हान 6-1, 6-0 असे मोडीत काढले. चौथ्या मानांकित विराज खानविलकरने आयुष वर्माचा 6-4, 6-3 असा पराभव करून मुख्य फेरीत धडक मारली. 
मुख्य ड्रॉमधील खेळाडूंची मानांकन यादी आज जाहीर करण्यात आली. यामध्ये मुलांच्या गटात आरव बेले याला अग्रमानांकन देण्यात आले. मुलींच्या गटात वैदेही शुक्ला हिला अव्वल मानांकन देण्यात आले. 
निकाल: अंतिम पात्रता फेरी: मुले: 
रेयांश गुंड(1)वि.वि.बलराज बिराजदार 6-0, 6-1;
पीयूष रेड्डी(2)वि.वि.क्रिश सरोज6-4, 6-2;
लव परदेशी(3) वि.वि.अनुप ऋषभ 6-2, 6-3;
आदिनाथ कचरे(9)वि.वि.गौतम त्रिपाठी 6-1, 6-0;
विराज खानविलकर(4) वि.वि.आयुष वर्मा 6-4, 6-3;
अवधूत निलाखे(5) वि.वि.आयुष देवस्कर(10) 6-2, 6-1;
आहान भट्टाचार्य वि.वि.मेघधीर बलराज(6)6-1, 6-3;
वेद परदेशी(11)वि.वि.आवीर घुमरे(7)7-6(8), 6-2. 
मुख्य ड्रॉमधील खेळाडूंची मानांकन यादी खालीलप्रमाणे: 
मुले: 1.आरव बेले, 2.तक्षिल नागर, 3.यशवंतराजे पवार, 4.आर्यन बॅनर्जी, 5.कबीर गुंडेचा, 6.अद्वैत गुंड, 7.लक्ष्य त्रिपाठी, 8.श्री चरण
मुली: 1.वैदेही शुक्ला, 2.नक्षत्रा अय्यर, 3.ख्याती मनीष, 4.हर्शिका सिंग, 5.जान्हवी सावंत, 6.अनिका श्रीवास्तव, 7.अस्मी पित्रे, 8.देविका पिंगे

Tickets for the L&T Mumbai Open WTA 125K Series Tennis Championships at CCI (Cricket Club of India)

Published : 03/Feb/2024

L&T Mumbai Open WTA 125K Series Tennis Championships at CCI: Cricket Club of India



Mumbai Zonal Tennis Championship 2024

Published : 01/Feb/2024

Department of sports and Mahatennis in association with MSLTA to launch LakshyaVedh programme for Ma...

Published : 30/Jan/2024

Department of sports and Mahatennis in association with MSLTA to launch LakshyaVedh programme for Maharashtra Tennis players 
Pune , January 25 : Govt of Maharashtra Department of Sports and  MahaTennis Foundation in association with Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) will launch the ambitious Lakshyavedh tennis program 
Speaking to reporters Mr Suhas Divase  Commissioner Sports and Youth Services Govt of Maharashtra said 
Lakshyavedh is a government of Maharashtra initiative for development of Olympic sports in the state of Maharashtra. It aims to increase awareness of Olympics sports. Increase representation of Olympics from the state of Maharashtra and achieve podium finished in Olympics Asian games and other international games. 
Under the Lakshyavedh program for tennis Govt of Maharashtra  and MahaTennis Foundation have tied up with JC FERRERO TENNIS ACADEMY situated in Villena Spain and recognised as one of the best tennis Academy in the world, it has good technical staff with WTA and ATP experience to cover all the needs of a tennis player , informed Prashant Sutar Chairman of Mslta 
We are thrilled to join hands with  Juan Carlos Ferrero a former world number 1 player and the current coach of 
Carlos Alcaraz to help MSLTA Players , Sutar added . 
 Juan Carlos Alcaraz has produced world class players Like Pablo Carreno ,  Nicolas Almagro , Guillormo Garcia Lopez   All top 50 ATP players and  Mario Teresa Torroflor top 50 WTA player 
Mr Sutar who is also the Chairman of Aryan Pumps said that Aryan Pumps will also provide monetary support to the Lakshyavedh program  through the company CSR program 
Aryan pumps which has been supporting tennis  events in the past Is also  sponsoring World No 1 doubles player Rohan Boppanna , India no 1 singles player Sumit Nagal , Top Indian doubles player , Aniruddha Chandrashekar apart from many top state juniors from districts 
Sunder Iyer. Hon Secretary Mslta said that this program will be a boon for Maharashtra Tennis Under the  LAKSHYAVEDH INITIATIVE PLAN for tennis , Juan Carlos Ferrero Academy will help  MSLTA  to develop coaches of Maharashtra and physical trainers by educating them with latest technique and knowledge of sports science. 
Coaches from all over Maharashtra will be brought to balewadi and train under JC  Ferrero tennis academy, selected coaches will be send to Spain for further training.
Mr Hemant Bendrey Senior coach and member of  Member of Mslta coaches committee who has Been coordinating the MSLTA vision programme for over a decade added  that we are looking at Identification of talent from various districts and taking the selected & talented players under our tutelage. Monitor their training and progress throughout the year, selected player will be brought to Balewadi for residential camps. 
Maharashtra has the Vision program for best players from Maharashtra, now we will Get best players from Maharashtra for camps on regular basis and start a residential program at balewadi under JC Ferrero tennis academy.
Mr Sutar further added that through Programme LakshyaVedh , Government of Maharashtra and MahaTennis Foundation Selected player of MSLTA from the above programs  will also be offered full sponsorship (tennis traning, physio, fitness tennis coach travel etc). 
The Talented players from Maharashtra will be sent to Spain at the  JC Ferrero Academy for  advanced training training , he added 
Sunder Iyer added that  Maharashtra is already No 1 state in the sport of Tennis  we have so many national champions with introduction of Lakshyavedh program in tennis we will start producing world beaters we would like to thank Mr Divase and the Government of Maharashtra and Mr Prashant Sutar for this wonderful opportunity for the sport of tennis

Moyuka Uchijima wins singles title at 22nd edition of NECC Deccan ITF 50K Women’s Tennis Tourna...

Published : 29/Jan/2024

Moyuka Uchijima  wins  singles title at 22nd edition of NECC Deccan ITF 50K  Women’s Tennis Tournament


Pune, January 27, 2024:   Third seeded 

Moyuka Uchijima  of Japan emerged singles winner  at  the 22nd edition of NECC Deccan ITF W50 Women’s Tennis Tournament being organized by Deccan Gymkhana and sponsored by National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC) under the auspices of the ITF, AITA and MSLTA and played at the Deccan Gymkhana Tennis Courts


 Moyuka  repeated her 2021 title win here and making it her second title at Deccan Gymkhana  registering a formidable 6-4,6-0 win over  qualifier Tina Nadine Smith of Australia  in 1 hour and 14 minutes  battle  in a battle of 21 year olds 


Moyuka who also won the Navi Mumbai ITF at the end of last year will move into the top  150 in the world . Moyuka broke Tina Nadine in the eighth game of the first set and reeled of seven games in row to score a comfortable win and the title .



The Singles winner got trophy, 50 ITF Points and $4903 (₹4.10 Lakhs) While runner up received trophy, 33ITF points and $2591.67(₹2.15lakhs) 


The prizes were given away at the hands  Mr.BSR Shastry, GM of NECC, Mr.Sunder Iyer,  Jt Secretary AITA, Mr. Sharad Kannamwar, Life President of MSLTA. Mr.Girish Inamdar, General Secretary of Deccan Gymkhana, Mr.Mihir Kelkar, Finance Secretary of Deccan Gymkhana, Mr.Ashwin Girme,  Tournament Director and Tennis Secretary of Deccan Gymkhana,  Chief Referee Leena Nageshkar were present on the occasion.


Results: Singles: final Round:

Moyuka Uchijima (Jpn) [3] bt (Q) Tina Nadine Smith (Aus)  6-4, 6-0


Uchijima clash with Smith in the Singles finals of 22nd edition of NECC Deccan ITF 50K Women’s Te...

Published : 27/Jan/2024

Uchijima clash with Smith in the Singles finals of 22nd edition of NECC Deccan ITF 50K  Women’s Tennis Tournament
Pune, January 27, 2024:  Former champion here and third seed Moyuka Uchijima of Japan will clash with qualifier Tina Nadine Smith of Australia in the singles finals of   the 22nd edition of NECC Deccan ITF W50 Women’s Tennis Tournament being organized by Deccan Gymkhana and sponsored by National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC) under the auspices of the ITF, AITA and MSLTA and played at the Deccan Gymkhana Tennis Courts
In the doubles finals  Alexandra Eala of Philippines and Latvian Darja Semenistaja  seeded fourth toppled top seeded pair of Naiktha Bains of  Great Britain and Hungarian  Fanni Stollar  7-6(8), 6-3 to win the doubles championship 
In the singles finals Moyuka Uchijima who won a 40K event in Navi Mumbai in last week of December continued her good run in India knocking out top seed and winner of last week Darja Semenistaja of Latvia 6-4, 2-6, 7-6(5) in a nail biting match lasting 2 hours and 08 minutes 
In the second semi finals giant killer Tina Nadine Smith of Australia who made it from the qualifying came back from a slow start  to get past Slovakian Dalila Jakupovic 6-7(5), 6-2, 6-0 and make the finals 
The doubles winner got trophy, 50 ITF Points and $2229.51(Rs.185316), While runner up received trophy, 33ITF points and $1114.82(Rs.92663).
The prizes were given away at the hands of Mr.Ashwin Girme, Tournament Director and Tennis Secretary of Deccan Gymkhana, Assistant Refree Leena Nageshkar.
Results: Singles: Semifinal Round:
Moyuka Uchijima (Jpn) [3] bt Darja Semenistaja (Lat) [1] 6-4, 2-6, 7-6(5);
(Q) Tina Nadine Smith (Aus) bt Dalila Jakupovic (Slo) 6-7(5), 6-2, 6-0;
Doubles: final Round:
Alexandra Eala (Phi) [4] /Darja Semenistaja (Lat) bt Naiktha Bains (Gbr) /Fanni Stollar (Hun) [1] 7-6(8), 6-3

Proud moment for Rutuja Bhosale and MSLTA

Published : 27/Jan/2024

Qualifier Tina Nadine Smith upsets second seed to enter semifinals of 22nd edition of NECC Deccan ITF 50K  Women’s Tennis Tournament
Ankita / Rutuja go down in doubles semifinals
Pune, January 26 2024:  Qualifier  Tina Nadine Smith made short work of second seeded Anastasia Tikhonova of Russia winning 6-1,6-2 and entering the semifinals of  the 22nd edition of NECC Deccan ITF W50 Women’s Tennis Tournament being organized by Deccan Gymkhana and sponsored by National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC) under the auspices of the ITF, AITA and MSLTA and played at the Deccan Gymkhana Tennis Courts
The 22 year old Smith ranked 403 in the world took 1 hours 13 minutes to upset the 151 ranked Tikhonova to score the biggest win of her career , yesterday she accounted for Eighth seeded Tatiana Prozorova 
She will now take on unseeded Dalila Jakupovic who took 1 hour and 45 minutes to get past Anca Alexia Todoni  of Romania  6-0, 1-6, 6-4
Topseed and 142 ranked Darja Semenistaja  of Latvia brought her all her experience to register a 7-6(6), 6-0 win over fifth seeded and former world no 1 junior  Alexandra Eala of Philippines 
Darja who won the event of similar category at Bengaluru last week will meet third seeded and former winner here Moyuka Uchijima who outplayed Anouk Koevermans of Nederland 6-2, 6-4
In the doubles top seed and former top 75 pair of Naiktha Bains of Great Britain and Fanni Stollar of Hungary stopped the run of Indian pair  of Rutuja Bhosale  and Ankita Raina 7-5, 6-7(3), 10-1 to enter the finals of the event 
Bains and Stollar will take on 
Alexandra Eala and Darja Semenistaja who scored a   7-6(5), 6-3 win over Japanese  pair of Saki Imamura and Naho Sato in the other semifinal 
The semi finals will be played at 11am while the doubles finals will be played 3.30pm onwards.
Results: Singles: Quarterfinal Round:
Darja Semenistaja (Lat) [1] bt Alexandra Eala (Phi) [5] 7-6(6), 6-0; 
 Tina Nadine Smith (Aus) bt  Anastasia Tikhonova [2] 6-1, 6-2;  
Dalila Jakupovic (Slo) bt  Anca Alexia Todoni (Rou)  6-0, 1-6, 6-4;   
Moyuka Uchijima (Jpn) [3] bt Anouk Koevermans (Ned)  6-2, 6-4; 
Doubles: Semifinal Round:
Naiktha Bains (Gbr) /Fanni Stollar (Hun) [1]  bt Rutuja Bhosale (Ind) /Ankita Raina (Ind) [3] 7-5, 6-7(3), 10-1;
Alexandra Eala (Phi) [4] /Darja Semenistaja (Lat) bt Saki Imamura (Jpn) /Naho Sato (Jpn)7-6(5), 6-3;

Ankita Raina seeded No.7 for $40,000 ITF women's tennis at Deccan Gymkhana

Published : 23/Jan/2024

Ankita Raina seeded No.7 for $40,000 ITF women's tennis at Deccan Gymkhana
PUNE, JAN. 22:
The champion of the last tournament Darja Semenistaja of Latvia will start as the top seed in the NECC $40,000 ITF women’s tennis tournament to be played at the Deccan Gymkhana from Tuesday.
Darja will open against Sahaja Yamalapalli who had done very well to win a $25,000 event recently.
Ankita Raina is the only Indian player to be seeded in the strong field, and the seventh seed will play Sapfo Sakellaridi of Greece in the first round.
None of the 15 Indian players in the qualifying event could win two rounds. Only two of them, Humera Baharmus and Zeel Desai made the second and final round. Zeel did lose a tough three setter to eighth seed Viktoria Morvayova of Slovakia, but made the main draw as a lucky-loser.
Zeel will play compatriot Rutuja Bhosale in the first round of the main draw. Vaidehi Chaudhari, Shrivalli Bhamidipaty, Vaishnavi Adkar and Madhurima Sawant have been given wild card entries.
In doubles, Prarthana Thombare has been seeded No.2 with Sapfo Sakellaridi. Rutuja Bhosale and Ankita Raina combine to be seeded third.
The seedings: 1. Darja Semenistaja (Lat), 2. Anastasia Tikhonova, 3. Moyuka Uchijima (Jpn), 4. Himeno Sakatsume (Jpn), 5. Alexandra Eala (Phi), 6. Carole Monnet (Fra), 7. Ankita Raina, 8. Tatiana Prozorova.
The results:
Qualifying singles (second and final round): Punnin Kovapitukted (Tha) bt Jessie Aney (USA) 6-4, 6-1; Tina Nadine Smith (Aus) bt Mei Yamaguchi (Jpn) 6-1, 4-6, 7-5; Anouk Koevermans (Ned) bt Lena Papadakis (Ger) 6-2, 4-6, 6-2; Naho Sato (Jpn) bt Humera Baharmus 6-3, 6-1; Eri Shimizu (Jpn) bt Mana Kawamura (Jpn) 6-2, 6-2; Naiktha Bains (GBR) bt Yukina Saigo (Jpn) 6-0, 6-4; Saki Imamura (Jpn) bt Ekaterina Yashina 6-4, 7-6(2); Viktoria Morvayova (Svk) bt Zeel Desai 4-6, 6-3, 6-3.
First round: Jessie Aney bt Sravya Shivani 6-4, 6-3; Punnin Kovapitukted bt Sonal Patil 6-3, 6-3; Tina Nadine bt Smriti Bhasin 6-0, 6-4; Mei Yamaguchi bt Yu-Yun Li (Tpe) 6-4, 6-0; Anouk Koevermans bt Lakshmi Prabha 6-2, 6-2; Lena Papadakis bt Sameeksha Shroff 6-0, 6-1; Naho Sato bt Jennifer Luikham 6-3, 6-1; Humera Baharmus bt Akanksha Nitture 2-6, 7-6(7), 6-3; Eri Shimizu bt Paavanii Paathak 6-2, 6-0; Mana Kawamura bt Nidhitra Rajmohan 6-0, 6-0; Naiktha Bains bt Soha Sadiq 5-7, 6-2, 6-2; Yukina Saigo bt Saumya Vig 6-1, 7-5; Saki Imamura bt Elena Jamshidi (Den) 6-1, 6-0; Ekaterina Yashina bt Anastasia Grechkina 3-6, 6-4, 7-5; Viktoria Morvayova bt Ishwari Matere 6-4, 6-0; Zeel Desai bt Sanjana Sirimalla 6-2, 6-0.

Punnin causes upset to enter main draw at 22nd edition of NECC Deccan ITF 50K Women’s Tennis Tour...

Published : 23/Jan/2024

Punnin causes upset to enter main draw at 22nd edition of NECC Deccan ITF 50K Women’s Tennis Tournament
Pune, January 22,2024: Thailand’s
Punnin Kovapitukted upset qualifying top seed Jessie Aeny of USA 6-4, 6-1 to enter the main draw at 22nd edition of NECC Deccan ITF 50K Women’s Tennis Tournament being organized by Deccan Gymkhana and sponsored by #NationalEggCoordinationCommittee (#NECC) under the auspices of the #ITF, #AITA and #MSLTA and played at the #DeccanGymkhana #Tennis Courts
Both the Indian girls Humera Baharmus and Zeel Desai could not keep their momentum and went down with contrasting scores
Fourth seed Naho Sato of Japan outhit Humera Baharmus 6-3, 6-1 , while eighth seed Viktoria Morvayova of Slovakia struggled to get past Zeel Desai 3-6, 6-4, 6-4 in the longest match of the day . Zeel took the first set but squandered opportunities in the second set and could not close the match
Zeel was truly lucky as she made the main draw as a lucky loser . The main draw matches will be played from Tuesday .
Results: Final Qualifying round: Womens:
Naho Sato(Jpn)[4] bt Humera Baharmus (Ind) [16] 6-3, 6-1;
Naiktha Bains (Gbr) [6] bt Yukina Saigo (Jpn) [15] 6-0, 6-4;
Anouk Koevermans(Ned) [3] bt Lena Papadakis (Ger) [9] 6-2, 4-6, 6-2;
Punnin Kovapitukted (Tha) [13] bt Jessie Aeny (USA) [1] 6-4, 6-1;
Viktoria Morvayova (Svk) [8] bt Zeel Desai (Ind) [11] 3-6, 6-4, 6-4;
Saki Imamura (Jpn) [7] bt Ekaterina Yashina (Rus) [14] 6-4, 7-6(2);
Eri Shimizu (Jpn) [5] bt Mana Kawamura(Jpn) [12] 6-2, 6-2;
Tina Nadine Smith (Aus) [2] bt Mei Yamaguchi (Jpn) [10] 6-1, 4-6, 7-5.
Darja Semenistaja gets top billing in singles event .
Double crown Winner of the the Bengaluru leg Darja Semenistaja of Latvia ranked 142 will be top seed of the event .
Ankita Raina ranked 223 is the lone Indian to be seeded and will be ranked seventh
Anastasia Tikhonova of Russia, Moyuka Uchijima of Japan who won the ITF event at Navi Mumbai last month and Himena Sakatsume also of Japan are ranked second, third and fourth respectively.
Alexandra Eala of Philippines , Carole Monnet of France and Tatiana Prozorova of Russia will be the fifth , sixth and eighth
In the doubles Naiktha Bains and Fanni Stollar will be top seeds , Sapfo Sakellaridi and Prarthana Thombare will be second seeds , Indian pair of Rutuja Bhosale and Ankita Raina will be the third seeds while Alexandra Eala and Darja Semenistaja will be the fourth seed

Zeel, Humera only Indians in second round qualifying at 22nd edition of NECC Deccan ITF 50K Women...

Published : 23/Jan/2024

Zeel, Humera only Indians in second round qualifying at 22nd edition of NECC Deccan ITF 50K Women’s Tennis Tournament
Pune, January 21,2024: Indian players Zeel Desai and. Humera Baharmus moved into the second round qualifying at 22nd edition of NECC Deccan ITF 50K Women’s Tennis Tournament being organized by Deccan Gymkhana and sponsored by National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC) under the auspices of the ITF, AITA and MSLTA and played at the Deccan Gymkhana Tennis Courts
In the First round qualifying matches
Zeel Desai out hit Sanjana Sirimalla 6-2, 6-0 while Humera came back from loss of the first set and some anxious moments in the second set to scrape past Akansha Nitture 2-6,7-6(6),6-3
In another close match Russian fourteenth seed Ekaterina Yashina overcame her country mate Anastasia Grechkina 3-6, 6-4, 7-5
Nine Indian players who made it to the qualifying draw went down without a fight to their opponents
Results: First Qualifying round: Womens:
Anouk Koevermans (Ned) [3] bt Arunkumar Lakshmi Prabha (Ind)6-2, 6-2;
Lena Papadakis (Ger) [9] bt Sameeksha Shroff (Ind)6-0, 6-1;
Naiktha Bains (Gbr) [6] bt Soha Sadiq (Ind)5-7, 6-2, 6-2;
Yukina Saigo (Jpn) [15] bt Saumya Vig (Ind)
Saki Imamura (Jpn) [7] bt Elena Jamshidi (Den)6-1, 6-0;
Punnin Kovapitukted (Tha) [13] bt Sonal Patil (Ind)6-3, 6-3
Tina Nadine Smith (Aus) [2] bt Smriti Bhasin (Ind)6-0, 6-4;
Humera Baharmus (Ind) [16] bt Akanksha Nitture (Ind)2-6, 6-7(6), 6-3;
Mana Kawamura(Jpn) [12] bt Nidhitra Rajmohan (Ind)6-0, 6-0;
Zeel Desai (Ind) [11] bt Sanjana Sirimalla (Ind)6-2, 6-0;
Ekaterina Yashina (Rus) [14] bt Anastasiia Grechkina (Rus)3-6, 6-4, 7-5;
Viktoria Morvayova (Svk) [8] bt Ishwari Matere (Ind)6-4, 6-0;
Jessie Aney (Usa) [1]Vs.Sravya Shivani Chilakalapudi (Ind) 6-4,6-3
Eri Shimizu (Jpn) [5] bt Paavanii Paathak (Ind)6-2, 6-0;
Yu-Yun Li (Tpe)Vs.Mei Yamaguchi (Jpn) [10]
Naho Sato (Jpn) [4] bt .Jennifer Luikham (Ind)6-3, 6-1;
Main Draw wildcards for Vaidehi, Shrivally , Vaishnavi and Madhurima
Upcoming state players Vaishnavi Adkar and Under 18 Junior National Champion Madhurima Sawant have been awarded the main draw wildcard by the organisers
While AITA Wildcards have been given to Vaidehi Chaudari and Shrivally Bhamidipathy .
The wildcards were announced by Tournament Director Ashwin Girme today

22nd edition of NECC Deccan ITF 50K Women’s Tennis Tournament from January 20

Published : 19/Jan/2024

22nd edition of NECC Deccan ITF 50K  Women’s Tennis Tournament   from January 20
Pune, January 18,2024: India’s longest running and popular international tennis tournament which has witnessed two Grand Slam champions Aryna Sabalenka and Emma Raducanu   NECC Deccan ITF Women’s Tennis Tournament  will b be played at the Deccan Gymkhana Tennis Courts from 20-28 January 2024
The 22nd edition of the is being organized under the auspices of the ITF, AITA and MSLTA by Deccan Gymkhana and sponsored by National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC)
The tournament has seen past winners like Emma Raducanu, Aryna Sabalenka, Bojana Jovanovski, Magda Linette, Kateryna Bondarenko who all went to become top 20 players on the WTA tour.
The event enjoys the distinction of being one of the longest running international tournament in the world with the same sponsor National Egg  Coordination Committee ( NECC)   has given women’s tennis a new dimension in India after an initiative taken  by Mrs. Anuradha Desai 23 years ago .
The event has been upgraded to a 50K event this year with the help and initiative of the International Tennis Federation (ITF) and the AITA, the event was upgraded to a $40K event from $25000 event last year . The event also made headlines last year being the only tournament to have an All Women organizing and technical squad.
In the last 22 years the event has grown from a $5000 event to now a 50 K event, the event held yearly since 2001 as a $5000 event, from 2002–2005 it was upgraded to US$10,000 event, and then was upgraded to $25,000 in 2006-2008. In 2009, it was $50,000 to celebrate 10 years of the event. Since 2010 till 2020 it has been a $25,000 event, next year we would like to make the event a 75K event with help of MSLTA, AITA and ITF said Ashwin Girme Tennis Secretary Deccan Gymkhana and Tournament Director.
We hope this event will continue to grow and prove beneficial to Indian players who have opportunity to make valuable WTA points, said Sunder Iyer Jt Secretary AITA and Hon Sec of MSLTA
22व्या एनइसीसी डेक्कन आयटीएफ 50,000डॉलर महिला टेनिस स्पर्धेस 20 जानेवारीपासून प्रारंभ
पुणे, 18 जानेवारी 2024: डेक्कन जिमखाना यांच्या वतीने आयोजित नॅशनल एग कॉर्डीनेशन कमिटी(एनइसीसी) यांनी प्रायोजित केलेल्या व आयटीएफ, एआयटीए आणि एमएसएलटीए यांच्या मान्यतेखाली 22व्या एनइसीसी डेक्कन आयटीएफ 50,000डॉलर महिला टेनिस स्पर्धेचे आयोजन करण्यात आले आहे.हि स्पर्धा डेक्कन जिमखाना टेनिस कोर्ट या ठिकाणी 20 ते 28 जानेवारी 2024 या कालावधीत रंगणार आहे.
एनईसीसी डेक्कन आयटीएफ महिला टेनिस स्पर्धा ही भारतातील दीर्घकाळ चालत असलेली स्पर्धा असून या स्पर्धेतून खेळलेल्या आर्यना सबलेंका आणि इमा राडूकानू यांनी दोन ग्रँड स्लॅम स्पर्धेत विजेतेपद पटकावले आहे. 
तसेच, या स्पर्धेत याआधी विजेतेपद पटकावलेल्या इमा राडूकानू, आर्यना सबलेंका, बोजना जोवानोवस्की, मागदा लीनेटी, कॅटेरीना बोंडारेन्को या खेळाडूंनी डब्लूटीए टूरमध्ये अव्वल 20खेळाडूंमध्ये देखील स्थान प्राप्त केले आहे.
23 वर्षांपुर्वी नॅशनल एग कॉर्डीनेशन कमिटीच्या(एनइसीसी) च्या अनुराधा देसाई यांनी घेतलेल्या पुढाकाराने एकाच प्रयोजकाचा पाठिंबा लाभलेली आणि सर्वाधिक कालावधीसाठी सुरु असलेली आंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तरावरील स्पर्धांपैकी ही एक स्पर्धा आहे.  
आंतरराष्ट्रीय टेनिस संघटना(आयटीएफ), एआयटीए यांच्या पुढाकाराने यावर्षी या स्पर्धेचा दर्जा आणखी उंचावण्यात आला असून 50,000डॉलर रकमेची स्पर्धा यावर्षी आयोजित करण्यात आली आहे. याआधी ही स्पर्धा 25,000डॉलर होती, त्यानंतर 40,000डॉलर करण्यात आली होती. तसेच, गेल्या वर्षीच्या या स्पर्धेचे वैशिष्ट्य म्हणजे आयोजनापासून पंचांपर्यंत सर्व काम महिलांनी पहिले होते.  
2001पासून हि स्पर्धा सुरु असून त्यावेळी या स्पर्धेची पारितोषिकाची रक्कम 5,000डॉलर होती. परंतु 2006-2008मध्ये या स्पर्धेच्या पारितोषिकाची रक्कम वाढविण्यात आली व ती 25,000डॉलर करण्यात आली. 2009मध्ये या स्पर्धेला 10वर्षे पूर्ण झाल्याबद्दल  50,000डॉलर करण्यात आली आणि 2010 ते 2020 पर्यंत या स्पर्धेची रक्कम 25,000डॉलर करण्यात आली. एमएसएलटीए, एआयटीए आणि आयटीएफ यांच्या सहकार्याने आगामी वर्षी हि स्पर्धा डॉलर करण्याचा आमचा मानस असल्याचे डेक्कन जिमखानाचे टेनिस विभागाचे सचिव व स्पर्धा संचालक अश्विन गिरमे यांनी सांगितले. 
एआयटीएचे सहसचिव व एमएसएलटीएचे मानद सचिव सुंदर अय्यर यांनी सांगितले की, या स्पर्धेमुळे भारतीय खेळाडूंना महत्वपूर्ण डब्लूटीए गुण मिळवण्याची संधी मिळणार आहे. 

Smit , Shounak , Kartika , Aahan in finals at EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 14 Tennis Championship

Published : 19/Jan/2024

Smit , Shounak , Kartika , Aahan in finals at EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 14 Tennis Championship

Aurangabad, January 18, 2024:  Top seeded Shounak Suvarna will clash with fifth seeded Varad Undre in the boys finals while Aahan A the top seed in the girls section will take on fourth seeded Karthika Padmakumar in the finals at  the EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 14 Tennis Championship which is being organised by MSLTA and Endurance under the Auspices of the Asian Tennis Federation (ATF) , All India Tennis Association (AITA) and the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) at the EMMTC Tennis complex at Aurangabad
In the semifinals  top seeded Shounak Suvarna of Kolhapur stopped the run of Rhunmaan M Mahesh S  6-1, 7-6(1)  in the semifinals  he will now take on fifth seeded and giant killer Varad Undre who blanked Shivraj Jadhav   6-0, 6-0 in the other semifinals . In the girls section Aahan A. overcame a second set fight from third seeded  Shibani Gupte  winning 6-0, 7-6(1)  , she will now take on fourth seeded Karthika Padmakumar who toppled second seeded  Shreeniti Chowdhury  7-5, 6-0 . 
Results: Semifinal Round: Boys;  
Varad Undre (IND) [5] bt Shivraj Jadhav (IND) 6-0, 6-0;  
Shounak Suvarna (IND) [1] bt Rhunmaan M Mahesh S (IND) 6-1, 7-6(1); 

Karthika Padmakumar (IND) [4] bt Shreeniti Chowdhury (IND) [2] 7-5, 6-0; 
Aahan A. (IND) [1] bt Shibani Gupte (IND) [3] 6-0, 7-6(1); 
Doubles: Boys: Quarterfinal Round:
Smit Undre (IND) /Varad Undre (IND) bt Naman Borah (IND) [3] /Dheer Vadodaria (IND)6-0, 6-1; 
Armaan Dua (IND) /Manan Rai(IND) [4] bt Rhunmaan M Mahesh S (IND) /Pugazhsevvel Prakash (IND)1-6, 6-1, 10-5; 
Shounak Suvarna (IND) /Ishaan Yadlapalli (IND) [1] bt Aadiraj Bramhanathkar (IND) /Heramba Pohane (IND)6-3, 6-3; 
Ishaan Badagi (IND) [2] /Ishaan Sudharshan (USA) bt Jay Gaikwad (IND) /Sanjay Girish Kumar (IND)6-1, 6-4
Samyuktha Krishnan (IND) /Deepthi Venkatesan(IND) [4] bt Samarthya Morey (IND) /Dhruvika Tribhuwan(IND)6-0, 6-0; 
Shibani Gupte (IND) [2] /Vrandika Rajput(IND) bt Ayessha Bagla (IND) /Ahana Das (IND)6-0, 6-1; 
Aahan A. (IND) /Karthika Padmakumar (IND) [1] bt Akshari Akshari (IND) /Riya Dhananjay Kulkarni (IND)6-2, 6-0; 
Shreeniti Chowdhury (IND) [3] /Jahnavi Tammineedi (IND) bt Ritsa Kondkar (IND) /Myra Topno (IND)6-0, 6-3; 
एमएमटीसी - एमएसएलटीए 14 वर्षाखालील एटीएफ टेनिस अजिंक्यपद स्पर्धेत वरद उंद्रे, शौनक सुवर्णा, आहाना ए, कार्तिका पद्मकुमार यांचा अंतिम फेरीत प्रवेश   

छत्रपती संभाजी नगर, दि 18 जानेवारी 2024: एन्ड्युरन्स तर्फे आयोजित व एटीएफ, एआयटीए व एमएसएलटीए यांच्या मान्यतेखाली ईएमएमटीसी - एमएसएलटीए 14 वर्षाखालील एटीएफ टेनिस अजिंक्यपद स्पर्धेत मुलांच्या गटात पुण्याच्या वरद उंद्रे, कोल्हापूरच्या शौनक सुवर्णा याने, तर मुलींच्या गटात आहाना ए., कार्तिका पद्मकुमार यांनी आपापल्या प्रतिस्पर्धी खेळाडूंचा पराभव करून अंतिम फेरीत प्रवेश केला.

ईएमएमटीसी टेनिस कॉम्प्लेक्स छत्रपती संभाजी नगर येथे सुरू असलेल्या या स्पर्धेत मुख्य ड्रॉच्या उपांत्य फेरीत मुलांच्या गटात पाचव्या मानंकित वरद उंद्रेने काल मानांकित खेळाडूवर विजय मिळवणाऱ्या औरंगाबादच्या शिवराज जाधवचा 6-0, 6-0 असा एकतर्फी पराभव करून अंतिम फेरी गाठली. दुसऱ्या सामन्यात अव्वल मानांकित शौनक सुवर्णने आपल्या लौकिकाला साजेशी खेळी करत ऋन्मान महेश एसचा टायब्रेकमध्ये 6-1, 7-6(1) असा पराभव करून अंतिम फेरीत आपले स्थान निश्चित केले. 
मुलींच्या गटात उपांत्य फेरीत अव्वल मानांकित आहाना ए. हिने तिसऱ्या मानांकित शिबानी गुप्तेचा 6-0, 7-6(1) असा तर, चौथ्या मानांकित कार्तिका पद्मकुमारने दुसऱ्या मानांकित श्रीनिती चौधरीचा 7-5, 6-0 असा पराभव करून अंतिम फेरी गाठली. 
दुहेरीत उपांत्यपूर्व फेरीत मुलांच्या गटात स्मित उंद्रे  व वरद उंद्रे यांनी तिसऱ्या मानांकित नमन बोराह व धीर वडोदरिया यांचा 6-0, 6-1 असा तर, चौथ्या मानांकित अरमान दुआ व मनन राय यांनी ऋन्मान महेश एस व पुगसेव्हेल प्रकाशयांचा 1-6, 6-1, 10-5 असा पराभव करून उपांत्य फेरीत प्रवेश केला. 
निकाल: मुले: उपांत्य फेरी: मुख्य ड्रॉ:
शौनक सुवर्णा(भारत)[1]वि.वि.ऋन्मान महेश एस(भारत)6-1, 7-6(1); 
वरद उंद्रे ( भारत) [5] वि.वि.शिवराज जाधव(भारत)  6-0, 6-0;  

आहाना ए. (भारत)[1]वि.वि.शिबानी गुप्ते(भारत)[3] 6-0, 7-6(1); 
कार्तिका पद्मकुमार(भारत) [4]वि.वि.श्रीनिती चौधरी (भारत)[2]7-5, 6-0; 
दुहेरी गट: उपांत्यपूर्व फेरी: 
स्मित उंद्रे (भारत)/ वरद उंद्रे(भारत)वि.वि.नमन बोराह (भारत)[3] /धीर वडोदरिया (भारत)6-0, 6-1;
अरमान दुआ (भारत)/मनन राय(भारत)[4]वि.वि.ऋन्मान महेश एस(भारत) /पुगसेव्हेल प्रकाश (भारत)1-6, 6-1, 10-5;
शौनक सुवर्ण (भारत)/ईशान यडलापल्ली (भारत)[1] वि.वि.आदिराज ब्रम्हनाथकर (भारत)/ हेरंबा पोहाणे(भारत)6-3, 6-3;
इशान बडागी(भारत)[2]/इशान सुदर्शन (अमेरिका)वि.वि.जय गायकवाड(भारत)/संजय गिरीश कुमार(भारत)6-1, 6-4;
संयुक्त कृष्णन (भारत)/ दीप्ती वेंकटेशन(भारत)[4] वि.वि.समर्थ मोरे(भारत)/ध्रुविका त्रिभुवन(भारत) 6-0, 6-0;
शिबानी गुप्ते (भारत)[2] /वृंदिका राजपूत (भारत)वि.वि.आयशा बागला (भारत)/आहाना दास(भारत)6-0, 6-1;
आहान ए. (भारत)/कार्तिका पद्मकुमार(भारत)[1]वि.वि.अक्षरी (भारत)/रिया कुलकर्णी (भारत)6-2, 6-0;
श्रीनिती चौधरी (Iभारत) [३] /जान्हवी तम्मिनेदी (भारत)वि.वि.रित्सा कोंडकर(भारत)/मायरा टोप्नो (भारत)6-0, 6-3;

Varad, Shivraj cause upsets to enter semi finals at EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 14 Tennis Championship

Published : 17/Jan/2024

Varad, Shivraj cause upsets to enter semi finals at EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 14 Tennis Championship

Aurangabad, January 17, 2024:  Fifth Seeded Varad Undre and Shivraj Jadhav both of Maharashtra upset seeds to move into the boys semifinals at EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 14 Tennis Championship which is being organised by MSLTA) and Endurance under the Auspices of the Asian Tennis Federation (ATF) , All India Tennis Association (AITA) and the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) at the EMMTC Tennis complex at Aurangabad

In the boys quarter final matches played today  fifth seed  Varad Undre upset second seeded Ishaan Yadlapalli 6-3, 6-2 , while  unseeded Shivraj Jadhav scalped eighth seed Manan Rai 5-7, 6-2, 6-2 topseeded Shounak Suvarna and Rhunmaan M Mahesh were the other boys to make the last four

In the girls section top seeded A. Ahana, second seeded Shreeniti Chowdhary, Third seeded Shivani Gupte and fourth seeded Karthika Padmakumar made it to the last four stage

Results: Quarterfinal Round: Boys:
Shivraj Jadhav (IND) bt Manan Rai(IND) [8] 5-7, 6-2, 6-2;    
Varad Undre (IND) [5] bt Ishaan Yadlapalli (IND) [2] 6-3, 6-2;  
Shounak Suvarna (IND) [1] bt Daivik Kalvakunta (IND) 6-3, 6-1;
Rhunmaan M Mahesh S (IND) bt Smit Undre (IND) 5-7,6-3,6-2;    

Karthika Padmakumar (IND) [4] bt Vrandika Rajput(IND) [5]6-4, 6-0;
Shibani Gupte (IND) [3] bt Dhaanvi Kanjithanda (IND)6-1, 6-0;
Aahan A. (IND) [1] bt Reet Arora (IND)6-3, 6-4;
Shreeniti Chowdhury (IND) [2] bt Ahana Das (IND) [8]6-0, 6-1;

Mumbai Zonal Tennis Championship 2024

Published : 17/Jan/2024

Three upsets at EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 14 Tennis Championship

Published : 16/Jan/2024

Three upsets at EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 14 Tennis Championship
Aurangabad, January 16, Wildcard. Entrant Smit Undre upset seventh seed Sanjay Kumar6-3, 6 to enter the boys singles  quarter final at EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 14 Tennis Championship which is being organised by MSLTA) and EMMTC under the Auspices of the Asian Tennis Federation (ATF) , All India Tennis Association (AITA) and the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) at the EMMTC Tennis complex at Aurangabad
 In other close matches Daivik Kalvakunta edged out Vishwas Chandrasekaran 6-3, 4-6, 7-5  in a boys second round match
In the girls event two upset were recorded  Reet Arora  upset seventh seed  Jahnavi Tammineedi 6-4, 6-3 while unseeded Dhaanvi Kanjithanda toppled sixth  seed Samyuktha Krishnan 7-5, 2-6, 6-4 to enter the quarterfinal
Results: Second Round: Boys:
Daivik Kalvakunta (IND) bt Vishwas Chandrasekaran (USA) 6-3, 4-6, 7-5;
Rhunmaan Mahesh S (IND) bt Madhav Dadhich (IND) 6-4, 7-5;
Shounak Suvarna (IND) [1] bt Jay Gaikwad (IND)6-3, 6-2;
Smit Undre (IND)bt Sanjay Kumar (IND) [7]6-3, 6-1;
Manan Swatantra(IND) [8] bt Adhrit Gautam (IND) bt ]6-3, 6-4;
Varad Undre (IND) [5] bt Heramba Pohane (IND)6-1, 7-6(3);
Ishaan Yadlapalli (IND) [2] bt Neeraj Jorwekar (IND)6-2, 6-4;
Shivraj Jadhav(IND) bt Naman Borah(IND) 6-1, 6-0;
Reet Arora (IND) bt Jahnavi Tammineedi (IND) [7]6-4, 6-3;
 Dhaanvi Kanjithanda (IND) bt Samyuktha Krishnan(IND) [6] 7-5, 2-6, 6-4;
 Shibani Gupte (IND) [3] bt Ananya Patil (IND)6-0, 6-0;
Aahan A. (IND) [1] bt Deepthi Venkatesan (IND)6-4, 7-6(3);
 Vrandika Rajput (IND) [5] bt Pranjali Pandure (IND)6-1, 6-1;
 Ahana Das (IND) [8]vs.Myra Shaikh (IND)
 Shreeniti Chowdhury (IND) [2] bt Megalai Prakash (IND) 6-0, 6-0;
 Karthika Padmakumar (IND) [4] bt Ayessha Bagla (IND)6-0, 6-0;

Mahesh , Shivraj Cause upsets at EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 14 Tennis Championship

Published : 16/Jan/2024

Mahesh , Shivraj Cause upsets at EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 14 Tennis Championship
Aurangabad, January 15, 2024:    Rhummaan Mahesh and Shivraj Jadhav caused upsets on the opening day at EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 14 Tennis Championship which is being organised by MSLTA) and EMMTC under the Auspices of the Asian Tennis Federation (ATF) , All India Tennis Association (AITA) and the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) at the EMMTC Tennis complex at Aurangabad 
In the Boys under 14 first round  Rhunmaan M Mahesh S  upset third seeded Ishaan Sudharshan  6-4, 6-4 while unseeded  Shivraj Jadhav upset fourth seeded Ishaan Badagi 6-3 6-2 to move into the second  round
The tournament was inaugurated by Colonel Kishor Bhagwat Commanding Officer - NCC, Sub/ Maj. Jasbeer Singh, Mrs. Vaishali Shekatkar Tournament supervisor, Sanjay Datta VP Endurance Group, Ashutosh Mishra Centre Head, Pravin Prasad Head Coach, Pravin Gaisamudre and in presence of Physiotherapists and umpires officials were present on the occasion. 
Results: Boys Under 14: First Round: Main Draw: 
Jay Gaikwad (IND) bt Yash Joshi (IND)6-0 6-0;
Vishwas Chandrasekaran (USA) bt Dheer Hemang Vadodaria (IND) [6]6-3 6-1
Rhunmaan Mahesh S (IND) bt Ishaan Sudharshan (USA) [3] 6-4, 6-4;
Daivik Kalvakunta (IND) bt Ayan Jain (IND)6-2, 6-0;
Madhav Dadhich (IND) bt Aadiraj Bramhanathkar (IND)3-6 7-6(2) 6-3;
Sanjay Kumar (IND) [7] bt Rishikesh Mane (IND)6-2 6-1;
Smit Undre (IND)bt Armaan Dua (IND)6-2, 6-1;
Naman Borah (IND) bt Lohithaksha Manjunath (IND)6-1 6-2;
Manan Rai(IND) [8] bt Samanyu Jain (IND)6-2 6-0;
Adhrit Gautam (IND) bt Tanish Patil (IND)6-2 7-6(6);
Shivraj Jadhav (IND) bt Ishaan Badagi (IND) [4]6-3 6-2;
Neeraj Jorwekar (IND) bt Dhanush M (IND)6-3 6-0;
Heramba Pohane (IND) bt Prajeetreddy Madireddy (IND)6-3 5-7 6-2;
Varad Undre (IND) [5] bt Aahan Patil (IND)6-0 6-1;
Girls Under 14:
Dhaanvi Kanjithanda (IND) bt Myra Topno (IND)6-3 6-7(2) 6-2
Reet Arora (IND) bt Ritsa Kondkar (IND)6-1 6-1; 

Congratulations to Arjun Kadhe for breaking into top 100 in ATP Doubles Ranking

Published : 15/Jan/2024

Congratulations to. #ArjunKadhe whom MSLTA has supported since his junior years a member of our MSLTA Vision program from inception Arjun breaks into top 100 in doubles he is ranked 98 Today. It’s great achievement as MSLTA feels that with sustained support over years our players can achieve top they have done in doubles now efforts to have a top player in singles too .

Jorwekar, Pohane, Jain ,Dadich make main draw EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 14 Tennis Championship

Published : 15/Jan/2024

Jorwekar, Pohane, Jain ,Dadich make main draw EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 14 Tennis Championship
Aurangabad, January 14, 2024:  Neeraj Jorwekar , Heramba Pohane , Samali Jain ,and Madhav Dadich qualified for the. Main draw of the boys event at EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 14 Tennis Championship which is being organised by MSLTA) and EMMTC under the Auspices of the Asian Tennis Federation (ATF) , All India Tennis Association (AITA) and the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) at the EMMTC Tennis complex at Aurangabad 
Shaunak Suvarna of Maharashtra and Ahana of Delhi will lead the ranking list in the boys and girls section. Main draw matches will start on Monday the event will be played on basis of knockout and back draw ensuring every player gets four matches 
Results: Final Qualifying Round: Boys:
Neeraj Jorwekar(Ind) bt Ahan Patil(Ind) 6-0, 7-5;
Heramba Pohane(Ind) bt Aadiraj Bramhanathkar(Ind) 6-2, 6-4;
Samayu Jain(Ind) bt Aryan Banerjee (Ind) 6-4, 6-0;
Madhav Dadhich(Ind) bt Ayan Jain(Ind) 6-1, 6-1;
Following are the seeding list:
Boys: 1.Shaunak Suvarna, 2.Ishan Yedlapalli, 3.Ishaan Sudarshan, 4. Ishaan Badgi, 5.Varad Undre, 6.Sanjay Girishkumar, 7.Veer Vadodarai, 8.Manan Rai;
Girls: 1.Ahana, 2.Sriniti Chaudhary, 3.Shibani Gupte, 4.Karthika Padmakumar, 5.Vrandika Rajput, 6.Samyukta Krishnan, 7.Jahnavi Pammineedi, 8.Ahana Das.

ईएमएमटीसी - एमएसएलटीए 14 वर्षाखालील एटीएफ टेनिस अजिंक्यपद स्पर्धेत नीरज जोर्वेकर, समयु जैन, माधव दढीच, हेरंब पोहाने यांचा मुख्य फेरीत प्रवेश 
छत्रपती संभाजी नगर, दि 14 जानेवारी 2024: ईएमएमटीसी तर्फे आयोजित व एटीएफ, एआयटीए व एमएसएलटीए यांच्या मान्यतेखाली ईएमएमटीसी - एमएसएलटीए 14 वर्षाखालील एटीएफ टेनिस अजिंक्यपद स्पर्धेत मुलांच्या गटात नीरज जोर्वेकर, समयु जैन, माधव दढीच, हेरंब पोहाने यांनी आपापल्या प्रतिस्पर्धी खेळाडूंचा पराभव करून मुख्य फेरीत प्रवेश केला.
ईएमएमटीसी टेनिस कॉम्प्लेक्स छत्रपती संभाजी नगर येथे सुरू असलेल्या या स्पर्धेत मुलांच्या गटात नीरज जोर्वेकर याने अहाना पाटीलचा 6-0,7-5 असा तर, समयु जैनने आर्यन बॅनर्जीचा 6-4, 6-0 असा पराभव करून मुख्य फेरी गाठली. माधव दढीचने अयान जैनचा 6-1, 6-1 असा सहज पराभव करून मुख्य फेरीत आपले स्थान निश्चित केले. हेरंबा पोहाणेने आदिराज ब्रम्हनाथकरचा 6-2, 6-4 असा पराभव करून मुख्य फेरीत धडक मारली.
स्पर्धेतील मुख्य ड्रॉ मधील खेळाडूंची मानांकन यादी आज जाहीर करण्यात आली. यामध्ये मुलांच्या गटात महाराष्ट्राच्या शौनक सुवर्णा याला अग्रमानांकन देण्यात आले. तर, मुलींच्या गटात ओडिशाच्या अहाना हिला अव्वल मानांकन देण्यात आले. 
निकाल: अंतिम पात्रता फेरी: मुले: 
नीरज जोर्वेकर(भारत) वि.वि.अहाना पाटील(भारत) 6-0, 7-5;
हेरंबा पोहाणे(भारत) वि.वि.आदिराज ब्रम्हनाथकर(भारत) 6-2, 6-4;
समयु जैन (भारत) वि.वि.आर्यन बॅनर्जी(भारत) 6-4, 6-0;
माधव दढीच(भारत) वि.वि.अयान जैन(भारत) 6-1, 6-1;
खेळाडूंची मानांकन यादी खालीलप्रमाणे:
मुले: 1.शौनक सुवर्णा, 2.इशान येडलापल्ली, 3.इशान सुदर्शन, 4.इशान बडगी, 5.वरद उंद्रे, 6.संजय गिरीशकुमार, 7.वीर वडोदराई, 8.मनन राय;
 मुली: 1.अहाना, 2.श्रीनिती चौधरी, 3.शिबानी गुप्ते, 4.कार्तिका पद्मकुमार, 5.वृंदिका राजपूत, 6.संयुक्त कृष्णन, 7.जान्हवी पम्मिनेदी, 8.आहाना दास.

Plz vote for our Tennis player Rutuja Bhosale for the ‘Maharashtra of the year’ Award.

Published : 13/Jan/2024

Dear all
Plz vote for our Tennis player #RutujaBhosale for the ‘Maharashtra of the year’ Award.
Thank you                            </div>  

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Yamlapalli,Chaudari in round two at $40000 IWTC ITF world Tennis tour Women’s Championships.

Published : 27/Dec/2023

Yamlapalli,Chaudari in  round two at $40000 IWTC ITF world Tennis tour Women’s Championships.

Navi Mumbai  December 27, 2023: Winner  of the last week Sahaja Yamlapalli and Vaidehi Chaudari were the only Indians to enter the second round at the IWTC-2023 ITF World Tennis Tour $40000 Tournament  (Shri Ganesh Naik Initiative) organized by the Navi Mumbai Sports Association  in association with Maharashtra State Lawn tennis Association (MSLTA) under the auspices of the ITF , AITA  and to be played at the Ganesh Naik Tennis Complex in Vashi

In the best match of the day winner of the Solapur leg and eighth seeded Sahaja Yamalapalli came back from the loss of the first set to get past Shrivalli Rashmikaa Bhamidipaty 5-7, 6-1, 6-2  in a match lasting 2 hours and 39 mins

Vaidehi Chaudhari  registered a 6-0,6-4 win over Russian Ekaterina Kazionova  to make the second round

Young wildcard Vaishnavi Adkar. Gave a good account of herself taking the first set against higher ranked Zhibek Kulambayeva of Kazakhstan but failed to capitalise , In a match lasting  2 hours and 28 mins Kulambayeva  rallied out Vaishnavi Adkar )4-6, 7-5, 6-3;

In a match involving local Wildcard Japanese Akiko Omae  scored a 6-1,6-4 win over Akanksha Nitture .

Other Indians Arunlumar Lakshmi Prabha ,and Humera Baharmus also went down . It was another blow for the Indian campaign as Rutuja Bhosale withdrew from the singles  with pain in her foot ..

Results: First Round: Singles:
Ekaterina Makarova [1] bt Weronika Baszak (Pol)6-2, 0-1;
Vaidehi Chaudhari (Ind) bt Ekaterina Kazionova 6-0, 6-4;
Justina Mikulskyte (Ltu) [3] bt Hiromi Abe (Jpn)6-3, 7-5;
Zhibek Kulambayeva (Kaz) bt Vaishnavi Adkar (Ind)4-6, 7-5, 6-3;
Ekaterina Maklakova bt Vicky Van De Peer (Bel) 6-4, 6-3;
Diana Marcinkevica (Lat) [6] bt Arunkumar Lakshmi Prabha (Ind)6-3, 6-2;
Akiko Omae (Jpn) bt Akanksha Nitture (Ind) 6-1, 6-4;
Sahaja Yamalapalli (Ind) [8] bt Shrivalli Rashmikaa Bhamidipaty (Ind)5-7, 6-1, 6-2;
Moyuka Uchijima (Jpn) [2] bt Mana Kawamura (Jpn)6-4, 6-1;
Daria Kudashova bt Humera Baharmus (Ind)6-4, 4-1;

Funa Kozaki (Jpn) /Misaki Matsuda (Jpn) bt Humera Baharmus (Ind) /Soha Sadiq (Ind)6-2, 6-1.

Russia’s Ekaterina Makarova gets top billing at $40000 Ganesh Naik ITF Women’s Championships.

Published : 23/Dec/2023

Russia’s Ekaterina Makarova gets top billing  at $40000 Ganesh Naik ITF Women’s Championships.


  • Former Top 10 Kristina Mladenovic of France to be seen in action 


·        Players from 18 countries to be seen in action  

Navi Mumbai  December 23, 2023:  188 world  ranked  Ekaterina Makarova of Russia has been awarded the top billing ,  196th ranked  Moyuka Uchijima  of Japan has been seeded second  while India’s Rutuja Bhosale ranked 328 has been seeded sixth at the IWTC-2023 ITF World Tennis Tour $40000 Tournament  (SHRI GANESH NAIK'S INITIATIVE) which will be organized by the Navi Mumbai Sports Association  in association with Maharashtra State Lawn tennis Association (MSLTA) under the auspices of the ITF , AITA  and to be played at the Ganesh Naik Tennis Complex here.


The tournament director of the event Dr Dilip K Rane, informed that The championships will offer total prize money of $ 40,000 (Rs. 33,29,804)  is being supported by  This  will be the third ITF event in a row to be organised in Maharashtra after Mumbai and Solapur and the first $40000 event   .  The event finds high level of participation having drawn  Top women’s tennis players from 18  countries  . Apart from Asian Games Mixed Doubles Gold Medallist Rutuja Bhosale Sahaja Yamlapalli , Vaidehi Chaudari , Zeel Desai and Shrivalli Rashmika Bhamidipathy are the Indian players in the Main Draw  


Upcoming youngsters Vaishnavi Adkar and Akansha Nitture of Navi Mumbai  , Suhirtha Maruri of Telangana have been awarded the Main draw Wild cards by the MSLTA and AITA   added Sunder Iyer Hon Secretary MSLTA  . " It is tribute to the event  that has been contonously played for 10 years in a row that Former World No 10 Kristina Mladenovic of France will be seen in action at the event which no Indian Player has won before  , the event will be last event on the ITF Calender  the points here will help the players to start the New Year with better rankings , we hope that  Indian players will make of the opputunity , Iyer  added 




While the winner will receive WTA 70 points and prize money of $ 6,094    (Rs.2,45,000/-  approx)  , The runners up will receive 42 WTA  points and prize money of $3,257   (Rs.1,30,600/- approx)  , the semifinalists  25 points and prize money of $1789,  the quarterfinalists 13 points and prize money of $1029and the pre- quarterfinalist 7  points  and prize money of $ 624 points. The first round loser will receive 1 points and prize money of $ 370 totaling of $ 27957. 


There will also be points and prize money for the qualifying rounds the second round  qualifying looser  will get 4  points and $ 95 , the third round qualifier loser will  2 get $  153 totaling  $ 2744 . The doubles winner pair will get the  points  and the winner getting $2230, the runners up $1115 , the Semifinalists $557, Quarterfinalist $304 and the First round $ 203. Totaling  $ 7299


 Hassan Samani of Iran will be the ITF referee of the event.


 Following are the Seeds : Singles:

1. Ekaterina Makarova(Rus,188), 2.Moyuka Uchijima(JPN,196), 3. Kristina Mladenovic(FRA,226), 4.Justina Mikulskyte(LTU,259), 5.Sapfo Sakellaridi(GRE,282), 6.Rutuja Bhosale(IND,328), 7. Diana Marcinkevica(LAT,343), 8. Sahaja Yamalapalli (IND,408);  



1. Diana Marcinkevica(LAT)/Sapfo Sakellaridi(GRE), 2. Ekaterina Maklakova/Ekaterina Yashina, 3.Shrivalli Rashmikaa Bhamidipaty/Vaidehi Chaudhari(IND), 4.Hiromi Abe/Saki Imamura(JPN).

Vaishnavi Adkar makes it to round two at ITF 25K Precision Solapur Open Tennis Tournament

Published : 19/Dec/2023

Vaishnavi Adkar makes it to round two at ITF 25K Precision Solapur Open Tennis Tournament
Solapur, December 19, 2033:  Wildcard Vaishnavi Adkar reeked off 12 games in a row to  down Poland’s Olivier Berger to advance to the second round of singles at the$25000 Precision  Solapur  Open Womens ITF  Tennis Tournament which is being organized by Solapur District Lawn Tennis Association(SDLTA) in association with MSLTA and played MSLTA Tennis Center, Solapur
Pune based 18 year old Vaishnavi was down 2-4 in the second set before she took 12 games in a row to stun her Polish Opponent Berger ,  In the second set Berger got just 6 points in six games against the wildcard Vaishnavi won 7-5,6-0 to make it to the second round 
In another highly anticipated match between two Gujarat Players Vaidehi Chaudari got better off Zeel Desai 6-1 ,6-2. And make the second round 
In other matches involving Indians Saki Imamura  over came a first set challenge to oust wildcard Akanksha Nitture 7-5, 6-1 , while Japanese girl 
Hiromi Abe stopped qualifier Soha Sadiq 3-6, 6-4, 6-1.
Results: Main Draw: First Round: Singles:
Saki Imamura (Jpn) bt Akanksha Nitture (Ind)7-5, 6-1;
Weronika Baszak (Pol) bt Chelsea Fontenel (Sui)6-3, 1-0 retd.
Vaidehi Chaudhari (Ind) [8] bt Zeel Desai (Ind)6-1, 6-2; 
Sapfo Sakellaridi (Gre) [3] bt Ekaterina Yashina 6-4, 7-6(6); 
Hiromi Abe (Jpn) bt (Q)Soha Sadiq (Ind) 3-6, 6-4, 6-1;
(WC)Vaishnavi Adkar (Ind) bt Olivia Bergler (Pol)7-5, 6-0
Doubles: First Round:
Zeel Desai (Ind) / Pranjala Yadlapalli (Ind) bt Smriti Bhasin (Ind) / Pooja Ingale (Ind) 7-5, 6-4, 10-5;
Shrivalli Rashmikaa Bhamidipaty (Ind) [2] /Vaidehi Chaudhari (Ind) bt Snehal Mane (Ind) / Akanksha Nitture (Ind)6-0, 6-1;
Ekaterina Kazionova / Ekaterina Yashina [3] bt Nainika Narender Reddy Bendram (Ind) / Aakruti Sonkusare (Ind)6-0, 6-3;
Diana Marcinkevica (Lat) / Sapfo Sakellaridi (Gre) [1] bt Sravya Shivani Chilakalapudi (Ind) /Jennifer Luikham (Ind)7-6(5), 6-0;
Vaishnavi Adkar (Ind) / Sahaja Yamalapalli (Ind) bt Madhurima Sawant (Ind) /Bela Tamhankar (Ind)6-2, 6-2;
Humera Baharmus (Ind) /Olivia Bergler (Pol) bt Alexandra Azarko / Saumya Vig (Ind)6-2, 6-4.
एमएसएलटीए-एसडीएलटीए 25000डॉलर  महिला आयटीएफ प्रिसिजन सोलापूर ओपन टेनिस स्पर्धेत भारताच्या वैष्णवी आडकर, वैदेही चौधरी यांचा दुसऱ्या फेरीत प्रवेश 

सोलापूर, 19 डिसेंबर 2033: सोलापूर जिल्हा लॉन टेनिस असोसिएशन ( एसडीएलटीए  ) यांच्या वतीने आयोजित  एमएसएलटीएच्या सहकार्याने आयोजित केलेल्या  एमएसएलटीए-एसडीएलटीए 25000डॉलर  महिला आयटीएफ प्रिसिजन सोलापूर ओपन टेनिस स्पर्धेत वैष्णवी आडकर, वैदेही चौधरी या भारतीय खेळाडूंनी आगेकूच केली. 
सोलापूरच्या एमएसएलटीए टेनिस कोर्ट या ठिकाणी सुरु झालेल्या या स्पर्धेत एकेरीत वाईल्ड कार्ड द्वारे प्रवेश केलेल्या भारताच्या वैष्णवी आडकरने पोलंडच्या ऑलिव्हिया बर्गलरचा 7-5, 6-0 असा पराभव करून दुसऱ्या फेरीत प्रवेश केला. जपानच्या साकी इमामुराने भारताच्या आकांक्षा नित्तूरेचा 7-5, 6-1 असा पराभव करून दुसरी फेरी गाठली. आठव्या मानांकित वैदेही चौधरी हिने झील देसाईचे 6-1, 6-2 आव्हान संपुष्टात आणले. चुरशीच्या लढतीत तिसऱ्या मानांकित ग्रीसच्या सॅपफो साकेल्लारिडीने रशियाच्या एकतेरिना याशिनाचा टायब्रेकमध्ये 6-4, 7-6(5) असा पराभव करून आगेकूच केली. 
दुहेरीत पहिल्या फेरीत झील देसाई व प्रांजला येडलापल्ली यांनी स्मृती भसीन व पूजा इंगळे यांचा 7-5, 4-6, 10-5 असा तर, दुसऱ्या मानांकित श्रीवल्ली रश्मिका भामिदीप्ती व वैदेही चौधरी या जोडीने स्नेहल माने व आकांक्षा नित्तूरे यांचा 6-0, 6-1 असा सहज पराभव केला.
निकाल: मुख्य ड्रॉ: पहिली फेरी: एकेरी महिला गट:
साकी इमामुरा(जपान)वि.वि.आकांक्षा नित्तूरे(भारत)7-5, 6-1;
 वेरोनिका बसझाक (पोलंड)वि.वि.चेल्सी फॉन्टेनेल (स्वित्झरलँड)6-3, 1-0
वैदेही चौधरी (भारत)[8] वि.वि.झील देसाई (भारत)6-1, 6-2;
सॅपफो साकेल्लारिडी (ग्रीस)[3]वि.वि.एकतेरिना याशिना(रशिया)6-4, 7-6(6); 
हिरोमी आबे (जपान)वि.वि. सोहा सादिक (भारत) 3-6, 6-4, 6-1;
वैष्णवी आडकर (भारत) वि.वि.ऑलिव्हिया बर्गलर (पोलंड)7-5, 6-0
दुहेरी: पहिली फेरी:
झील देसाई (भारत)/ प्रांजला येडलापल्ली(भारत)वि.वि. स्मृती भसीन (भारत)/पूजा इंगळे(भारत)7-5, 4-6, 10-5;
श्रीवल्ली रश्मिका भामिदीप्ती (भारत)/वैदेही चौधरी(भारत)[2]वि.वि. स्नेहल माने(भारत)/ आकांक्षा नित्तूरे(भारत)6-0, 6-1;

एकतेरिना काझिओनोवा / एकतेरिना याशिना(रशिया)[3] वि.वि.नैनिका रेड्डी बेंद्रम(भारत)/आकृती सोनकुसरे(भारत)6-0, 6-3;
डायना मार्सिचेविका(लात्विया)/सॅपफो साकेल्लारिडी(ग्रीस)[1]वि.वि.श्राव्या शिवानी चिलकलापुडी(भारत)/जेनिफर लुइखेम(भारत)7-6(5), 6-0.
वैष्णवी आडकर (भारत)/ सहज यमलापल्ली(भारत)वि.वि. मधुरिमा सावंत(भारत)/बेला ताम्हणकर(भारत)6-2, 6-2;
हुमेरा बहरमुस (भारत)/ऑलिव्हिया बर्गलर(पोलंड)वि.वि. अलेक्झांड्रा अझारको / सौम्या विज(भारत) 6-2, 6-4.

Humera , Sravya , Soha , Akansha qualify for main draw at the MSLTA - SDLTA $25000 Womens ITF Prici...

Published : 19/Dec/2023

Humera , Sravya , Soha , Akansha qualify  for main draw at the MSLTA - SDLTA $25000 Womens ITF Pricision Solapur Open Tennis Tournament
Solapur, December 18, 2033:  Four Indian players Humera Baharmus , Sravya Chilakalapudi , Soha Sadiq and Akansha Nitture qualified for the main draw singles  at the$25000 Precision  Solapur  Open Womens ITF  Tennis Tournament which is being organized by Solapur District Lawn Tennis Association(SDLTA) in association with MSLTA and played MSLTA Tennis Center, Solapur
In the final round qualifying  top seed Humera Baharmus got the better of Prathyusha Rachapidi  6-1, 6-3  fourth seeded Sravya Chilakalapudi  had to fight hard to get past a fighting Pooja Ingale 6-0, 2-6, 11-9  , eighth seed  Soha Sadiq  trounced Abhilasha Bista  of Nepal 6-1, 6-1 while Navi Mumbai girl Akanksha Nitture  struggled before getting past   Arthi Muniyan  6-2  , 6-7(4)  , 10-8 to make the main draw 
In the other matches  Denmark's Elena Jamshidi  was given a fight by Yashaswini Panwar  before winning  7-5, 1-6, 10-7,    Honoka Kobayashi of Japan , Ekaterina Kazionova of Russia  and Olivia Bergler of Poland were the other qualifiers 
Timofeeva to lead Ranking list 
World No 139  Maria Timofeeva  of Russia will be top seed  at the Precision Solapur Open ITF 25K event at Solapur  she will be followed by Country mate and 168 ranked .Ekterina Makarova,  , Greek player and 287 ranked Sapfo Sakellaridi has been given the third seeding while Japanese Ayno Shimizu  ranked 316will be the fourth seed
Rutuja Bhosale ranked 333 will be the fifth seed and the highest ranked Indian player in the tournament  she will be followed by Latvian Diana Marcinkevica and Indians Sahaja Yamalapalli and Vaidehi Chaudhari who are ranked seventh and eighth , the seedings and the draws were announced by ITF supervisor Hassan Samani 
Results: Final Qualifying round:  Womens: 
Humera Baharmus (Ind) [1] bt  Prathyusha Rachapidi (Ind) 6-1, 6-3; 
Honoka Kobayashi (Jpn) [2] bt  Kundali Majgaine (Ind) [11] 6-4, 6-1; 
Ekaterina Kazionova [3] bt Priyanshi Bhandari (Ind) [13] 6-4, 6-2; 
Sravya Chilakalapudi (Ind) [4] bt Pooja Ingale (Ind) [15]6-0, 2-6, 11-9;  
Elena Jamshidi (Den) [5] bt Yashaswini Panwar (Ind) [12] 7-5, 1-6, 10-7;
Olivia Bergler (Pol) [6] bt Sonal Patil (Ind) [14] 7-6(4), 6-3; 
 Soha Sadiq (Ind) [8] bt Abhilasha Bista (Nep) [16] 6-1, 6-1;   
Akanksha Nitture (Ind) [9] bt  Arthi Muniyan (Ind)6-2, 6-7(4), 10-8.
Following are the seeding list: Singles: 
1. Maria Timofeeva (Rus)  2.Ekterina Makarova (Rus) , 3.Sapfo Sakellaridi (Gre) , 4.Ayno Shimizu (Jpn) , 5.Rutuja Bhosale(Ind), 6.Diana Marcinkevica(LTA), 7.Sahaja Yamalapalli(Ind), 8.Vaidehi Chaudhari(Ind);
  1. Diana Marcinkevica/ Sapfo Sakellaridi,  2,    Shrivalli Rashmikaa Bhamidipaty   /  Vaidehi Chaudhari  3.   EkaterinaKazionova   /  Ekaterina Yashina   4., Hiromi Abe / Saki Imamura  

Bengaluru SG Mavericks crowned champion of Tennis Premier League

Published : 19/Dec/2023

Bengaluru SG Mavericks crowned champion of Tennis Premier League
PUNE, DEC. 17:
Vishnu Vardhan and Arina Rodionova played a vibrant mixed doubles match to beat Maria Timofeeva and Anirudh Chandrasekar 14-6 that helped Bengaluru SG Maverics to a 41-28 victory over Bengal Wizards in the final of the fifth edition of Tennis Premier League on the charcoal grey courts of the Shiv Chhatrapati Sports Complex on Sunday.
The teams were level after the two singles matches, won byTimofeeva against Arina and Ramkumar Ramanathan against Sriram Balaji at 20-20. Arina rose to the challenge in the mixed doubles match which witnessed many arguments and disputed calls. Arina and Vishnu were able to stay focused and take the match away from the Bengal team with their imaginative play and crisp execution.
Thereafter, it was a simple task of winning seven points in the men’s doubles match. Ramkumar and Vishnu cruised to 7-2 win over Sriram Balaji and Anirudh who had done remarkably well to take the team this far.
It was celebration time for the Bengaluru team with coach M Balachandran as mentor. The team was truly dominant right through after the 39-41 loss to Punjab Patriots in the first match of the league.
For her energetic performance in the final, Arina Rodionova was declared the 'player of the match’
The champion was presented Rs.15,00,000.
The results (final): Bengaluru SG Mavericks bt Bengal Wizards 41-28 (Arina Rodionova lost to Maria Timofeeva 9-11; Ramkumar Ramanathan bt Sriram Balaji 11-9; Arina & Vishnu Vardhan bt Timofeeva & Anirudh Chandrasekar 14-6; Ramkumar & Vishnu bt Balaji & Anirudh 7-2).
Semifinals: Bengaluru SG Maverics bt Delhi Binny’s Brigade 41-35 (Arina Rodionova bt Sahaja Yamalapalli 11-9; Ramkumar Ramanathan bt Dennis Novak 12-8; Arina & Vishnu Vardhan bt Sahaja & Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan 11-9; Ramkumar & Vishnu vs Dennis & Jeevan 7-9).
Bengal Wizards bt Punjab Patriots 41-32 (Maria Timofeeva bt Conny Perrin 12-8; Sriram Balaji bt Digvijay Pratap Singh 14-6; Timofeeva & Anirudh tied Conny & Arjun Kadhe 10-10; Balaji & Anirudh vs Digvijay & Arjun 5-8).

Season 5 of the Tennis Premier League powered by Clear returns with a Smash!

Published : 12/Dec/2023

Season 5 of the Tennis Premier League powered by Clear returns with a Smash!
Pune, 11 December 2023: Tennis fans are gearing up for a season of electrifying rallies, heart-stopping volleys, and nail-biting finishes! The much-awaited Season 5 of Tennis Premier League (TPL) powered by Clear is all set to kick off on 12th December 2023 at the majestic Balewadi Stadium in Pune and promises a spectacle of top-tier tennis action. Tennis Premier League season 5 will also feature a charcoal-coloured court in all the matches for the first-time ever in India, as the league continues to innovate to add to the experience of the spectators.
In season 5, the competition intensifies with bigger and better talent. A whole new level of glamour has been added to the Tennis Premier League as Bollywood stars and former champions of Indian Tennis have extended their support to various teams’ part of the league.
The Bengal Wizards, co-owned by Mr. Yatin Gupte, and the legendary Leander Paes are poised to make a splash in their first-ever season of the Tennis Premier League. Meanwhile, last year's champions, the Hyderabad Strikers, co-owned by Mr. Rajdeep Dalmia, and Rakul Preet Singh are determined to defend their title and clinch a historic three-peat. On home turf, the Pune Jaguars, co-owned by Mr. Punit Balan and Sonali Bendre, are ready to roar. Bendre's star power and Balan's strategic leadership will undoubtedly energize the team and their fanbase. The Punjab Patriots, owned by Taapsee Pannu, are leveraging their experience from their inaugural season to become fierce competitors this year. 
Delhi Binny's Brigade owned by Mr. Sneh Patel with Malaika Arora as their brand are poised for a breakout season. Patel's commitment and Arora's star power has contributed in them building a talented roster are strong ingredients for victory.The Gujarat Panthers, owned by Mr. Ramku Patgir and backed by the energy of Arjun Kapoor, are ready to pounce on their opponents. Owned by Mr. Shyam Patel, and motivated by their brand ambassador Sonu Sood the Mumbai Leon Army aims to improve on their second-place finish last season. Finally, the Bengaluru SG Mavericks, owned by Mr. Sanjay Gupta, are hoping to ride the star power of their brand ambassador, Sania Mirza. Mirza's expertise and Gupta's leadership create a strong foundation for the Mavericks to make a significant impact in the league.
The latest edition promises to be a spectacle of epic proportions, with a whole host of national and international stars gracing the court and captivating Indian fans with their exceptional skills. Leading the charge for the Gujarat Panther will be AITA rank no.1, Sumit Nagal, who has continuously impressed on the global stage. Joining him will be the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games silver medal-winning duo of Ramkumar Ramanathan who will don the jersey of the Bengaluru SG Mavericks in season 5, and his Asian Games medal-winning partner Saketh Myneni, will look to enthrall audiences with his displays for the Hyderabad Strikers. Adding to the Indian contingent will be the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games gold medallist Rutuja Bhosale, whose exceptional skills and tenacity are sure to inspire her team, the Pune Jaguars in the latest edition of the league. 
These homegrown heroes will be joined by global icons whose names are synonymous with tennis excellence. Former world No. 10 Ernests Gulbis, known for his aggressive style and powerful forehand, will be a formidable force for the Mumbai Leon Army. Alongside him will be the former world No. 26 Lukas Rosol, whose experience and composure on the court are sure to provide a thrilling spectacle as he dons the jersey of the Pune Jaguars.
Season 5 will further build on the legacy of the previous four seasons, which have seen the TPL emerge as a cornerstone of Indian tennis. The league has not only provided a platform for established players to excel but also unearthed new talent, fostered passion for the sport, and made tennis more accessible to Indian audiences.
Tennis Premier League Season 5 will be telecast LIVE on Sony Ten 2 SD and HD from December 12-17, 2023 starting from 4 pm IST. 
Pune, 11 December 2023: Tennis fans are gearing up for a season of electrifying rallies, heart-stopping volleys, and nail-biting finishes! The much-awaited Season 5 of Tennis Premier League (TPL) powered by Clear is all set to kick off on 12th December 2023 at the majestic Balewadi Stadium in Pune and promises a spectacle of top-tier tennis action. Tennis Premier League season 5 will also feature a charcoal-coloured court in all the matches for the first-time ever in India, as the league continues to innovate to add to the experience of the spectators.
In season 5, the competition intensifies with bigger and better talent. A whole new level of glamour has been added to the Tennis Premier League as Bollywood stars and former champions of Indian Tennis have extended their support to various teams’ part of the league.
The Bengal Wizards, co-owned by Mr. Yatin Gupte, and the legendary Leander Paes are poised to make a splash in their first-ever season of the Tennis Premier League. Meanwhile, last year's champions, the Hyderabad Strikers, co-owned by Mr. Rajdeep Dalmia, and Rakul Preet Singh are determined to defend their title and clinch a historic three-peat. On home turf, the Pune Jaguars, co-owned by Mr. Punit Balan and Sonali Bendre, are ready to roar. Bendre's star power and Balan's strategic leadership will undoubtedly energize the team and their fanbase. The Punjab Patriots, owned by Taapsee Pannu, are leveraging their experience from their inaugural season to become fierce competitors this year. 
Delhi Binny's Brigade owned by Mr. Sneh Patel with Malaika Arora as their brand are poised for a breakout season. Patel's commitment and Arora's star power has contributed in them building a talented roster are strong ingredients for victory.The Gujarat Panthers, owned by Mr. Ramku Patgir and backed by the energy of Arjun Kapoor, are ready to pounce on their opponents. Owned by Mr. Shyam Patel, and motivated by their brand ambassador Sonu Sood the Mumbai Leon Army aims to improve on their second-place finish last season. Finally, the Bengaluru SG Mavericks, owned by Mr. Sanjay Gupta, are hoping to ride the star power of their brand ambassador, Sania Mirza. Mirza's expertise and Gupta's leadership create a strong foundation for the Mavericks to make a significant impact in the league.
The latest edition promises to be a spectacle of epic proportions, with a whole host of national and international stars gracing the court and captivating Indian fans with their exceptional skills. Leading the charge for the Gujarat Panther will be AITA rank no.1, Sumit Nagal, who has continuously impressed on the global stage. Joining him will be the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games silver medal-winning duo of Ramkumar Ramanathan who will don the jersey of the Bengaluru SG Mavericks in season 5, and his Asian Games medal-winning partner Saketh Myneni, will look to enthrall audiences with his displays for the Hyderabad Strikers. Adding to the Indian contingent will be the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games gold medallist Rutuja Bhosale, whose exceptional skills and tenacity are sure to inspire her team, the Pune Jaguars in the latest edition of the league. 
These homegrown heroes will be joined by global icons whose names are synonymous with tennis excellence. Former world No. 10 Ernests Gulbis, known for his aggressive style and powerful forehand, will be a formidable force for the Mumbai Leon Army. Alongside him will be the former world No. 26 Lukas Rosol, whose experience and composure on the court are sure to provide a thrilling spectacle as he dons the jersey of the Pune Jaguars.
Season 5 will further build on the legacy of the previous four seasons, which have seen the TPL emerge as a cornerstone of Indian tennis. The league has not only provided a platform for established players to excel but also unearthed new talent, fostered passion for the sport, and made tennis more accessible to Indian audiences.
Tennis Premier League Season 5 will be telecast LIVE on Sony Ten 2 SD and HD from December 12-17, 2023 starting from 4 pm IST. 

Maya , Moise are champions at Gadre Marine MSLTA - ITF Grade 3 Junior Tennis Championship

Published : 09/Dec/2023

Maya , Moise are champions at Gadre Marine MSLTA - ITF Grade 3 Junior Tennis Championship

Pune, December 9, 2023:   India’s 14 year old Maya Rajeshwaran Revathi and  Moise Kouame  Of France were crowned Champions at the Gadre Marine MSLTA - ITF Junior Grade 3 (J100) U18 tennis Championships for the M.V. Deo Trophy organized by Deccan Gymkhana Under the auspices of ITF, Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association and Pune Metropolitan District Tennis Association which concluded at  the Deccan Gymkhana Tennis Courts

Maya from Coimbatore who was recently inducted into the Lakshya - Amalgam Steel Supported Vision GrandSlam project was given a tough fight  by giant killer Laxmisiri Dandu before 6-4,2-6, 6-3 in a 2 hour 29 minutes battle

In the Boys Final Round French boy Moise Kouame ended the challenge of Local wildcard and giant killer Arnav Paparkar  winning 6-3, 6-3 . However Paparkar was who played his first under 18 event of this level will get valuable points

The Singles winner got MV Deo Trophy and 100 ITF Points, while runner up got trophy and 60ITF Points apart from the MV DEO Trophy and Gadre Marine Trophies.

The prizes were given away by IAS Rahul Mahiwal, Commissioner of PMRDA, IPS Sandeepsingh Gill, Deputy Commissioner of Police Pune Zone and Mr.Ashwin Jangam, regional sales manager of Gadre Marine Exports. Mr.Vishwas Lokare, VP of MSLTA, Mr.Girish Inamdar, General Secretary of Deccan Gymkhana, Mr.Mihir Kelkar, Finance Secretary of Deccan Gymkhana Mr.Ashwin Girme, Tennis Secretary of Deccan Gymkhana and ITF Supervisor Leena Nageshkar, Nitten Kirrtane were present on the occasion

Results: Final Round: Boys:
Moise Kouame (Fra) [15] bt Arnav Paparkar (Ind) 6-3, 6-3;

Girls: Maaya Rajeshwaran Revathi (Ind) [1] bt  Laxmisiri Dandu(IND 6-4,2-6, 6-3

Arnav , Laxmisiri , Maya in finals of Gadre Marine MSLTA - ITF Grade 3 Junior Tennis Championship

Published : 09/Dec/2023

Arnav , Laxmisiri ,  Maya in finals  of Gadre Marine MSLTA - ITF Grade 3 Junior Tennis Championship

Pune, December 8, 2023:   Wildcard Arnav  Paparkar continued his giant killing run as he entered the boys singles finals while India.n girls Maya Rajeshwaran and Laxmisiri Dandu will clash in the girls singles finals at the Gadre Marine MSLTA - ITF Junior Grade 3 U18 tennis Championships for the M.V. Deo Trophy organized by Deccan Gymkhana Under the auspices of ITF, Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association and Pune Metropolitan District Tennis Association to be played at the Deccan Gymkhana Tennis Courts

Local Wildcard Arnav  Paparkar  justified the organisers faith in him  and continued his upset spree taking out second seeded Indian Compatriot Kriish Tyagi  3-6,6-3,6-3 to make it to his first ever career final at  ITF Juniors event .

Fifteen years old Paparkar will take on fifteenth seed Moise Kouame  of France who received a walkover from an indisposed Hiromasa Koyama  of Japan

It will be an all Indian battle in the girls event  with  top seeded Maaya Revathi Rajeshwaran  registering a 6-3,7-5(5) win over  Ariana Gogulina of Kazakhstan

In the singles finals Maya will take on unseeded Laxmisiri Dandu who upset second seed Mandegar Farzami of Iran 2-6, 6-4, 6-2

Kriish Tyagi however had the consolation of winning the boys doubles title as he paired with Cahir Warik to register  a 5-7, 6-4, 10-8 win over  Hitesh Chauhan and  Rethin Senthil Kumar

Laxmisiri also placed herself in line for a  double crown lifting F the girls doubles title in  partnership with  Aishi Bisht the pair. Scored a 6-4 ,6-4 win against Sreenidhi Balaji and  Rishita Basi Reddy for the title

The doubles winner got MV Deo Trophy and 75 ITF Points, while runner up got trophy and 45ITF Points. The prizes were given away by Former Davis Cup Player Sandeep Kirtane, Mr.Ashwin Girme, Tennis Secretary of Deccan Gymkhana and ITF Supervisor Leena Nageshkar.

Results: Semifinal Round: Boys:
Arnav Paparkar (Ind) bt Kriish Tyagi (Ind) [2] 3-6, 6-3, 6-3
Moise Kouame (Fra) [15] w/o Hiromasa Koyama (Jpn) [16]

Laxmisiri Dandu(IND bt Mandegar Farzami(IRI) [2] 2-6, 6-4, 6-2;
Maaya Revathi (Ind) [1] bt  Ariana Gogulina(Kaz) [11] 6-3, 7-6(7-5);

Doubles: Boys: Semifinal Round:
Hitesh Chauhan/Rethin Senthil Kumar(Ind)[3] bt Kazuma Kimura /Ivan Iutkin [1] 6-1, 7-6(1); 
Kriish Tyagi/Cahir Warik(Ind)[2] bt Vihaan Reddy/Debasis Sahoo(Ind)[7]  6-2, 3-6, 12-10;
Final Round: Kriish Tyagi/Cahir Warik(Ind)[2] bt Hitesh Chauhan/Rethin Senthil Kumar(Ind)[3] 5-7, 6-4, 10-8;

Girls: Semifinal Round:
Aishi Bisht/Laxmisiri Dandu(Ind) bt Tejasvi Dabas/Maya Rajeshwaran Revathi(Ind)[1] 6-3, 6-1;
Sreenidhi Balaji/R Basireddy(Ind)[5] bt Aanya Choubey/Saumya Ronde (Ind) 4-6, 6-3, 10-6;
Final Round: Aishi Bisht/Laxmisiri Dandu(Ind) bt Sreenidhi Balaji/Rishita BasiReddy 6-4,6-4

Players from 20 countries to be seen in action at Gadre Marine MSLTA - ITF Grade 3 Junior Tennis Cha...

Published : 28/Nov/2023

Players from 20 countries to be seen in action at Gadre Marine MSLTA - ITF Grade 3 Junior Tennis Championship
Pune, November 28, 2023:  .Ivan Iutkin of Russia and Dune Vaissaud of France will Lead boys and girls from over 20  countries at the Gadre Marine MSLTA - ITF Junior Grade 3 U18 tennis Championships organized by  Deccan Gymkhana Under the auspices of ITF, Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association and Pune Metropolitan District Tennis Association to be played at the Deccan Gymkhana Tennis Courts from 2nd to 9th December 2023 .
The event, which is gaining popularity worldwide, will see players from around 20 countries this year in comparison to 11 countries last year, informed Tennis Secretary of the Deccan Gymkhana and Tournament Director Ashwin Girme  .   The qualifying rounds will  be played on 2nd December Saturday and 3rd December Sunday . The Main Rounds will start on 4th December Monday while finals will be played on 9th December 2023.
Mr Girme added that the event  will be an opportunity for the Indian Boys and girls to earn valuable ITF points playing in  home conditions.  The winners of the Boys and Girls event will be presented with the Late  MV Deo trophy , The Singles winner will get 100 ITF points, the runners up get 60 ITF points, while Doubles winner will get 75 points and the finalist will get 45 points.
Leading Indian juniors Kriish Tyagi .Cahir Warik,  Hitesh Chauhan , Debasis Sahoo, Rethin Pranav Senthil Kumar , Maaya Rajeshwaran Revathi ,  Tejasvi Dabas ,  Sohini Sanjay Mohanty , Kolhapur girl Aishwarya Jadhav  are players to look out for at this edition , Mr Girme said 
He also added" We would like to thank Arjun Gadre and Gadre Marine and the MSLTA for supporting the event for the last 9  years, the event has helped Indian players as this will be an opportunity for many of them to make points for the Australian Open Juniors event  in 2024" .
Mr Arjun Gadre MD of  Gadre Marine and keen tennis player himself who is also supporting growth of tennis in Goa said that the The 2023 edition of the tournament was great sign of the growing  popularity of the event we have received encouraging response from the participating countries where the top players are ready to battle for the title. I'm also happy that many young tennis players from Maharashtra  and India are benefited  due to our support to this event .  I am hopeful that the Indian players will benefit from the event. He also added that Gadre Marines have been supporting sports and also support Gadre Marine State Badminton event in Ratnagiri where the plant is situated .
Ashwinkumar Jangam, regional sales manager of Gadre Marine Exports added that all the players will benefit from the Healthy ready to eat Marine Products which will be offered to all the players in their menu  .  
Margot Phantala of France had lifted the girls singles crown while Aleksandar Daskalovic of Serbia lifted the boys singles crown at the last edition . Leena Nageshkar will be the Supervisor for the event.
Following are the probable seeding list:   
1.Ivan Iutkin(160), 2. Kriish Tyagi(Ind,178), 3.Cahir Warik(Ind,274), 4. Kazuma Kimura(JPN,276), 5. Hitesh Chauhan(Ind,280), 6. Debasis Sahoo(Ind,291), 7. Rethin Pranav Senthil Kumar(Ind, 309), 8. Juan Kim(Kor,327);
Girls: 1. Dune Vaissaud(FRA, 135), 2. Maaya Rajeshwaran Revathi(Ind,238), 3. Mandegar Farzami(IRI,304), 4. Tejasvi Dabas(Ind, 435), 5. Jo-Leen Saw(MAS,456), 6. Yasmin Vavrova(SVK,505), 7. Sohini Sanjay Mohanty(Ind, 528), 8. Leila Akhmetova(587). 

Ramanathan wins double crown at MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament.

Published : 28/Nov/2023

Ramanathan wins double crown at MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament.
Mumbai, November 26, 2023 :  Ramkumar Ramanathan  added up to the doubles title by winning the singles finals at the MSLTA $25000 Mens ITF tennis championships being organized by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) under auspices of ITF and AITA which concluded at their GA Ranade Tennis centre at Mumbai.
In a final lasting 56 minutes Ramkumar seeded third at the event  registered a 6-0,6-4 win over giant killer Siddarth Vishwakarma with a serve and volley game 
It was Ramkumar second  25K title in a gap of 5 weeks (he had earlier won a title at Davangere) . The  all  Indian battle fetched  him  $4375  (₹3,59,500) and  25  ATP points while the runners up got $2210 (₹1,81,551 )and  16  ATP Points
The prizes were given away at the hands of Mr Bharat Oza President MSLTA , Mr.Sunder Iyer, Hon Secretary of MSLTA, Jt Secretary Nikhil Sampat , Mr Amit Shroff Council Member 
Mr.Manoj Vaidya, CEO of MSLTA  and ITF Supervisor Mrs Sheetal Iyer were present on the occasion.
Results: Singles : Mens Finals 
Ramkumar Ramanathan (Ind) [3] bt Siddharth Vishwakarma (Ind) 6-0,6-4 

Ramanathan in line for double crown at MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament.

Published : 28/Nov/2023

Ramanathan in line for double crown at MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament.
All India Final at Mumbai , Ram and Raja win doubles title
Mumbai, November 25, 2023 : It will be an all India finals as Ramkumar Ramanathan will clash with Siddarth Vishwakarma in the singles finals at the MSLTA $25000 Mens ITF tennis championships being organized by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and played at their GA Ranade Tennis centre at Mumbai.
Ramkumar Ramanathan and Purav Raja won the Men’s Doubles title putting Ramkumar in line for a coveted double crown
In the men’s singles semifinals third seed Ramkumar Ramanathan upset second seeded Louis Wessels of Germany 7-6(3), 6-3
 While giant killer and southpaw Siddharth Vishwakarma ended the challenge of Qualifier Harrison Adams of USA 7-6(5), 6-4 in 1 hour and 39 minutes
It will be an All Indian Clash in the men’s circuit at this level after nearly 4 years.
Purav Raja and Ramkumar Ramanathan the top seed out hit Harrison Adams of USA and Vladyslav Orlov of Ukraine 6-3, 6-3 to lift their second title together at this level
The winners got $1550 and 25 ATP points while the runners up got $900 and 16 ATP Points
The prizes were given away at the hands of Mr Bharat Oza President MSLTA , Mr.Sunder Iyer, Hon Secretary of MSLTA, RENE VAN DEN HEUVEL- DIRECTOR EXPORT, Babolat
Mr.Manoj Vaidya, CEO of MSLTA , Mr Luv Kothari MSLTA Council Member and ITF Supervisor Mrs Sheetal Iyer were present on the occasion.
Results: Singles: Semifinal round: Mens:
Ramkumar Ramanathan (Ind) [3] bt Louis Wessels (Ger) [2] 7-6(3), 6-3;
Siddharth Vishwakarma (Ind) bt (Q)Harrison Adams (Usa) 7-6(5), 6-4;
Doubles: final Round:
Purav Raja (Ind) / Ramkumar Ramanathan (Ind) [1] bt Harrison Adams (Usa) / Vladyslav Orlov (Ukr) 6-3, 6-3.


Published : 25/Nov/2023


MSLTA ITF Mens $25K Tennis Championship 2023

We cordially invite all tennis enthusiasts to witness the Singles Finals of the MSLTA ITF Mens $25K Tennis Championship 2023, at MSLTA, Mumbai on Sunday 26th November 2023.

Sunday 26th November 2023
10:30am: - Men's Singles Final
1. Ramkumar Ramanathan (INDIA) V/S Siddharth Vishwakarma (INDIA)

Sunder Iyer
Hon. Secretary

Press coverage of the MSLTA ITF Mens $25000 Tennis Championships 2023

Published : 22/Nov/2023

Press coverage of the MSLTA ITF Mens $25000 Tennis Championships 2023




Vishwakarma , Banthia carve big wins at MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament

Published : 21/Nov/2023

Vishwakarma , Banthia carve big wins at MSLTA  25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament


Mumbai, November 21, 2023:  Siddharth Vishwakarma and Maharashtra boy  Siddanth Banthia  scored big wins to move into the second round  at the MSLTA $25000 Mens ITF tennis championships being organized by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and played at their GA Ranade Tennis centre at Mumbai. 


In the opening round  Siddharth Vishwakarma carved out the first upset of the event toppling four seeded Vladyslav Orlov of Ukraine 7-6(2), 6-3 while Pune Boy Siddhant Banthia came back from loss of the first set to oust Kazuma Kawachi of. Japan 3-6, 7-6(5), 6-1 to move into the second round 


In other matches featuring Indians Sidarth Rawat  scored a 7-5,6-3 win over  Nitin Kumar Sinha  while Dev Javia  accounted for Wild card Parth Aggarwal 6-1, 5-7, 6-3


Harrison Adams of USA ,  Ryotaro Taguchi  of  Japan,  alongside six Indians  Madhwin Kamath ,  Rohan Mehra , Bharath Nishok Kumaran ,  Kabir Hans,  Aryan Shah and  Shivank Bhatnagar qualified for the main draw of the event  after the final round qualifying 


The tournament was inaugurated Andrew Moss. Head, ITF World Tennis Tour, Strategy and Pathway  Mr.Sunder Iyer, Hon Secretary of MSLTA, Mr.Manoj Vaidya, CEO of MSLTA and ITF Supervisor Mr Amorn Duangpinkin of Thailand were present on the occasion. 



Results: Final Qualifying Round:

Harrison Adams (Usa)[1] bt Gabriele Volpi (Ita)[9]6-3, 6-2;

Ryotaro Taguchi (Jpn) [2] bt Jagmeet Singh (Ind) [16]6-0, 6-1;

Madhwin Kamath (Ind) [3] bt Adil Kalyanpur (Ind)[14]6-4, 6-2;

Rohan Mehra (Ind) [4] bt Ha Minh Duc Vu (Vie) [12]6-3, 4-6, 10-7;

Bharath Nishok Kumaran (Ind) [5] bt Ajay Malik(Ind)[11] 3-6, 6-1, 10-1;

Kabir Hans (Ind) [6] bt Deepak Anantharamu (Ind)6-3, 6-3;

Aryan Shah (Ind) [15] bt (WC)Rishi Reddy (Ind)[7] 6-4, 7-5;

Shivank Bhatnagar (Ind) [8] bt Abhishek Bastola(Nep)6-7(5), 6-1, 10-5;


Main Draw: Singles: First Round:

Siddharth Vishwakarma (Ind) bt Vladyslav Orlov (Ukr) [4] 7-6(2), 6-3; 

Siddhant Banthia (Ind) bt Kazuma Kawachi (Jpn)3-6, 7-6(5), 6-1;

Yunseok Jang (Kor) bt Sandesh Kurale (Ind)6-0, 6-2;

Sidharth Rawat (Ind) [6] bt Nitin Kumar Sinha (Ind) 7-5, 6-3

Dev Javia (Ind) bt Parth Aggarwal (Ind) 6-1, 5-7, 6-3; 

David Pichler (Aut) [8] bt Sarthak Suden (Ind) 6-2, 6-0.


Anantramu prevails to move into second round qualifying at MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament

Published : 21/Nov/2023

Anantramu prevails to move into second round qualifying at MSLTA  25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament

Mumbai, November 20, 2023: Deepak Ananthramu edged out tenth seed Yash Yadav 6-1, 1-6, 10-7 to enter the final round qualifying at the MSLTA $25000 Mens ITF tennis championships being organized by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and played at their GA Ranade Tennis centre at Mumbai

In another tight match sixteenth seed Jagmeet Singh  prevailed over qualifying wild card Omar Rehan Sunar  6-4, 7-6(6) to make it to the final qualifying round. 

Results: First Qualifying Round:
Ryotaro Taguchi (Jpn) [2] bt Siddharth Arya (Ind)6-2, 6-2;
Jagmeet Singh (Ind) [16] bt Omar Rehan Sumar (Ind)6-4, 7-6(6);
Rohan Mehra (Ind) [4] bt Lohithaksha Bathrinath(Ind) 6-4, 6-3;
Ha Minh Duc Vu (Vie) [12] bt Dharmil Shah(Ind)6-0, 6-1;
Harrison Adams (Usa) [1] bt Rishit Dakhane (Ind)6-2, 6-2;
Gabriele Volpi (Ita) [9] bt Tarun Karra (Ind) 6-4, 6-2;
Madhwin Kamath (Ind) [3] bt Dhruv Hirpara (Ind)6-4, 6-2;
Adil Kalyanpur (Ind) [14] bt Anurag Agarwal (Ind)6-3, 6-2;
Ajay Malik (Ind)[11] bt Nirav Shetty (Ind)6-3, 6-4;
Bharath Nishok Kumaran (Ind)[5] bt Tommaso Schold(Ita)6-3, 6-1;
Kabir Hans (Ind)[6] bt Anuj Maan(Ind) 6-2, 6-0;
Deepak Anantharamu (Ind) bt Yash Yadav(Ind)[10] 6-1, 1-6, 10-7;
Rishi Reddy (Ind)[7] bt Tushar Madan(Ind) 6-3, 6-1;
Aryan Shah (Ind) [15] bt Arjun Mahadevan (Ind)6-2, 6-4;
Shivank Bhatnagar (Ind) [8] bt Maan Kesharwani(Ind)6-0, 6-4;
Abhishek Bastola (Nep) bt Yash Chaurasia(Ind)[13] 6-3, 6-3.


Donskoy leads ranking list 


Evgeny Donskoy who scalped Roger Federer a few years ago leads the ranking list in the singles event 


Ramkumar Ramanathan (3) , Sidarth Rawat (6) , S.D Prajwal Dev (7) are the Indians to be seeded in the singles which will see 13 Indian players in the main draw 


Sandesh Kurale of Kolhapur, Raghav Jaisinghani , Sartaj Suden  and Parth Aggarwal have been awarded the main draw wildcards 


Following are the Singles  Seeded Players

1  Evgeny Donskoy(Rus), 2.  Louis Wessels(Ger), 3 Ramkumar Ramanathan(Ind), 4. Vladyslav Orlov(UKR), 5.  Ryuki Matsuda (JPN), 6. Sidharth Rawat(IND), 7. S D Prajwal Dev(IND), 8.David Pichler


Following is the doubles Seeding 

1 Purav Raja/Ramkumar Ramanathan 

2 S D Prajwal Dev/Nitin Kumar Sinha

3 Sai Karteek Reddy Ganta/ Vishnu Vardhan

4 Taisei Ichikawa/, Seita Watanabe



Anantramu prevails to move into second round qualifying at MSLTA 25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament

Published : 21/Nov/2023

Anantramu prevails to move into second round qualifying at MSLTA  25K Mens ITF Tennis Tournament

Mumbai, November 20, 2023: Deepak Ananthramu edged out tenth seed Yash Yadav 6-1, 1-6, 10-7 to enter the final round qualifying at the MSLTA $25000 Mens ITF tennis championships being organized by Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and played at their GA Ranade Tennis centre at Mumbai

In another tight match sixteenth seed Jagmeet Singh  prevailed over qualifying wild card Omar Rehan Sunar  6-4, 7-6(6) to make it to the final qualifying round. 

Results: First Qualifying Round:
Ryotaro Taguchi (Jpn) [2] bt Siddharth Arya (Ind)6-2, 6-2;
Jagmeet Singh (Ind) [16] bt Omar Rehan Sumar (Ind)6-4, 7-6(6);
Rohan Mehra (Ind) [4] bt Lohithaksha Bathrinath(Ind) 6-4, 6-3;
Ha Minh Duc Vu (Vie) [12] bt Dharmil Shah(Ind)6-0, 6-1;
Harrison Adams (Usa) [1] bt Rishit Dakhane (Ind)6-2, 6-2;
Gabriele Volpi (Ita) [9] bt Tarun Karra (Ind) 6-4, 6-2;
Madhwin Kamath (Ind) [3] bt Dhruv Hirpara (Ind)6-4, 6-2;
Adil Kalyanpur (Ind) [14] bt Anurag Agarwal (Ind)6-3, 6-2;
Ajay Malik (Ind)[11] bt Nirav Shetty (Ind)6-3, 6-4;
Bharath Nishok Kumaran (Ind)[5] bt Tommaso Schold(Ita)6-3, 6-1;
Kabir Hans (Ind)[6] bt Anuj Maan(Ind) 6-2, 6-0;
Deepak Anantharamu (Ind) bt Yash Yadav(Ind)[10] 6-1, 1-6, 10-7;
Rishi Reddy (Ind)[7] bt Tushar Madan(Ind) 6-3, 6-1;
Aryan Shah (Ind) [15] bt Arjun Mahadevan (Ind)6-2, 6-4;
Shivank Bhatnagar (Ind) [8] bt Maan Kesharwani(Ind)6-0, 6-4;
Abhishek Bastola (Nep) bt Yash Chaurasia(Ind)[13] 6-3, 6-3.


Donskoy leads ranking list 


Evgeny Donskoy who scalped Roger Federer a few years ago leads the ranking list in the singles event 


Ramkumar Ramanathan (3) , Sidarth Rawat (6) , S.D Prajwal Dev (7) are the Indians to be seeded in the singles which will see 13 Indian players in the main draw 


Sandesh Kurale of Kolhapur, Raghav Jaisinghani , Sartaj Suden  and Parth Aggarwal have been awarded the main draw wildcards 


Following are the Singles  Seeded Players

1  Evgeny Donskoy(Rus), 2.  Louis Wessels(Ger), 3 Ramkumar Ramanathan(Ind), 4. Vladyslav Orlov(UKR), 5.  Ryuki Matsuda (JPN), 6. Sidharth Rawat(IND), 7. S D Prajwal Dev(IND), 8.David Pichler


Following is the doubles Seeding 

1 Purav Raja/Ramkumar Ramanathan 

2 S D Prajwal Dev/Nitin Kumar Sinha

3 Sai Karteek Reddy Ganta/ Vishnu Vardhan

4 Taisei Ichikawa/, Seita Watanabe



The Road to MSLTA Camp concluded on a high note today.

Published : 20/Nov/2023

The Road to MSLTA Camp concluded on a high note today.
We had Shri. Prashant Patil, Dy. Commissioner, NMC as the Chief Guest for giving away the Kit Bags & T Shirts to all the players & coaches.
Shri. Prashant Patil, heads the Sports, Social Welfare Department of NMC.
Thanks to efforts of MSLTA Vice Chairman and President of NDTA #RajeevDeshpande and team NDTA For a successful event at #nasik

MSLTA to host 25K Mens ITF from November 20 , chance for Indians to make valuable points

Published : 18/Nov/2023

MSLTA to host 25K Mens ITF from November 20  , chance for Indians to make valuable points

Mumbai, November 18 :  Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) will host the  $25000 Mens ITF tennis championships which will get underway  on the MSLTA courts  from Monday November 20 to November 26, the event which will also mark the beginning of a busy season of the MSLTA till  March 2024

The Hon Secretary of the MSLTA and the tournament Director of the event Sunder Iyer informed that Men's tennis  players from 17 countries will be seen in action at the event  this is the second year in a row that the event will be hosted  in Mumbai  ,   which will also give opportunity to Indian players to earn valuable prize money and ATP Points

The event will provide a platform for Indian players to redeem themselves and male valuable points  Apart from Davis Cuppers Ramkumar  Ramanathan , Digvijay Pratap Singh , Siddarth Rawat ,other players in the main draw include  Karan Singh , Siddharth Vishwakarma , Dev Javia  and Manish Sureshkumar

The winners of the event will get 50 ATP points  , the Runners Up 30 ATP points , Semifinalists  18  points , Quarterfinalists 9 points , Round of 0f 16  5 points  , Round of 32  1 points .  The qualifying will be played on 20 and 21 November  the main draw will be played from 21 to 26 November  , Mr Amorn Duangpinkin of Thailand has been appointed as the ITF  Supervisor of the event

Following  are some of the notable players in the main draw
 1  Evgeny Donskoy  Rus  262 , 2.  Louis Wessels GER  342 3 Vladyslav Orlov UKR 470  4  Digvijay Pratap Singh IND  501
5 Ryuki Matsuda JPN  569  6  Ramkumar Ramanathan IND  579  7 Sidharth Rawat  IND  601
8 S D Prajwal Dev IND 623

Road to MSLTA Scholarship Camp got off to a great start today at NDTA, Nasik.

Published : 18/Nov/2023

Road to MSLTA Scholarship Camp got off to a great start today at NDTA, Nasik.


Total of 24 boys & girls in age group U10 & 12 are undergoing a 4 day camp under the supervision of Coach Shri. Prosenjit Paul from Pune.


This is MSLTA’s flagship program for talent identification & development at the grassroots level with specific focus on the 6 Zones… Kolhapur, Solapur, Nagpur, Aurangabad, Amaravati & Nasik.

Panchal leads series of upsets at 13th Edition of Om Dalvi Memorial Dr.Nitu Mandke Trophy All India ...

Published : 08/Nov/2023

Panchal leads series of upsets at 13th Edition of Om Dalvi Memorial Dr.Nitu Mandke Trophy All India Ranking U-18, Super Series Tennis Tournament 2023


Pune , November 7, 2023: In a all Gujarat battle Savi Panchal created the biggest upset of the day knocking out top seed Hirva Rangani 5-7, 6-1, 6-4 as five other seeds were shown the door in the girls singles second round at the 13th Edition of Om Dalvi Memorial Dr.Nitu Mandke Trophy All India Ranking U-18 Super Series Tennis Tournament 2023 organized by Om Dalvi Memorial Trust under the auspices of the AITA, MSLTA and played at Om Dalvi Memorial Tennis School, Maharashtra Police Tennis Gymkhana (MT), Parihar Chowk, Aundh, Pune.


In the other upsets unseeded Sahana Kamalakannan of Tamil Nadu toppled second seeded Abhilipsa Mallick of Maharashtra 6-3, 6-4. Sanchita Nagarkar snuffed out fourth seed Shruti Nanajkar 6-2, 6-1


Local girl Shreya Pathare outplayed fifth seeded Apeksha Kandadii of Telangana 6-1, 6-4 , another local player Swarnika Roy registered a 6-3,6-0’win over winner of Asian Under 16 event at Aurangabad and sixth seeded Parthsarathi Mundhe 6-3, 6-0 while unseeded Dhruvi Adyanthaya blanked seventh seeded Arya Borkar 6-0, 6-0 to move into the last eight stage.


Results: Second Round: Main Draw: Boys:

Parth Deorukhakar(Mah)(1) bt Arnav Bansode(Mah) 6-0, 6-4;

Omkar Shinde(Mah)(6) bt Aaditya Iyengar(Mah) 6-3, 6-4;

Jay Pawar(Mah)(3) bt (LL)Suhas Soma(Kar) 6-3, 6-3;

Aryan Ghadge(Mah) bt Parth Somani(Mah)(8) 6-2, 6-2;

Fatehyab Singh(Mah)(5) bt Neeraj Ringangaonkar(Mah) 6-3, 3-6, 6-1;

Anmol Nagpure(Mah)(4) bt Neel Joglekar(Mah) 6-1, 6-2;

Sarth Bansode(Mah)(7) bt (Q)Pranav SR(TN) 6-1, 6-3;

Ashwin Narsinghani(Mah) bt Piyush Jadhav(Mah) 6-1, 6-1;



Savi Panchal(Guj) bt Hirva Rangani(Guj)(1) 5-7, 6-1, 6-4;

Anandi Bhutada(Mah)(8) bt Noor Panda(Mah) 6-0, 6-0;

Kavya Deshmukh(Mah) bt Aarohi Deshmukh(Mah) 5-7, 6-3, 6-1;

Swanika Roy(Mah) bt Parthsarathi Mundhe(Mah)(6) 6-3, 6-0;

Shreya Pathare(Mah) bt Apeksha Kandadi(TS)(5) 6-1, 6-4;

Sanchita Nagarkar(Mah) bt Shruti Nanajkar(Mah)(4) 6-2, 6-1;

Dhruvi Adyanthaya(Mah) bt Arya Borkar(Mah)(7) 6-0, 6-0;

Sahana Kamalakannan(TN) bt Abhilipsa Mallick(Mah)(2) 6-3, 6-4.


Tanishq Jadhav Extends Winning Streak with Double Crown in Jalandhar Nationals Series Tournament

Published : 06/Nov/2023

Tanishq Jadhav Extends Winning Streak with Double Crown in Jalandhar Nationals Series Tournament
Building upon his success in the Jajjar Nationals Series U-18, Tanishq Mukesh Jadhav has continued his remarkable winning streak by securing the double crown (singles and doubles) in the Jalandhar Punjab Nationals Series U-18 Tournament.
Congratulations to Tanishq on his outstanding performance!

Qualifiers spotted at 13th Edition of Om Dalvi Memorial Dr.Nitu Mandke Trophy All India Ranking U-18...

Published : 06/Nov/2023

Qualifiers spotted at 13th Edition of Om Dalvi Memorial Dr.Nitu Mandke Trophy All India Ranking U-18, Super Series Tennis Tournament 2023
Pune, November 5, 2023: Archit Dahale , SR Pranav , Ayan Shetty, Archit Dhoot Upset seeds to qualify at the 13th Edition of Om Dalvi Memorial Dr.Nitu Mandke Trophy All India Ranking U-18 Super Series Tennis Tournament 2023 organized by Om Dalvi Memorial Trust under the auspices of the AITA, MSLTA and played at Om Dalvi Memorial Tennis School, Maharashtra Police Tennis Gymkhana (MT), Parihar Chowk, Aundh, Pune.
Results: Final Qualifying Round: Boys:
Satwik Kollepalli(1) bt Neeraj Jorwekar(Mah) 6-1, 6-2;
Sarth Bansode (Mah)(2) bt Samihan Deshmukh(Mah) 6-1,
Archit Dahale(Mah) bt Arav Eshwar(Mah)(3)6-1,6-3;
Pranav SR(TN) bt Abhiram Nilakhe(Mah)(4) 6-2, 6-4;
Sarvesh Jhawar(Mah)(5) bt Aditya Deokar(Mah) 6-2, 6-3;
Swaraj Dhamdhere (Mah)(6) bt Swarnim Yevalekar(Mah) 6-4,6-1;
Ayan Shetty(Mah) bt Divyank Kavitke(Mah)(7) 6-3, 6-2;
Archit Dhoot(Mah) bt Suhas Soma(                           </div>  

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Maharashtra Men’s doubles team & Women’s Team won Gold at the 37th National Games

Published : 04/Nov/2023

Jai Maharashtra as The men’s doubles team of Arjun Kadhe and Purav Raja win the GOLD they scored a 7-6,6-3 win over SD Prajwal Dev and Adil Kalyanpur of Karnataka in finals and the women’s Team of Rutuja Bhosale and Prarthana Thombare win the GOLD  scoring a 6-4,6-1 against Shravan Chikalapudi and Shrivalli Bhamidipadhy. 2 Gold medals and Mixed Doubles finals tomorrow Vaishnavi Adkar wins singles bronze Maharashtra leads MEDAL TALLY IN TENNIS DISCIPLINE

Katakam, Mundhe are champions at EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 16 Tennis Championship

Published : 04/Nov/2023

Katakam, Mundhe are champions at EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 16 Tennis Championship

Aurangabad, November 3, 2023:  Hruthik Katakam and Parthasarathi Mundhe emerged winners in the Boys and the Girls Singles at the EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 16 Tennis Championship being conducted under the Auspices of the Asian Tennis Federation (ATF) , All India Tennis Association (AITA) and the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) at the Endurance Tennis complex in Chatrapai Sambhajinagar
In the Boys finals top seeded Hruthik Katakam  outplayed second seeded Ayush Poojary 6-4, 6-2 for the title while in the girls finals Solapur girl Parthsarthi Mundhe stopped the run of local girl Vrandika Rajput 6-2, 6-1.
In the girls doubles Final Round Rajput tied up with  Dia Agarwal  to get past  Parthsarthi and Avyaktha Rayavarapu  of  USA 4-6, 6-2, 10-4. 
 Fazal Ali Meer  and  Prakaash Sarran  won the boys  doubles title the pair registered a 6-1,6-4 win over top seeded pair of Varad Pol  and Ayush Poojary.
The prizes were given away at the hands of 
Mrs. Usha ji Agrawal & Mrs. Varsha Jain Tournament Director- from Endurance Group, Mrs Jenifer Desilva Principal VTC, Mr. Ian Correa CEO hope foundation, Mrs Joyece Korea Trustees Hope foundation, Miss Sejal Kenia Tournament supervisor (ITF) , Mr. Ashutosh Mishra Centre Head, Mr. Praveen Prasad Head Coach, Praveen Gaisamudre chief refree were present on the occasion 
Following are the results: Main Draw: Singles: final Round:Boys:
Hruthik Katakam(IND)[1] bt Ayush Poojary(IND)[2] 6-4, 6-2
Parthsarthi Mundhe (IND) [1] bt Vrandika Rajput(IND)[2] 6-2, 6-1.
Doubles: Semifinal Round: Boys: 
Varad Pol (IND) / Ayush Poojary (IND) [1] bt Aditya Bikram Acharya (IND) / Krishank Joshi (IND)  6-3, 6-2; 
Fazal Ali Meer (IND) / Prakaash Sarran (IND) bt Hruthik Katakam (IND) /  Shivtej Shirfule (IND)6-3, 6-3;   
Final Round: Fazal Ali Meer (IND) / Prakaash Sarran (IND) bt Varad Pol (IND) / Ayush Poojary (IND) [1]6-1, 6-4;  
Parthsarthi Arun Mundhe (IND) /Avyaktha Rayavarapu (USA) bt Meha Patil (IND) / Riddhi Shinde (IND) 6-4, 6-1;   
Dia Agarwal (IND) / Vrandika Rajput(IND) bt Ishwari Markande (IND) / Sanyukta Pagare (IND) 6-2, 6-3; 
Final Round: Dia Agarwal (IND) / Vrandika Rajput(IND) bt Parthsarthi Arun Mundhe (IND) /Avyaktha Rayavarapu (USA)4-6, 6-2, 10-4. 

200 junior players for 13th Edition of Om Dalvi Memorial Dr.Nitu Mandke Trophy All India Ranking U-1...

Published : 04/Nov/2023

200 junior players for 13th Edition of Om Dalvi Memorial Dr.Nitu Mandke Trophy All India Ranking U-18, Super Series Tennis Tournament  2023

Pune, November 3, 2023:  Over 200 tennis player from across India will be seen in action at the 13th Edition of Om Dalvi Memorial Dr.Nitu Mandke Trophy All India Ranking U-18 Super Series Tennis Tournament  2023 organized by Om Dalvi Memorial Trust under the auspices of the AITA, MSLTA and played at Om Dalvi Memorial Tennis School, Maharashtra Police Tennis Gymkhana (MT), Parihar Chowk, Aundh, Pune. from 4th to 10th November 2023.

Parth Deorukhakar, Jay Pawar, Anmol Nagpure,Abhilipsa Mallick, Shruti Nanajkar are some of the prominent players in the draw.

Mr.Vikram Bokey, Chairman and Mr.Umesh Dalvi, Trustee of Om Dalvi Memorial Trust said that, this will be the Thirteenth consecutive year of this event.  The tournament will offer a total prize money of Rs 1,50,000/-. The event will be supported by Dr. Nitu Mandke Foundation, associate sponsored by Dr.Prakash Ghatge and Co-Sponsored Green Span Agritech, Synergy Properties and Micro Innotech. We have received entries from Maharashtra, AP, Karnataka, Telangana, Delhi, Haryana, UP, Keral, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan.

ITF white Badge referee  Shriram Gokhle has been appointed as AITA supervisor for this event. The winner get trophy, 50 AITA points, while runner up will received trophy and 40 AITA Points.

Following are the seedings:
Boys: 1.Parth Deorukhakar(Mah), 2.Jay Pawar(Mah), 3.Anmol Nagpure(Mah), 4.Fatehyab Singh(Mah), 5.Omkar Shinde(Mah), 6.Parth Somani(Mah), 7.Akshith Balasubramanian(TN), 8.Raunak Lalwani(Mah)

1.Hirva Rangani(Guj), 2.Abhilipsa Mallick(Mah), 3.Shruti Nanajkar(Mah), 4.Apeksha Kandadi(TS), 5.Parthsarthi Mundhe(Mah), 6.Arya Borkar(Mah), 7.Anandi Bhutada(Mah), 8.Dhanashree Patil(Mah)

Fazal, Riddhi score tough wins to make it to semis at EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 16 Tennis Championsh...

Published : 01/Nov/2023

Fazal, Riddhi score tough wins to make it to semis at EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 16 Tennis Championship
Aurangabad, November 1, 2023:   Fazal Ali Meer quelled the challenge of local boy and giantkiller Shivtej Shirfule out rallying him 6-3, 1-6, 6-3 to enter the boys semi finals at the EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 16 Tennis Championship being conducted under the Auspices of the Asian Tennis Federation (ATF) , All India Tennis Association (AITA) and the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) at the Endurance Tennis complex in Aurangabad
In the girls event in match between unseeded players Riddhi Shinde  overcame Riya Gangamma Pudiyokkada 6-3, 2-6, 6-2 to move to the last four stage
Top seeded Parthsarthi Mundhe, Dia Agarwal, second seeded Vrandika Rajput were the other girls to make the semifinal
Top seed Hruthik Katakam ,  second seeded Ayisg Poojary and fourth seeded Nived Konerira were the boys players to make it to the last four
Following are the results: Main Draw:Quarterfinal Round:Boys:
Hruthik Katakam(IND)[1] bt Arjun Veluri (IND)6-3, 6-1;
Fazal Ali Meer (IND) bt Shivtej Shirfule (IND) 6-3, 1-6, 6-3;
Nived Konerira(IND)[4] bt Aditya Acharya(IND) 7-5, 6-1;
Ayush  Poojary(IND)[2] bt Krishank Joshi (IND) 7-5, 6-1;
Parthsarthi Arun Mundhe (IND) [1] bt Dhanashree Patil (IND) 6-1, 6-2;
Dia Agarwal (IND) bt Twisha Nandankar (IND)6-4, 6-4;
Riddhi Shinde (IND) bt Riya Gangamma Pudiyokkada (IND)6-3, 2-6, 6-2;
Vrandika Rajput(IND)[2] bt Bhakti Tajne (IND) 6-3, 6-2;

Seven seeds shown the door at EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 16 Tennis Championship

Published : 31/Oct/2023

Seven seeds shown the door at EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 16 Tennis Championship

Aurangabad, October 31,  Seven seeds were upset  in the boys and girls second  round matches at the EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 16 Tennis Championship being conducted under the Auspices of the Asian Tennis Federation (ATF) , All India Tennis Association (AITA) and the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) at the EMMTC Tennis complex in Aurangabad

Marathwada boy Shivtej Shirfule upset third seeded  Prakaash Sarran 5-7, 6-4, 6-3 to enter the boys quarter finals. In the other upsets Fazal Ali Meer upset seventh seed Daksh Mudunoori 6-3, 6-3 while unseeded Aditya Acharya knocked out eighth seed Shashank Karnati 6-4, 6-0;

In the girls section  Twisha Nandankar upset third seed  Dakshanasree S.R  4-6, 6-0, 6-0 ,  Riddhi Shinde (IND) knocked  fourth seeded Madhumita Ramesh  4-6, 6-3, 6-3. Riya Gangamma Pudiyokkada (IND)  blanked fifth seed Prutha Rao 6-0, 6-0 while Dhanashree Patil outplayed sixth seed Mishka Bhaskar Tayade 6-0, 6-2

Following are the results: Main Draw: Pre-quarterfinal Round:Boys:
Hruthik Katakam(IND)[1] bt Ishan Khadeer (IND) 6-1, 6-2;
Arjun Veluri (IND) bt Devendra Kulkarni (IND) 6-3, 6-2;
Shivtej Shirfule (IND) bt Prakaash Sarran (IND) [3] 5-7, 6-4, 6-3;
Ayush Poojary(IND)[2] bt Sahil Kothari(IND) 6-0, 6-2;
Fazal Ali Meer (IND) bt Daksh Mudunoori (IND) [7] 6-3, 6-3;
Krishank Joshi (IND) bt Kabir Jaitly(IND)  6-0, 6-0;
Aditya Acharya(IND) bt Shashank Karnati(IND)[8] 6-4, 6-0;
Nived Konerira(IND)[4] bt Yashraj Jarwal(IND) 6-3, 6-2;
Parthsarthi Arun Mundhe (IND) [1] bt Kavya Deshmukh (IND)6-1, 6-1;
Dhanashree Patil (IND) bt Mishka Bhaskar Tayade (IND) [6] 6-0, 6-2;
Twisha Nandankar (IND) bt Dakshanasree S.R (IND) [3] 4-6, 6-0, 6-0;
Dia Agarwal (IND) bt Ishwari Markande (IND) 6-3, 6-2;
Riya Gangamma Pudiyokkada (IND)  bt  Prutha Rao (IND) [5] 6-0, 6-0; 
Riddhi Shinde (IND) bt Madhumita Ramesh (IND) [4] 4-6, 6-3, 6-3;
Bhakti Tajne (IND) bt Ananya Yadav (IND) 6-4, 6-1;
Vrandika Rajput(IND)[2] bt Meha Patil(IND) 6-2, 6-3

Tavish wins memorable double crown at EMMTC - MSLTA under 14 Junior Tennis Nationals

Published : 31/Oct/2023

Tavish wins memorable double crown at EMMTC - MSLTA under 14 Junior Tennis Nationals


Aurangabad, October 28, 2023: Tavish Pahwa of Haryana won a memorable double crown winning the boy singles title at the EMMTC - MSLTA organised Junior National Tennis Tournament for under 14 conducted under the Auspices of the All India Tennis Association (AITA) and the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and played at EMMTC Tennis complex in Aurangabad


Third seeded Savitha Bhuwaneswran of Tamil Nadu claimed the girls singles title.


In the finals Tavish who won the doubles event yesterday added the singles title to his kitty the 8th standard student of Shiv Nadar School who practices at Accelerate Tennis Academy under coach Todd Clark upset top seeded Hruthik Katakam of Telangana 7-5, 6-3.


 In the Girls event Savitha a 10th standard student of St Merry's Matric Girls Sec High-school who practices at Periyar Nagar Tennis Centre under coach Saravanan Anand stopped the winning run of Parthsarthi Mundhe of Solapur , Maharashtra 4-6, 6-2, 6-3.


The Singles winner and runners up got trophy and certificates. The prizes were given away at the hands of Mr. Sunder Iyer, Hon Secretary of MSLTA, Mr. Sanjay Dutta, VP of Endurance Technologies Mr. Ashutosh Mishra Manager EMMTC, ITF White Badge Referee Ms. Sejal Kenia and AITA Supervisor Mr. Pravin Gaisamudre.


Following are the results: Main Draw: Singles: final Round: Boys:

Tavish Pahwa(Har) (2) bt Hruthik Katakam(TS)(1) 7-5, 6-3;


Savitha Bhuwaneswran(TN)(3) bt Parthsarthi Mundhe (Mah)(7) 4-6, 6-2, 6-3.

Maharashtra Player Mundhe in finals at EMMTC - MSLTA under 14 Junior Tennis Nationals

Published : 31/Oct/2023

Maharashtra Player Mundhe in finals at EMMTC - MSLTA under 14 Junior Tennis Nationals  
Aurangabad, October 27, 2023:  State player  and seventh seeded Parthsarthi Mundhe of Solapur  created the biggest  upset as she upset second seeded  Aahan of Odisha  4-6, 6-2, 6-0 to enter the girls singles finals  at the EMMTC - MSLTA organised Junior National Tennis Tournament for under 14 conducted under the Auspices of the All India Tennis Association (AITA) and the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and played at EMMTC Tennis complex in Aurangabad
Mundhe will take on third seeded Savitha Bhuwaneswran of Tamil Nadu  who stopped giant killer  Anandita Upadhyay  of Haryana  7-5, 6-3 . Savitha also placed herself in line for a double crown reaching the girls doubles finals with Srishti Kiran 
In the boys event  top seeded Hruthik Katakam of Telangana ended the run of Shivtej Shirfule of Nanded winning  6-3, 6-4 , Hruthik will take on second seeded Tavish Pahwa of Haryana who ralied past fourth seeded Prakash Sarran of Karnataka            7-6(8),6-3 . Both Hruthik and Tavish also reached the boys  doubles finals and placed themselves in line for a double crown .
Following are the results: Main Draw: Singles: Semifinal Round: Boys: 
Hruthik Katakam(TS)(1) bt Shivtej Shirfule(Mah)(3) 6-3, 6-4;
Tavish Pahwa(Har) (2) bt Prakash Sarran(Kar)(4) 7-6(8),6-3; 
Savitha Bhuwaneswran(TN)(3) bt Anandita Upadhyay (Har)(5)  7-5, 6-3;
Parthsarthi Mundhe (Mah)(7) bt Aahan(Odisha)(2)  4-6, 6-2, 6-0; 
Doubles: Boys: Semifinal Round: 
Hruthik Katakam(TS)/Tavish Pahwa(Har)(1) bt Mannan Agarwal(Mah)/Om Patel(Guj) 6-4, 6-2;
Fazal Ali Meer(TN)/Prakash Sarran(Kar)(2) bt Diganth M(Kar)/Ahan Shetty(Mah) 7-5, 6-3; 
Srishti Kiran(Kar)/Savitha Bhuwaneswran(TN) bt Aahan(Odisha)/Parthsarthi Mundhe (Mah)(1)6-0, 6-4;   
Anandita Upadhyay (Har)/Reet Arora(Har)(2) bt Dia Agarwal /Vrandika Rajput(Mah)  6-1, 6-4. 


Published : 28/Oct/2023


Over 120 entries for EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 16 Tennis Championship

Published : 27/Oct/2023

Over 120 entries for EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 16 Tennis Championship 
Aurangabad, October 27, 2023: Over 120 Boys and Girls from all over the country have been received for the EMMTC - MSLTA Asian under 16 Tennis Championship which will be conducted under the Auspices of the Asian Tennis Federation (ATF) , All India Tennis Association (AITA) and the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) at the EMMTC Tennis complex in Aurangabad from October 28th to November 4, 2023.
Parthsarthi Mundhe of Maharashtra and Hrutik Katakam of Karnataka will lead the boys and the girls seeding list the event which is being played on Clay courts of the EMMTC complex.
Mr. Sunder Iyer, Hon Secretary, MSLTA it will be the first ever Asian Ranking event in under 16 which is being organised by MSLTA , the event which has a back draw will give immense opportunity to players to get more exposure 
 " We are very happy to see tennis in the Marathwada region is growing with many more tennis courts , coaches , players we have just finished organising the Under 14 nationals successfully and another event of this stature back to back is adding to growth of tennis in Aurangabad providing players with opportunities to earn valuable point's and avoiding long travel for tournaments 
". We are thankful to Mrs Varsha Jain and Anurang Jain for their unparalleled support to tennis activities and helping the game to become popular not only in Aurangabad but also in Beed , Parbhani , Nanded and Jalna , Iyer added.
While the Boys 16 main draw will be of 64, the Girls under 16 Main draws will be of 48, added Mr. Iyer. The Qualifying rounds will be held on October 28 and 29th the main draws will start from Monday 30th. The winner gets a trophy, 300 ATF points, while the runner up will receive a trophy and 250 ATF Points.
Mrs Varsha Jain will be the tournament director of the event , while Sejal Kenia has been appointed as the AITA Supervisor of the event , Pravin Prasad and Pavin Gaisamudre have been appointed as Chief referees for the event.
A special committee under the chairmanship of Sanjay Dutta and composed of MSLTA council member Ali Panjwani and Ashutosh Mishra has been set up for the smooth conduct of the event.

Anandita Upadhyay Topples top seeded Malik at EMMTC - MSLTA under 14 Junior Tennis Nationals

Published : 26/Oct/2023

Anandita Upadhyay Topples top seeded Malik at EMMTC - MSLTA under 14 Junior Tennis Nationals  
Aurangabad, October 26, 2023: Fifth seeded Anandita Upadhyay of Haryana upset top seeded Prachi Malik of Haryana 6-2, 7-5 to enter the semifinals of the girls singles event at the EMMTC - MSLTA organised Junior National Tennis Tournament for under 14 conducted under the Auspices of the All India Tennis Association (AITA) and the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and played at EMMTC Tennis complex in Aurangabad
In the other singles quarterfinal matches third seeded Savitha Bhuwaneswran of Tamil Nadu scored a 6-2, 6-3 win over Karthika Padmakumar of Karnataka , seventh seeded Parthsarthi Mundhe subdued Dia Agarwal 7-5, 6-1 while second seeded Aahan struggled to get past Avipsha Dehury 6-7(3), 6-2, 6-3 ,
 In the Boys quarterfinals top seeded Hruthik Katakam of Telangana breezed past sixth seeded Fazal Ali Meer of Tamil Nadu 6-1, 6-2 , Third seeded Shivtej Shirfule stopped giantkiller Aaradhya Mhasde 6-3, 6-2 fourth seeded Prakash Sarran of Karnataka registered a 6-2,6-2 win over eighth seeded Om Patel of Gujarat while Second seeded Tavish Pahwa of Haryana put out seventh seeded Anurag Kallambella of Karnataka 6-3, 6-2.
Following are the results: Main Draw: Singles: Quarterfinal Round: Boys: 
Hruthik Katakam(TS)(1) bt Fazal Ali Meer(TN)(6) 6-1, 6-2;
Shivtej Shirfule(Mah)(3) bt Aaradhya Mhasde(Mah)(11) 6-3, 6-2;
Prakash Sarran(Kar)(4) bt Om Patel(Guj)(8) 6-2, 6-2;
Tavish Pahwa(Har) (2) bt Anurag Kallambella(Kar)(7) 6-3, 6-2;
Anandita Upadhyay (Har)(5) bt Prachi Malik(Har)(1) 6-2, 7-5;
Savitha Bhuwaneswran(TN)(3) bt Karthika Padmakumar(Kar) 6-2, 6-3;
Parthsarthi Mundhe (Mah)(7) bt Dia Agarwal 7-5, 6-1;
Aahan(Odisha)(2) bt Avipsha Dehury(9)6-7(3), 6-2, 6-3; 
Doubles: Boys: Quarterfinal Round: 
Hruthik Katakam(TS)/Tavish Pahwa(Har)(1) bt Ishaan Yedlapalli(MP)/Neel Kelkar(Mah) 6-1, 6-3;
Mannan Agarwal(Mah)/Om Patel(Guj) bt Kushagra Arora(Del)/Navya Yadav(Del) 6-3, 6-0;
Diganth M(Kar)/Ahan Shetty(Mah) bt Varad Pol(Mah)/Krishank Joshi(Mah) 6-1, 6-3;
Fazal Ali Meer(TN)/Prakash Sarran(Kar)(2) bt Shiva Sharma(Har)/Rishi Yadav(UP) 6-3, 6-2;
Aahan(Odisha)/Parthsarthi Mundhe (Mah)(1) bt Niesha Enja(TS)/Shreya Pathare(Mah) 6-0, 6-2;
Srishti Kiran(Kar)/Savitha Bhuwaneswran(TN) bt Suryanshi Shekhawat(Raj)/Ira Deshpande(Mah) 7-6(1), 6-2;
Dia Agarwal /Vrandika Rajput(Mah) bt Sanidya Karantoth(TS)/Avipsha Dehury 7-5, 6-3;
Anandita Upadhyay (Mah)/Reet Arora(Har)(2) bt Madhumitha Ramesh(TN)/Aahida Singh (Kar) 6-1, 6-4. 

Proud moment for Rutuja Bhosale and MSLTA

Published : 26/Oct/2023

Proud moment for Rutuja Bhosale and MSLTA as she has been Nominated as the Flagbearer of the Maharashtra Contingent for the Opening Ceremony of the National Games at Goa . The Hon Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the Games in Goa. It is a proud moment as she is the first ever tennis player to be given the honour of carrying the flag by the Maharashtra Olympic Association.
Dy CM of Maharashtra and President of the Maharashtra Olympic Association Shri Ajit Pawar and the Sports Minister of Maharashtra Shri Sanjay Bansode presented the Maharashtra flag to Rutuja at Mantralaya today .
-Hon Sec of Mslta and Jt Secretary of MOA Sunder Iyer was also present on the occasion along with Rutuja’s Mother Nita and other dignitaries

Proud moment for Rutuja Bhosale and MSLTA

Published : 26/Oct/2023

Proud moment for Rutuja Bhosale and MSLTA as she has been Nominated as the Flagbearer of the Maharashtra Contingent for the Opening Ceremony of the National Games at Goa . The Hon Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the Games in Goa. It is a proud moment as she is the first ever tennis player to be given the honour of carrying the flag by the Maharashtra Olympic Association.
Dy CM of Maharashtra and President of the Maharashtra Olympic Association Shri Ajit Pawar and the Sports Minister of Maharashtra Shri Sanjay Bansode presented the Maharashtra flag to Rutuja at Mantralaya today .
-Hon Sec of Mslta and Jt Secretary of MOA Sunder Iyer was also present on the occasion along with Rutuja’s Mother Nita and other dignitaries

Proud moment for Rutuja Bhosale and MSLTA

Published : 26/Oct/2023

Proud moment for Rutuja Bhosale and MSLTA as she has been Nominated as the Flagbearer of the Maharashtra Contingent for the Opening Ceremony of the National Games at Goa . The Hon Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the Games in Goa. It is a proud moment as she is the first ever tennis player to be given the honour of carrying the flag by the Maharashtra Olympic Association.
Dy CM of Maharashtra and President of the Maharashtra Olympic Association Shri Ajit Pawar and the Sports Minister of Maharashtra Shri Sanjay Bansode presented the Maharashtra flag to Rutuja at Mantralaya today .
-Hon Sec of Mslta and Jt Secretary of MOA Sunder Iyer was also present on the occasion along with Rutuja’s Mother Nita and other dignitaries

State player Mhasde topples fifth seed at EMMTC - MSLTA to host under 14 Junior Tennis Nationals

Published : 25/Oct/2023

State player Mhasde topples fifth seed at EMMTC - MSLTA to host under 14  Junior Tennis Nationals  


Aurangabad, October 25, 2023:  Eleventh seed  Aaradhya Mhasde of Maharashtra upset fifth seed Diganth M of Karnataka 5-7, 6-3, 6-4 to enter the Boys quarter finals 

at the  EMMTC - MSLTA  organised Junior National Tennis Tournament for under 14 conducted under the Auspices of the All India Tennis Association (AITA) and the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and played at EMMTC Tennis complex in Aurangabad


In another tough match eighth seeded Om Patel of Gujarat was given a tough fight by Neel Kelkar of Maharashtra before winning 6-4, 6-7(3), 6-3; Other seeds in the Boys and the Girls section moved easily into the quarter finals 


Following are the results: Main Draw Pre - Quarterfinal Round: Boys: 

Hruthik Katakam(TS)(1) bt Ayush Poojary(Mah)(13) 6-0, 6-3;

Fazal Ali Meer(TN)(6) bt Navya Yadav(Del)(10) 6-4, 6-1;

Shivtej Shirfule(Mah)(3) bt Shlok Chauhan(15) 6-4, 6-1;

Aaradhya Mhasde(Mah)(11) bt Diganth M(Kar)(5) 5-7, 6-3, 6-4;

Om Patel(Guj)(8) bt Neel Kelkar(Mah)(12) 6-4, 6-7(3), 6-3;

Prakash Sarran(Kar)(4) bt Krishank Joshi(Mah)(14) 6-0, 6-4;

Tavish Pahwa(Har) (2) bt Ishaan Yedlapalli(MP) (16) 6-3, 6-3;



Prachi Malik(Har)(1) bt Reet Arora(Har)(13)6-4, 6-0;

Anandita Upadhyay (Mah)(5) bt Avyaktha Rayavarapu (TS)6-2, 6-2;

Savitha Bhuwaneswran(TN)(3) bt Deepshika Vinayagamurt(TN)(14) 6-1, 6-2;

Karthika Padmakumar(Kar) bt Aahida Singh(Kar)(10) 6-0, 6-1;

Parthsarthi Mundhe (Mah)(7) bt Ira Deshpande(Mah)6-3, 6-1;

Dia Agarwal bt Twisha Nandankar(Guj) 6-3, 6-1;

Avipsha Dehury(9) bt Sravya Numburi(TN)(8) 6-2, 4-1 conceded;

Aahan(2) bt Niesha Enja(TS)(16) 7-6(3), 6-3;

Asian Games Gold Medalist Rutuja Bhosale, Arjun Kadhe to Lead Maharashtra Tennis Teams for Goa Natio...

Published : 25/Oct/2023

Asian Games Gold Medalist Rutuja Bhosale, Arjun Kadhe to Lead Maharashtra Tennis Teams for Goa National Games

Mumbai 25 Oct 2023 –  Asian Games Mixed Doubles Gold Medalist Rutuja Bhosale and International tennis star Arjun Kadhe  will lead a strong  Maharashtra women's and mens tennis teams, respectively, for the upcoming National Games to be held at the Fatorda Sports Complex Tennis Complex at Margao in Goa from October 30th to November 5th, 2023.

"We are fielding a team that combines youth and experience, with the aim of building a strong Maharashtra team for the present and future," said Sunder Iyer, Honorary Secretary of the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA). Maharashtra emerged the team with the highest medals in Gujarat last year.

The Maharashtra teams will participate in all seven tennis events at the National Games, including men's and women's team events, men's and women's singles and doubles, and the mixed doubles event.

"In the last National Games held in Gujarat, the Maharashtra team won three gold, two silver, and one bronze medal, topping the medal tally. We would like to better that performance this year," Iyer added.

The strong men's team, captained by Kadhe, includes former Davis Cupper  Purav Raja, Atharva Sharma, Siddhant Banthia, and Anup Bangargi. The women's team, led by Bhosale, comprises former Olympian and doubles specialist Prarthana Thombare, BRICS games Bronze Medalist Vaishnavi Adkar, Akanksha Nitture, and  Vasanti Shinde.

Mr. Anvit Bendre of Pune has been appointed as the men's coach, while Mr. Kedar Shah of Pune will coach the women's team. Mr. Himanshu Gosawi from Pune will accompany the team as the manager, and Rutuja Kulkarni will travel as the team physiotherapist.

Men's Team:

·         Arjun Kadhe (Captain)

·         Purav Raja

·         Atharva Sharma

·         Siddhant Banthia

·         Anup Bangargi

Coach: Mr. Anvit Bendre

Women's Team:

·         Rutuja Bhosale (Captain)

·         Prarthana Thombare

·         Vaishnavi Adkar

·         Akanksha Nitture

·         Vasanti Shinde

Coach: Mr. Kedar Shah  

Manager: Mr. Himanshu Gosawi  

Team Physiotherapist: Rutuja Kulkarni

Easy day for seeds at EMMTC - MSLTA to host under 14 Junior Tennis Nationals

Published : 25/Oct/2023

Easy day for seeds at EMMTC - MSLTA to host under 14  Junior Tennis Nationals  

Aurangabad, October 23, 2023:     Seeded players had a easy day entering the second round of the Boys event at the  EMMTC - MSLTA  organised Junior National Tennis Tournament for under 14 conducted under the Auspices of the All India Tennis Association (AITA) and the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and played at EMMTC Tennis complex in Aurangabad


In the toughest match of the day  Atharva Sriramoju of Telangana struggled to get past   Aarav Dhekial of Uttar Pradesh winning  6-3, 3-6, 6-3 in a match lasting nearly 2 hours .


Third seeded Shivtej Shirfule of Nanded  registered a 6-2, 6-4 win over  Adarsh Dileepkumar of Karnataka  while another state Daksh Patil accounted for Kolhapur boy  Shounak Suvarna winning 6-4, 7-5 to move into the second round. The tournament was inaugurated by G Shrikant Sajjan  IAS (Muncipal corporation Commissinor of Chatrapati Sambhaji nagar, Kailas Mohite Endurance Security head, Abhinav Mishra Endurance Group , Sejal Kenia Tournament Supervisor, Ashutosh Mishra Centre Incharge,  Emmtc , Praveen Prasad Head coach Emmtc, Pravin Gaisamudre were present on the occassion.


Following are the results: Main Draw First Round: Boys: 

Hruthik Katakam(TS)(1) bt Pradnyesh Shelke(Mah) 6-1, 6-0;
Darsh Khedekar(Mah) bt Sri Ram Rajendran(TN) 6-2, 6-1;
Mithran Loganathan(TN) bt Ankith Dsouza(TS) 6-1, 6-1;
Ayush Poojary(Mah)(13) bt Kushagra Arora 6-4, 6-2;
Navya Yadav(Del)(10) bt Aditya Singh(Del) 6-0, 6-1;
Dishender Lamba(Har) bt Darsh Pabuwal(Raj) 6-2, 6-1;
Aarav Gupta(UP) bt Nikunj Khurana(TS) 6-2, 6-3;
Fazal Ali Meer(TN)(6) bt Kabir Parmar(Guj) 6-0, 6-0;
Shivtej Shirfule(Mah)(3) bt Adarsh Dileepkumar(Kar) 6-2, 6-4;
Atharva Sriramoju(TS) bt Aarav Dhekial(UP) 6-3, 3-6, 6-3;
Daksh Patil(Mah) bt Shounak Suvarna(Mah) 6-4, 7-5;
Shlok Chauhan(15) bt Lakshya Chukka(AP) 6-2, 6-4;
Aaradhya Mhasde(11) bt Devraj Mandade(Mah) 6-1, 6-1;
Doragari Chittepu(TS) bt Sankalp Sahani(WB) 6-4, 7-6(8);
Shardul Khawale(Mah) bt Neeraj Jorwekar(Mah) 6-2, 6-3;
Diganth M((5) bt Veer Mahajan(Mah) 6-1, 6-0;
Om Patel(Guj)(8) bt Shiva Sharma(Har) 6-0, 6-0;
Rishi Yadav(UP) bt Tanish Patil(Mah) 6-1, 6-2.

Pradyumna Tomar and Anandi Bhutada Emerge Victorious at MSLTA Corvuss American Academy All India Ran...

Published : 23/Oct/2023

Pradyumna Tomar and Anandi Bhutada Emerge Victorious at MSLTA Corvuss American Academy All India Ranking Championship Series


Mumbai, India – October 20, 2023 – The MSLTA Corvuss American Academy All India Ranking Championship Series (7 Days) Under 18 Tennis Tournament 2023 concluded on a high note, with Pradyumna Tomar and Anandi Bhutada clinching the titles in the Boys and Girls Under 18 categories, respectively. The week-long tournament, held at the MSLTA courts in Mumbai from October 14th to 20th 2023


Pradyumna Tomar displayed a dominant performance throughout the tournament, culminating in a resounding 6-1, 6-0 victory over Mika Sheth in the Boys Under 18 final. Anandi Bhutada, on the other hand, faced a tougher challenge in the Girls Under 18 final, eventually overcoming Riddhi Shinde with a score of 6-4, 6-1.


The Boys Under 18 doubles title went to the pair of Neeraj Ringangaonkar and Omkar Shinde, who defeated Arnav Bansode and Murtuza Karachiwala in a closely contested match, 6-3, 6-4.


The tournament was organized by the Maharashtra District Tennis Association (MSLTA) and sponsored by Corvuss American Academy. Special appreciation goes to Mr. Ryan Horn, Director of Tennis at Corvuss American Academy, for his unwavering dedication to the tournament's success.


The prize distribution ceremony was graced by the esteemed presence of Mr. Larry Savery, Head of Academy, Corvuss American Academy in Karjat, Mr. Manoj Vaidya, CEO of MSLTA, and Mrs. Sonal Vaidya, Tournament Supervisor.



Boys Under 18: - Pradyumna Tomar bt Mika Sheth 6/1, 6/0.

Girls Under 18: - Anandi Bhutada bt Riddhi Shinde 6/4, 6/1.

Boys Under 18: - Neeraj Ringangaonkar / Omkar Shinde bt Arnav Bansode / Murtuza Karachiwala 6/3, 6/4.      

Tough encounters mark day at EMMTC - MSLTA to host under 14 Junior Tennis Nationals

Published : 23/Oct/2023

Tough encounters mark day at EMMTC - MSLTA to host under 14  Junior Tennis Nationals  

Aurangabad, October 22, 2023:    Tough encounters marked the day as players moved into the main draw at the EMMTC - MSLTA  organised Junior National Tennis Tournament for Boys and Girls under 14 conducted under the Auspices of the All India Tennis Association (AITA) and the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) and played at EMMTC Tennis complex in Aurangabad

In the boys event Gujarat player Kabir Parmar struggled against Tamil Nadu player Sri Ram Rajendran  6-1, 6-7(1), 6-1 Telangana player Nikunj Khurana upset upset tenth seeded Arnav Bhatia of Maharashtra 2-6, 6-4, 6-2;

In the girls event State girl Swara Javale got past fifth seeded state mate Aarohi Deshmukh  6-1, 4-6, 6-4, Uttar Pradesh’s Dishita Dhamat upset seventh seeded Prutha Rao of Karnataka 0-6, 6-2, 6-0 to make it to the main draw

Following are the results: Boys Under 14: Final Qualifying Round:
Ishaan Sudharshan(TN)(1) bt Pradyumna Tatachar(Mah)(12) 6-4, 6-4;
Aarav Gupta(UP)(9) bt Rishikesh Mane(Mah)(2) 6-3,6-4;
Harshal D(TN)(3) bt Tanish Patil(Mah)(16)6-2, 6-1;
 Lakshya Chukka(AP)(4) bt Daivik Kalvakunta(TS)(15) 6-1, 6-3;
Neeraj Jorwekar(Mah) bt Mithran Loganathan(TN)(16)6-3, 7-5;
Ayaan Shankar(TN)(13) bt Mahesh Rhunmaan(Kar)(6) 7-6(4), 6-4;
Kabir Parmar(Guj)(7) bt Sri Ram Rajendran(TN)(11) 6-1, 6-7(1), 6-1;
 Nikunj Khurana(TS) bt Arnav Bhatia(Mah)(10)2-6, 6-4, 6-2;

Girls Under 14:
Avipsha Dehury(Odisha)(1) bt Myra Topno(Mah) 6-4, 6-2;
Dia Agarwal(Mah)(2) bt Saanvi Raju(Mah) 6-1, 6-0;
Jasmine Kaur(Har)(3) bt Tamanna Nair(Mah) 6-4, 6-1;
Ritisha Choudhary(Kar)(4) bt Ritsa Kondkar(Mah) 6-0, 6-2;
Swara Javale(Mah) bt Aarohi Deshmukh(Mah)(5) 6-1, 4-6, 6-4;
Shravee Deore(Mah) bt Srushti Suryavanshi(Mah)(6) 6-1, 6-2;
Dishita Dhamat(UP) bt Prutha Rao(Kar)(7) 0-6, 6-2, 6-0;
Yahana Arora(Kar)(8) bt Shrushti Mirge(Mah) 6-2, 6-3;

EMMTC - MSLTA to host under 14 Junior Tennis Nationals at Aurangabad from October 21

Published : 20/Oct/2023

EMMTC - MSLTA to host under 14  Junior Tennis Nationals at Aurangabad from October 21

Aurangabad, October 20, 2023: Over 160  Boys and Girls from all over the country will be seen in action at the EMMTC - MSLTA  organised Junior National Tennis Tournament for Boys and Girls under 14 which will be conducted under the Auspices of the All India Tennis Association (AITA) and the  Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA) at the EMMTC Tennis complex in Aurangabad from 21st to  October 28, 2023.

Shivetj Shirfule of Maharashtra and Aahan of Odisha will lead the boys and the girls seeding list  In the eighth edition of the event which is being played on Clay courts of the EMMTC complex.

Mr. Sunder Iyer, Hon Secretary, MSLTA said a total scholarship of Rs 2 lakhs will be awarded as scholarships to players from the first round apart from attractive prizes and gifts from Enerzal and IndianTree who is providing Tshirts , Socks and Wristbands to all the participants . "

 " We are very happy as tennis  in the Marathwada region is growing with  many more  tennis courts , coaches , players the top seeded player in the Boys Shivtej Shirfule is from Marathwada Region

". We are thankful to Mrs Varsha Jain and Anurang Jain for their unparalleled support to  tennis activities  and helping the game to become popular not only in Aurangabad but also in Beed , Parbhani , Nanded  and Jalna , Iyer added.

While the Boys 14 main draw will be of 64, the Girls under 14 Main draws will be of 48, added Mr. Iyer.  The Qualifying rounds will be held on Cotober 21 and 22nd the main draws will start from Monday 23rd.  The winner gets a trophy, 200 AITA points, while the runner up will receive a trophy and 150 AITA Points.

Mrs Varsha Jain will be  the tournament director of the event  , while Sejal Kenia has been appointed as  the AITA Supervisor of the event , Pravin Prasad and Pavin Gaisamudre have been appointed as Chief  referees for the event.

A special committee under the chairmanship of Sanjay Dutta and   comprising  of MSLTA  council member Ali Panjwani and Ashutosh Mishra has been set up for the smooth conduct of the event.

Important Notice

Published : 17/Oct/2023

Dear Parents / Players,
This is to bring to your notice that unregistered and unrecognised tournaments are mushrooming in Mumbai City and Suburbs
Such tournaments are no good for players and parents and only good for the promoters of events who end up making hefty sums and treat it as business
Such unauthorised tournaments have no points or any benefits whatsoever for players and are detrimental in the long run
The latest such illegal tournament is to be held at Kalina university campus courts
This is an illegal tournament and it’s neither registered with Mumbai District Tennis Association nor with Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association.
Players who participate in this tournament are warned that playing such unauthorised tournaments will not help them in their careers .
Parents and Coaches are intimated that according to the RULES of MSLTA participation in such events will result in players being denied all benefits of MSLTA which include Scholarships, Sponsorships or selections for District and State Tennis teams in future
Also a note for all coaches who intend or run such events for juniors or men’s you have to take permission from MDTA and MSDTA for Mumbai and Suburban District level events and MSLTA for state and national ranking events
We request the parents and players to henceforth only play tournaments which are authorised by MDTA or MSLTA in Mumbai

Congratulations to Prisha Shinde, Samarth Sahita and. Akruti Sonkusare

Published : 16/Oct/2023

Congratulations to Prisha Shinde for winning the Under 14 National Championships in Delhi today , Kudos to her , her coaches and parents also . Congratulations to MSLTA players Samarth Sahita and. Akruti Sonkusare for winning doubles titles in Under 16 events.

Double crown for Ajeet Bharadwaj , Akut , Chatwal , Janweja win singles title at MT ITF S400 Senior...

Published : 16/Oct/2023

Double crown for Ajeet Bharadwaj , Akut , Chatwal , Janweja win singles title at MT ITF S400 Seniors tennis championships.
Pune , October 13, 2023: Ajeet Bharadwaj won a double crown winning the singles and the doubles title in the 65 plus category while Bhushan Akut ,AJS Chatwal of USA , Narendra Janweja won the singles titles in their events at the ITF S400 Seniors championships-co sponsored by Aryan Pumps and conducted under the Auspices of ITF, MSLTA and PMDTA at the Deccan Gymkhana Tennis courts
Top seeded Bhushan Akut scored 6-1, 5-7, 10-8 a hard fought win over Alok Bhatnagar to win the Mens 55 Plus Final In the 65 Plus event Ajeet Bhardwaj registered 6-3 ,6-3 win over Muthathi Suresh to win the title he then tied up with Suresh to outplay Suresh Alapati and Rajesh Kumar 6-1, 6-0 and win the doubles title .
In the Mens 70 Plus Final Ajs Chhatwal of USA registered a 6-4, 6-1 win over George Thomas Puthaparambil to win the title top seeded Narender Janweja won the Mens 75 event carving out 7-5, 6-1 win over Shrikant Parekh
The winner and runner up got the trophy. The prizes were given away at the hands of Mr.Ashwin Girme, Tennis Secretary of Deccan Gymkhana, Mr.Rama Rao Dosa, tournament director, and Supervisor Amit Deshpande were present on the occassion.
Following are the results: Mens 55 Plus: final Round:
Bhushan Akut(Ind)[1] bt Alok Bhatnagar(Ind)[3] 6-1, 5-7, 10-8;
Mens 60 Plus: Semifinal Round:
Nagaraj Revanasiddaiah(Ind)[5] bt Sharad Tak(Ind)[8] 6-1, 6-3;
Sanjai Kumar(Ind)[4] bt Lakpa Sherpa(Ind)[6] 3-6, 6-1, 10-7;
Mens 65 Plus: final Round:
Ajeet Bhardwaj(Ind)[1] bt Muthati Suresh(Ind)[2] 6-3, 6-3;
Men's Doubles 65 Plus: Final Round:
Ajeet Bhardwaj(Ind)/Murthati Suresh(Ind)[1] bt Suresh Alapati(Ind)/Rajesh Kumar(Ind)[2] 6-1, 6-0.
Mens 70 Plus: Final Round:
Ajs Chhatwal(USA)[2] bt George Thomas Puthaparambil(Ind) 6-4, 6-1;
Men's Doubles 70 Plus: Semifinal Round:
Ajit Pendharkar(Ind)/Rajendra Singh Rathore(Ind) bt Ramarao Dosa(Ind)/SJS Randhawa(Ind) 6-4, 2-6, 10-5;
Ajs Chhatwal(USA)/Narender Janweja(Ind) bt Raghavarao Pasala(Ind)/Dhananjay Sumant(Ind) 6-3, 6-4;
Mens 75 Plus: Final Round:
Narender Janweja(Ind)[1] bt Shrikant Parekh(Ind) 7-5, 6-1;

Triple Crown for Radhika, Double crown for Aditya Khanna and Ketan Dhumal at MT ITF S400 Seniors ten...

Published : 12/Oct/2023

Triple Crown for Radhika, Double crown for Aditya Khanna and Ketan Dhumal at MT ITF S400 Seniors tennis championships.
Pune , October 12, 2023:  Radhika Tulpule Kanitkar won a triple crown at the ITF S400 Seniors championships-co sponsored by Aryan Pumps  and conducted under the Auspices of ITF, MSLTA and PMDTA  at the Deccan Gymkhana Tennis courts
Former Fed Cupper and now coach of Indian Women’s Team  Radhika won the Women’s Singles  played in round robin format winning all her matches , she then tied up
With Radhika Mandke to win the women’s tournament and then tied up with her Spouse Aditya Kanitkar to win the mixed doubles 40plus finals 
Another Pune player Ketan Dhumal won a double crown as he added the 40 plus doubles title partnering Abhijit Muzumdar  the pair outperformed Girish Mishra  and Amit Tilak 6-4, 6-1.
Delhis Aditya Khanna scraped past Local player Mandar Wakankar 
 7-5, 6-7(4) [10-8] on a marathon match lasting 3hour 45 mins to win the 40 plus singles title adding to the 35plus Mixed doubles title he won yesterday 
Khanna missed out on triple crown as in the Mens 40 Plus finals Pune Pair of  Kedar Shah and Abhishek Tamhane  scored a 6-4,6-4 win over him and Sangram Chaphekar  to win the title 
The winner and runner up got the trophy. The prizes were given away at the hands of Mr.Sunder Iyer, Jt Secretary of  AITA , Devidas Jadhav  Chattrapati awardee and Former Coach of India Volleyball team
Devidas Jadhav , Mt Subash Sutar of Aryan Pumps Mr.Rama Rao Dosa, tournament director, ITF Supervisor Leena Nageshkar were present on the occassion.
Following are the results: Mens 40 Plus: final Round:
Aditya Khanna (Ind) [1] bt Mandar Wakankar (Ind) [2]  7-5, 6-7(4) [10-8];
Mixed Doubles 40 Plus: Final Round:
Radhika Kanitkar(Ind)/Aditya Kanitkar(Ind) bt Sonal Phadke (Ind)/Aakash Kale(Ind) 6-0, 6-1;
Mens 55 Plus: Semifinal Round:
Bhushan Akut(Ind)[1] bt Karanjeet Singh Parmar(Ind) 6-2, 6-0;
Alok Bhatnagar(Ind)[3] bt Jitendra Pradhan(Ind)[2] 6-1,5-7,10-3;
Mens 60 Plus: Quarterfinal Round:
Sharad Tak(Ind)[8] bt Pawan Jain(Ind)[1] 6-1, 6-4;
Lakpa Sherpa(Ind)[6] bt Ashish Sen(Ind)[2] 6-2, 6-4;
Sanjai Kumar(Ind)[4] bt Meher Prakash Koduri(Ind)[7]6-2, 6-3;
Nagaraj Revanasiddaiah(Ind)[5] bt Dilip Singh Nongmathem(Ind)[3] 6-1, 6-0;
Mens 65 Plus: Semifinal Round:
Ajeet Bhardwaj(Ind)[1] bt Rajesh Kumar(Ind)[3] 6-1, 6-2;
Muthati Suresh(Ind)[2] bt Nondove Poonacha Palanganda(Ind) 6-4, 2-6, 10-8;
Mens 70 Plus: Semifinal Round:
George Thomas Puthaparambil(Ind) bt Ratnakarrao Anne (Ind) [4] 6-3, 6-0;
Ajs Chhatwal(USA)[2] bt Ramarao Dosa (Ind) [3]  6-1, 6-1;
Mens 75 Plus: Semifinal Round:
Narender Janweja(Ind)[1] bt Venkata Krishna Kumar Aripirala(Ind) 6-0, 6-0;
Shrikant Parekh(Ind) bt Laxman Ambulkar(Ind)[2] 6-2,6-1
Women's 40 Plus: Round Robin: 
Radhika Kanitkar bt Arati Ganesh 6-1, 6-0
Radhika Kanitkar bt Niyati Jirange6-1, 6-0;
Doubles: Mens 40 Plus: Final Round: 
Kedar Shah/Abhishek Tamhane bt Sangram Chaphekar/Aditya Khanna 6-4, 6-4;
Mens 30 Plus: Final Round: Shrikant Kumawat/Vishal Salvi bt Prasanjeet Paul/Ravindranath Pandey 6-3,6-4
Hide quoted text
Mens 35 Plus: Final Round: 
Ketan Dhumal/Abhijit Muzumdar bt Girish Mishra /Amit Tilak 6-4, 6-1;
Women's 40 Plus Doubles: Final
Radhika Kanitkar/Radhika Mandke w/o Mayuka Sakai/Arati Ganesh 

Paul ,Ganapathy score upset wins to enter finals at the MT ITF S400 Seniors tennis championships.

Published : 10/Oct/2023

Paul ,Ganapathy score upset wins to enter finals at the MT ITF S400 Seniors tennis championships.

Pune , October 10, 2023:  Pune' s   Prosonjit Paul upset eighth seeded   Raghavendra Subramanya   6-2, 7-6(2)  to enter the 30 plus men's singles  while fifth seeded Rajesh Ganapathy upset second seeded  RVRK Ranga Rao 6-2, 6-3 to enter the finals of the Mens 50 Plus event at the ITF S400 Seniors championships-co sponsored by Aryan Pumps  and conducted under the Auspices of ITF, MSLTA and PMDTA  at the Deccan Gymkhana Tennis courts

 In the 30 plus event Paul will take on Visal Vishu who scored a 6-4,6-1 win over Parth Chivate in the semifinals . In the Mens 35 Plus Semifinal top seeded Ravindranath Pandey served out Nitin Sawant  6-2, 6-3 to set up a title clash with second seeded Ketan Dhumal who was stretched by  third seeded Shrikant Kumawat before winning  6-4, 6-4  
In the Mens 45 Plus Finals top seeded Nitten Kirrtane will take on second seeded Yati Gujarathi in the finals  , while in the 50 plus event Ganapathy  will take on sixth seeded Navin Agarwal
Following are the results: Mens 30 Plus: Semifinal Round:

Vishal Vishu (Ind) Bt Partha Chivate (Ind)6-4, 6-1;
Prosonjit Paul (Ind) Bt Raghavendra Subramanya  (Ind) [8] 6-2, 7-6(2);


Mens 35 Plus: Semifinal Round:
Ravindranath Pandey (Ind) [1] Bt Nitin B Sawant (Ind) [4] 6-2, 6-3;
Ketan Dhumal (Ind) [2] Bt  Shrikant Kumawat (Ind)[3] 6-4, 6-4; 


Mens 40 Plus: Quarterfinal Round:
Swarandeep Singh Dhodi (Ind) [4] Vs Amit Tilak (Ind) [6] 4-6,6-2.10-7
Sandeep Pawar   (Ind) [3] Bt Shriram Oka (Ind) 6-1, 6-1;  
Aditya Khanna (Ind) [1] Bt  Punar Bhasin (Ind) [7]6-0, 6-1;
Mandar Wakankar (Ind) [2] Bt Gautam Gadgil (Ind) 6-2, 6-1;


Mens 45 Plus: Semifinal Round:
Nitten Kirrtane (Ind) [1] bt Manav Arora (Ind) [3] 6-0, 6-1;
Yati Gujarathi (Ind) [2] bt Nitesh Rungta (Ind) [4] 6-0, 6-2;


Mens 50 Plus: Semifinal Round:
Rajesh Ganapathy (Ind) [5] Bt Rvrk Ranga Rao (Ind) [2] 6-2, 6-3;
Navin Agarwal (Ind) [6) bt  Asheesh Malpani(Ind) [8] 6-3, 6-3;

Mens 65plus: Pre-Quarterfinal Round:
Ajit Kumar Blavelil (Ind) bt Bhagwan Yadav (Ind)6-2 6-2;
Ghanshyam Patel (Ind) bt Narahari Kadekar (Ind)6-1, 6-0;

Mens 70 Plus: Pre-Quarterfinal Round:
Ramarao Dosa (Ind) [3] bt Ajit Pendharkar (Ind) 6-3, 6-2;
Raghavarao Pasala (Ind) bt Hansaraj Patil (Ind)6-4 6-2;
Parvathesam Ginagam (Ind) bt Pramod Limaye (Ind)6-3 6-3;
Ratnakarrao Anne (Ind) [4] Bt Dilip Desai (Ind)6-2 6-2;
Raju Vlsn (Ind) Bt Manoj Desai (Ind)6-2 6-2;

Subramanya ,Malpani , Gadgil , Ganapathy cause upsets at the MT ITF S400 Seniors tennis championship...

Published : 09/Oct/2023

Subramanya ,Malpani , Gadgil , Ganapathy cause upsets at the MT ITF S400 Seniors tennis championships.

Pune , October 9, 2023:    Raghavendra Subramanya, Ashsish Malpani , Rajesh Ganapathy, Gautam Gadgil caused upsets in their age groups at the ITF S400 Seniors championships-co sponsored by Aryan Pumps  and conducted under the Auspices of ITF, MSLTA and PMDTA  at the Deccan Gymkhana Tennis courts

In the Mens 30 Plus event eighth seeded Raghavendra Subramanya upset second seeded Arun BHOSALE 7-6(3) 2-6 [10-4] to enter the semifinals of the event

In the Mens 40 Plus event Gautam Gadgil  upset eighth seeded Amit Kindo 6-4, 6-1 to enter the quarterfinal of the men’s singles event

In the 50 plus quarter finals eighth seeded  Asheesh Malpani upset third seeded  Balan Ramadass   7-5, 6-0 , in the same event fifth seeded Rajesh Ganapathy  upset fourth seeded Ashish Pant 6-2, 6-2 to move into the semifinals

Following are the results: Mens 30 Plus: Quarterfinal Round:
Vishal VISHU (IND) bt Amruth SUNDARKUMAR (IND) [7]6-0,6-0;
Partha CHIVATE (IND) bt Ajinkya PATANKAR (IND)6-2 6-2;
Raghavendra Subramanya  (IND) [8] bt Arun Bhosale  (IND) [2]7-6(3) 2-6 [10-4];
Prosonjit PAUL (IND) bt Ankit KAPSE (IND)6-2, 6-1;

Mens 35 Plus: Quarterfinal Round:
Ravindranath PANDEY (IND) [1] bt Milind MARNE (IND) [6]6-3 3-0 Ret;
NITIN B SAWANT (IND) [4] bt Nitin RAJPURE (IND)6-4 6-4;
Shrikant KUMAWAT (IND) [3] bt Ganesh DEVKHILE (IND) [5] 6-2, 6-2;
Ketan DHUMAL (IND) [2] bt Narhar GARGE (IND) [8] 7-5, 6-4;

Mens 40 Plus: Pre-Quarterfinal Round:
AMIT TILAK (IND) [6] bt Haresh RAMCHANDANI (IND) [11] 6-0, 6-1;
Shriram OKA (IND) [13] bt Girish MISHRA (IND) [5] 1-0 Ret;
Sandeep Pawar PAWAR (IND) [3] bt Abhijeet MUZUMDAR (IND) [9] 1-6 6-4 [10-7];
Aditya KHANNA (IND) [1] bt Aditya KANITKAR (IND)6-2 6-4;
Punar BHASIN (IND) [7] bt Madhur INGALHALIKAR (IND 6-1, 6-1;
Swarandeep Singh DHODI (IND) [4] bt Vikas SHIGWAN (IND)6-0 6-3;
Gautam GADGIL (IND) bt Amit Kindo (IND) [8]6-4, 6-1;
Mandar WAKANKAR (IND) [2] bt Sadasivam S (IND) [12]6-1 6-2;

Mens 45 Plus: Quarterfinal Round:
Nitten KIRRTANE (IND) [1] bt Amit SHINDE (IND) [7]6-0 6-1;
Manav ARORA (IND) [3] bt Girish KUKREJA (IND)6-1 6-3;
Nitesh RUNGTA (IND) [4] bt Apoorva YATINDRA (IND)6-3, 6-4;
Yati GUJARATHI (IND) [2] bt Nelson JATIN KUMAR (IND)6-2, 6-4;

Mens 50 Plus: Quarterfinal Round:
Rajesh GANAPATHY (IND) [5] bt Ashish PANT (IND) [4] 6-2, 6-2;
Asheesh Malpani(IND) [8] bt Balan RAMADASS (IND) [3] 7-5, 6-0;
Rvrk RANGA RAO (IND) [2] bt Jaiprakash NISHAD (IND) [7] 6-1, 6-3;

Womens 40 Plus: Round Robin:
Radhika KANITKAR (IND)bt Arti GANESH (IND)6-1, 6-0;

Womens 45 Plus: Round Robin:
Mayuka SAKAI (JPN) bt Dr Jyotsna PATEL (IND)6-0 6-0;


Amazing performance from state players at the Fenesta Nationals

Published : 09/Oct/2023

Congratulations to MSLTA and Maharashtra players Aishwarya Jadhav of Kolhapur city who. Emerged the under-18 girls champion at the DSCL Tennis Nationals in Delhi.

It was an amazing performance from our players in all age groups

14 year old Samarth Sahita who made it to the Under 18 boys finals.

Pune girl Asmi Adkar for winning the Under 18 doubles title and Akruti Sonkusare of Solapur for finishing runners up in the girls doubles

In the boys Thane Boy Cahir Warik for winning the Boys Under 18 doubles title. Kudos to Vaishnavi Adkar for finishing Womens doubles Runners-up and reaching the Women’s Semifinals and falling to the ultimate winner of the event.

MSLTA congratulates all Players, Coaches, Parents, District Associations and all Well-wishers for all the support.

Vishnu leads four upsets at the MT ITF S400 Seniors tennis championships.

Published : 09/Oct/2023

Vishnu leads four upsets at the MT ITF S400 Seniors tennis championships.


Pune , October 7, 2023:  Unseeded  Vishal Vishnu toppled top seeded Ajay Patil 6-2,6-3  and led three other upsets to enter tell the quarterfinal of the 30 plus event  at the ITF S400 Seniors championships-co sponsored by Aryan Pumps  and conducted under the Auspices of ITF, MSLTA and PMDTA  at the Deccan Gymkhana Tennis courts 



In other upsets Pune players Prosonjit Paul upset third seeded Kiran Kotti  6-4, 6-2; while  Partha Chivate upset fourth seeded Gourabdip Ghosh 6-3, 6-0 while  Ajinky Patankar toppled sixth seeded Gaurav Patel6-4, 6-2.


Following are the results: 

Mens 30 Plus: Pre-quarterfinal Round: 

Vishal Vishnu(Ind) bt Anay Pati(Ind)(1) 6-2, 6-3;

Amruth Sundarkumar(Ind) bt Smeer Sonawane(Ind) 6-3, 6-0;

Partha Chivate(Ind) bt Gourabdip Ghosh(Ind)(4) 6-3, 6-0;

Ajinky Patankar(Ind) bt Gaurav Patel(Ind)(6) 6-4, 6-2;

Prosonjit Paul(Ind) bt Kiran Kotti(Ind)(3) 6-4, 6-2;

Raghavendra Subramanya(Ind)(8) bt Saurav Prasad(Ind) 6-1, 6-3;

Arun Bhosale(Ind)(2) bt Shiladitya Banerjee(Ind) 6-0, 7-6(7);


Mens 35 Plus:  Second Round: 

Ravindranath Pandey(Ind) bt Bhushan Joshi(Ind) 6-0, 6-1;

Milind Marne(Ind)(6) bt Yashraj Ubhe(Ind) 6-1, 6-2;

Nitin Sawant(Ind)(4) bt Harshal Sopariwala(Ind) 6-4. 6-4;

Nitin Rajpure(Ind) bt Akshay Navaladi(Ind)(7) 6-1, 6-0;

Ganesh Devkhile(Ind)(5) bt Sarang Patki(Ind) 6-0, 6-0;

Narhar Garge(Ind)(8) bt Amit Mete(Ind) 6-0, 6-0;

Ketan Dhumal(Ind)(2) bt Amit Dixit(Ind) 6-2, 6-1;


Mens 40 Plus: Second Round: 

Haresh Ramchandani(Ind) bt Kaustubh Deshmukh(Ind) 6-3, 1-6, 10-5;

Amit Tilak(Ind)(6) bt Ashwin Kamath(Ind) 6-0, 6-0;

Girish Mishra(Ind)(5) bt Darshan Gupta(Ind) 6-1, 6-0;

Shriram Oka(Ind)(13) bt Ratish Ratusaria(Ind) 6-1, 1-6, 10-6;

Abhijeet Muzumdar(Ind)(9) bt Samir Mansuri(Ind) 6-0, 6-0;

Amit Kindo(Ind)(5) bt Jitendra Sawant(Ind) 6-3, 6-0;


Mens 50 Plus: Pre-quarterfinals round

Sunil Lulla(Ind)(1) bt Ricky Mehra(Ind) 6-1, 6-2;

Navin Agarwal(Ind)(6) bt Sahdeep Nulkar(Ind) 6-2, 6-1;

Balan Ramadass(Ind)(3) bt Kiran Bemarkar(Ind) 6-1, 1-6, 12-10;

Asheesh Malpani(Ind)(8) bt A Nair(Ind) 4-6, 6-3, 10-6;

Rajesh Ganapathy(Ind)(5) bt Pankaj Yadav(Ind) 6-1, 6-1;

Ashish Pant(Ind)(4) bt Maktumsaheb Kazi(Ind) 6-1, 6-1;

Rvrk Ranga Rao(Ind)(2) bt Shivaji Yadav(Ind) 6-1, 6-4;

Rishabh Anup and Bhosale Trisha Emerge Champions at MSLTA SUHANA SMART 10's TENNIS CIRCUIT

Published : 04/Oct/2023

Rishabh Anup and Trisha Bhosale Emerge Champions at MSLTA SUHANA SMART 10's TENNIS CIRCUIT

Mumbai, October 4, 2023: Rishabh Anup and Bhosale Trisha emerged victorious in the Boys Under 10 and Girls Under 10 categories respectively at the MSLTA SUHANA SMART 10's TENNIS CIRCUIT (MS0046/2023), which was held at the MSLTA, Mumbai Tennis courts from September 30 to October 2, 2023.

The tournament was conducted by the Mumbai District Tennis Association and sponsored by the Suhana Group. The prizes were given away by MSLTA Supervisor Mrs. Sonal Vaidya.


Boys Under 10:

Champion: Rishabh Anup

Runner-up: Aland Shlok


Champion: Bhosale Trisha

Runner-up: Thakur Samaira

Rutuja Bhosale lands in Pune to hero's welcome

Published : 03/Oct/2023

It was Pride, Privilege and Pleasure to receive our Powerpuff girl Rutuja Bhosale at the Pune Airport on her return back home after winning the coveted Gold Medal with Rohan Bopanna in the Tennis Mixed doubles at Hangzhou Asian Games on behalf of AITA , MSLTA PMDTA and the tennis fraternity of Pune alongside her coaches Kedar Shah Aniket Wakankar my colleagues at PMDTA, Deccan Gymkhana and PYC Gymkhana, HimanshuGosavi & Ashwin Girme

It was proud and emotional moment for all of us to see Rutuja wearing the Indian Jersey and her medal. She was given a rousing welcome at the airport by her parents Sampatrao and Neeta, her family, our tennis family, Police personnel who are colleagues of her father and hundreds of people from her native village Akluj who drove all the way to welcome her. She was cynosure of all the passengers at the airport and received a hero’s welcome with Dhols, Nagadas, local Halgi and Tutari band . Truly proud of her achievement and thanks to Rohan for guiding her to the Gold. On behalf of myself and MSLTA once again love to congratulate Her , her parents , her husband Swapnil and her coaches #edar Shah and Aniket Wakankar for all their efforts.

Congratulations to MSLTA Vision Program player Rutuja Bhosale who won the coveted Gold Medal alongsi...

Published : 02/Oct/2023

Congratulations to MSLTA Vision Program player Rutuja Bhosale who won the coveted Gold Medal alongside the legendary Rohan Bopanna in mixed doubles at the Asian Games. Congratulations to All the hardwork put in by our STAR , her Coach Kedar Shah , Parents Neeta and Sampatrao and her Spouse Swapnil Gugale for their efforts. MSLTA is proud of you RUTUJA

Important Notice

Published : 24/Sep/2023

Important Notice




All the players who are unable to register online can register in person on 29th September, 2023 from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM at MSLTA Mumbai.

Vishwajeet , Shreya emerge champions at MSLTA Grand Slam Tennis Academy All India Ranking Champions...

Published : 22/Sep/2023

Vishwajeet , Shreya emerge champions at  MSLTA Grand Slam Tennis Academy All India Ranking Championship Series U-16 Tennis Tournament


Pune, September 8, 2023: Top seeded Vishwajeet Sanas and Shreya Pathere emerged winners in the Boys and Girls singles events at the MSLTA- Grand Slam Tennis Academy All India Ranking Championship Series (7Days) U-16 Tennis Tournament organised by Grand Slam Tennis Academy Under the auspices of PMDTA, MSLTA and AITA and being played at Deccan Gymkhana Tennis Courts.


In the finals Vishwajeet  Sanas scored a 6-3,6-4 win over third seeded Swaraj  Dhamdhere while  Shreya got the better of unseeded Rishita Patil 6-0,6-2.Vishwajeet Sanas practices at Aditya Kaifi Tennis Acdemy under coach Aditya Madkekar and Kaifi Afzal. 9th standard student of SS Ajmera School Shreya practices Decan Gymkhana under coach Sandeep Kirrtane


The winner and runner up got trophy and certificate. The prizes were given away at the hands of Mr.Jinesh Malde, Associate Director R&D, Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Mr. Girish Ghanwat, Head CSR of Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Mr.Mihir Kelkar, Finance Secretary Deccan Gymkhana Club, Mr.Himanshu Gosavi of PMDTA, Sandeep Kirrtane, Mr.Nitten Kirrtane, Rhea Kirrtane and tournament Supervisor Niharika Gore were present on the occasion


Following are the results:

Singles: Final Round:

Boys: - Vishwajeet Sanas(1) bt Swaraj Dhamdhere(3) 6-3, 6-4;

Girls: Singles : - Shreya Pathare (1) bt Rishita Patil 6-0, 6-2

Congratulations to MSLTA players

Published : 22/Sep/2023

Congratulations to MSLTA players. Samarth Sahiita, PrishaShinde and Ruma Gaikawari for the singles and doubles titles and Tanishq Jadhav for finishing as doubles finalist at ITF J30 at Ahmedabad, well done

Best wishes to the Indian Women tennis team for the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games

Published : 22/Sep/2023

Best wishes to the Indian Women tennis team for the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games. Go for Gold. Also proud moment for MSLTA as two of our players  Rutuja Bhosale and Prarthana Thombare have been selected to represent  the Indian team

Congratulations to Maharashtra player Tanishq Mukesh Jadhav

Published : 12/Apr/2023

Congratulations to Maharashtra player Tanishq Mukesh Jadhav, for winning the Boys under 18 Singles title and finishing as the runner-up in Doubles at the All India Ranking National Series under 18 Tennis Tournament held in Jalandhar, Punjab.

Adhiraj, Eshal clinch titles at the MSLTA Finquest All India Ranking Championship Series under 12 Te...

Published : 17/Apr/2023

Adhiraj, Eshal clinch titles at the MSLTA Finquest All India Ranking Championship Series under 12 Tennis Tournament 2023

 State players Adhiraj Dudhane and Eshal Pathan lifted the boys and girls singles title at the MSLTA Finquest All India Ranking Championship Series under 12 Tennis Tournament 2023. The tournament was organized by the Mumbai District Tennis Association in collaboration with MSLTA and AITA, and was sponsored by Finquest Financial Solutions Private Limited.

 Boys under 12 category, Adhiraj Dudhane, who was seeded third, secured a narrow victory of 6-3, 6-3 against Aarav Mulay. Meanwhile, in the Girls under 12 category, the top-seeded player Eshal Pathan won the title with a convincing score of 6-0, 6-1 against the second-seeded Kritiyani Ghatkar.


The winner and runner-up get trophy and certificates. The prizes were given away at the hands of MSLTA Supervisor Mrs. Rashmi Chauhan along with Wasim Shaikh & Ajit Sawant.


Following are the results

Boys Under 12: – Adhiraj Dudhane bt Aarav Mulay 6-3, 6-3

Girls Under 12:- Eshal Pathan bt Kritiyani Ghatkar 6-0, 6-1


Published : 24/Apr/2023

Deshmukh,Bhansali emerge champions at MSLTA – PMDTA All India Ranking Championship Series Under 14 Tennis Tournament

Pune, April 22, 2023:   Aarohi Deshmukh and Saksham Bhansali emerged champions in the girls and the boys singles at the MSLTA – PMDTA All India Ranking Championship Series Under 14 Tennis Tournament which is being organised by Aniket wakankar Tennis Academy under auspicious of MSLTA, AITA, PMDTA and played at NCL and CPR Tennis courts

In the girls singles finals seventh seeded Aarohi Deshmukh upset second seeded Rishita Patil 6-3, 7-6(7-4) ,  In the Boys section eighth seeded  Saksham Bhansali stopped Namish Hood 6-3, 6-4 to win the title. 9th standard student of Indira National School, Saksham practices at NCL Tennis Academy under coach Aniket Wakankar.  


Swanika Roy and Shravee Deore lifted the girls doubles While Sanat Kadle and Surya Kakade lifted  the boys doubles championship. The winner got trophy, certificates and 25 AITA points. The prizes were given away at the hands of Mr.Aniket Wakankar, Nikita Wakankar, Nilesh Gaikwad, Akshay Bhavsar, Pranav Waghmare and Sardar Singh Thakur were present on the occasion.   


Following are the results: Singles: final round: Girls:

Aarohi Deshmukh (7) bt Rishita Patil(2)6-3, 7-6(7-4);


Saksham Bhansali (8) bt Namish Hood 6-3, 6-4;


Doubles: Girls: Final Round:

Swanika Roy/Shravee Deore(4) bt Asmi Tilekar/Samradnyee Dalvi 6-2, 6-2;

Boys: Sanat Kadle/Surya Kakade(1) bt Saksham Bhansali/Swarnim Yewalekar(3) 6-1, 7-6(7-5).

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